AquaDom & SEA LIFE Berlin

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    • Dag 5


      18. august 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      *TESSA* On Thursday we turned our back on museums and tried to give our bodies a rest from the 30,000 steps we've been averaging daily. We Ubahned every chance we got, starting with 1 stop plus a 500m bus ride to visit the Berliner Dom, a cathedral that made me feel 100% more religious, it was so gorgeous (so I'm up to 0.02% religious) followed by eine currywurst mit pommes fritz und mayonnaise mid-morning. We ate icecream at KaDaWe, walked and caught an u banh in the west for the sake of it and wandered the tiergarten until we slumped, at just over 10,000 steps, to bretzel und bier... funf bier...
      We dined with an old and new friend at their gorgeous Berlin apartment, talking philosophy, history, politics, tourism and cats.
      A perfect day.
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    • Dag 2

      Berlin, Germany

      24. desember 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Day 2 of Europe meant off to Berlin!

      The day consisted of a free guided tour where we saw Brandenburger Gate, Hitler's Bunker, Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, and Humboldt University. Since it was Christmas Eve and Germany was practically empty, we had dinner reservations at Eckstein where Rahul proceeded to set the receipt on fire. We had duck and geese and it was delicious! We ended the night with an Anti Bar Crawl and we hit up a number of places. I lost my scarf at the first bar though and I was 100% sober. Sigh.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Berlin, Germany

      25. desember 2016, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Merry Christmas!

      Today, Berlin was pretty dead in the morning since it was Christmas Day. We hauled ass and woke up early enough for the Reichstag building, which ended up being a treat even though it was rainy. Afterward, we went Christmas market hopping! We went from Potsdamer Platz to Gendarmenmarkt to Alexanderplatz. They were all fun and different in their own way. We also had a great meal at Gendarmenmarkt! At this point though I'm pretty sick of sausages and the lack of veggies. Hopefully, Norway will change that. We ended our night at a hip bar/lounge. Unfortunately, a lot of things were closed today.Les mer

    • Dag 22

      Berlin the Wall tour

      25. juli 2017, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Where - Berlin
      Weather - fine and sunny, 24° C
      Steps - 16,450 or 10.4km

      Our first day in Berlin we picked up a 2 day pass for the Hop on hop off bus. Today we chose the tour that deals with the Berlin Wall. It is hard to imagine that this city was divided into East and West and people were still being shot if they tried to escape from the East not even 30 years ago. Thankfully the wall came down in 1989/90 but the reminders are still there. Of course it now becomes a major tourist attraction for the city.

      We also visited the Memorial to the Wall which showed remnants of the wall plus the death zone. Quite sobering.

      The city itself has some beautiful architecture, but everywhere you look there is construction going on. It would be hard to imagine what it would look like with all the scaffolding gone and the streets opened up etc. There are still remnants of buildings that were bombed during World War II in amongst the modern structures.

      It was a long day, plenty of walking, and I dare say the same again tomorrow.
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    • Dag 22

      Berlin- the Traditional tour

      25. juli 2017, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Where- Berlin
      Weather - wet then overcast 18°C
      Steps - 16500 or 10.5km

      Bit of a wet start to the day but only as we were catching the bus into the city. Today was the traditional tour on the HOHO bus checking out the main sights such as The Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, Siegessäule (victory column), plus a couple of war time / cold war sights like Checkoint Charlie and the Memorial for the Jewish Holocaust.

      The Reichstag was bombed and almost totally destroyed in the war but you wouldn't know it today. I couldn't work out why the victory column had some pieces missing from the relief work like a head or leg removed from a soldier but then we saw the bullet holes in the marble and in the reliefs and realised that is why they were removed.

      Checkpoint Charlie was the place where people could pass from the west to the east. You could get your passport stamped but of course there is a cost associated with that. (In Europe there is a cost associated with everything - even costs you 50 € cents to use the toilet)

      The Memorial to the Jewish Holocaust was rather unusual with 2711 concrete columns of various heights arranged in narrow alleyways. Not sure how this was meant to represent murdered Jews because we didn't go into the museum to find out, but it looked interesting anyway.

      This ends our trip to Berlin - probably one more day we could have looked at another few things but I think we hit the main points. Off to Copenhagen tomorrow.
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    • Dag 5

      Берлин, Германия

      18. august 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Было самое время переезжать в город,где я собиралась провести больше всего времени-Берлин. Прошла как будто целая вечность с момента моего отъезда из дома,эмоции переполняют,а бессонные ночи все копятся и копятся. И вот я наконец-то здесь. Я никогда не мечтала увидеть Берлин ( как и Париж),но один человек заставил меня полюбить город с расстояния,желание посетить его было нереальным. В это время мне стало попадаться огромное количество людей,которые любят Берлин,путешествуют или живут в нем,ведут блоги о нем и т.д. Все это вело меня к этому самому моменту.
      Наш день начался поздно,но был очень плодотворным. Мне удалось поймать частичку атмосферы Берлина- спасибо моему удивительному другу Филиппу. К счастью,впереди еще 4 полных дня в Берлине,и я собираюсь гулять и гулять,много и долго.
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    • Dag 10

      Reichstag, Berlin

      23. august 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Последней частью моей культурной программы было посещение здания Рейхстага. Несмотря на то,что последнее время я не любитель очень традиционных достопримечательностей, усовершенствованное здание мне понравилось. И это был наверно мой первый вид сверху на Берлин.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      First day of the rest of your life

      23. august 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      If you had ever told me that you wanna be with me I would've found a way to reach you. Последний вечер в Берлине был насыщенным,но грустным для меня. Мне безумно не хотелось покидать этот город. Он не идеальный,он разный,ты можешь встретить совершенно непохожих на друг друга людей,и все здесь живет в гармонии. Спасибо всем,кто сделал мое пребывание в Берлине таким чудесным. Это было незабываемо и до слез. Я уже скучаю по тебе,Берлин.Les mer

    • Dag 4


      19. august 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Berlin.. I loved it there but to this day i am not sure why I enjoyed it so much. Was it because of what the city had to provide? or was it the long awaited reunion with my friends?

      It was a big reunion with my friends who I met in Halifax in the winter of 2016. We all decided to meet someday before they said their goodbyes as they were exchange students. We all flew from different countries to meet up in Berlin. From Canada, Finland, France and Australia. It was almost unbelievable that we could have had this reunion only after a year and a half after we last saw each other. What a great time we had. It was like we left each other only a couple of months ago. It took us all less than a day to adjust and then it was just like it was back in the winter of 2016.

      Berlin as a city is what we could expect of any other capital/big city. A lot of diversity and a lot of places to go. It was really interesting to see the Berlin wall. All the history, thinking about what it was like not so long ago... and what it has become now. East Side Gallery was one of my favourite. We also visited the Bunker in which Hitler allegedly shot himself.

      We tried to see as much as we can in the 3 days we were there in which we took a trip to Neukölln as well, infamous for its high number of immigrants, which i wanted to visit as I wanted to see the other side of Berlin and also the 'Ghettos of Berlin' as mentioned by Bushido- one of my favourite rappers. And not to forget the 3 Euro Döners haha..
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    • Dag 3


      9. august 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Me and Jojo went to Berlin a couple of days, and that's when I fell in love with Germany. I have no words to explain what the city was to me, but i was AMAZING.
      We saw the Dome, the Museum Island, the Fernsehturm, the government palace, but of everything, the thing I loved the most was walking down the street of the city... it's so green and clean and full of people of every kind. Love it!Les mer

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