La Cluse-et-Mijoux

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    • Day 38

      Les Fourgs 8 miles

      August 19, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Only 8 miles today but it did pack quite a lot of hills into that. Even with the latest permitted departure from the youth hostel of 10am and a bit of sight-seeing on the way I arrived just after 1.30pm. I was hopeful of getting something for lunch but it was like a ghost town. Several shops and restaurants closed. Looked a mixture of closed for good, closed for a while or just closed for a 4 hour lunch. One shop said open and the door was indeed open but when I went inside you only accessed a large vending machine which sold big dods of cheese or cold meat. Nae bread.

      Luckily, just as I was giving up, I noticed a bar which had someone moving inside. Went inside and asked the jimmy if they were open to which he seemed to reply he wasn’t. But just in case, he asked what I was after. After a short (because I don’t know much French) conversation he agreed to make me a sanny and sell me a litre bottle of lemonade. Magic. He did produce the largest sanny I have ever seen. I think he had cut a loaf in two and then filled one half with a massive chunk of pate. Threw in a couple of gerkins and a tomato and there you go. He did charge 15€ for the pair but then again it would have done your average family of four for a perfectly adequate lunch.

      Slightly disappointed that I couldn’t get into tonight’s pilgrim’s hostel straight away, just had to wait outside for an hour and a half. But I was very early. These places are amazing. You have no idea in advance what to expect. Every one is different. This one is a couple’s house rather than being a separate, rather dilapidated property that they often are. I am in a spare bedroom and would share the toilet and bathroom with them but they have gone to sleep with their grand-children in another property they are building nearby. Only charging 26€ a night so they aren’t doing it for the money. No overt religious signs so they just seem to like pilgrims. Seen it frequently that pilgrims as a group are welcomed by individuals or communities, possibly because of historical connections, in a way that tourists certainly aren’t.
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    • Day 76

      Appéro with Absinthe

      June 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We were expecting a hot day, so rolled out of Erlach fairly early. We rode along Lac de Neuchâtel, now back in the French speaking part of Switzerland, then up away from the lake through the Gorges de l'Areuse and further up the Areuse River to Val-de-Travers. We were on a mission to spend our last Swiss Francs so enjoyed some pastries and rivella before discovering a nice outdoor pool just outside of Fleurier where we spent a couple hours during the hot afternoon. We had one last short but very steep climb, then crossed back into France and the Rhône River watershed. Once again we were welcomed into the home of a cycle touring family in La Cluse-et-Mijoux thanks to Warmshowers. We had a great evening with Jean-Charles and Beatrice and their three daughters Gabrielle (16 years old), Marion (14), and Suzanne (9) sharing stories about bike touring, outdoor adventures and Yukon fauna, as well as getting to taste the typical meat (saucisse de Morteau), cheese (Comté, Morbier, Cancoillote) and alcohol of the area, which included absinthe!Read more

    • Day 3

      Oversteek over de Jura richting Italië

      July 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We zijn aan een trip van 6 uur begonnen. 420 km door de bergen. Fantastisch landschap en veel kleine dorpjes. Halverwege begonnen de remmen een beetje te ruiken. Te warm. De bergen eisen veel van onze lieve groene. Daarom maar even een stop maken en op het terras in de bergen een lekker glas wijn en bier. Nog 130 km en we zijn in Turijn.Read more

    • Day 1

      Tag#1 Rotkreuz nach Pontarlier F

      July 31, 2020 in France ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      31.07.2020 >200km
      Der zu erwartenden Warmen Temperaturen wegen, wurde schon vor den ersten Sonnenstrahlen um 5:30 Uhr gestartet.
      Bis kurz vor dem Mittag geht es mit Speed und Temperatur recht flott. Ab Neuenburg geht es mit der zusätzlich anstehenden Steigungen langsam an die Grenze meines gewollten Spassfaktors. Die Termometer-Anzeigen bieten Werte bis über 34°, im Normalfall eher Bädeler denn Biker Temperaturen.
      Die wunderbare Gehend und fantastische Dörfer, die auf der "Normalroute" nicht gesehen werden, entschädigen jedoch locker.
      Jetzt am Tagesziel in Pontarlier am Tasting der lokalen Spezialitäten, einem IPA Bierchen. Später muss sicher ein lokaler Absinth verköstigt werden.
      Der Tachometer hat heute Morgen ab Rotkreuz nicht funktioniert, musste leider ignoriert werden, zeigt am Ziel in Pontarlier aber leicht über 200km.
      Morgen wird die Startzeit eher noch etwas früher geplant, ich habe ja Licht. ;-)
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    • Day 7

      Joux Kindlus

      July 3, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      3,18m paksud seinad ja temp võib talvel langeda kuni -13 kraadi. Sõdurite ja valvurite jaoks oli tehtud spets soojuskamber tornis, kus nad said selja vastu seina panna ja ennast üles soojendada. Tollal oli selline lahendus päris unikaalne.

      1844. aastal ehitati kõrvale kõrgemale mäele linnus, sest tuli püssirohu ajastu ja ümberringi olid mäed ning oli oht, et vaenlane ründab püssirohuga kaigemalt, seega pidi kõrgemale ehitama, et enda võimekust kasvatada.

      Vana katapuldi laadne viskeseade (trebuchet) laskis 140m kõrgusele, kaugust ei saa prantsuse keelest aru. Kindluses elas sõja ajal 600 sõdurit, kes kolmes vahetuses valvet pidasid. Voodid ei jõudnud külmaks minna.

      Kindlus oli unikaalne ka sellepoolest, et keset kindlust oli väga sügav keerdtrepp alla, mida mööda sai salaja laskemoona transportida või põgeneda. Läksime sealt trepist täitsa alla ja seal tervitas meid veel 127m sügav ja 3.8m diameetriga kaev. Et kujuta ette kui sügavale nad kokku uuristanud olid kindluse all. Keertrepist läksid pidevalt kõrvale erinevad ruumid.

      See kindlus on suhteliselt heas seisus, sest pole kunagi tühjana seisnud, vaid on alati kellegi valduses olnud kuni tänase päevani.

      Napoleon lasi selle Kindluse mingi aeg ümber ehitada vanglaks. Seega paljud aknad olid veel tänapäevalgi trellidega.

      Näiteks istus siin kindluses vangis mees, kes vabastas täielikult Prantsusmaa pärisorjusest, kuid kui Napoleon võimule sai, siis talle ei meeldinud see ja ta pani selle mehe vangi ning taastas pärisorjuse Prantsusmaal täielikult.

      Kuna giid tegeles Prantsuse külastajatega ning sai inglise keelest üsna vähe aru, siis anti meile audio giid, mis oli inglise keeles ja giidi oli meil vaja ainult selleks, et mitte ära eksida ja uksi avada. Kahjuks tundus meile kõigile, et see audio giid oli kuidagi segane ja aukliku infoga 😔
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    • Day 30

      Les Fourgs

      May 7, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Au réveil dans dans la tente, aïe mal de tête, maux de gorge, impossible de respirer par le nez (très pratique pour faire du vélo !).

      Malgré la belle journée qui s'annonce : temps clair, traversée de la vallée de la Joue, passage en Suisse où on tombe sur un bal des pompiers, pique-nique au bord d'un lac, observation de pleins de chamois mignons et de mille pissenlits et autres fleurs des champs ... on arrive après plus de 100 bornes dans une humeur orageuse ! Coup de moue, de maladie, de baisse de moral, ça s'échauffe entre nous et dans nos cerveaux fatigués ! Tout grince, gratte, se crispe....

      On est accueillis chaleureusement par Hugo, Jeanne et Mélina (ancienne coloc de Jeanne). On en revient pas de les croiser aux Fourgs où la grand-mère d'Hugo a un appartement. On prend une bonne douche et repas pour se coucher tous tôt et reprendre des forces.

      Il pleut des cordes le lendemain matin, moi je suis encore fébrile alors on décide de rester un jour de plus. Ça va nous permettre de discuter, se soigner, aider Jeanne et Hugo pour leurs décoctions de plantes ! Oui car il y en a des plantes à récolter pour des herboristes, les séchoirs à plantes sont pleins :)
      En fin d'après-midi, on sort malgré la pluie en direction bar du coin. Il est essentiel selon nos hôtes de goûter le Pontarlier (dit le "Pont") ancêtre du pastis. Ehh oui cher.e marseillais.e, le pastis a été créé dans Doubs et non à Marseille, sorry! Moi qui n'aime pas le pastis, et bien le Pont c'est pas mal 😀

      On passe une belle soirée à rigoler, papoter, bien manger, on apprend pas mal d'anecdotes du coin grâce à Hugo, mille mercis à tous les deux pour votre bel accueil 😍 on repart le lendemain sous la pluie fine pour notre descente du Jura !
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    La Cluse-et-Mijoux, Cluse-et-Mijoux, Клиз е Мижу, Ла-Клюз-е-Міжу, لا کلیوسی-اے-میجو, 拉克吕斯和米茹

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