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    • Day 7

      Regensburg, Germany

      May 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Found our way to Regensburg, Germany. The town has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, featuring a massive stone bridge built in the 12th century, an awe-inspiring gothic cathedral, and beautiful medieval architecture.Read more

    • Day 13


      September 10, 2019 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 55 °F

      Nobody wants to hear this, but I nearly had a very bad crash today. Literally one mile from the city, my handlebar bolts loosened and I spent a terrifying five seconds or so imagining how terribly this was going to hurt and how hopefully I didn't die, but surviving a crash like this seemed pretty inconvenient, too, and there was just no good way out, and I hoped no one would be put off from cycling forever because of this, etc.

      Luckily, I lost a lot of momentum at the bottom and was able to brake enough to coast to a stop without falling. One of the bolts was stripped, but I tightened the rest enough to get me to my hostel. It should be an easy replacement.

      It was a very stressful end to a rough several days.

      I decided to take a day off to re-evaluate my trip (my initial 80-miles-a-day plan was a bit ambitious given the weather and the climbing....have I mentioned the climbing?), work on my bike, hydrate, figure out the rest of my route, do some laundry, catch up on these posts so no one worries I've crashed my bike (only almost), clear my head, you know, "rest." I wasn't scheduled to do all of this until Friday, but I think it's time.

      Anyway, Regensburg was one of the cities I was most looking forward to visiting, so I am not disappointed to have to spend a little extra time here.
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2. Regensburg

      August 8, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Tja, weit haben wir es heute nicht gebracht, aber wie sagt Steph so schön, der Weg ist das Ziel.
      Nach einem sehr leckeren, aber mit einer Wespenplage durchzogenen Frühstück fuhren wir in Richtung Regensburg, wo mir Steph noch Walhalla zeigen möchte. Dort angekommen bin ich total fasziniert von dem Gebäude und das Ludwig der I. denen zu Ehre es gebaut hat die sich um das deutsche Vaterland verdient gemacht haben.
      Danach sind wir durch Regensburg gelaufen, haben den Dom angesehen, die besten „Nürnberger“ Bratwürste mit Sauerkraut und einem Hammer-Senf der einen leichten Zimtgeschmack hatte gegessen, direkt nennen der steinernen Brücke, die rüber zu einer Donauhalbinsel führt, auf der auch unser Hotel für die Nacht liegt.
      Mal schauen wohin es uns morgen verschlägt. 🤩😉😍
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    • Day 11

      Zwischenhalt Regensburg

      June 6, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Viele Gebäude der Altstadt sind gut erhalten geblieben. Es ist sehr verwinkelt und ohne Maps könnte man sich leicht verlaufen. Der Herrin unserer Reisegruppe gefiel Ingolstadt jedoch besser. Wieso, konnte nicht geklärt werden.Read more

    • Day 15

      Regensburg Germany

      August 22, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Sorry to say, but it's been another beautiful day along the Danube River. Today's adventures started with a walking tour through the city and visit the beautiful St. Peter's church. Lunch then our tour and tasting of Bavarian beers, pretzels and sausages! On our Microbreweries tour we stopped at 2 locations for beer and food pairing; excellent!! Found ourselves with an hour before we were to meet our transfer, so after a little more shopping and walking, we ended up at a beer garden near an ice cream shop. Great way to cool down. Weather has been so good, cool in the morning and sunny, not too warm in the afternoon. As we explored Regensburg, the ship moved up river towards our final port in Nuremberg.Read more

    • Day 3

      Regensburg(St Peter’s)Cathedral

      September 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      Built in 1520 of limestone and concrete the cathedral has been surrounded by scaffolding for many years to restore (and protect passersby) the deteriorating building. Only once has the scaffolding been totally removed, in 2006 when Pope Benedict XVI came to visit.Read more

    • Day 52

      Rain & Regensberg, Lederhosen & Lace

      May 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The rain looked to have abated as we packed up in our lovely Bratislava Airbnb, but as we headed downstairs, we found it starting up again.
      A quick check on Bolt/Uber suggested a car was only 4 mins away, so we gave in and booked it.
      Naturally, at that point, all nearby drivers decide to shun our advances and we found one 6km away, crawling towards us. Sod that: we cancelled and set off in the drizzle ☔️

      Arrived at the station rather bedraggled, but our train was on time, so we loitered, dripping, in the main hall until the platform popped up on the board.

      We had a short yet smooth change in Vienna, & found our booked seats right at the front of the train…but naturally the drivers cabin is opaque, so views were no better than normal 🤷‍♂️
      We dozed, read and snacked, & I watched a Jason Stathern film titled “Bank Job”, which went as predictably as you would expect.

      Luckily, the clouds disappeared, and we arrived in Regensburg in faint sunshine.

      Here we had a super clean Holiday Inn Express, with the bonus of free breakfast: always helps with the budget 🤣

      After discovering BBC World was the only English TV choice, wittering endlessly on about Harry and Meghan’s fake near miss “Diana-drive” through NYC, we set out to explore.

      Regensburg is a surprising delight!

      Christine had found it just looking for somewhere en route to Nuremberg, but what a fabulous find 😎
      Our fourth spot of the Danube, after Budapest, Ruse and Vienna….very fast moving around the bridge, with a couple of paddlers enjoying it.

      Inhabited since the Stone Age, it became a northern settlement for Romans. For over 700 years it was the capital of Bavaria.
      The stone bridge in town we were to cross later dates back 900 years.
      We found notes about the Diet of Regensburg: not a health or even starving thing, but from 1663 to 1806, the city was the permanent seat of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire.

      In short; the City was Important.
      And wealthy: a German noble family with the Prince of Thurn and Taxis resided there (still does!), and made money from postal services from the 1500s, expanding to breweries and building many castles too.

      Because of that, the place is slightly unique: the impressive houses were built of brick and stone, and therefore never had major fires, like so many of their era. WWII also failed to touch the older buildings.
      As a result, the “old town” is incredibly grand, and very original. It feels exceedingly “well to do”, and is a delight to wander through.

      On our way from the hotel, we soon noticed a young man in leather shorts…..felt a little odd, but this is Baveria.
      After a short time, we realised we were the odd looking ones: many men of all generations wore them, and one or two females too. Several classy looking stores sold them, along with very fancy “Alice in Wonderland” dresses with lacy aprons.
      Over the evening, we found that many locals dressed up that way, which was really nice to see.

      We crossed the Stone Bridge and sought sustenance, finding the lively Musikkneipe Klappe - literally “music bar shut up”.
      The staff were very friendly, the beer rather nice, and we enjoyed the house special curry wurst and a plate of house spetzl: delicious!

      The walk back took us past the Goliath House, a huge building dating from around 1260, with a vast 1573 painting.
      We then went past St Peter’s Cathedral, where robed clergyman were clearly heading for an event.

      Regensburg: quite a revelation, & we looked forward to seeing more of it 👍
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    • Day 68

      Tag 66: Von Amberg nach Regensburg

      June 14, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Es soll wohl so sein, dass meine Reise langsam zu Ende geht. Die heutigen Signale kann ich gar nicht anders deuten. Frohgemut starte ich in Tag, es ist wunderbar warm und mein Weg führt mich weiterhin an der so schön verlaufenden Vils entlang.
      Aber was ist mit den Radlern los? Kein freundliches servus, grüß dich oder hallo, man scheint hier zu mögen, sprachlos und ein bisschen grimmig dahin zu radeln. Ist so ganz anders, als ich es bisher erlebt habe.
      Die Menschen, denen ich begegne? Freundlich, aber soooo distanziert. Bloß nicht stören, bloß nicht neugierig sein. Oder wie soll ich es deuten, dass mir ein älteres Pärchen aus der Gegend begeistert erzählt, wie schön es hier ist,was sie alles mit ihrem Radl unternehmen, dass sie Bayern noch nie verlassen hätten....und nicht einmal fragen, was ich hier so mache. Mia san mia, mehr fällt mir dazu nicht ein.
      Oder die junge Frau mit ihren Kindern und dem Opa, die am Flussufer spielen. Ein Foto machen? Gerne. Aber dann ist man wieder unter sich. Als dann ein Kanuke anhält und nach nem Foto fragt... Plötzlich ganz anders. Ob's am gleichen Dialekt liegt? Keine Ahnung. Es wird geratscht, gelacht und gute Fahrt gewünscht. Ich fühl mich unerwünscht und mach mich wieder auf den Weg.
      Aber was ist das? Mein Ersatzhandy spinnt total, die Apps und auch die Aufladung funktionieren nicht mehr. Neustart! Nix, die Wunderwaffe für alle Probleme versagt.
      Also so schnell wie möglich nach Regensburg zum Hotel, so lange die Navigation noch funktioniert.
      Geschafft. Und schnell n neues Handy gekauft, so n billiges. Das ist aber schon defekt, also zurück und n besseres besorgt. Schnell, so lang es noch geht, die Daten übertragen und die Bilder bei Penguin hochgeladen, man weiß ja nie...
      Dann endlich duschen und Essen gehen..., das wäre schön gewesen. Die warme Küche ist schon zu, aber n kaltes Würstel können Sie noch haben....
      Ich sag ja, die Reise geht dem Ende zu....
      Dabei ist's hier sooooo schön.
      Schon kurz hinter Amberg geht's auf die ehemalige Trasse der Vilstalbahn. Sie ist so ganz anders, als ich solche Strecken sonst so kenne. Keine hohen Böschungen rechts und links, die jegliche Sicht verhindern. Nein, ganz im Gegenteil. Herrliche Ausblicke auf den Fluss und die angrenzenden Berge. Ein kurzer Stopp...ich muss mal...und steh so plötzlich vor der Steinbergwand. Durch Zufall wurden hier erst vor wenigen Jahren ehemalige Höhlen und Gerätschaften von Urzeitmenschen gefunden. Mitten im Wald...
      Ein Stückchen weiter ein herrliches Mohnfeld im fast reifen Getreide, die ersten Äpfelchen in den Bäumen, der Sommer ist da! So erreiche ich Kallmünz, ein romantisches Örtchen, eng an oder sogar in die Felsen gebaut. Viele Künstler haben sich hier niedergelassen. Und mit Kallmünz verlasse ich die Vils, die hier in die Naab mündet.
      Wunderschön, immer am Fluss entlang erreiche ich dann endlich Regensburg. Die letzten Kilometer kann ich allerdings nur bedingt genießen, mein Handy macht mir echt Stress. Nur am Europakanal muss ich noch mal anhalten. Das Schleusen eines Schiffes, immer wieder ein Erlebnis!
      Und heute nacht? Ich schlaf im indischen Zimmer vom "Dicken Mann".
      Was soll ich sagen, das WLAN funktioniert nicht...
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    • Day 14

      Regensburg and BMW Factory Tour

      September 28, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today was our first morning on the boat. It's kind of easy to forget that we're on a boat really. It was a bit of a sleep in for us since we were in motion and not able to get out and starting running around a town even if we wanted to. The breakfast buffet was quite extensive and Tyler is still grappling with the tendency to overeat now that there's so much included food at hand. After breakfast there was a presentation by the cruise director Ibi. She explained day by day the activity options. A few of us got dozy, but that's ok as we had already read the information packages and made a lot of our selections.

      We were still cruising in the morning so we had more spare time throughout the morning. Before we knew it, it was time to eat again. Again lunch had tonnes of options; the popular choice at our table was fish with rice. It was very tasty.

      The boat was a little late arriving to the dock at Regensburg but we were all ready to disembark to carry on to the afternoon activities. Rae and Celeste decided to spend the afternoon in the town of Regensburg but the rest of us opted for the BMW Factory Tour. We got an extra brief city tour (extra short since we started late) and then it was on to the bus to drive to the factory. Just seemed like an opportunity not to miss and we were so right!

      We met our tour guide Stephanie who walked us through the various areas of the factory. After a short informational video we started the tour. Absolutely no photos allowed on the tour which in a way was good as we could just really take it all in. We started in the body shop seeing the "robot garden" where the robots would weld together about 5000 individual parts on the body of each car. Then these frames move on to what she called the "petting zoo" (no shortage of interesting names to describe what they're doing). The petting zoo is where the staff use some type of gloves to feel the surface and make sure there are no defects in the body of the car. There were lots of interesting things that we learned and watching the numerous robots working away was mesmerizing. The next stop was the paint shop. We learned about the 5 layers of paint that they use and the different colours of the filler layer. Again we watched the robots, this time spraying paint on the body of the cars. This was termed the "robot ballet." There was another short video (the seats were BMW car seats... comfy). Next we walked past a huge building that stores the painted car bodies until it's time for assembly. Again super interesting to see the complexity of the system to build the cars.

      The last and most impressive stop was the assembly building. We saw the BMW associates installing the tires, doors and parts of the interior. This was where the most human work seemed to be needed. It is amazing that they have everything lined up properly so that the correct door comes down right on time with the matching car. We were warned in advance not to take the BMW decals from the assembly line. Of course we wouldn't have anyway, but I was amazed to see that we walked right past an open case of them! The tour was result very impressive and I'm sure we only got to see a small portion of it! There was a quick stop for the gift shop and then back on the bus to get back on the boat.

      Immediately when we returned to the boat, there was a lecture about the construction and technology of the canals. Very interesting and I didn't know anything much about it before.

      We got dressed for dinner (Tyler decided on lederhosen because he stained his good pants with gravy on his birthday, but I took the opportunity to wear the nicer clothes I brought.) Tonight was the captain's reception and welcome dinner. We were introduced to the leaders of the different groups of the staff. Dinner was a multi course meal. The main course was steak and was very tender and cooked properly. It was a relaxed and enjoyable meal. After dinner, we retired to the Captain's Club, a room where they have board games and lounging space. Much quieter than the bar lounge. Rae and Brett journaled, Tyler played Metroid, and I worked on this post. Another great day!!!

      Brooke & Tyler
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    • Day 2


      July 21, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Nous avons roulé jusqu'à Regensburger ,à l'est de la Bavière ,jolie ville où il fait bon déambuler dans les ruelles.
      Au programme de ce soir concerts de Jazz dans toute la ville. Diner dans un biergarten, avec bien sûr saucisses, choucroute et bière.Read more

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