Arrondissement de Péronne

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    • Dag 2

      Paris, Paris wie umfahren Paris

      26. april 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nach einem guten Frühstück, auch für die RAMs (0,68€/L LPG) geht es mit Fahrerwechsel nach Paris.
      Ach ne, lieber doch nicht. Zuviel Verkehr und "low emission zone". Also wird es ein kleiner Umweg ohne Eiffelturm. Mal gucken wie weit wir fahren. Grobes Ziel: Poitiers (F)Les mer

    • Dag 5


      12. juli 2020, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Kom ik opeens een camping tegen! Dat is veel beter dan nog een anderhalf uur zwoegen. Wat een cadeautje! 68km op de teller vandaag👌🏼

    • Dag 6

      dag 6 - vanaf Honnecourt sur Escaut

      25. mai 2019, Frankrike ⋅ 11 °C

      7 uur de wekker, het was fris vannacht en, hoewel het een prima luchtbed is, Jut en Jul worden vaak wakker en staan behoorlijk krakkemikkig op. Gelukkig een relaxed dagje, dat is maar goed ook want als we om 10 over 9 vertrekken zijn we eigenlijk al moe, hihi. Net onderweg zien we het symbool van Saint Jaques met verwijzing naar de bakker, op naar de bakker. Helaas geen stempel (...dat weet mijn moeders misschien, mij zegt het niets...), maar wel heeeel lekker brood. We merken goed dat we moe zijn, de heuvels vinden we pittig. Vanaf een uur of 11 zou het gaan regenen en inderdaad vanaf kwart voor 11 regent het en zo regenen we zeiknat Saint Quentin in. We zijn blij met onze Airbnb, we kunnen alles laten drogen, bakkie koffie maken en dan lopen we de stad in.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Ancestral town

      23. juli 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Huguenot refugee ancestors were born in this town in 1660. Abraham Poulain 8th gr grandfather. 1660-1708

    • Dag 12


      24. juli 2016, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I guess when I first booked this tour over a year ago I knew that I would be seeing the battlefields of some famous places that I had read about or been told about at school, (which was usually only a few days prior ANZAC Day and covered mainly Gallipoli)
      What I didn't expect was to learn so much more:
      - the individual battles within each offensive and how individual acts of courage can change the course of the battle
      - the conditions in which our soldiers had to endure and still continued on
      - the emotional connection you develop with each story about bravery, each memorial and cemetery you visit
      - And mostly the reality it brings with each and every family pilgrimage. Thank you to everyone who has allowed me to be part of your personal stories.
      It is all part of the memories I will take away with me and cherish forever❤️

      ❤️They shalt not grow old
      As we who are left grow old
      Age shall not weary them
      Nor the years condenm
      At the going down of the sun and in the morning
      We will remember them❤️

      Les mer

    • Dag 12

      Day Eleven

      24. juli 2016, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today we went to Pozieres for the centenery. Prior to this we went to Beaumont Hamel, the New Foundland Memorial. Here we could see real evidence of shelling. This area during the war was mainly Canadian & New Foundland soldiers and here they sustained a huge loss of life. Amongst the brave soldiers was the one and only recorded Inuit (Eskimo) soldier. The monument is impressive, this large caribou on top of a mountain with the honour roll underneath.

      The Australian Department of Veteran Affairs, once again planned and organised a wonderful ceremony. The tributes to the fallen at Pozieres were interesting and moving. It was great to see the youth of our nation read tributes to the soldiers. The big screen pieces outlining the battle in detail were very informative and brought the battle to life. Both Fromelles and Pozieres ceremonies really honoured the brave soldiers that lost their lives so we could live the life we have today.

      For dinner we visited the town of Amiens. This is a quaint town right on the banks of the Somme River. There are rows and rows of restaurants and cafes that line the river bank. An extremely popular place at night. We found a little restuarant called 'L'Envie'. Where we had a three course meal - Entree was a traditional french pancake with cheese, mushroom and ham rolled inside and baked. Main Course was a rib eye steak and chips (after seeing so many potato fields across northern France it was good to taste it. I guess that's why they are called french fries!😝 Finally dessert, this was Fondant au chocolat, which was like a chocolate lava cake with fresh fruit and caramel icecream. It was quite spectacular!
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    • Dag 15

      Station an der Somme

      13. juni 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Auf dem Weg Richtung Heimat machen wir heute Station in dem Örtchen Feuilleres.

      Feuillères (picardisch: Fuillère) ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 146 Einwohnern (Stand 1. Januar 2016) im Département Somme in der Region Hauts-de-France im Norden von Frankreich. Die Gemeinde gehört zum Kanton Péronne und ist Teil der Communauté de communes de la Haute Somme.

      Hier gibt es nichts ausser Gegend, die Somme, den Canal de la Somme, und den Campingplatz du Château & de l'Oseraie .
      Ideal zum relaxen und spazieren gehen.
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    • Dag 12

      Day Twelve

      24. juli 2016, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Our final day on the Somme battlefields before we head back to Paris this afternoon.
      Firstly we drove through the village of Contalmaison this was the area where Australian divisions congregated prior to the assault on Pozieres village.

      On the 14th July 1916, Australians arrive in Pozieres. This area is significant as it is the highest land in the area and the Allies want to occupy it at any cost. To begin with Germans held the village of Pozieres. The Australians 1st and 2nd Divisions take on the assault for Pozieres. The fighting was an intense artillery barriage. As the casualties mount, four Victoria Crosses are awarded to Australian soldiers in a matter of days.
      First division lose over 5000 men, the suvivors are shattered and battleworn, but the town is taken by the Australians. In the following days the 2nd Division take over and capture the Windmall and Mouquet Farm. These are significant as they allow the Australians and the British to mount a full assault on Thiepval, the highest point on the Somme valley. From here they can control the entire area.
      Standing on the mound where the windmill once stood you can see across the paddocks and clearly see the route these soldiers took from Pozieres to Mouquet Farm and then Theipval. With the naked eye it looks like only 10-20km between each. Quite an amazing sight.
      Arrived back in Paris at our hotel to scrub up and look forward to our dinner cruise on the River Seine tonight.
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    • Dag 11

      Day Ten

      23. juli 2016, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      This morning we headed towards Villers Bretonneux. We visited the Victoria School and had photos taken under the famous 'Don't Forget Australia' sign in the playground of the school. We also wandered through the museum dedicated to the Aussies who fought to save the town. We followed this with our visit to the Villers Bretonneux Military Cemetery. This is a magnificent structure. The size of the cemetery is hard to describe. As you walk in past the alter bearing the inscription 'Their name liveth for evermore' it is a confronting sight to see rows and rows of headstones for a far as you can see up the hill. As you go up the hill in the distance is the bell tower and the wall carrying all the names of the missing. It is quite impressive. We had several pilgrimages to honour reletives of people on the tour. One of the fallen soldiers in the cemetery was honoured by five generations of family, this was quite special to witness.

      After lunch at Tommy's in Pozieres, a pub quite well known by Aussie diggers in 1916, we went to the Le Hamel Memorial. This was to honour the Aussies in the battle for the town of Le Hamel. The memorial is situated on the trenches that the Germans held until July 4th 1918. This battle was the making of Sir John Monash as Commander of the Australian Corps. His meticulous planning resulted in a famous victory.

      Other places we visited were:
      - Lochnagar Crater Memorial
      - 3rd Australian Division Memorial
      - Mouquet Farm, a German held area that the Aussies attack and after five weeks of fighting capture the farm from the Germans. The Aussies refer to it as 'Moo Cow Farm'.

      Our final stop for today was at the Thiepval Memorial and French-Anglo Cemetery. After seeing the massive memorial at Vimy Ridge yesterday I didn't think they could get any bigger but I was wrong, so wrong! The structure that is Thiepval is a sight to be hold. It is a giant in all aspects of the word. It looks like a giant wedding cake! This is a memorial for all men who fought the various battles along The Somme. In all 72,000 men died on The Somme and have no known grave. This is their memorial. These names are inscribed along the walls of the monument along with each battle that made up the fighting along The Somme. Numerous times today we crossed over the river Somme, where bloodiest of battles gets its name.
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    • Dag 5

      Cambrai / Honnecourt sur Escaut

      24. mai 2019, Frankrike ⋅ 17 °C

      . Dan op naar Cambrai. Grote drukke warme stad. Op het marktplein klinkt harde muziek, er is een evenement op handen. We wijken iets uit het centrum voor een stempel bij het office de tourism. Dan zien we de Notre Dame de Grâce, wij hier naar binnen. Een vriendelijke koster(?) staat ons te woord en is heel geïnteresseerd, we verstaan hem alleen niet zo heel goed. We krijgen een mooie stempel en ons wordt een goede reis gewenst. We willen graag ijs en koffie. De ijs lukt niet, de koffie wel. We hebben geen zin om te lunchen in Cambrai, we besluiten langs de supermarkt te gaan die het dichts bij de camping is en daar wat lekkers te halen. Deze supermarkt is in Rumilly. Mooi, daar komen we langs! Blijkt toch wel iets lastiger te zijn. Dorpje ligt natuurlijk op een heuvel en we worden in eerste instantie over een wel héle drukke weg gestuurd. Dan maar weer even terug, weer over de heuvel, en dan via de andere kant. Gelukt! Lekkers gehaald en op naar de camping in Honnecourt sur Escaut en dan hebben we uiteindelijk toch nog 72 km gereden. Voor morgen wordt regen voorspeld vanaf het middaguur. Dus we hebben een Airbnb in Saint Quentin geboekt voor morgen, lekker dichtbij. Dagje rustig aan. Nog even op terras op de camping een wijntje en dan gaan we langzaam richting bed. Welterusten xxxLes mer

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