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    • Day 2

      La Cathédrale Saint Maurice

      August 20, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern Abend schon beim ersten kleinen Rundgang durch Angers an der Kathedrale vorbeigekommen sind, steht die Innenbesichtigung jetzt auf dem Plan.

      Quer durch die alte Stadt vom Schloss kommend, gehen wir zur Kathedrale und durch den Haupteingang hinein.

      Im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert im romanischen Stil begonnen wurde die Kirche im 12. Jahrhundert im gotischen Stil vollendet. Beim Betreten der 90 Meter langen Kirche fällt sofort der große Altar und die vielen wunderschön gestalteten bunten Fenster ins Auge. Wirklich sehenswert sind die beiden Runden Glasfenster im Querschiff der Kirche. Die Kirche ist insgesamt eher schlicht aber trotzdem schön.
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    • Day 7

      Angers heute

      September 27, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute waren wir in angers und haben uns Vormittag die Stadt angeschaut war ganz cool hab den schönsten blauglocken baumgesehen schön . Dann waren wir bei der partner Schule und haben noch was übers schulsystem gelernt und mit den Schülern gebaut dann sind wir schnell heim alle duschen und dann zum drei gänge Menü zu der Schülern der Partner Schule essen war so ne 5/10 ich freu mich auf Omas essen upsii😂Read more

    • Day 36

      Rest Day in Angers

      September 25, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      When you are involved in an extended ride, there is something sacrosanct about designated "rest days". They are in fact, so special that riders eagerly count down to the next one. As the much anticipated day draws closer, team members share their plans for the day of freedom.

      "I might go and see a chateau, but I probably won't"
      "I need to catch up on washing my putrid clothes"
      "I plan to sleep until lunchtime"
      "I am not going to do a single thing"

      And so on it goes.

      After our long and tiring day getting into Angers, I must admit that I had no ambitious plans. I had been in this city twice before and I was perfectly happy to enjoy a stress free and almost totall relaxing day.

      There was however, one task that just had to be done - the washing. Fortunately we located a lovely modern coin laundry only a few hundred metres from the hotel and spebt an hour there watching the clothing go round and round. It was completely boring, but somehow therapeutic at the same time. When I returned to the hotel with two bulging bags of freshly washed gear, I felt like a load had lifted from my shoulders.

      Maggie went in search of her own Holy Grail - a hairdresser. In France such establishments are known by the somewhat flambouyant title of "Institute of Beauty". Some time later she returned to the room, announcing that she had found a suitable beauty institute who would cut her hair and only charge a small fortune for the privelege.

      There were several modern looking boulangeries near the hotel and we decided that it was time for lunch. We both chose the "Croc Monsieur" . This is just a fancy name for a hame and cheese toasted sandwich. They might have been nice if they had been heated up even a little. After a few mouthfuls of the cold, stodgy cheese, we left most of the lunch on the plate and walked away feeling very disappointed.

      Another thing that is common in the vicinity of our hotel is organised Gypsy beggars. Within the same block as the hotel we discovered no fewer than 4 of these, each one with their location carefully allocated by their overseer. They all had the same type of handwritten sign, imploring for money. This was the first time on our current trip that we had seen this type of professional begging, and it did not leave a favourable impression of the city.

      In the late afternoon Maggie went off to the Institute of Beauty and returned some time later with both her head and her wallet considerably lighter.

      Our evening meal had been arranged at the lovely La Ferme restaurant. We had eaten here on our previous ride on the Loire and we had all loved the place. I am pleased to say that we enjoyed our 2019 meal almost as much as we had loved our 2015 meal. It was a nice way to finish our short stay in Angers, but I was already to move on again.
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    • Day 36

      The Day with Everything

      September 25, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Four years ago, on this very day, we suffered a dreadful catastrophe. After a challenging day in the saddle, Carol Yates slipped and fell in the shower, breaking her ankle. That resulted in a trip by French ambulance to the Angers Hospital, followed by surgery. Of course that also meant that the cycling was prematurely terminated for Carol and her husband David. It was indeed a dark day for the Ghostriders.

      I did not want a repeat performance in 2019, so warned all the team that the day was going to be "long and tough", and therefore they must all take extreme vigilence. The degree of difficulty was increased even further when the weather forecast predicted "steady rain and raging head winds". Oh well, such conditions can either make us or break us. Only time would tell.

      We made our way out of Saumur in steady rain. Once again, some of the team had donned their finest umpa lumpa outfits, so we did not make for a great sight as we started our ride along the riverbank. With 60 km to ride and, with unfavourable conditions ahead, I advised that we needed to just keep moving along.

      We initially made steady progress, but so did the rain in penetrating every weakness in our cycling gear. I had already left off my gloves, as I hate riding with wet hands. The next things to go were my riding glasses. It was impossible to see through the wet lenses and they were only making it more difficult to find the way. Since the rain can have strange effects on my GPS, I had already wrapped it in plastic. That meant that it was even harder to read the screen.

      Our progress was made even harder when we encountered the first of several hills. Riders went in search of the proverbial "granny gears". Ebike riders went in search of their Turbo buttons. Since I was still worried about the state of my left knee, I got off and walked. In situations like that, walking is often no slower than riding (and a lot less tiring on the body).

      About 11 am we discovered a likely looking TABAC, hidden right in the middle of some major roadworks. We were relieved to get out of the rain for a while and get a welcome coffee boost. I looked behind the counter and saw that it would be possible to select from about a hundred different brands of cigarette, all of them complete with horrific health warnings. All I wanted was a biscuit to enjoy with my coffee. Surely a place as big as this would have a packet of biscuits ????

      Just when I thought my search for biscuits was futile, Maggie spied a packet sitting on a shelf near the door. I went over and brought them back to our table. The picture on the outside looked exciting - the actual contents were anything but. All the biscuits had fused themselves together into a single cylindrical mass. I suspect that the use by date would have been about the same time as the French Revolution, but I figured that they were probably doing marginally less damage to my health than one of the hundreds of packets of cigarettes. They tasted like a mix of jaffas and toejam.

      When we resumed the ride, the sky had lightened a little and we were tempted to believe (hope) that the rain had passed by. The sun even came out for a while, and we started to dry out. Unfortunately the respite did not last. The rain returned with a vengeance, leaving our team huddled together under a large bridge. This reminded me of that infamous day when Karlo led us along the Mullum Mullum Creek when it was in full flood. At least I wasn't quite that wet yet.

      When the rain abated we crossed the bridge and stopped for lunch in the quaint town of Saint Mathurin Sur Loire. It was here that Carol Yates had done her best to leave her purse on the town hall steps. On that occasion it had been found by a helpful local who tried to tell Carol that it was safe in the town hall. Carol's incomplete knowledge of the French language meant that she did not quite grasp what the lady was trying to say. Carol explained to the rest of the 2015 team that the French lady was looking for her lost dog. It was little wonder that the lady looked confused, especially when Carol starting mimicking the barking that the non existent dog might have been making. It was a funny moment.

      On this occasion no such dog went missing. We arrived just in time to buy our lunches before the entire village shut down for siesta time, and then we sat on the town hall steps to enjoy the sunshine that had finally made an appearance.

      Although it was good news that the rain had stopped, it was not so good that it had been replaced with a soul destroying head wind. Since I was at the front of the peloton, I was working harder than anyone else. Unkind people might have commented that, since I was an established expert at breaking wind, I was the best person for the job.

      The next 15 km were along an exposed plateau and the wind was so severe that at times I felt like I was trying to cycle through a wall. The speed dropped to below 10 kph as I wobbled along, knowing that we would be riding in that direction all the way to Angers.

      Eventually Maggie noticed that I was about to expire and brought some of the ebike warriors to my rescue. It really made a huge difference to have some protection from the wind, and I could feel my energy slowly returning.

      Perhaps the most exciting part of the ride was when we arrived at a river crossing and discovered that we had to propel ourselves across the river in a small bac (ferry boat). I had known that it was coming up, but wanted to keep it a surprise from the others. What followed was a wonderful time of laughter as small groups of Ghostriders and their bikes were transported across to the far side of the river. It is driven purely by human power, by pulling on a chain connected to both sides. It was an experience they will treasure for a long time.

      Soon after the river crossing we entered the outskirts of Angers and rode through a series of old slate mines. We might have thought that, by this time, we had escaped the rain, but we hadn't. Within a few km of the hotel, the skies blackened again, the temperature dropped, the wind freshened and the rain came down in torrents. The tree we were huddled under did little to keep us dry, but we were actually having huge fun. It is surprising how times like this really make you treasure how good it is to be alive and to share these experiences with your friends.

      The final few km into the centre of the city were a little hectic, but we all managed to safely arrive at the stately Hotel de France, right opposite the large Angers Railway Station. It was a relief to have completed what may well be the hardest day of the ride. It was even better to know that we all had a rest day waiting for us tomorrow.

      Our evening meal was at the restaurant that was attached to the hotel. Although the food was excellent, the staff seemed to be making a point of serving us at the slowest speed possible for a human being. Eventually some of the group gave up and went off to bed instead. The rest were finally able to finish their desserts some time after 10 pm. It had been a long and memorable day, but at least no one had broken a leg.
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    • Day 2

      Abendessen im Provence Caffè

      August 20, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir die Kathedrale besichtigt haben, laufen wir weiter durch das Örtchen Angers und sehen uns die Straßenzüge und Fassaden an. Aber irgendwie hat uns dieser Tag schon ziemlich geschlaucht. Also beschließen wir, direkt zum Essen zu gehen und nicht mehr vorher in die Unterkunft zurück zu gehen.

      Der Einfachheit halber folgen wir einer Empfehlung unseres Reiseführers und gehen in das Provence Caffè. Entgegen des Namens handelt es sich um ein Restaurant. Wir essen ein Menü mit 3 Gängen. Als Vorspeise gibt es Räucherlachs. Zum Hauptgang 2 unterschiedliche Fische und einmal gibt es Cheesecake und einmal weißes Mousse als Dessert. Dazu trinken wir Wasser und einen leckeren Weißwein von der Loire.

      Nach dem Essen machen wir uns auf den Weg zurück zum B&B, um diesen anstrengenden Tag zu beschließen.
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    • Day 2

      Auf den Wehrgängen

      August 20, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nachdem wir nun doch die Teppiche besichtigt haben und auch den Rest der Räume des Schlosses gesehen haben, besteigen wir den Wehrgang auf der Außenmauer über die Treppe am sogenannten Mühlenturm.
      Der Turm hat heute noch als einziger der 17 Türme die ursprüngliche Höhe von ca. 40 Meter. Man kann das Schloss auf der ca. 500 Meter langen Mauer über die restlichen Türme umrunden und es bietet sich immer wieder ein toller Blick in das Schloss oder auf den umliegenden mittelalterlichen Bereich der Stadt.
      Ein schöner Abschluss für die Besichtigung und so verlassen wir das Schloss.
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    • Day 2

      Wandteppiche des Château d'Angers

      August 20, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      'die Ausstellung mit den Wandteppichen' interessiert uns nicht....
      Wir laufen durch das Schloss und laufen in Richtung eines kleinen Garten im Innenhof und finden einen Eingang, der zur 'Galerie der Apokalypse' führt. Kurz nachgelesen und entdeckt, dass dies die Wandteppiche sind. Wir gehen trotzdem kurz rein um mal zu gucken.... Und sind total begeistert.

      Der Wandteppichzyklus der Apokalypse ist mit seinen ca. 100m Länge der älteste noch existierende in dieser Größe.
      Die Teppiche wurden 1375 in nur 7 Jahren aufgrund von Vorlagen eines Malers aus Wolle gewebt. Ursprünglich waren es 6 Teppiche von je 6 Meter Höhe und 23 Meter Länge. Erhalten sind ca. 100 Meter Länge und 4 Meter Höhe.

      Die Teppiche zeigen die Apokalypse oder Offenbarung des Johannes aus dem neuen Testament im 1. Jahrhundert unserer Zeit.
      Sehr beeindruckend und das Gebäude, in dem die Teppiche heute konserviert und ausgestellt werden, passt sehr gut in den Innenhof des Schlosses.
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    • Day 1

      Erster Rundgang und Abendessen in Angers

      August 19, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir unser Zimmer bezogen haben, machen wir uns wieder auf den Weg um in der Stadt zu Abend zu essen. Unser Gastgeber hat uns ein paar Tipps gegeben, wo wir eine gute Auswahl an Restaurants finden.

      Da wir beim Mittagessen bereits einer Gruppe beim Burger essen zugesehen haben, entscheiden wir uns für Burger und Fritten zum Abendessen. TripAdvisor empfiehlt uns einen einfachen aber gut bewerteten Burgerladen mitten in der Stadt. Da wir doch ganz schön geschafft sind und uns aufgrund des Autos ein wenig gestresst fühlen, suchen wir nicht lange, sondern lassen uns die Burger schmecken.

      Nach dem Essen drehen wir noch eine kleine Runde. Wir gehen an die 'Maine'. Ein Fluss, der durch Angers fließt. Und danach erklimmen wir die 100 Stufen hoch zu den Pforten der Cathédrale. Von dort aus treten wir den Rückweg an. Ein anstrengender Tag geht zu Ende.
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    • Day 1

      Les Chambres de Mathilde - Angers

      August 19, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      In der Rue Hanneloup, nahe des Zentrums, liegt das Bed & Breakfast 'Les Chambres de Mathilde'.

      In einem unscheinbaren Reihenhaus verbirgt sich die kleine 'Pension'. Unser Zimmer ist das Zimmer Henry. Das Zimmer liegt auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite des Innenhofes und hat eine kleine Terrasse vor der Tür. Das Zimmer entspricht den Bildern aus den Internet total und gefällt uns gut. Ein geräumiges Zimmer mit einem schönen Bad, das sogar nochmal eine abgetrennte Toilette hat. Alles ist sauber und sehr gepflegt. 41,60€ pro Person pro Übernachtung inklusive Frühstück ist das Zimmer allemal wert.

      Wir haben die Unterkunft über das Internet bei entdeckt. Nachdem eine Buchung über die hauseigene Internetseite nochmal günstiger war, haben wir direkt bei der Unterkunft gebucht.
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    • Day 2

      Rundgang durch Angers

      August 20, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach dem 'tollen' Morgen haben wir erstmal ein paar Minuten im Zimmer gebraucht bevor wir endlich in unseren Urlaub durchstarten konnten. Zuerst hatten wir Hunger und sind zu 'Baggelsteins' in der Nähe des Hotels gelaufen und haben uns 'selbstgebaute' Baggels gekauft und gegessen.

      Wir beschlossen nun mit einem Teil des Rundgangs der Angers-Karte zu starten und schon mal Richtung Bahnhof zu laufen.
      Angers hat viele wirklich mittelalterliche Ecken und Bauten. Wir kommen nur langsam in Stimmung für nen Stadtrundgang aber trotzdem finden wir schöne Ecken. Das Haus der Präfektur, das Musée des Beaux-Arts und vor allem das Abbaye Toussaint (galerie David d'Angers). Das war eine Ruine einer Kirche mit Glasdach in der verschiedene Statuten ausgestellt wurden. Wir hatten 'nur' Zeit für den kleinen Garten und sind dann direkt weiter zum Bahnhof, wo wir unseren Mietwagen für die nächsten 40 Stunden abholen konnten.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Angers, አንዤ, أنجيه, Anje, Горад Анжэ, Анже, Añje, Ανζέ, Anĝero, آنژه, Bonne-Terre, אנזה, ANE, アンジェ, ანჟე, 앙제, Andecavis, Anžė, Anžē, अँजी, آنژو, Angieus, اینگرز, 49000, อ็องเฌ, آنژہ, Anzier, 昂热

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