
Today we climbed another big hill to visit Castelnaud, which also houses a medieval war museum. Castelnaud was built around the 12th century and was won and lost many times during the 100 year war.Read more
Today we climbed another big hill to visit Castelnaud, which also houses a medieval war museum. Castelnaud was built around the 12th century and was won and lost many times during the 100 year war.Read more
I'd have enough hill climbing for one day so headed back to the manor while Graham headed up to the Marqueyssac Gardens. In one of the photos you can see me in a blue jumper down in the valley at theRead more
Mein idyllischer Stellplatz am Ufer der Dordogne bei Bézenac dient mir heute als Ausgangspunkt für eine knapp 60 Kilometer lange Radtour im Osten des Périgord.
Der größte Teil der StreckeRead more
Diese Trutzburg trohnt hoch etwas weiter westwerts über der Dordogne. Hier wurden viele Waffen aus dem Mittelalter gezeigt. Besonders eindrucksvoll waren die riesigen Steinschleudern mit denenRead more
Last day of wandering around as tomorrow will be devoted to preparing for the next phase of the journey. Today I visited Château de Castelnaud et la Musée de la Guerre au Moyen Age, and the ChâteauRead more
Yesterday we ventured out to Chateau de Castelnaud, about a half hour drive away. It didn't start out to be a beautiful day, but we lucked out and the views from the top were spectacular! With itsRead more
River + stone bridge = a castle on the rock overlooking both. Just breathtaking. Around every bend there is one. If you are ever in this part of France rent a canoo and just go for it. Now look atRead more
Heute ging es mal wieder auf das Wasser. Auf einer Gabarre (mittelalterlicher Handels-Kahn) ging es auf der Dordogne von La Roque-Gageac über Château Malartrie bis zu Château Castelnaud und wiederRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Castelnaud-la-Chapelle, Castèlnòu e la Capèla, Кастельно-ла-Шапель, Castelnòu e La Capèla, کیسٹلناڈ لا شیپل, 24250, Кастелно ла Шапел, 卡斯泰尔诺拉沙佩尔
Traveler What spectacular countryside. Hope you’re feeling better 💕
Karen Cotton Thanks Terri getting there x