Sankt Goarshausen, Loreleystadt

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    • Dag 7

      The Loreley

      28. juni 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Famous point of the Rijn

      Loreley Info (http://www.loreley-info.com/index.php)

      On this site you can find all information you need to spend an active and recreational holiday in the valley of the Loreley ( Lorelei ), the Upper Middle Rhine Valley World Heritage.

      Loreley ( Lorelei )

      The Loreley ( Lorelei ) is a 433 feet high slate cliff in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley World Heritage near the town of St. Goarshausen. The view of St. Goarshausen, from the Loreley ( Lorelei ) outlook point, with Castle Katz and the view of the town St. Goar and its Fortress Rheinfels, leaves a wonderful impression on all Loreley ( Lorelei ) tourists.

      The Rhine, at the Loreley ( Lorelei ), is up to 82 feet deep and only 371 feet wide. Because this area is so deep and narrow, it is one of the most dangerous places in the World Heritage Upper Middle Rhine Valley. Ships, crossing each other here and all along the section between Oberwesel and St. Goarshausen, are directed by light signals, called “Wahrschau”.

      History of the Loreley ( Lorelei )

      First traces of human settlement have been apparent from the time the Loreley ( Lorelei ) Plateau was level with the Rhine (600.000 years ago). During the Middle Ages the Loreley ( Lorelei ) was well known, along with the Binger Loch, as the most dangerous section of the Rhine. Many mariners in their wooden dinghies came to tragedy here. In St. Goar, directly opposite the Loreley ( Lorelei ), the Saint Goar settled to save shipwrecked mariners and nurse them back to health.

      Variation of the Loreley ( Lorelei ) Myth

      The name Loreley ( Lorelei ) appears in a romantic ballad written by the poet Clemens Brentano in 1801. In this ballad, Loreley ( Lorelei ) is a beauty from Bacharach who wants to take her own life because her truelove is unfaithful. The bishop, fascinated by her loveliness and humility, takes her to a convent. En route to the convent, she stops at the cliff to look back on the palace of her truelove. When she sees him riding away, she throws herself in despair into the turbulent waters below.
      In the Rhine fairytale of 1810, Brentano varied the theme so that Loreley ( Lorelei ) appears as the distraught woman Lurley, sitting on a rock combing her long golden hair and luring the bargees into their destruction.
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    • Dag 8

      The Legend of Lorelei

      17. juni 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The rock and the murmur it creates have inspired various tales.

      The most common legend is Lorelei which told of a beautiful girl whose seductive song lures mariners to their doom on the rocks at the foot of the cliff.

      The story legend goes Lorelei is betrayed by her sweetheart and accused of bewitching men and causing their death. Rather than sentence her to death, the bishop consigns her to a nunnery. On the way there accompanied by three knights, she comes to the Lorelei rock. She asks permission to climb it and view the Rhine once again. She does so and thinking that she sees her love in the Rhine, falls to her death. The rock still retained an echo of her name afterwards.
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    • Der Weg nach Sankt Goarshausen

      9. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Meine Laune war ziemlich übel. Die ganze Zeit laufen, bis zu den Knien nass und nichts war zu sehen. Ich spulte die Strecke - von ein paar lichte. Momenten angesehen - einfach ab, auch wenn langsam die Sonne aufkam und die Aussichten immer schöner wurden.
      Ich wollte nur so schnell wie möglich in eine Pension, um wieder trocken zu werden.
      In Sankt Goarshausen angekommen, entschied in mich aber nochmal um und wechselte die Rheinseite.
      Jetzt bin ich auf einem Campingplatz in Sankt Goar mit Blick auf die Loreley
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    • Dag 14

      Tag 9 - Katz und Maus mit der Loreley

      12. august 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Der heutige Tag startete etwas später, da es erst um 8 Uhr Frühstück gab. Sie zwei Kaffee waren nach dem Anstieg zum Rheinsteig wieder ausgeschwitzt. Danach ging es dann - noch weiter hoch. Als ich dann in Oberkestert bei Uschis Wanderstation vorbei kam, war schon das erste Radler fällig - natürlich ohne Umdrehungen 🙂
      Danach ging es weiter südwärts Richtung Burg Maus. Davor in Wellmich sah es auf der Karte sehr serpentinig aus, aber diese Wegschleifen waren so großzügig angelegt, dass sie sich sehr gut laufen ließen. Im Bereich um die in Privatbesitz befindlichen Burg war ziemlich viel Elektrozaun aufgebaut , der den Wanderer stellenweise zwischen sich und Felsen einzwängte. Ob der als Schutz vor ungebetenen Gästen oder als Absturzsicherung gedacht war, war nicht ersichtlich.
      Ein paar km weiter an der SchauinsLand-Schaukel traf ich dann noch einen Fernwanderer, der Richtung Süden unterwegs war. Mit Quatscherei über Ausrüstung und Touren haben wir wohl über 'ne Stunde da gesessen. Schließlich sind wir noch zusammen ein Stück gelaufen und haben noch den Rabenack Klettersteig mitgenommen, den ich gar nicht auf dem Schirm hatte. In St. Goarshausen verabschiedeten wir uns, weil er auf dem Camping blieb und ich noch eine halbe Etappe laufen wollte . So ging es dann noch den Berg hinter St. Goarshausen hinauf an Burg Katz vorbei Richtung Loreley. Dort war ich erst noch was geplättet, aber ich hatte Glück, dass ich kurz vor Feierabend im Bistro noch einen Flammkuchen bekam und auch meine Wasservorräte auffüllen konnte. Am Aussichtspunkt war auch entsprechend wenig los, so dass ich mich in Ruhe umschauen konnte.
      Danach bin ich dann noch ein paar km gelaufen bis zu meinem Schlafplatz. Nachdem ich mich in mein Bugbivy gelegt hatte und noch etwas Sternschnuppen gucken wollte, wurde es auf einmal wieder heller - der fast volle Mond ging auf und Sternschnuppen waren nicht mehr zu sehen.
      Da ich aber reichlich müde war, konnte ich trotzdem ganz gut schlafen.
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    • Dag 8

      Sankt Goar

      4. august 2021, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nach den gestrigen 90km pedale ich gemütlich in den Tag.
      Irgendwo, weit da draussen, treffe ich auf Eva & Hansueli - richtig! gemütliche Schweizer 😊🇨🇭- sie helfen mir mit weniger Tempo auch vorwärts zu kommen. Auch ein kurzer Regenguss kann uns nicht wirklich aufhalten… 🌧🚴🏻‍♂️.
      Kurz vor Bingen sprechen wir unsere Wege und Kaffeepausenplatz ab - und da sehe ich Toms Mitteilung „wir sind in Bingen“ - nach Toms Standort-Freigabe - aufsitzen und los - der gemeinsame Kaffee zu fünft ist uns sicher … 🤩
      Es freut mich riesig Antje & Tom hier wieder zu treffen … 😃😆😎
      Eva & Tom ziehen bald weiter und ich bleibe noch weiter … 🙃
      Auf dem weiteren Weg nach Sankt Goar sehe ich unzählige historische Gebäude, Burgen und Verbauungen - fotografieren meist schwierig, Gegenlicht, parallel verlaufende Eisenbahn, Strasse und Gebüsche versperren die Sicht, auf der anderen Seite des Rheins sind die Sujets zu weit weg für mein Smartphone … 😏
      Eva & Hansueli treffe ich immer wieder an den verschiedenen Fotohalten … 📷
      So verbringe ich einen wunderschönen Tag mit herzlichen Begegnungen und vielen tollen Einblicke.
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    • Dag 50

      Sankt Goar, Germany

      18. oktober 2008, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We take a Rhine tour downstream to Sankt Goar, past the Lorelei Rock. There is lots of folklore about this bend in the river. To look at it you wouldn't know it, but apparently this bend in the river accounted for many shipwrecks and deaths.

      The river is busy with traffic. It really is a super highway for goods. Many of the barges are homes to the captain's family and you can see their cars on deck.

      We get back mid-afternoon and stroll downtown Bacharach. This old town looks a lot like Rothenburg!
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    • Dag 19

      Sankt Goar

      16. september 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      A few last pictures of the Rhine Gorge, and then Sankt Goar.

      From the boat: the Lorelei, a narrow passage around a bend where boats would often wreck. This led to stories of sketchy lady fae luring sailors to their deaths. If we come back, maybe we'll hike it.

      As for Sankt Goar, there was a settlement here when the Romans arrived. People remained after they withdrew. The town got its name after a monk named Goar settled there to minister to the locals and the transient boatmen along the Rhine. After his death, his grave became a site of pilgrimage.

      The town passed through the same power struggles many of these towns did. At one point, it was the focal point of a family struggle between brothers who inherited different parts of the Landgravate of Hesse. One besieged the other, with the help of the Holy Roman Emperor, leading to the sack of the town by Spanish troops. In the late 1700s it was over run by French Jacobins, and then Napoleonic forces. It finally went to Prussia in 1815. Yes, the Hohenzollerns again.

      Our objective was Rheinfels Castle, mostly ruin, part hotel. We walked around the town a bit and ate some lunch first. I have to say, besides the really bad döner in Mittenwald, this was the worst food we had. Wine was good though.

      We'd be coming back to Sankt Goar for the Rhine in Flames festival tomorrow night, though it's apparently going to be much reduced from what it used to be.
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    • Dag 20

      The Rhine in Flames

      17. september 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      We lucked out with our timing here. The Rhine in Flames festival just happened to be taking place in Sankt Goar, a few towns down the train line, when we planned to be in the area. Rhine in Flames takes place over the course of the spring-autumn in four different locations along the Rhine. The main draw is the fireworks and boat parade, but there's also food, live music, and et cetera.

      Herr Hai picked the fireworks pictures, except the last one. I decided on that. Back to my earlier Patton reference, that one looked like someone taking a pot shot at the castle on the hill.

      It was a bit smaller than I anticipated in terms of vendors, food, wine sellers (we are in a wine region, after all), but some of this might be due to just coming back after Covid. It was a good time despite being small, and then the rain. And it rained. Hard.

      We got back from our hike, and I was cold and tired, so we took a nap. It turned out to be a much longer nap than I planned, and Herr Hai didn't wake me up. So we didn't go back to Sankt Goar and wander around or do anything else I had planned after lunch.

      By the we got off the train, drizzling. By the time we got to the river, pouring. We ran into another American couple and talked for a while. They were retired army (her, officer, formerly stationed in Germany) who ran a small winery wherever they came from, and had come mainly for the wine. They were headed off the next day for Oktoberfest.

      We went to get some food, and found the band. Yay. German traditional music. See short clip below, the entire four minutes on you tube whenever i get it up there. We walked around some more, but because we were late getting out, which turned out to be a good thing, we didn't have to wait for long for the festivities to begin.

      There were boats out on the Rhine, some private, some belonging to the various companies that ferry tourists up and down to look at the castles. There were the ferries used as public transit (the only way to cross the Rhine between Koblenz and maybe as far down as Mainz, as there are no bridges, unless you want to do a Patton and build one yourself). Everything was decorated, and at some point they started sailing around. Looked nice.

      Then came the fireworks. They were long. Loud. The blasts reverberated off the stone hills. Well done, too. No gimmicky projections or music, just pure light and noise. Okay, some Wagner might have been in order, Mahler, I don't know, something brash and German. Great job all around. It started really pouring at the end, and with a lot of other people, we booked it back to the train.

      End of festival. Good thing too because again, I was totally wiped out. I'm like in the "Berenstain Bears: Too Much Vacation".
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    • Dag 24

      Katz, Rheinfels and Maus Castles

      6. november 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Katz Castle [km 555] haas been on the Rhine since the 14th century.
      Rheinfels Castle [km 556] sits high above the Rhine, the ruins of a mighty 13th century fortress.
      Maus Castle [km 558] sits near Katz Castle.Læs mere

    • Dag 28

      Sankt Goar, Germany

      28. maj 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      It was unfortunate not to spend a bit more time in Munich, but the Rhine Valley did not disappoint! The Rhine Valley is a well known region set along the Rhine River comprising numerous medieval castles, wineries and villages. When we arrived in Sankt Goar we visited the cuckoo clock shop which includes the largest free hanging cuckoo clock in the world! Next we took a cruise along the picturesque River Rhine which is lined with castles and hillside vineyards.Læs mere

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