AquaDom & SEA LIFE Berlin

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    • Dzień 6

      Tot Ziens Amsterdam,Guten Tag Deutchland

      6 czerwca 2016, Niemcy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      I woke up a bit before my alarm, so I headed to a common room to use the wifi and give a quick call to Mum. I headed back to the room and packed my bags, got dressed, then headed down to breakfast. I wasn't really hungry, so just grabbed a croissant. A few of us sat in the lobby, swapping stories from the day (and night) before. We loaded the bus and headed on our way to Berlin just after 8.30am.
      After around 3 hours driving (driving for Jo, trip planning for Tamara, sleeping for the remaining 53 of us), we stopped in a service centre for snacks and refreshments, and I tried a local soft drink called Mezzo Mix, which is basically a mix of Coke and Fanta. It tasted like coke without the fix, the orange taste wasn't that prevalent.
      We jumped back on the bus, and it was time for group introductions. We headed up to the front of the bus, grabbed the microphone and told the group our names, what we do, where we're looking forward to, and a funny/random fact about ourselves.
      Tamara then went through our optional me time extras throughout our trip, and we had to sign up to them all. There's so many great opportunities along the trip, and who knows when we'll be going back to them, so I signed up for most.
      We stopped at another service station for food and a break. I had my first real german schnitzel and chips, although it didn't taste all that different from home!
      This stop was also the location of one of the first checkpoints built in Germany during the war, Checkpoint Alpha. A bit of a sobering first insight into what we'll see throughout Germany, and at our visit to Auschwitz.
      Back on the bus and Tamara told us about about Berlin and it's history, and all the places we would be getting to see over the next couple of days. It seems we'll be getting quite a bit of free time here, so that should be fun!
      We'd noticed today there was quite a lot of trucks on the road, Jo told us that throughout Europe trucks aren't allowed to drive on Sundays, to help with traffic congestion and avoid accidents with all the extra people out on Sundays. This means that Mondays (like today) end up being extra busy with the backlog. There was also quite a bit of roadwork, and 2 car accidents on the other side of the road, thankfully that didn't affect us, but at 4 points over our drives, the traffic in the opposite direction was at a standstill. Lucky for us we're heading in the opposite direction.
      We arrived in Berlin just after 6pm, but before arriving at our hostel we stopped for a photo op at a part of of the Berlin Wall. Unfortunately there are fences around it to stop any more vandalism, which is obviously a good thing, but makes it hard to take decent photos.
      We headed to our hostel and checked in - for the next two nights my roomies are Catherine, Ashleigh and Nicole. We all just sat amd chatted for a little bit, then went down for our included dinner in the hostel bar.
      We had our first taste of german sausages, two pork, one chicken. It was a good dinner, getting to know some of the other girls I hadn't really met yet.
      A few of us then headed to the common room to chill, we were all exhausted from the long drive. This in turn made us all a little delirious, so hilarity ensued!
      I got a message from a friend Lucas, my former zumba instructor who moved to Berlin 4 days earlier, who said he would come meet me, so I got organised and waited to hear from him.
      I met him out the front of our hostel, and we headed just up the road to a pirate restaurant and bar. We had a cocktail each, which took forever to order, but tasted great! This bar was along the river, so we took a seat at a table along the edge and watched the world go by. From there we decided to wander elsewhere and found a very cute little bar off a side street. It was a small lounge bar, with cute lamps and stunning wallpaper. Another drink in there and we decided to call it a night, as it was around midnight, and Lucas needed to ride his bike home.
      We got back to the hostel at around midnight, said a bit of a sad goodbye, then I headed back up to my room.
      I tried to be super quiet so as not to wake anyone up, then realised on Nicole was in the room - and she was awake! I got in my pjs and hopped into bed and we chatted for a bit, then Ashleigh and Catherine came in about half an hour later. I think we ended up going to sleep around 2am.
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    • Dzień 7

      Prost Berlin!

      7 czerwca 2016, Niemcy ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Today we all got up around 8am so we could grab some breakfast before jumping on the coach to head into town for a historical walking tour.
      Our tour guide Merren was actually from Melbourne and was both informative, and hilarious. The tour went for around 3 hours and we saw some beautiful buildings and memorials. We learnt that majority of the old buildings aren't actually that old, as most were rebuilt after being burnt down or bombed in World War II. We also saw a beautiful memorial which represents all the lives lost in the Holocaust. There are 2711 blocks, all of numerous heights, so walking through the memorial is pretty harrowing, right in the middle you feel a bit suffocated by it all, you really feel the gravity of the situation.
      Another highlight was getting to see the hotel which is famous as the hotel Michael Jackson dangled his baby from!
      We ended the tour at Checkpoint Charlie, one of the checkpoints between East and West Germany which is still standing as it was back during the cold war.
      We said goodbye to Merren and headed for a restaurant which she recommended, about a 15 minute walk away. There was a bigger group of us but we separated, so it just ended up being T, Brooke, Ebony, Carly, Sharnne and myself. It was one of those classic german restaurants with the women dressed in dredals and men in laderhoses, the traditional attire. The waitress we had was so lovely - we've been so lucky so far that everyone has pretty well spoken english.
      I ordered something from the 'light meals and snacks' menu, as I didn't feel super hungry (and wasn't sure I'd actually like anything) so I ordered a meatloaf burger. It came out and was bigger than the other girls meals... Small meal, my foot! It was actually really tasty, but I only managed to get around half way through it before being full.
      We had a quick bathroom break before heading on our way. A quick note about German bathrooms, or European bathrooms in general, is that majority you have to pay to use. Most of the time this means they are cleaner, and it is only usually 20-50 cents, but I feel that's still a bit steep for something that is really a necessity. Some places have also charged for drinking tap water, which again is more a necessity, but I assume they would give it out if someone desperately needed it.
      From there we headed to the Topography of Terrors museum, which is an indoor/outdoor free museum, with pictures throughout Berlins vast history, from Germany's involvement through WWI, WWII and the Cold War. It was really informative, but it was quite difficult to read and process, particularly when reading about the disabled who were essentially put to death for their disabilities which were obviously completely out of their control. Some parents even sent their children voluntarily to these death camps, which none of us could really fathom.
      From there, we needed to head back to Alexanderplatz to meet up with the rest of the group and get a lift on the coach back to our hostel. This was was probably a little longer a walk than anticipated, so it was lucky we had plenty of time, and the TV Tower (a huge tower which was built in East Berlin during Germany's great divide, as a symbol to show the West they had technology and weren't so far behind the times) was a perfect guide to aim for, so we couldn't get lost.
      We jumped on the coach and got back to the hostel at around 4.30pm. It was a massive day of walking so we all chilled in our rooms for half an hour or so before getting organised and heading to the hostel bar for some pre drinks before our 'Cold War, Cold Drinks' walking tour.
      As we opted out of getting a much earlier lift into town, we had to get ourselves onto the train, which proved to be a bigger task than anticipated as there we so many of us. Ashleigh and I were the last to buy our tickets, and when Ashleigh was buying hers, the machine refused to work, so the 2 of us had a bit of a fight with the machine and ended up getting left behind the group. We got to the platform in time to watch the train depart with everyone else on it, which was not so handy as we didn't know which train to be catching, or where to get off...
      After asking a local, and running into two other girls from our tour (Tani and Divia), we managed to jump on the correct train, hoping we would make it in time... We arrived at Alexanderplatz and had to run out of the station where we ran into Sharnne and Nicolette. We still had a fair walk to our meeting point, and we were already late, so we weren't sure there was much hope, but I ran ahead and when I saw the bus was there, I turned around, yelled to the girls, and we bolted for it. As we got close, Jo closed the doors and pretended to drive off (sah funny...) but we managed to make it and were clapped on by the rest of the group. I truly hated myself for a good hour, I'd been so judgemental of anyone else that had been late the previous days, and now I was one of them. Also, running is not one of my strong points, and my asthma (which I very rarely get anymore) played up, I was completely out of breath and coughing quite a bit, with no water or ventolin to calm me down. Such fun times...
      It was about a 10 minute drive to where we were going to meet this evening's tour guide, Riley. Riley was another Melbournian, from Northcote. He's been in Germany around 2 years now, with plans to eventually move back home, but loving life currently in Berlin. He was so typically Australian when he spoke, and threw in a lot of Aussie references when speaking about the Berlin Wall to really help us understand what went on. We walked through a few different memorials, and we learnt about a few escape attempts by numerous people, some sucessful, and others not. Berlin has such a confronting history, it's hard not to get emotional when hearing all the stories.
      This section of the tour lasted around 45 minutes, and we headed back onto the coach for the 'Cold Drinks' section of the tour, where we headed on a bit of a bar crawl. We went to Mauersegler, which was a cool little bar with a huge outdoor beer garden, so we all took a seat and got our free drinks, and a free pretzel! They were HUGE, and sickly salty.
      We stayed at this bar for around 45 minutes, before heading to Zum Starken August, a very cool bar with a very almost parisian decor, red curtains and cool wallpaper. On the walk there I had a good chat with Arwen about dogs, life and weddings. It's really cool to meet all these new people and learn about their lives - they are mainly Australians, but we also have a few kiwis, a couple of poms, a couple of Americans and someone from Panama!
      Our free drink at this bar was a Jaeger-Bomb. I then got to have a good chat to Travis, who lives in Hawaii, originally from California. We talked a lot about my trips to the states, it seems I've probably seen more of his country than he has, which is generally the case with travellers (I really should see more of Australia myself!).
      From this bar we headed for a tram stop to head to our final destination, Matrix nightclub, which is conveniently just across the road from our hostel - perfect stumbling distance. There wasn't as many conversations here, just lots of drinking and dancing. I think we probably left around 3am, went in search of food (kebabs and chips) and I think I stumbled into our room around 4am. Absolutely HUGE day!
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    • Dzień 5


      18 sierpnia 2016, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      *TESSA* On Thursday we turned our back on museums and tried to give our bodies a rest from the 30,000 steps we've been averaging daily. We Ubahned every chance we got, starting with 1 stop plus a 500m bus ride to visit the Berliner Dom, a cathedral that made me feel 100% more religious, it was so gorgeous (so I'm up to 0.02% religious) followed by eine currywurst mit pommes fritz und mayonnaise mid-morning. We ate icecream at KaDaWe, walked and caught an u banh in the west for the sake of it and wandered the tiergarten until we slumped, at just over 10,000 steps, to bretzel und bier... funf bier...
      We dined with an old and new friend at their gorgeous Berlin apartment, talking philosophy, history, politics, tourism and cats.
      A perfect day.
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    • Dzień 2

      Berlin, Germany

      24 grudnia 2016, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Day 2 of Europe meant off to Berlin!

      The day consisted of a free guided tour where we saw Brandenburger Gate, Hitler's Bunker, Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, and Humboldt University. Since it was Christmas Eve and Germany was practically empty, we had dinner reservations at Eckstein where Rahul proceeded to set the receipt on fire. We had duck and geese and it was delicious! We ended the night with an Anti Bar Crawl and we hit up a number of places. I lost my scarf at the first bar though and I was 100% sober. Sigh. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 3

      Berlin, Germany

      25 grudnia 2016, Niemcy ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Merry Christmas!

      Today, Berlin was pretty dead in the morning since it was Christmas Day. We hauled ass and woke up early enough for the Reichstag building, which ended up being a treat even though it was rainy. Afterward, we went Christmas market hopping! We went from Potsdamer Platz to Gendarmenmarkt to Alexanderplatz. They were all fun and different in their own way. We also had a great meal at Gendarmenmarkt! At this point though I'm pretty sick of sausages and the lack of veggies. Hopefully, Norway will change that. We ended our night at a hip bar/lounge. Unfortunately, a lot of things were closed today. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 22

      Berlin the Wall tour

      25 lipca 2017, Niemcy ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Where - Berlin
      Weather - fine and sunny, 24° C
      Steps - 16,450 or 10.4km

      Our first day in Berlin we picked up a 2 day pass for the Hop on hop off bus. Today we chose the tour that deals with the Berlin Wall. It is hard to imagine that this city was divided into East and West and people were still being shot if they tried to escape from the East not even 30 years ago. Thankfully the wall came down in 1989/90 but the reminders are still there. Of course it now becomes a major tourist attraction for the city.

      We also visited the Memorial to the Wall which showed remnants of the wall plus the death zone. Quite sobering.

      The city itself has some beautiful architecture, but everywhere you look there is construction going on. It would be hard to imagine what it would look like with all the scaffolding gone and the streets opened up etc. There are still remnants of buildings that were bombed during World War II in amongst the modern structures.

      It was a long day, plenty of walking, and I dare say the same again tomorrow.
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    • Dzień 22

      Berlin- the Traditional tour

      25 lipca 2017, Niemcy ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Where- Berlin
      Weather - wet then overcast 18°C
      Steps - 16500 or 10.5km

      Bit of a wet start to the day but only as we were catching the bus into the city. Today was the traditional tour on the HOHO bus checking out the main sights such as The Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, Siegessäule (victory column), plus a couple of war time / cold war sights like Checkoint Charlie and the Memorial for the Jewish Holocaust.

      The Reichstag was bombed and almost totally destroyed in the war but you wouldn't know it today. I couldn't work out why the victory column had some pieces missing from the relief work like a head or leg removed from a soldier but then we saw the bullet holes in the marble and in the reliefs and realised that is why they were removed.

      Checkpoint Charlie was the place where people could pass from the west to the east. You could get your passport stamped but of course there is a cost associated with that. (In Europe there is a cost associated with everything - even costs you 50 € cents to use the toilet)

      The Memorial to the Jewish Holocaust was rather unusual with 2711 concrete columns of various heights arranged in narrow alleyways. Not sure how this was meant to represent murdered Jews because we didn't go into the museum to find out, but it looked interesting anyway.

      This ends our trip to Berlin - probably one more day we could have looked at another few things but I think we hit the main points. Off to Copenhagen tomorrow.
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    • Dzień 5

      Берлин, Германия

      18 sierpnia 2017, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Было самое время переезжать в город,где я собиралась провести больше всего времени-Берлин. Прошла как будто целая вечность с момента моего отъезда из дома,эмоции переполняют,а бессонные ночи все копятся и копятся. И вот я наконец-то здесь. Я никогда не мечтала увидеть Берлин ( как и Париж),но один человек заставил меня полюбить город с расстояния,желание посетить его было нереальным. В это время мне стало попадаться огромное количество людей,которые любят Берлин,путешествуют или живут в нем,ведут блоги о нем и т.д. Все это вело меня к этому самому моменту.
      Наш день начался поздно,но был очень плодотворным. Мне удалось поймать частичку атмосферы Берлина- спасибо моему удивительному другу Филиппу. К счастью,впереди еще 4 полных дня в Берлине,и я собираюсь гулять и гулять,много и долго.
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    • Dzień 10

      Reichstag, Berlin

      23 sierpnia 2017, Niemcy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Последней частью моей культурной программы было посещение здания Рейхстага. Несмотря на то,что последнее время я не любитель очень традиционных достопримечательностей, усовершенствованное здание мне понравилось. И это был наверно мой первый вид сверху на Берлин. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 10

      First day of the rest of your life

      23 sierpnia 2017, Niemcy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      If you had ever told me that you wanna be with me I would've found a way to reach you. Последний вечер в Берлине был насыщенным,но грустным для меня. Мне безумно не хотелось покидать этот город. Он не идеальный,он разный,ты можешь встретить совершенно непохожих на друг друга людей,и все здесь живет в гармонии. Спасибо всем,кто сделал мое пребывание в Берлине таким чудесным. Это было незабываемо и до слез. Я уже скучаю по тебе,Берлин. Czytaj więcej

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