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    • Päivä 13

      Trinity kerk Gergeti

      30. toukokuuta 2023, Georgia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      De avond en nacht regent het behoorlijk door. Op de weg naar de Russische grens ontstaat in het donker een file door pech of een ongeluk, die wordt door de politie snel opgelost. De volgende ochtend is het grijs en druilerig, dus we doen het rustig aan. Tegen het middaguur is het iets beter en rijden we naar de Trinity kerk uit de 14e eeuw. Deze kerk is niet alleen schitterend gelegen en het symbool van Georgië, maar ook belangrijk geweest in het verleden om schatten uit Tbilisi veilig te stellen tegen plunderende Perzen.

      Soms komt de zon erdoor en de bergen tevoorschijn, het blijft buiig. Ik loop nog naar de top van een heuvel om wat foto's te maken, een herder houdt zijn kudde schapen op de berghelling in de gaten.
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    • Päivä 6

      Gergeti Trinity Church

      16. syyskuuta 2021, Georgia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Heute stand der Besuch der Gergeti Trinity Church an, die hoch über dem Ort Stepansminda trohnt. Sie liefert wohl das bekannteste Bild Georgiens.
      Man kann hoch wandern, aufgrund der Ausgangshöhe gönnten wir uns jedoch ein Taxi, oder besser netten Feuerwehrmann für den Weg hoch. Zuvor unsicher über die Straßenverhältnisse stellte sich das jedoch als richtiger Entscheidung heraus, man brauchte schon Allrad um oben anzukommen. Dort gab's zwar theoretisch auch eine geteerte Straße die jedoch abgesperrt war, unsere Theorie, dies haben die einheimischen inoffiziell gesperrt um weiterhin Geld einnehmen zu können...

      Oben zeigte sich die kleine Kirche in spektakulärer Kulisse. Rike machte sich dann an den Abstieg zu Fuß während Thomas weiter bis zu dem höher liegenden Gletscher aufmachte...
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    • Päivä 2

      Gergeti Trinity Church

      23. elokuuta 2015, Georgia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Ráno se pořádně nasnídáme, neboť následující 4 dny naše žaludky pozřou pouze předem nakoupené energy tyčinky, sušené maso či salámy s chlebem (dokud neztvrdne). Nabalíme potřebné věci včetně teplého oblečení a PETek s několika litry vody a zbytek necháváme u našich báječných ubytovatelů i přesto, že se odhlašujeme. Zároveň se za 70 lari necháváme terénním autem vyvézt po serpentinách o 400 metrů výše ke krásnému Kostelu svaté trojice (gruzínsky CmindaSameba) ve výšce 2170 m n.m., odkud již musíme po svých. Tento pravoslavný kostel ze 14. století je ikonickým symbolem Gruzie a rozhodně stojí za menší prohlídku.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      Gergeti Trinity Church

      12. toukokuuta 2022, Georgia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The Gergeti Trinity Church was built in the 14th century by an unknown architect, and is the only cross-cupola church in Khevi province. The separate belltower dates from the same period as the church itself, but built somewhat later. Its isolated location on top of a steep mountain surrounded by the vastness of nature has made it a symbol for Georgia.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 32

      Kazbegi pt1

      8. kesäkuuta 2023, Georgia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Today was fabulous! I took a tour to go see kazbegi which is the 3rd highest mountain in georgia. The tour took all day and we stopped at a bunch of different spots.
      Firstly we went to the dam that provides all of tbilisi with its drinking water, it was surrounded by huge hills and the water was a beautiful vibrant blue colour. The guide was super informative and talked the whole way, she said that the Russians built the dam and there's a bunch of towns underwater now that you can still see if you dive down because the Russians flooded them.
      Next we stopped at a church that overlooked the same dam, took some cool pics and felt the water which was much warmer than I was expecting. The road for the entire trip had huge steep green hills on either side and apparently wolves, deer and wild pig live there, I was hoping there mightve been tigers!!
      We then had lunch which was great because everyone on the tour spoke English so we were all complaining about how sick of bread and cheese we all were and compared stories of getting ripped off at the airport. Made me feel a lot better about that coz 60 lari turned out to be normal :)). I had another cheesy pie pizza and it made me feel sick the rest of the day but whatever.
      Next we stopped at the friendship monument which is located at the highest point of the military road 2350m above sea level. I noticed the air was a little thinner and harder to breathe. The monument was made by Georgians because Russia forced them to build it to show how great friends they are ahahaha. The tour guide showed us a bunch of small artistic details the Georgians changed on it to spite Russia, the main ones being they made all the mother figures have brown hair and all the kids have blonde hair to represent that georgia is the more mature motherly country looking over and protecting Russia lol. Best views I've ever seen it was truly breathtaking.
      Lastly we went to kazbegi, amazing views again, I was gobsmacked. At that point of the trip I was only 4kms away from Russia!!! It was just over the other side of the mountain.
      I definitely want to come back here and stay at kazbegi, there's a great hotel called Rooms Hotel. You can hike up the mountain in summer too!! Its taller than 5000m and the Alps.
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