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    • Hari 4

      Auf den Spuren der Eule I

      30 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nach einem kleinen Picknick auf dem Place de la Libération habe ich mich auf den Weg zum Parc Darcy gemacht, dem Startpunkt für den Eulenweg oder auch Chemin de la Chouette, was viel schöner klingt. Das Konzept finde ich toll. Insgesamt gibt es 22 Stationen, die mit einer Eule gekennzeichnet sind. Anhand der Nummer sind Infos in der App oder dem dazugehörigen Heft abrufbar. Der Weg zwischen den Wegpunkten ist mit Pfeilen gekennzeichnet. Man kann sich super orientieren und sieht alle wichtigen Gebäude und Plätze. Im Park habe ich kurz in der Sonne entspannt und bin über den Place Darcy mit schönem Brunnen und Triumphbogen geschlendert.Baca lagi

    • Hari 4

      Tour Philippe le Bon

      30 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Die Möglichkeit, eine Stadt von oben zu sehen, nutze ich immer gern. Also habe ich ein Ticket für den Turm von Philippe dem Guten gebucht. Das Wetter war super, die Gruppe angenehm und die Führung sehr interessant. Der Turm mitten im Herzogspalast wurde 1460 fertig gestellt und war mit 46 Metern einst das höchste Gebäude in Dijon. Bis der Kirchturm der Notre Dame nach einem Brand neu und etwas höher errichtet wurde. Das war damals so wie heute...wer hat den Größten :-)
      Die Aussicht war jedenfalls sehr schön.
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    • Hari 35

      A Quick Glimpse at Dijon

      28 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      With lunch finished and the storm clouds blown away we wandered the streets to explore Dijon further. It actually got so warm we managed to take our jackets off for the first time on this trip.

      I do love the different styles of building here, with the old wooden framed buildings amongst the detailed stone ones. We wandered up to another square, Place Francois Rude. One of the most touristic squares in Dijon, it’s centre is home to a very cute carousel, a statue and fountain representing a winemaker stomping grapes in a tank. I’m just not sure if winemakers actually stomped their grapes in the nude.

      We decided to stop at one of the cafes for a coffee and a dessert and to shelter from the incoming rain. The weather has been very fickle today. And not only did we chose badly on the cafe we still managed to get wet. The coffee and waffles were a fail, not what we expected at all.

      Once the rain passed we decided to call it a day, marvelling at the brilliant blue sky as we walked back through Liberation Square towards home. Of course we had to take some more photos of this impressive spot. Brad even went back out for a night time pic. Dinner was meat and cheeses we picked up at the local shop back in our apartment before calling it a night. We are looking forward to exploring Dijon more.
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    • Hari 35

      Place de la Libération, Dijon

      28 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Our home for the next three nights is the city of Dijon, the capital city of the historical Burgundy region in eastern France, and one of France’s principal wine making areas. It is also known for its traditional mustard but fun fact - France imports most of their mustard seeds from Canada and still eat more mustard per capita than any other nationality.

      After checking into our lovely apartment (and climbing four flights of stairs with suitcases - thanks Brad) we ventured out to check out our new town. Dijon has a different feel again to our last stop in Metz. Dijon’s laneways are paved with shiny marble pavers and the buildings feel a bit more “formal” here. Dijon feels like it is Metz posh cousin.

      We walked about five minutes from our apartment into a massive shiny white square, surrounded with cafes and the very impressive Palace of the Dukes. Called Place de la Liberation (Liberation Square), the square was created in 1689 and is considered the most beautiful in Dijon and we’d have to agree with that. Decorated with two rows of fountains that amuse many young ones, it’s rows of bars and restaurants were very enticing. So enticing we decided to succumb and enjoy lunch in one of the many restaurants while admiring the fountains, statues and the centuries-old buildings, including the stunning Palace of the Dukes.

      For lunch we tried a specialty of the region, beef bourguignon, or beef burgundy. The beef in red wine sauce and vegetables just melted in our mouths. It was so delicious and just what we needed after a big travel day. With the storm clouds rolling in over the Palace it was quite an impressive view.

      If course we had to walk through the square every time we went out so we took way too many photos of when the sky was blue or cloudy or black. It is just one of those places that you want to capture and remember.
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    • Hari 36

      Les Halles Market, Dijon

      29 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Once we had finished our obligatory church check-out (I do wonder if we will tire of churches) we came across the markets and the historic food hall, Halles de Dijon.

      Dion's covered market is an official “monument historique" and was constructed of cast iron and glass in the 1870s. The city markets in France are always something to see, but few are as large or beautiful as this one. It is so interesting seeing the mix of stalls and produce being sold next to each other. And even more surprising was the bar right in the midst of it all, and it was packed. There were hundreds of stalls overflowing with flowers, seasonal fruit and veg, cheese, fish and spices, and we noticed that no part of an animal goes to waste. We had grand plans of food shopping at the markets but to be honest it was a bit overwhelming how much there was to choose from and what to actually buy.

      We then made our way back to Liberty Square for lunch. It is too pretty a place not to enjoy more than once. Brad decided to go all French and had escargot in garlic butter for entrée and I even tried one - again. Brad said they were very tasty but hard to hold with the utensils provided but I thought they were a bit too chewy this time. Brad then had vegetarian curry, made from mustard seeds grown in this region and I had a burger on a brioche bun that melted in my mouth. All great choices.

      We walked off lunch while admiring more of the beautiful architecture and old buildings. We checked out a mustard shop - yes there is a shop that sells just mustard and who knew there were so many different types. We came across a trio playing an unusual combination of instruments as they busked on the streets. They were pretty good too and added to the street vibe.

      We then found a bakery selling a beautiful pink praline brioche, something we haven’t seen before. They are called praluline and are now Brad’s favourite bakery item, possibly of all time. They have been made here by a baker named Auguste Pralus using his original recipe since 1955, and Brad is already researching where to find more in France before we go. Unfortunately the shop is closed until the day after we leave.

      After a big day exploring we decided to call it a day and returned home to our fourth floor attic apartment. It is a lovely apartment but the stairs are a killer, hence the decision to stay in tonight. We do have a lovely view of the rooftops from our bed though.
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    • Hari 15

      Dijon mustard tasting

      17 April 2023, Perancis

      Once our guided tour was finished, Doug and I circled back to see some spots more closely. We touched the ancient stone owl on the cathedral with our left hand to get our wish, and then we went into a centuries old mustard shop. Here we were able to taste some of the Dijon mustards and we bought two flavours to bring home.
      We also stopped into a bread shop where the bread was in the shapes of fish and chickens. This bread is baked with seasonings in it specific to this area, but they didn't have any taste tests.
      Next we stopped in a medieval building selling macaroons and picked out 5 flavours. Chocolate, hazelnut, black current, pistachio and almond macaroons nestled in our package to be sampled later.
      On our way back to the hotel, we dropped into a bookshop and selected two Tintin books and two Asterix and Obelix books to take home to our grandchildren. I wanted to introduce these iconic French characters to our next generation of readers.
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    • Hari 15


      17 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      After a day of driving, we arrived at Dijon, home of the tasty mustard that I like to cook with. Here we took a walking tour around the historic city centre following our local guide and the metal owl plaques on the street as we passed through a stone gate that looked like a miniature Arc de Triomphe.
      Fountains and parks dotted the area and we saw a square with a vintage merry go round dedicated to Gustave Eiffel as he was born here. Many original buildings exist here and some sport the coloured Burgundy glazed tiles which look like quilt blocks to me.
      This area is also home to Kir, the black current liqueur, and to celebrate this heritage, the city has painted their buses, trains and rental bikes a deep pink like the juice of this berry.
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    • Hari 6

      Abschied von Dijon

      2 Oktober 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Danach bin ich noch etwas durch die Altstadt geschlendert und habe Abschied genommen. Zur Uhr auf der Notre Dame gibt es übrigens eine hübsche Geschichte. 1383 wurde die in Belgien geplünderte Uhr (eine der ältesten weltweit) auf der Notre Dame installiert und Jacquemart hat seither allein die Stunden geschlagen. Die Bürger mochten ihn und haben ihm im 17. Jahrhundert eine Frau gegeben. Später wurde das Ensemble noch um zwei Kinder ergänzt.
      Da das Wetter so toll war, habe ich die Zeit für ein kleines Sonnenbad im Park Darcy genutzt.
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    • Hari 6

      Musée des Beaux-Arts

      2 Oktober 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Bis zur Abfahrt meines Zuges nach Paris hatte ich noch Zeit, also warum nicht etwas in der Kunstsammlung stöbern? Das Musée des Beaux-Arts befindet sich im Palast der Herzöge von Burgund, zählt zu einem der ältesten Museen Frankreichs und beherbergt vor allem burgundische Kunst aus dem Mittelalter, aber auch Werke von Antike bis Gegenwart. Mir haben besonders die zwei Gräber der Herzöge vom Burgund gefallen.Baca lagi

    • Hari 3


      29 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Ich habe ja schon einige tolle französische Städte gesehen, aber Dijon begeistert mich besonders. Es ist eine Mischung aus Bordeaux, Tours und Brügge in Belgien. Mein Streifzug führte mich zum Place de la Libération mit vielen Cafés, Wasserfontänen und hochherrschaftlichen Häusern rundum. Dort ist auch das Musée des Beaux Arts, welches sich im Palast der ehemaligen Burgundischen Herrscher befindet und kostenfrei besucht werden kann. Auf dem Weg zur Kathedrale St. Bénigne aus dem 13. Jahrhundert kam ich an einer kleinen Ausstellung vorbei, in der ich die schöne Jesus-Statue entdeckt habe. Danach habe ich in einem Weinladen eine gute Flasche Beaujolais gekauft und den Abend entspannt im Zimmer verbracht.Baca lagi

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