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    • Day 2

      Berlin Sightseeing

      July 29, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Bereits ist Tag 2 vorbei und wir liegen müde im Bett 🤣 aber hey - auch heute 20'000 Schritte gemacht.

      Vom Hotel am Alexanderplatz ging es zuerst zum Brunnen der Völkerfreundschaft, welcher aber blöderweise von einem Strassenfeststand versteckt war, na ja dann eben weiter zum Neptunbrunnen, welcher direkt an der St. Marienkirche liegt. Von dort aus zum Berliner Dom (und nein Mama, wir waren nicht drin 🤣). Daneben liegt gleich der Lustgarten von dem aus man schöne Fotos machen konnte.

      Um die Zeit bis zur Spree-Bootsfahrt zu überbrücken haben wir uns einen Kaffee im Nikolaiviertel gegönnt, welches hübsch anzusehen ist (ich möchte ja nicht wissen, was man dort an Miete bezahlt 🙈)...

      Die Fahrt mit dem Boot war dank der Stühle und des Windes eine Wohltat, mit spannenden Infos schipperten wir rund eine Stunde gemütlich auf dem Wasser. Am Haus der Kulturen der Welt sind wir dann spontan ausgestiegen und sind zum Brandenburger Tor gelaufen. Danach hiess es Shopping-Time, was jedoch nicht so wirklich eintraff. Der Zalando-Outlet war ein Flopp 😒

      Abends waren wir da richtig Deutsch Essen - in Restaurant Julchen Hoppe gab es fett Knödel, Kartoffelbrei, Gulasch und Rouladen mit Rotkraut 😋 ein Nachtisch hat leider nicht mehr reingepasst.

      Müde gehen wir nun zu Bett 😴
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    • Day 1

      Welcome Berlin

      July 28, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach einem kurzen Flug sind wir gut in Berlin gelandet. Die grösste Herausforderung war es jedoch den richtigen Zug zu finden 🙈
      Mit tausend Apps und der Anzeige hat es dann doch geklappt. Und hey, wir können vom.9.- Euro-Ticket profitieren 🎉 echt genial!

      Dank dem online-check-in konnten wir sogar bereits um 12 Uhr ins Zimmer und uns sommerlich anziehen - hier in Berlin ist es ganz schön warm.

      Wir haben den Alexanderplatz unsicher gemacht, die Hackeschen Höfe, einen Wasserturm besichtigt und viele Läden abgeklappert. Mit dem E-Roller sind wir zum vielversprechenden Zeha gefahren, welcher ein Flopp war 😅 aber das Rollerfahren hat Spass gemacht ☺️

      Info an alle: nehmt keine 100 Euro-Scheine mit, das mögen die Berliner überhaupt nicht 🙈

      Sonst viel gelacht, geglotzt, gelästert und Spässle gemacht ❤️
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    • Day 3

      Sonniger Samstag in Berlin

      July 30, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Humbold Universität
      Checkpoint Charlie
      Mall of Berlin
      M&Ms World
      Topographie des Terrors
      Berliner Mauer
      Strandbar Checkpoint Charlie
      Cruisen mit dem E-Roller durch die Stadt
      Strandbar Mitte
      Nightlife an der Spree

      So, dass war unser Programm 😅 entsprechend müde, sind wir abends ins Bett gefallen 🤣
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    • Day 10

      Berlin Day 2

      November 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 4 °C

      Weather a bit better today so going up the TV tower right in the main square. The East Germans built it as a massive middle finger to the West. Only problem was given the brain drain they had to employ Swedish architects.

      Ate locally in the bar from last night. First meal that felt properly German. Half a chicken with potato salad and pickled white cabbage. The skin was really crispy and tasty.
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    • Day 28

      Prauge to Berlin

      April 18 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      After feeling not bad the last 2 days in Prauge, my cold is back better than ever just in time for another travel day. I was so miserable this morning. I was actually pretty sad to leave Prauge. We got on the bus, and I pretty much just shut my eyes as soon as I got on. We're off to Berlin today, though, and I've been pretty excited about it from the start. We stopped for lunch in dresden. We were only there for an hour and a half, but it seemed like a really nice city. We went into a lutheran church that is a sight of a war crime from WWII. The English were bombing Dresden because it had a very established railway system. Residents started taking shelter in their churches, especially this lutheran one. Sir Winston Churchill knew this, so he ordered the air force to start bombing the churches with civillians in it. Lots of people died, and the church was almost completely destroyed. It was rebuilt afterward with parts of the old church. After a quick visit, six of us walked around to find some food, and we settled on a pizza joint. When we sat down, we realized we had 30 minutes till we had to be on the bus, so it was a little rushed. I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't get anything, but everyone's pizzas looked so good. They were massive, too. The pizzas were flopping over the side of the plates lol. Everyone had to eat really fast, so Nick and Pearse cut them in half and started rolling them up them up into a burrito. It was pretty entertaining to watch. We got back on the bus to go straight to the hostel. We had enough time to check in, go to the bathroom, and get back on the coach. Beck and Paulo wanted to give us a coach tour of Berlin, where we drove past some pretty cool things. They only gave brief descriptions because we will be doing a walking tour that sees most of this stuff tomorrow. We got off at the Eastside gallery on the Berlin wall. I thought this was so cool, the art work seemed so creative and random. There was an included dinner at the hostel tonight, but it was pretty trash. The stuffed chicken breast was good, but everything else was wack. A good handful of people went to kfc right after dinner lol. I wanted to go clubbing or check out the night life scene in one of the biggest party cities around, but I felt so shitty and ended up passing out at 8 for some much needed rest.Read more

    • Day 2

      Besuch des Berggrün Museum

      March 1, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Nachmittags fuhren wir wieder zurück nach Berlin und besuchten das Berggrün Museum. Die Sammlung umfasst sehr viele Bilder von Picasso, Klee und Matisse. Sehr gute Führung. Danach wieder zurück zum Hotel.Read more

    • Day 3

      Besuch der Museumsindel

      March 2, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Heute Morgen ging es zur Museumsinsel. Wir hatten einen sehr guten Führer und zuerst hat er uns von aussen die einzelnen Museen erklärt. Anschliessend ging es zum Pergamonmuseum. Hier sind viele Skulturen von verschiedenen Ausgrabungen aus der Gegend Babylon usw. ausgestellt. Zum Beispiel Ischtar-Tor, Marktor von Milet uva. Der Pergamonaltar war wegen Bauarbeiten gesperrt. Nach 2,5 Stunden sind wir im Richtung Fernsehturm gegannen.Read more

    • Day 3


      March 2, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Nachmittags ging es ins Restaurant auf dem Fernsehturm. Dort gab es Kaffee und Kuchen - ausgerechnet Käsekuchen -. Das Lokal dreht sich und man hat eine tolle Aussicht auf Berlin. Abends ging es zum Bufettessen ins Hotel Martim. Danach fuhr die Hälfte zur Philharmonie und der Rest zum Hotel. Zu 5 haben wir uns in der Bar getroffen, Cocktail getrunken und viel gelacht. So schnell vergingen die Tage in Berlin.Read more

    • Day 2

      Oldest restaurant in Berlin w/ snuggles!

      August 30, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We had a delicious pork knuckle that was massive. Jill tried to eat the entire thing in one bite.

      Another look at the TV Tower after dark.

      Afterwards, a few snuggles post-dinner. Dan's favourite snuggle spot - the subway.Read more

    • Day 2

      Willkommen in Berlin!

      December 10, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 28 °F

      What a long day! We landed this afternoon around 3pm local time. By the time we cleared customs it was already dark, sunset here is at 3:45pm. But that didn’t stop us! Tonight we visited our first two Christmas Markets.

      As the flurry’s fell from the sky we started at Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Alexanderplatz. Immediately we could feel Christmas in the air with all of the booths and local eateries. At this market we tried three different foods.
      First we started with a traditional Bratwurst. Julie thought it was juicy and delicious with lots of great flavors. Jake was wowed by the bread and the deep flavors. We will definitely be having more.

      Second we had some sort of mystery bowl. It had potatoes and sausage in this ketchup curry sauce. We both agree it wasn’t our favorite.

      Finally, we tried a traditional Austrian pastry called Germknödel which is a soft piece of dumpling bread filled with fresh plums and topped with a vanilla sauce and cherries. Both of us really enjoyed this desert and want to try it again in Austria.

      While in this market we also went into this hand crafted Christmas store which had absolutely beautiful decorations. It was near impossible to pull Julie out.

      While wondering around we also stumbled upon a second Christmas market: Berliner Weihnachtszeit. It was huge and was in the middle of this beautiful square. We want to come back to that one and spend more time when we aren’t so tired.

      Overall it was a wonderful second day and we are looking forward to our first full day tomorrow!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Alexanderplatz, ميدان ألكسندر, Aleksandra Placo de Berlino, الکساندر پلاتس, אלכסנדרפלאץ, アレクサンダー広場, ალექსანდერპლაცი, 알렉산더 광장, الیگزنڈرپلاٹز, Александерплац, อเล็กซานเดอร์พลาทซ์, 亚历山大广场

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