Arrondissement de Péronne

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    • Day 9

      On the road again

      May 20 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ideale fietsdag...zon weinig wind en vooral weinig verkeer. Veel over plattlandswegen gereden, wat heuvelachtig maar na een klim komt altijd een afdaling. In Noyon de eerste caminogangers ontmoet. Ouder echtpaar e-bike, helm en weinig bagage, ook goed. Nog ouder? :) jip!
      Het stempelen bij de kathedraal ging niet door....gesloten. Ja die secularisatie.......? Op naar Compiegne
      De kerk met gite zei me nog niks, tot ik het paadje opfietste: bekend terrein
      Toen (in 2017) sliepen er 9 mensen. Ik ben nu de enige. Paar fotootjes van deze dag enne...fijne avond. Ik ga even eten scoren
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    • Day 1

      Sonntag Camping du Château de I Oseraie

      July 10, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Hallo Follower,
      Da bin ich wieder..., der Reiseneurotiker. Heute ist der erste Tag Richtung Bretagne. Ich will hoffen, dass wir am Dienstag unser erstes Ziel dieser vierwöchigen Reise "Locronan" erreichen. Laut Beschreibung soll dieser Ort einer der 12 schönsten Frankreichs sein. Ja..., da sind wir mal gespannt...Read more

    • Day 19

      Day 16 - Bapaume to Perrone

      May 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      I'm walking through a very small section of what was known in WWI as the Western Front. Today, I saw my first actual poppy! Not a manufactured mass produced one or a beautifully hand crafted one, but the real thing. I walked down the Avenue des Australiens here in Perrone and visited an Australian War Memorial (on that same road). Call me corny, but I sang our National Anthem, out loud (and we all know how loud my voice is), not the second verse (we don't believe that, or offer it, anymore) in front of the statue. I felt it was the least I could do to recognise and acknowledge those young people who had no idea what they were getting themselves into and still did their absolute best. My Great Uncle being one of them. Also, I climbed that church tower, right up to the bells (should have taken off my backpack). When I got to the top, I was so scared that I had to close my eyes, and I forced myself to take a photo of one of the bells as I clutched the rail. Finally, I crossed the Canal du Nord and was lucky enough for two boats to be coming through.Read more

    • Day 5

      Stempel! En een probleem...

      July 12, 2020 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Weer een stempel erbij! En kijk die lijntjes op m'n benen haha! Maar goed, ik heb wel een probleem. Blijkbaar heb ik de haringen op de vorige camping achterlaten... Dat is niet zo handig natuurlijk 🙄 Maar met wat hulp uit Nederland ben ik erachter gekomen dat ik morgen door een stad fiets met een Decathlon. Dus als we het positief bekijken: morgen gaan we shoppennnn🎉🎉Read more

    • Day 6

      Prinses op de erwt

      July 13, 2020 in France ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Goedemorgen! Kennen jullie het verhaal van de prinses op de erwt? Nou, dat gaat dus niet over mij... Nadat ik net m'n tent heb opgeruimd vind ik precies onder m'n tent op de plek van m'n luchtbed de haringen. Laten we het erop houden dat ik gister nogal moe was van het fietsen?!Read more

    • Day 90

      Reise nach Belgien ..

      September 20, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Auf der Durchreise ...ein Stopp zur Übernachtung an der idyllischen "Somme" 💫🐢🦢🕊️🐟🐾

      Der Name Somme geht auf keltische Ursprünge zurück. Die Römer nannten den Fluss Samara. Die Somme wurde weltweit bekannt durch die Schlacht an der mindestens einer Million Toten und Verwundeten eine der blutigsten Schlachten des Ersten Weltkriegs 🥀Read more

    • Day 20

      Day 17 - Perrone to Trefcon

      May 7, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      It was a much shorter walk today. I'd finished about 2:30 and, as luck would have it, I can't get into my accommodation until 5 pm! So I'm sitting on the steps of the local church completely relaxing with two donkeys, a roaming chicken, and a horse to keep me company. My accommodation last night was very basic, donation style, in the grounds of the presbytery. I had to source my own breakfast, a first for me in France, and was delighted to find a bakery open (on a Sunday morning). I waited for the supermarket to open, grabbed some fruit, and set off in the rain. It was not another mud day, but I did have to traverse a quagmire (photo included for verification). I came across some church ruins and a grave, dated 1865, being overgrown by a tree!Read more

    • Day 14

      Trefcon 11 miles

      July 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A new problem today. Nice short day, less than 4 hours walking, the trouble was I couldn’t check in to the next accommodation until after 5pm. It was in a tiny village so nothing to do there if I arrived too early. Therefore no point in leaving Peronne before 1pm. Luckily Peronne had the largest WWI museum in Europe. Not something I knew much about but thanks to 3 hours spent there this morning I am now a bit of an expert. With my memory I probably won’t remember anything by the time I get home but it was really well done.

      And I bought a sandwich before I left town. Organised or what? Truth is tonight I am in an old farmhouse with no possibility of any food if I didn’t bring it with me. Sanny and water for tea. Plus some half melted Lindt chocolate that was wonderful.

      Initial misunderstanding when I arrived meant that I thought I was going to be in this fairly dire dormitory with no hot water, dampish mattress etc but it turned out I have an old but quite adequate room, sheets on bed, proper mattress etc. that I am delighted with. Amazing how if you think you are getting nothing you are quite happy with a little something.

      It is time I talked about feet. I have talked about eating quite a lot as well as sleeping but I don’t think I have mentioned my beloved tootsies. A pilgrim’s life revolves round that blessed triumvirate, food, bed and feet, after all. Anyway there is good news and bad news. Firstly the good - my left foot is grand, thank you. 2 weeks in and no blisters so far. Somewhat tender certainly but a combination of 9 months of twice-weekly training walks with full pack and a comparatively low mileage over the first 2 weeks have done the job. On the other foot as it were, its partner is not quite so happy. Don’t ask me why. Pretty sure they both have taken the same number of steps. Only a couple of blisters but together just a bit of a nuisance. Not burst yet, though.

      The real trouble is things are about to get more serious. I have averaged a comfortable 13 miles a day up to now but the next 4 days are over 20 miles a day. And just to start things off well, tomorrow’s forecast is heavy rain. I am of course camping tomorrow night. Luckily tomorrow is all on road. Hard on the feet and not fun dodging traffic but at least I won’t have mud to contend with.
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    • Day 24

      Stage 15c

      May 4, 2023 in France

      Anic Urier is a member of the Via Francigena FB group. It turns out she lives right across the street from my gîte. When she found out I was there she invited me over for a chat, laundry, dinner and (tomorrow) breakfast.

      I also finally got a photo of a bottle of colza oil. Colza is all those yellow fields.
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    • Day 12

      Bapaume 18 miles

      July 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Suddenly the walk has got harder.

      Started poorly. Still raining when I set off. No breakfast. Couldn’t decide where to stop but came across a large supermarket. Grand. They should have a cafe but no they didn’t. Tried to buy some food but it was all packaged in multiples of what I wanted. Managed eventually to get a pastry, banana and some juice except when I tried to pay it became clear that I should have weighed the banana. So I couldn’t have it. She couldn’t or wouldn’t weigh it for me. Pastry and juice it was then.

      Felt ok when I came to the sign for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission HQ which was about half a mile out of route. Had seen a flyer for it a few days ago so went to visit it. It produces the gravestones for all the different worldwide cemeteries. Sobering stuff.

      By the time I was back on route it was 12.30pm and I had only done a couple of miles of today’s route. Not good. Afternoon really a bit of a plod. Nothing to eat. Rain always discourages stopping for a rest. Underfoot became tough going. Either small stones or mud or a mixture. Feet now sore. Took until 6pm to reach next accommodation, a sort cheap, rundown hotel. Tiny room. At least they did dinner. Not much choice. Adequate. Best bit was what it didn’t have. No polite chat. No dogs. No walking in the rain to find it and no random pictures of mother.

      Lights out by 10pm and hope I feel chirpier tomorrow.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arrondissement de Péronne, Arrondissement de Peronne

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