Arrondissement de Nogent-sur-Marne

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    • Day 36–38

      Ankunft Montpellier

      March 7 in France ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Oha, und dann rächte sich meine Unaufmerksamkeit: Ich saß und saß in der Straßenbahn und es kam mir schon komisch vor. Warum fuhr ich durch dieses wunderschöne Stadtzentrum durch und das Hotel war so weit außerhalb? Argh - google zeigte mir die Strecke der Bahnlinie an und nicht meinen Reiseverlauf! Zum Glück habe ich das vor der Endstation gemerkt!Read more

    • Marche aux Puces Montreuil

      May 11 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Der Morgen begrüßte uns mit angenehmen Temperaturen und Sonnenschein. Wir entscheiden uns zunächst dafür den Flohmarkt von Montreuil zu besuchen, der eine wahre Schatzkammer voller Kuriositäten sein soll.

      Wir nehmen die R.E.R Linie A bis Vincennes und für wenige Stationen die Buslinie 215. Dort betreten wir das Labyrinth aus Ständen und werden sofort von einem Kaleidoskop aus Farben, Gerüchen und Geräuschen umgeben. Überall um uns herum gab es Kunst, Antiquitäten, Bücher und Vintage-Kleidung, die darauf warteten, entdeckt zu werden.

      Wir verbrachten eine gute Stunde damit, zwischen den Ständen zu schlendern und uns von den Schätzen vergangener Tage verzaubern zu lassen. Jeder von uns fand etwas Besonderes.

      Beladen mit unseren Funden und erfüllt von den Erlebnissen des Tages, verließen wir den Flohmarkt von Montreuil mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht und machten uns über die Station Nation auf dem Weg in die Innenstadt von Paris, wo wir in der Nähe des Eiffelturms, unsere Flussfahrt, auf der Seine beginnen wollen.
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    • Day 21

      Atlantik -> Ville de Neuilly-sur-Marne

      May 8, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Den Campingplatz am Atlantik haben wir in strömenden Regen verlassen. Auf der Piste gab es immer mal wieder Schauer, in Paris ein sattes Gewitter. Jetzt stehen wir auf einem Campingplatz auf einer kleinen Insel in der Marne. Am Himmel grollt schon das nächste Gewitter. Jetzt sind es noch 946 Kilometer bis nach Hause.Read more

    • Day 4

      Dieser Verkehr 🤯

      July 26, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Finja kämpft sich durch den französischen Verkehr mit 4 Spuren jeder will rüber keiner blinkt und die Roller und Motorräder schießen mit 80kmh zwischen den Autos durch und hupen nur 😁😅

    • Day 26

      Never a dull day in Paris?

      September 18, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      With the loss of Brian's drivers licence, we would no longer be able to hire a car to explore Carcassonne and the surrounding district, which caused some disruption to our plans. Plan B is for us to travel by train from Toulouse, where we were to have collected our rental car, to Carcassonne. We also needed to organise train travel later from Carcassonne to St Exupéry airport in Lyon so we could catch our flight home. Brian spent over two frustrating hours on the iPad trying to make online bookings, but nothing was working. In the end, he gave up.

      We then went for a bit of a wander round our immediate area then strolled across the beautiful Pont Alexandre III and on towards the Place de la République. Unfortunately, it was still filled with a lot of temporary structures from the previous day's concert, so it wasn't looking its best. We knew that we'd be seeing again (and again) in the next four days before we leave Paris, and by then the place will be looking attractive again.

      We were very much looking forward to catching up with our old friends Ian and Eileen who were coming over to Paris from Harrogate to join us, so we decided to head to Gare du Nord and meet them there. It was a dual-purpose visit, as Brian decided that the only way that he could complete his purchase of rail tickets was to get them in person at a station. That part of the mission was more or less easily achieved, though it turned out that our friends' arrival time was a couple of hours than what we'd understood it to be, so we decided to wait for them back at our hotel instead.

      Not much excitement so far, but that was about to change. Just one Metro stop before our own, we suddenly heard a lot of shouting and saw people sprinting along the platform. Just outside the window of our stationary train, one man leapt onto another one, who was running as fast as he could, and tackled him to the ground in true rugby style. Several others then helped to sit on the fugitive. Our train was stopped at the platform for a good 20-25 minutes while we got a grandstand view of it all. It took a few minutes for the gendarmes to arrive, but when they did, they were swarming all over the place. We assumed that the fugitive was probably a bag-snatcher, and a couple of good Samaritans had made sure that he didn't get away with it. The police were less than gentle with him, which Brian was pleased to see with his stolen wallet fresh in his mind. Unfortunately one of the pursuers appeared to have broken his arm in the scuffle, but at least justice was done and we saw some excitement.

      Late afternoon, Ian and Eileen arrived at our hotel, where they'll be staying for three nights. We first met them at Fibremakers in Melbourne, where we and they were on secondment from New Zealand and the UK respectively. We had young families at the time, and found that we had a lot in common. Since then, we've visited one another on a few occasions, the last time being about nine years ago. It was really great to meet up again like this. We had a thoroughly enjoyable meal at a nearby restaurant while we excitedly caught up with one another's news. A day which started slowly finished really well.
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    • Day 14

      Day 13. Disneyland Paris

      July 7, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Train to Disneyland Paris. AMAZING place. Massive venue, 2 parks, sensational fun. Got there at open (10am) & wanted to stay for closing light show (11 pm) - couldn’t last! Left at 7.
      Hope u enjoy the video of their brand new show - lion king. That & Pirates of Caribbean my fav attractions.
      Their Street parade an absolute mind blower - check out the dragon from sleeping beauty video

      Wanted to visit arc de triumph at night - got half way before asking taxi to turn back - Algeria soccer supporters celebrating their win in cup of nations had converged on arc - police everywhere - too dangerous for naive me.
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    • Day 5

      Camping Paris Est

      September 16, 2014 in France ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Guten Morgen!

      Heute geht alles ein wenig schneller, wir haben ja ein paar Kilometer vor uns.
      Nach dem Aufstehen gibts ein kurzes Frühstück, dann räumen wir zusammen und legen um kurz nach 10 Uhr auch schon los.

      Heute gehts nach Paris. Besser gesagt nach Champigny.
      Der Campingplatz Paris Est ist wohl ein guter Ausgangspunkt für einen Besuch in Paris.

      Wir fahren die N4.
      Das ist wohl das extremste Beispiel für Mautflucht in ganz Frankreich.
      Hier reihen sich auf etlichen 100 Kilometern tausende LKW und Schwertransporte. Krass!

      Wir lassen uns mit unserem kleinen Konvoi trotzdem nicht aus der Ruhe bringen... Wird schon...

      Nach ca. 3 Stunden sind wir staufrei auch schon da! Die letzten Meter sind etwas anstrengend, da wir mitten im Ort sind, alle Straßen zugeparkt sind und überall ein riesen Chaos herrscht.
      Aber wir kommen trotzdem an!

      Schnell eingeparkt (durch die ADAC - Campingkarte von Georg und Agathe sparen wir pro Platz ca. 24 (!) Euro, wodurch der Aufenthalt in Paris für uns alle sehr preiswert wird. Wir zahlen pro Fehrzeug ca. 20 Euro pro Nacht, incl. allen Personen und Strom.

      Dafür ist der Platz (gelinde gesagt) sehr einfach.
      Da eines der Klohäuser leider aufgrund eines Defekts gesperrt ist, müssen wir in einem recht alten Gebäude duschen. Naja, ist ja nicht für lange.

      Erstmal nen Happen essen. Es gibt Emincé de Poulet avec du Riz. Lecker.

      Danach fahre ich mal schnell nach Paris rein. Die Fahrt für morgen planen und neben bei noch etwas Geocachen.

      Blöderweise gelten die Bustickets nicht für die RER - Schnellbahn und umgekehrt.
      Man hat also die Wahl zwischen einem Tagesticket und einem Extraticket jeweils für Bus und RER.
      Naja, mal sehen.

      Einige Geocachefunde später komme ich dann völlig erledigt wieder am Campingplatz an.

      Ein Gläschen Wein gibts noch, dann gehts ins Bett.
      Das wird sicher ein anstrengender Tag morgen...

      Gute Nacht!

      Abfahrt Lac du Der: 10.15 Uhr 52549 km
      Ankunft Champigny: 13.30 Uhr, 52757 km

      Gesamt: 208 km
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    • Day 58

      Paris again!

      June 21, 2016 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today after shopping for breakfast foods, we went to the metro(Bastille) to go to either The James Bond 007 exhibition or the Musee d'Orsay..We arrived at Tuilleries metro and saw a huge line of prospective visitors and while it was 10:30, decided to cue and go in to the Museum D' Orsay. After about 45 mins we got in , security checked , ticketed and checked one bag. Well this museum is great! We were there for about 4 hours, including a short break to eat in the cafe. 5 levels. We saw Monet's girl with parasol, Van Gogh's night sky , some wonderful Manet works, Gaugan, Rooudain sculptures .And more! Classic impressionist masters Degas,Cezanne & Van Gogh, the Pointillists ( Seurat, Signac); and Bohemian artists likeToulouse Lautrec.
      Some great views from the windows of the museum. The museum was once a train station. It i
      We then caught the metro back to Bastille and changed lines to 5.We travelled on line 5 to Patin so that e could see the James Bond 007 exhibition at the Grand Hall of the Villiers building of La Villette.
      James Bond 007 was fantastic. I enjoyed every bit of it and bought the commemorative 50 years of 007 book, which has so many of the photos I took.
      Exited and went to the La Petite Halle de la Villette bar / restaurant for " happy hour" 5€ Belgian beers and dinner, charcuterie and salmon pizza.All yummy! Caught metro back, while waiting there was an argument occurring behind the other platforms then arriving back yo drumming and loud music and fast food. We may not sleep till late!
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    • Day 497

      Hitting the wall but no running involved

      August 2, 2020 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      After visiting the market in Langry, the best so far, produce looked wonderful and clothes better than usual tat, we stopped for the obligatory coffee and people watched. Then down river we wandered to Nogent sur Marne, saw some impressive homes and even though we were only 15km out of Paris some lovely wild areas. We also saw a loaded barge coming very slowly towards us on a very narrow piece of the canalised river but we found a wider section and just waited for it to pass, so glad we weren’t the cruiser stuck behind it, it really was s...l....o....w.... We stopped on the Halte Public in Nogent and walked around town and visited a museum that had lots of those old sepia postcards of the area, showing the 1910 flood, activities taking place on the river and the main focus of each of the surrounding areas be it agriculture, industry, tourism. Unfortunately once we returned to the boat, another cruiser arrived and told us they been told they could moor where we were, I called the capitainerie and the Marina rep came to us and said we couldn’t stay, the marina, and the halte public were all closed due to Covid. I pointed out that he had told someone else to use the space but he said we must go.
      We travelled further downstream looking for possible moorings, nothing and Joinville Port were not answering the phone. We try to look around the Port for a space and as we are easing along on tick over CRUNCH CRUNCH. Obviously the sign indicating that there was a depth of 1.80 was wrong we were stuck Bugger. Reverse didn’t work, so next we tried putting out the secondary anchor so we could winch ourselves off, the anchor wouldn’t hold. OK we’re not out of ideas just yet, we detach the 40kg Rocna from the chain and tie it on with rope and carefully lower it onto the kayak to be paddled out by John and tipped overboard. He manages this without tipping the entire kayak a feat in itself. The Rocna holds so now we need to winch ourselves off using it, well the hand winches aren’t going to be any use so we rig the anchor rope between the starboard stern bollards up forward to the bow bollard and back to the electric anchor winch. Fingers crossed 🤞. John is on the throttle and I have a foot on the winch control and am pulling the anchor rope to stop it slipping, no movement, more revs, nothing then shudder and we’re moving a little more and we’re off. Now to make sure we don’t snag the rope in the prop and can release the anchor from the rock it’s embedded itself into. All change I’m on the controls John’s on the anchor and ...... it’s up.
      It took us about 2 hours but we are free, we get a standing ovation from the spectators in the Port. We tie up on the commercial boat waiting pontoon exhausted 😩 but happy 😊 and have well earned drink.
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    • Day 6

      Paris Day 5

      May 2, 2015 in France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Last day at our apartment. We took the Metro to Montparnasse and Sacre Coeur saw Moulin Rouge Salvadore Dali and lots of people watching. Lunch at the old market near our apartment and wonderful Moroccan meal at Le Marche des Enfants Rouge favourite meal todate.Read more

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    Arrondissement de Nogent-sur-Marne

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