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    • Dag 1

      Berlin Tag 1 + 2

      18. mai, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Scherben bringen Glück! Kurz vor dem Abflug nach Berlin noch eine Flasche teures Haarserum fallen gelassen und Glassplitter und öliges Serum im ganzen Badezimmer verteilt, kann jetzt bei der Reise sonst nichts mehr schief gehen.
      Am Samstag Freunde und Katzen begrüßt, sehr gutes Essen im Tapas Lokal nebenan und dann lassen wir den Abend mit dem Anschauen der begabtesten und süßesten Athleten (Videos vom Eichhörnchen Hindernislauf mit Walnüssen als Belohnung) ausklingen.
      Am Sonntag besuchen wir die Gärten der Welt, ein 43 Hektar großes Areal mit verschiedenen Gartenanlagen aus der ganzen Welt. Nachdem wir ein paar von den kleineren Gärten angeschaut haben und an verschiedenen Rosen geschnuppert haben, kehren wir im Café des English Cottage Gardens ein und sitzen dort in den bequemsten rosa Ohrensesseln.
      Wegen des kürzlich vergangenen 100jährigen Jubiläums des Berliner Rundfunk Symphonieorchesters gibt es an verschiedenen Orten kurze Konzerte.
      Wir hören Haydn im Renaissancegarten, ein Oboe Konzert im Chinesischen Garten, Kammermusik von Hindemith im Vorraum des Orientalischen Gartens und Blechbläser auf einer Wiese.
      Im Teehaus im Chinesischen Garten gibt es riesige Auswahl an Tee, jeder bekommt unterschiedliches Teegeschirr und Anweisungen wie wir den Tee trinken sollen, dazu gibt es Dampfbrot und Ehefrauenkuchen. Ein paar Schafe gibt es auch in den Gärten (Skudde eine alte Hausschafrasse die vom aussterben bedroht ist) und wir fahren auch mit der Gondelbahn und schauen uns die Gärten von oben an.
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    • Dag 74

      Wandering Berlin

      16. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Strolling for the last time through the city, I sought out the memorial for the booking burning that took place on 10th May 1933.

      The Nazi German Student Association's Main Office for Press and Propaganda announced a nationwide initiative "against the un-German spirit", creating a literary blacklists that included Jewish, Marxist, Socialist, anti-family, and anti-German literature. It is estimated 20,000 books were burnt in the platz.

      The memorial includes a quote from a Heinrich Heine 1817 play that says “Where they burn books, they will also burn people”, one hundred years before the book burning in Bebelplatz.

      I needed Currywrust to help to bring me a little cheer 😋
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    • Dag 3

      Unter den Linden

      16. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Finally made it to the most grandiose strasse we've seen so far - we were at the Brandenburg gate end yesterday but didn't make it very far along. We also had to stop for spaghetti ice cream, another legacy of the CYO tour - loving the Angela Merkel artwork in the donut shop.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Reunited and Wall part one!

      16. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Thank goodness for technology and telecommunications! Group Warhammer let us know that they were up and moving, so we made our way via Rathaus and Alexanderplatz to the East Side shopping centre (wonderfully air-conditioned) where they were consuming frozen yoghurt. Lunch and more "Beat the Cox" followed (with some interestingly named variations causing a giggling fit), before we walked / hobbled to the River Spree and the East Side Gallery, home of the remaining section of the Berlin Wall. Spent a very hot and happy hour or more looking at all the art before returning to the lovely, open, café-filled square outside the Mercedes Benz arena for mocktails.Les mer

    • Dag 2


      18. desember 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      This square is notorious for being one of the locations where the academics faithful to the Nazi party burnt 20,000 books from any author that was dismissive of their ideals and doctrine.
      There is an amazing sculpture under glass in the middle of the square which depicts a series of book shelves that are all painted white and that would have held 20k books.
      The shelves are empty and painted white to symbolize the fact that this knowledge will never be replaced and that it is lost forever...it is a very powerful image and our tour guide informed us that a dutch philosopher 100 years earlier said that first you burn books and then you burn people and in the case of the holocaust this became a prophecy.
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    • Dag 2

      Isola dei musei

      4. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Il nome "Isola dei musei" è dovuto al gran numero di musei di importanza internazionale che si trovano nell'area, tutti parte del gruppo dei Musei statali di Berlino, appartenenti alla Fondazione del patrimonio culturale prussiano (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz). Per l'immensa importanza culturale ed artistica, l'Isola dei musei è stata dichiarata dall'UNESCO patrimonio dell'umanità, nel 1999.Les mer

    • Dag 2


      4. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Chiamata, in origine, Opernplatz (Piazza dell'Opera), la piazza doveva essere il punto focale del Forum Fridericianum progettato da Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff. Il Forum doveva essere un'area con edifici in stile romano antico. Tale progetto fu realizzato però solo in parte. Qui il 10 maggio 1933 avvenne il rogo in cui i nazisti bruciarono circa 25.000 libri ritenuti "pericolosi". Questo evento, parte dei cosiddetti Bücherverbrennungen (in italiano, appunto, "roghi di libri"), è ricordato da un'opera di Micha Ullman, consistente in un pannello luminoso inserito sulla superficie della strada, che lascia intravedere una camera piena di scaffali vuoti. Accanto è posta una targa che riporta una citazione di Heinrich Heine:

      «Quando i libri vengono bruciati, alla fine verranno bruciate anche le persone»

      Nel 1947 cambiò nome e divenne Bebelplatz, dedicata al politico August Bebel. Sulla piazza si affacciano numerosi edifici storici della città: la Staatsoper Unter den Linden, l'Alte Bibliothek, la St-Hedwigs-Kathedrale; di fronte alla stessa, oltre il viale, si trovano la Statua equestre di Federico il Grande e la Humboldt Universität.

      Sulla Bebelplatz, da cui si vede il Ministero degli Esteri della Germania, si è tenuta per la seconda volta a Berlino la mostra degli United Buddy Bears 2006. La mostra consiste in oltre 140 sculture a forma di orso, ognuna alta 2 m e creata da un artista diverso. Queste statue colorate si tengono per mano l'una accanto all'altra, promuovendo così la tolleranza e la comprensione tra i popoli. Tutte insieme trasmettono un messaggio di convivenza pacifica tra tutte le culture e le religioni. La comunità ebraica di Berlino ha accolto con favore la mostra degli orsi in mezzo alla Bebelplatz.
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    • Dag 2

      Parks & Christmas Markets

      10. desember 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      We've had a successful first 24 hours in Berlin!

      We spent most of the day walking around Berlin and enjoying the slightly rainy but not too cold day. After a light breakfast in the lounge we walked through Tier Garten and to the Soviet war memorial. After such a busy morning we decided to treat ourselves to a snack: currywurst and Berlin lager. A perfect pick me up.

      Refueled from our snack we headed towards the Christmas market, stopping by the Brandenburg Gate and the somber Jewish memorial. Doing so we crossed from West Berlin into East Berlin, the wall marked with a line of stones along the road and pieces of the wall found throughout the city.

      The Christmas market was picture perfect. Full of cheery people even in the rain, cute stalls of holiday decorations and places to pop in for a drink. We grabbed a cocktail to wait out some heavier rain, I had to drag Igor away from the festive drinks and potato offerings.

      The rest of our time at the market included a hat purchase for Igor and some sheeps wool mittens for me! And of course more food: oysters, sardines, and champagne.

      We wrapped up our visit with a cup of Gluhwein and a cute take home mug 🤗
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    • Dag 5

      Berlin TV Tower (cont’d)

      21. desember 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      The tower allows people to observe the city of Berlin on a 360 degree basis and some of the photos depict the different angles of the city.
      Walking around Berlin really reminds me of how East Berlin would have looked under the GDR regime and some of the apartment blocks in a couple of the photos depict this.
      Interestingly, the city of Berlin has approximately 3.8 million citizens and yet gives the appearance of being vastly different in size to Melbourne.
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    • Dag 3

      GDR Museum and Christmas Market

      19. desember 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      On our way to another Christmas market we visited a memorial to commemorate the futility and sorrow of war as well as the GDR museum to get a glimpse of what life was like living in the GDR (German Democratic Republic). The irony behind the name is breathtaking as the GDR had no democratic processes in place in any part of their political or societal decision making.

      One of the amazing things for me is the Christmas spirit and the amount of gluhwein being drunk at these markets. There is also an amazing array of different traditional German food which adds to the atmosphere from sweet bakery treats to smoked salmon and large BBQ’s cooking bratwurst sausages, steaks and burgers.
      Some of the food combinations are amazing for example large bowls of spinach with a bratwurst sausage plonked on top and potatoes filled with all sorts of toppings as well as gluhwein that has different spirits added to it like Cointreau and Vodka. Perhaps the highlight for me in the food stakes was a crepe that was cooked in front of me and topped with cinnamon sugar and the folded into four...so good to eat. The potato fritters were also especially good. The German diet is very largely biased toward carbohydrates and a meat protein of some description.
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