Département du Nord

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    • Dag 3

      England 71 - 0 Chile

      23. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Our first Rugby game off British soil.
      England fans friendly and in great spirits.
      The people of Lille welcomed us all and were so helpful.
      The Chileans were absolutely incredible. Sort of a shame we didn't get to see them celebrate any points.
      They sang and danced until the very end.
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    • Dag 21


      29. juni 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Day 20:
      Distance: 33.67 km (646.33 km)
      Steps: 48,411 (927,131)
      Move time: 7h47 (148h49)
      Spend: £24.40 (£285.61)

      Wasquehal to Tournai.

      Now that I've crossed over the border into Belgium, I think I can safely say, "God save the King, and down with the Republic." But honestly, although I do enjoy a good stab at the French, everyone I met in Northern France was absolutely lovely, even though the terrain was truthfully a little uninspiring. But can we hear it for England by the way. In my experience, Brits are often far too quick to dismiss our own country; either it's boring, it's expensive, or it's just plain not worth an adventure, especially outside of national parks. Personally, I love hiking in middle England; terrorising golf courses, touring battered castles, and grazing the diverse nature of the English countryside will forever be my jam. There's adventure to be found everywhere in life, and that even includes the pancake flats of Hauts-de-France. Adventure is a mindset, never a place. But back to today; the journai to Tournai was honestly a very easy one, and I barely feel like I've done any walking the past 3 days at all really. I shan't complain though, this evening I've enjoyed exploring the moody, cobblestoned gothic streets of Tournai, a very picteresque city steeped in history, which has also treated me with a monster kebab and a hostel for the night.Les mer

    • Dag 26

      Back in Belgium

      29. juni 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Took advantage of the less good weather to travel a couple of hours westwards. Initially planned for somewhere in France but put off by the news of riots. Now near Tournai which we plan to explore tomorrow. Pitched at a near perfect Aire, La Ferme du Vert Marais, unusual for an aire as it has large pitches with hardstanding and grass.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Doornik (franse grens)

      25. april 2023, Belgia ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Zo, een volle dag... vanochtend vertrokken uit Lessen (nabij). Einddoel voor vandaag was Hornaing. Vandaag een mix van Garmin en de route op de telefoon, die ook veel meer stroom gebruikt. Een tocht met veel buiten de bebouwde kom, heerlijk dus. Omdat ik toch minimaal 1 keer per dag mijn credential moet stempelen een dorpje aan de route bezocht, Tongre-Notre-Dame of all places. Wat een mooie oude kerk.......maar waar krijg ik nu een stempel..? In de directe omgeving een huis...aangebeld (trekbel) en een op leeftijd zijnde non, incognito gekleed, deed open. Ik liet haar mijn credential zien en het was duidelijk voor haar waarvoor ik kwam. Ik werd uitgenodigd en er werd een verse pot koffie gezet.. enkele nonnen schoven aan en er werd gesproken over de wonderen die daar waren verricht (medaille miraculeuse) werd het genoemd en voor ik het wist kreeg ik een medaillon.... Na een 2e kop wilde ik vertrekken maar de soep was klaar.... of ik een kop wilde... tja oui natuurlijk... de gepureerde soep bevestigde de leeftijd van de bewoners.... 😀 😀 maar werd in dankbaarheid aanvaard. Zo, tijd voor een kaarsje natuurlijk en wat foto's van de kerk en door.... Ik werd echt uitgezwaaid en mijn sollicitatieformulier heb ik niet ingevuld.. 😀
      Na een behoorlijke tijd fietsen toch nog even een check garmin /telefoon..... toch enige discripantie waarvan akte dus werd het een beetje bijsturen. Ik was dus mijn eindbestemming van die dag voorbij dus dan maar door naar het eindpunt van traject 1, Doornik of Tournai zoals de Fransen zeggen. Toch een pittig tochtje maar rond 17.45 uur ingecheckt. Morgen iig weer een stempel halen en dan de Franse grens over richting St Quentin.

      Iedereen bedankt voor de leuke reacties... doet me goed!!
      Les mer

    • Dag 12

      Day 9 - Wisque to Therouanne

      29. april 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      It was good walking today. I walked solo and only saw one push bike on the Path. I saw a big group of walkers behind me, but they never caught up to me. I had one close contact with a tractor, of which I have never seen so many of my entire life - they are literally everywhere. And, just when you think you have seen everything that cultivated and grazing land has to offer, you will surprise a hare and they will run in front of you, or the sun will come out and warm you briefly, and make you smile, or you'll pass another field of yellow flowers, which I believe is Canola, and you will feel happy just to see their brilliance. But the joyful surprise today was walking on what was probably an old train line, with high earth shoulders on either side and a very stony bed. I really felt I was all alone on the planet in a secret, special place. There was a fair bit of mud to contend with today, and I did slip a few times, but it does not rate a 'Mud' day. Oh yes, I saw the largest snail I have ever seen in my life. Finally, the stained glass windows were in this weird creepy basement under the pilgrim accommodation at the Abbey in Wisque that was set up like a chapel.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Una serata Lilla

      6. januar 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Chiediamo scusa ai nostri followers per l'assenza! Ma eravamo occupati a mangiare patine e waffle (full reportage fra poco).

      Per la nostra ultima soirée francaise abbiamo continuato con l'eplorazione delle birre (Ipa Hirondelle e La Bise au fruits rouges).
      Per stare leggeri dopo la birra abbiamo cenato con una teglia (a testa) di pane inzuppato nella birra, prosciutto e formaggio fuso (welsh).
      Vorremo inoltre invitare i francesi, visto il precedente della Gioconda, a rubare anche alcune abitudini italiane quali l'uso del bidet e l'utilizzo di appositi contenitori per lo scopettino del wc (non del pentole). Un bacio.
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    • Dag 19


      27. juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Day 18 ( + Day 19: Rest Day)
      Distance: 35.28 km + 14.96 km (612.66 km)
      Steps: 51,192 + 22,299 (878,720)
      Move time: 8h23 + 4h05 (141h02)
      Spend: £20.35 + £26.06 (£261.21)

      Bailleul to Lille (to Wasquehal).

      It can be difficult to know how to start writing these entries. Sometimes, I start by just writing about what happened that day, and then I realise, what does it even matter? It's not really important what I did, just what I took from it. And well, yes, French pedestrian crossings might be entirely useless (and terrifying) for one, and, yes, I might be the only person north of the channel to so much as own a Renault Twingo. But more to the point, being able to have meaningful discussions and learn about the world through another's experiences has really been everything I've gained from Lille. Everyone has a story to tell, and unfortunately, I don't quite have the French to be able to understand those of others', nor to tell my own with any real purpose in the depths of the French campagne. But it turns out that proper conversation really is fundamental to what it means to just feel like a human (woah who'd have thought). And one thing I often get asked is 'Don't you get lonely?' Well, to be honest, I'm not really sure what the actual answer is to that, maybe sometimes? The truth is that you don't really need much. But what you do occasionally need is just to be with the right people, and in the right environment. So thanks to Patrick from Nantes and to Matteo (& Hippolyte!) for making my time in Lille. Life is nothing without people!
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    • Dag 2

      Amsterdam to Bilbao

      20. september 2023, Belgia ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      I was able to sleep a bit on the plane which was good.
      Lots of kids and babies.
      Very tight connection in Amsterdam but they have a special line for people like me to go through customs faster
      I can't wait to get to Bilbao. It is such a beautiful city.
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    • Dag 18


      26. juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Day 17:
      Distance: 42.21 km (562.42 km)
      Steps: 59,858 (805,229)
      Move time: 9h23 (128h34)
      Spend: £5.15 (£214.81)

      Wulverdinghe to Bailleul.

      Mash, mash, mash. Mash out some miles, (instant) mash in the stomach, mash head into inflatable pillow. The app I use to navigate has two different modes; the first is 'tourist' mode, which pleasantly directs you between picteresque local attractions, typically via quiet, waymarked footpaths. The other is 'fast' mode, and God does it mean it, sending you recklessly beelining towards your destination in the most direct way imaginable, and often with little regard for your safety or enjoyment. Yesterday, my route was dictated by tourist mode (if you can't tell yet, this walk is very much just the 'no plans, just pure vibes' type), but after a close inspection of the map at the end of the day, I was left underwhelmed by the ground I'd made. So, being frankly unbothered by much of the scenery for this section of the mission, I decided to dial in fast mode for the day. A flurry of busy road walking later, and I find myself exhausted in the middle of a public park in Bailleul, worryingly close to Gendarmerie Station (police to you and me). Best hope I'm awake before they are.Les mer

    • Dag 91

      9000 KM ~ 13. Land ~ Belgium :)

      21. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Freunde besuchen in der letzten Woche ☺️ ...erstmal auf
      nach Antwerpen 🕊️ Kai und Charlotte wir kommen... 🤗

      In Belgien werden die Sprachen Holländisch, Französisch und Deutsch gesprochen/verwendet - haben wir erfahren. Wobei Flämisch da noch etwas Eigenes ist.

      Mit Englisch kommen wir aber immer überall weiter 🤘
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