Arrondissement de Gourdon

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Arrondissement de Gourdon
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    • Hari 11

      More walking in the French countryside

      19 April, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      A hard 9 mile walk on a spectacular day. Not a cloud in the sky and in the 60’s which is quite a difference from when it sleeted yesterday!
      Our walks here have a large range of walking surfaces. There are trails, tracks, rocky tracks, asphalt and just rocks. We experience deciduous woods, farm fields, cliff edges and small villages.
      There is always something new to see. Jeff is always game for whatever is happening, but even though I can walk on flat ground forever, I dislike going up a steep incline and I need lots of breaks so I don’t start whining. Often we can walk for hours and never see another person.
      Our luggage is transferred to the next place we are staying and each day, the hotel or inn provides with dinner, breakfast the next morning and a packed lunch before we leave.
      We love this type of vacation and we joke that after walking all day, it is guilt free eating and drinking at dinner.
      Tonight we stayed in Meyronne in a castle from 1100. It was a very interesting and our room had huge angled rafter beams that were perfect for hitting your head in the dark.
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    • Hari 37

      La Dordogne

      2 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      After five days in the big city, it was time to head out to the countryside. Our destination was Souillac, a small town that was set along the Dordogne River.

      We had booked an intercity train which turned out to be extremely comfortable. Four hours on the train went by in no time, and we emerged into the bright sunshine of Souillac. Our accomodation was a cabin in Flower Campsite Les Ondines (the French version of Top 10) which was a 30 min walk from the train station. With our packs on and the sun beating down on us, it was a very hot and sweaty walk down to the campground. We were very glad to finally arrive and see a pool there. We checked in and headed to our wooden cabin, which was nice and had everything we needed, except air conditioning or a fan, sigh. We were in for a hot five days.

      After getting set up and unpacked, we headed off to the supermarket, which was another very sweaty walk in 30 degree plus heat. We made our way back to the campground, packed away the food, and headed immediately for the pool to cool off. We finished off the evening making dinner and relaxing. -V

      (We couldn’t find any condiments that weren’t in large containers which we knew we couldn’t take with us so we made absolutely flavourless chicken schnitzel with crushed croutons for crumbs haha -H)
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    • Hari 9

      Walking the French Countryside

      17 April, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      A nine mile walk today brought us to Carennac, France. Today was probably the most varied and beautiful walk we have ever done. It was enough walking to be pleasantly tired at the end of the day, but not thoroughly exhausted.
      France has a wonderful complex of trails that run through both public and private property, The company we work with, OnFootHolidays, sets everything up including hotels, meals and most importantly, route notes. Because we are walking alone, we have only ourselves and our route notes/maps to depend on. Directions such as
      “Ignoring the immediate, doubling back road, take the other option past a house with a blue-painted balcony”. We have learned (the hard way and more than once), that you pay very close attention to the notes!
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    • Hari 10

      Carennac, France

      18 April, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      Again, we are taking a day off to explore this lovely French village. Our delightful bed and breakfast , La Petite Auberge, is tastefully done and very comfortable. One of the owners is a chef and manages to stuff us with fabulous food every chance he gets. The locally sourced food is so good. And since we are in cheese-making country, there seems to be cheese at every turn-and I’ve never met a cheese I didn’t like. Even with all of our exercise, I’m afraid we are consuming way more calories than we are burning. Oh well, homemade jams, croissants, yogurts and burrata cheese will not likely be showing up at our table at Spring House Farms anytime soon.
      Oh, and the two rescued dogs seem to have taken to Jeff and I and act quite put out if petting stops.
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    • Hari 11


      6 Juni, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Eine aus mehreren Weilern und Einzelgehöften bestehende südfranzösische Gemeinde im Département Lot in der Region Okzitanien. 2022 ebenfalls in die Liste der schönsten Dörfer Franreichs aufgenommen. Können wir verstehen. Wunderschön.
      Desgleichen haben wir eine neue Erkenntnis gewonnen. Undzwar gibt es in Frankreich die Pass'Étapes card. Damit kann man in ganz Frankreich auf bestimmte Stellplätze, die alle besonders liegen, gut sind für große Wohnmobile und oft Sanitäranlagen, V/E Plätze ( Ver-und Entsorgung) haben. Haben wir uns natürlich zugelegt 😂. Hier auf dem Platz ein nettes Paar aus Wales/England kennengelernt. Die sind nicht amused vom Brexit, denn die Briten dürfen sich nur noch 3 Monate Visafrei in Europa aufhalten 🙄 und da die Briten sehr gerne in Frankreich und Spanien sind, dort aber häufig nur stationär bleiben, sprich an einem Ort, haben diese beiden Länder die Regeln geändert. Kein 6 Monats Visum. Tja, was soll ich dazu sagen?
      Morgen werden wir wohl weiter fahren. Heute können wir das erste Mal mit kurze Hose Holzgewehr um 21 Uhr noch draußen sitzen. Yippie!!
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    • Hari 19

      20.+21. Reisetag, Rocamadour

      25 Juni 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Wir entschieden aufgrund des Wetters nicht nach Saint Emilion zu fahren. Die Kids waren gut drauf und so machten wir ein wenig Strecke und fahren eine Station weiter nach Rocamadour. Gestern verbrachten wir den restlichen Tag auf dem Campingplatz bei Rocamadour. Wir haben Wäsche gewaschen und liefen noch kurz in den Ort, um Baguette zu kaufen. Bis zum Ort sind es ungefähr 800 Meter. Ein schöner Weg durch Wiesen und Felder führt in den Ort. Am Abend grillten wir noch. Am heutigen Tag hat es der Wettergott nicht so gut mit uns gemeint, es regnet wie aus Kübeln. Wir nutzten eine Regenpause, um den mittelalterlichen Ort mit seiner in die Felswand gebauten Festung anzuschauen. Ein schöner kleiner Weg führt in die Stadt, dann läuft man durch ein Festungstor. Kleine Souvenirsshops, Eisdielen und Läden mit einheimischen Spezialitäten säumen die Straße. Wir wollen uns gar nicht vorstellen, was hier los ist, wenn Hauptsaison ist, denn es gibt vier große Parkplätze und auf 50 Metern tummeln sich drei Eisdielen. Wir liefen durch die Stadt und es war recht wenig los. Danach fuhren wir mit einem in die Felswand gebauten Aufzug in die Festung hoch. Der Ausblick sowie die Festung waren so beeindruckend und schön. In der Festung befanden sich noch mehrere kleine, versteckte Kapellen. Danach liefen wir noch den Weg weiter zur Festungskapelle hoch. Danach meinte es das Wetter wieder nicht gut mit uns und wir entschieden uns, eine Kleinigkeit essen zu gehen. Es war dann auch schon 16 Uhr, sodass wir entschieden haben, zurück zum Camper zu gehen. Rocamadour ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert. Jetzt lassen wir den Tag ausklingen und fahren morgen weiter auf einen Campingplatz mit Bauernhof und hoffen auf besseres Wetter.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 50


      21 Juni 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Rocamadour is a stunning village that clings to the side of a cliff overlooking the Alzou River. It has been a Christian pilgrimage site since the Middle-Ages, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts over 1 million visitors a year. 

      There are 216 stairs that the pilgrims used to climb on their knees while reciting their rosaries.  We caught the lift.

      The Chapel of Notre Dame is the most important holy shrine, where pilgrims came to worship the statue of the Black Madonna on their way to Santiago in Spain.

      The drive from Rocamadour to our hotel at La Roque Gageac through the Dordogne Valley was very special, probably some of the prettiest country we have seen.
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    • Hari 8

      Dordogne doddling

      14 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Weather finally on the up. Set off on the bikes after breakfast with a dual mission today. A chateau and some gardens, about 10 miles away. Both involved a stiff climb to even get to the ticket office which maybe explains the welcome lack of loud Americans who seemed to have taken over Sarlat. The chateau was at Castlenaud , and was brilliantly restored with lots of information everywhere. We did a lot of climbing up and down keeps and towers and it is was a wee bit " health and safety" in places, but well worth the slog up from the river.
      The gardens at Marquaysacc were only a couple of miles away from the chateau , but also a stiff climb up from the river. The whole area is filled with topiary box hedges, hand clipped by the gardeners. We thought they must get a bit bored....
      Some very flashy peacocks showing off, and also scavenging at the cafe tables which was novel.
      There was a 2k walk to a marvelous viewpoint overlooking the Dordogne, with canoes and boats serenely drifting by, and the village of la Roque-Gageac far below ( another of those "most beautiful villages in France" )
      A slow and slightly weary pedal home past drifts of meadow sage and glorious red poppies in the roadside verges.
      Beers in the sun by the van perked us up again.
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    • Hari 6

      Lascaux cave paintings

      12 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Off pitch early as we had a timed entry to the Lascaux cave paintings. Just as well Ian booked as there were no spaces left when we got there and they were turning folk away. Very modern, so very French. Excellent guide, headphones , tablets with translations, mock up of caves, movies, the lot. The cave paintings date back 20,000 years, and were discovered in 1940 by a dog called Hobo...
      Go Hobo.
      Then a drive down through Sarlat to our next stop, and our first stop by the Dordogne this trip. Lapped the campsite a few times trying to choose a pitch that we wouldnt get stuck on like before, but not confident....and its raining again...
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    • Hari 7

      Sarlat-Eyrignac loop

      13 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Off we set on the bikes to Sarlat for the Saturday market. Last time here 30 years ago when Erin was 4 weeks old and the boys both had chickenpox. Don't remember much from then, but the market today was HUGE. It took over the whole medieval centre but was busting at the seams with Americans. We had pencilled in lunch but downgraded to a coffee, with lunch purchased from a nice Frenchman in a bakery who persuaded us into a quiche and a prune tarte.
      Uphill all the way to the gardens, and trying not to use power assist in case we needed it later so progress was slow, but we got there in the end. Picnic lunch on a bench overlooking the valley we had just climbed up from. Then we toured the splendid gardens, which we agreed were well worth a visit. Top topiary skills.
      After a coffee, spin back down country lanes through lovely villages to the bike path and home. Great day out (apart from the noisy Americans)
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