Peiting, Markt

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    • Giorno 41

      41. Hallain - Peiting

      16 marzo, Germania ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Today we have decided to head back into Germany, so we can edge towards home just incase Maddy cannot manage anymore and we need to get home ASAP.

      Instead of sitting on a motorway for hours, we have decided to follow the Romantic Route up through Germany, followed by the Rhine Route afterwards taking us north. We had a fairly long drive today so we put some miles in and went via motorways and still was very scenic and nice seeing the Bavarian Alps from afar. We can do alot of these routes without even getting out so this suits us with Maddy since she is in the early stages of her vestibular attack and we don't want to leave her by herself at the moment .

      We found a nice park up which will do for the night before we head up the Romantic route tomorrow.

      Taking each day as it comes with Maddy, she still is eating and drinking and enjoying going out for short periods of time , so this can only be a bonus.
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    • Giorno 8

      8 - Castello di Linderhof e Eibsee

      19 agosto, Germania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Per oggi abbiamo già preso online i biglietti per la visita del Castello di Linderhof, ma il tempo non è dei migliori. Sul tragitto verso il castello ci fermiamo per una breve visita della cittadina di Oberammergau, davvero molto carina e piena di negozietti caratteristici. Arriviamo al castello dove, nonostante la pioggia, ci soffermiamo a fotografare la fontana e gli splendidi giardini che lo circondano. Gli interni sono uno spettacolo, ma come sempre non è possibile far foto e video. Proseguiamo la visita del parco attorno al castello. Purtroppo la Grotta di Venere, una delle attrazioni principali del castello, è chiusa per restauro.
      Riprendiamo l'auto per recarci sul lago di Eibsee, dove trascorriamo due ore immersi nella natura percorrendo una parte del sentiero che lo costeggia. L'intero percorso dura circa 2 ore, ma essendo arrivati verso le 16:00, abbiamo deciso di tornare indietro. Vale la pena trascorrere qui un'intera giornata.
      Posteggio molto caro.
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    • Giorno 6

      6 - Ramsau St. Sebastian e Hintersee

      17 agosto, Germania ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Lasciamo definitivamente l'Austria per spostarci in Germania. Ci fermiamo al supermercato per comprare l'occorrente per dei panini. Sul tragitto verso la nostra destinazione, Peiting, ci fermiamo a vedere la caratteristia cittadina di Ramsau Malerwinkle, nota per la sua graziosa chiesa sul torrente, divenuta famosa "grazie" alle tante foto sui social.
      La nostra seconda tappa è il laghetto di Hintersee, dove ci fermiamo per qualche ora.
      Una piccola nota dolente, a mio parere, sono i posteggi un po' cari in tutti questi luoghi. Il minimo è 6 euro. Se vuoi fermarti solo per una una o due d'ore diventa eccessivo.
      Pranziamo su una delle tante panchine vista lago e ci soffermiamo più volte lungo il sentiero che lo costeggia per scattare delle foto. La cosa che più mi ha colpito è la trasparenza dell'acqua!A metà del tragitto si trova un piccolo caffè dove si mangiano torte fatte in casa buonissime. Noi abbiamo preso quella di mele.
      Riprendiamo l'auto per recarci al Gasthof-lamprecht, un agriturismo dove avevamo soggiornato nel 2019 e che ci era rimasto nel cuore. È una volta lì ceniamo (cucinano benissimo!).
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    • Giorno 3


      6 febbraio, Germania ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Schwangauból Münchenbe menet találta Dani ezt a kis kávézót+éttermet+kocsmát, ahol végre belekóstolhattunk a bajor ízvilágba.
      És gyakorlatilag ezzel zártuk müncheni kiruccanásunk, hosszú és élményekkel teli nap után indultunk vissza a szállásra.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 20

      The Romantic Road Part 2

      22 ottobre 2023, Germania ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      This morning we were up at 6:30am to the sound of the barking dog in the background. I’d already been laying there for an hour listening to it trying to cover my ears up and ignore it before I gave in and got up.
      We had a couple of coffees and then put the bed stuff away and finally at 8am the dog was either let in, shut up if it’s own accord or shot.
      Either way it stopped barking and we could have breakfast in peace.
      It was a chilly start to the day of just 7°c outside and 11°c inside but the sun was coming up and we already had blue skies and a long day of driving ahead of us and at 9am we left our park up. I still wanted to leave Germany asap and had decided not to stop at any more towns on the Romantic Road but stick to the route as best we could. Ellie had mentioned a couple of days ago that we’d need to do more washing soon so my plan of attack was to stick to the romantic road down as far as Augsburg. There we would take an 18 mile diversion west along the autobahn to some services that had a laundrette.
      The road to Augsburg was pretty, with rolling hills and lots of green fields and we passed hundreds of motorhomes heading northbound and we were following 2 more southbound. For the off season this road is still hectic I wouldn’t want to do it in the summer.
      Leaving the Romantic Road at Augsburg we got straight onto the autobahn. I had always thought the autobahn was one major motorway in Germany because if you mention Germany to any driver they always say did you go on the autobahn.
      It turns out the autobahn is German for motorway so there’s lots and Germany doesn’t actually have any speed limits unless stated. Even on single track roads you can drive as fast as you like. Unless your a lorry and then your restricted to 40mph in single track highway and 60 mph on motorways and duel carriageways.
      Once on the autobahn I set the cruise control to 62mph and just sat in the right hand (slow) lane moving to the middle to pass Lorry’s if I needed. We quickly realised that the far left (fast) lane was mainly for BMW, Mercedes and Audi drivers who were in a mega hurry going to put a fire out. The speed of some of them was unbelievable. Occasionally we’d see a different make of car in the fast lane closely followed by a BMW almost pushing it out of the way. For a Sunday the roads were crazy busy.
      18 miles later we exited the autobahn at some crazy services were there was a huge truck stop, a McDonalds and a massive shell garage. I say crazy because there was hundreds of parking bays but to get to them we had to pay which we weren’t willing to do.
      At the back of the petrol station we found the self service laundrette, put in our dirty washing and then drove to a small piece of gravelled wasteland and parked up. Then we had Wanda toasties for lunch and after that we then put the washing in the dryer for 40 mins and located a tap and topped our fresh water up free of charge.
      With the washing done we set back off down the autobahn for the 18 mile journey back to Augsburg where we left, and then we rejoined the romantic road heading south towards Fussen.
      Fussen is the last stop on the romantic Road but unfortunately there are no free park ups so we wouldn’t be going there today, but in a small village on route called Peiting just before Fussen, I found a lovely little place that was free for 5 motorhomes next to a park that has walking and bike trails and that was our stop for the night.
      We arrived in Peiting just after 3pm and we’d had a productive day getting the washing done. There was nowhere else on the route I felt like I wanted to stop and Ellie said the same. All in all the romantic road is pretty uninspiring and well overhyped. So far we’ve been lucky and not paid for a single camp on route but if we had paid the going rate of €15 over the past 21 days we would be significantly poorer and free park ups were hard to find.
      We got the last Motorhome space in Peiting and parked inbetween 2 sliding door camper vans. It is a lovely spot with cows in a field behind us all with bells on, a footpath leading off into the distance and a gravel cycle path leading off in another direction.
      We set Wanda up, flicked the switch over to the leisure battery, put the fridge on gas and then put the kettle on. While Ellie made tea and coffee I checked my app for a decent biking route and I found one.
      I quickly drank my coffee, got changed and then took my bike off the back. Once the GPS was loaded with the route I set off. This was my first ride since Abdullah in the bike shop had repaired my gears and straight away I noticed the difference. I would even say they are the best they have ever been, just a tap on the lever and the gear change is as smooth as a hot knife through butter.
      I had a lovely ride, all of it on cyclepaths running around a huge reservoir, mainly on gravel tracks and sometimes running in and out of woods and passing small picturesque villages. I had 3 big climbs on route one taking me up a 14% gradient and I even had a race with 2 mountain bikers. They never stood a chance even with my cracked ribs, and I left them struggling to match my speed as I pulled away up an 8% gradient which lasted 800 meters and I never saw them again.
      The ride was predicted to take me 2.5 hours and I did it in 1.5 and except for the odd twinge when I was heavy breathing I felt pretty good.
      I arrived back at Wanda just after 5pm, put my bike back on the back, covered it up and went in beaming. I’d finally had one decent ride in Germany.
      Ellie was making dinner of some meatball and chopped tomato concoction that even she didn’t know what it was and once I got changed and then we sat down and had dinner. It was weird.
      Once dinner and the washing up was done we both got our pyjamas on and then we settled in for night ready for our last day in Germany tomorrow.
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    • Giorno 6

      A Real Cinderella Castle

      20 settembre 2017, Germania ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Today we left Munich bright and early for the Avis car rental depot. All went smoothly; however we were a little surprised to receive an Audi Q3 SUV instead of a Mercedes sedan. We left Munich during rush hour to head to Hohenschwangau. At the start, we had to learn the different road signs and try to decipher the speed limit.

      If you know me, it might be concerning that I am the main navigator while Tyler is driving on a road without a speed limit. We did pretty well. I only missed one exit which cost us about 5 minutes on the way. Unfortunately it was a rainy day but still a beautiful drive. We had a quick bratwurst and a wander through the town of Hohenschwangau before starting the 40 minute trek up the mountain to Neuschwanstein. The castle really is stunning ... we took lots of moments to pause and look at it even though it was between a drizzle and a solid rain the whole time.

      Guided tours are the only way to see the inside of the castle. The tour was very interesting. I did not know that Neuschwanstein was never actually used because it was the brain child of King Ludwig II and he died before it was completed. It was built in the mid-1800s as an homage to old German castles of the medieval ages. The interior of the castle consists of facades that represent different operas that he was into. There were also lots of swan decorations and some amazing carved wood details. After the tour, we walked a bit further to the main viewing point on Marienbruke. Again very stunning even though we were a bit soaked. The walk back down to the town was definitely a bit easier than the way up!

      Now I'm writing this as we finish up our drive to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Most apropos song we have listened to on the drive is Ed Sheeran's Castle On The Hill. We ended up taking a bit of a longer route through a few towns on the hillside which was gorgeous.

      I know Tyler will want to recount his feelings on the autobahn once he has finished driving but that's all for now. Ciao!

      Brooke & Tyler
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    • Giorno 309

      Welcome Home

      12 dicembre 2022, Germania ⋅ ☀️ -4 °C

      Nach einem entspannten 4h - Flug kommen wir dann auch etwas nervös am Flughafen in München an und werden von unseren Familien und besten Freunden am Flughafen abgeholt und anschließend von einem riesigen selbst gemachten Begrüssungsschild und einem Baumstamm mit unseren besuchten Reisezielen an der Einfahrt zu Manus Haus überrascht. 🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️❤️

      Wir sind ganz schön überwältigt und so dankbar und verbringen nun die Zeit erstmal mit den Liebsten, leckerem deutschen Essen und kommen langsam wieder an.

      Damit endet hiermit auch der Reisebericht und wir hoffen, es hat euch Spaß gemacht, uns auf diesem Abenteuer zu begleiten.

      Bis zum nächsten Mal 😉,
      Maria und Manu
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    • Giorno 18

      Märchenwald Schongau

      21 agosto, Germania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Auf unserem letzten Reisetag machen wir noch Halt im Schongauger Märchenwald. Willi tobt sich auf Spielplätzen und Fahrgeschäften aus, wir füttern Ziegen, Schafe und sehen uns die Märchenhäuser an.

      Ein toller letzter Urlaubstag. Am späten Abend sind wir wieder zu Hause ankommen.
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    • Giorno 3–4

      Irgendwo am Lech

      2 settembre, Germania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      In der Nacht gab es erst viel beeindruckendes Wetterleuchten, später Gewitter und am Morgen Regen. Wir frühstücken gemütlich im Wohnmobil und machen dann einen Spaziergang rund um die Nördlinger Altstadt auf der einzigen (!) vollständig erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Stadtmauer Deutschlands. Netterweise ist diese fast vollständig überdacht.

      Danach eher gemütlich über Land weiter Richtung Süden. Unterwegs kaufen wir ein, und unternehmen zwei kurze Wanderungen am Lech (Teufelsküche und Lechstaustufe). Übernachtet wird auch direkt am Lech beim Wasserkraftwerk in Kinsau.
      Gemütliche Brotzeit im Wohnmobil, spät abends wieder Gewitter.
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