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    • Päivä 7

      Núremberg, segundo destino

      1. elokuuta 2022, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Hoy visitamos un castillo, nos subimos a un tren que nos llevó a recorrer un poco la ciudad y estuvimos en un parque pasando la tarde! Mañana vamos a visitar el museo del juguete y nos vamos para Munich, besos para todos!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 78

      Nazi Rally Grounds

      20. marraskuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      It is difficult to get your head around the size of the site and how big the Nazi party had wanted to make this place... 16km². Walking between the sites that remain, the Zeppelin Field was by far the most imposing.

      Standing there where Hilter stood... a very strange feeling.
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    • Päivä 6

      Rally Grounds

      26. helmikuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      More snow and bitterly cold wind this morning, so we rugged up and caught the train to the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds, aka Zeppelin Field (named after the landing of one of Count Zeppelin's airships there in 1909).

      From 1933 the area was used by the Nazis Party for their annual party rally, with up to 200,000 attendees. During World War II it remained largely intact. On April 22 1945, the US Army held its victory parade at the main grandstand, and after the ceremony the swastika atop the building was blown up. In 1967 the pillar galleries were demolished because they were unsafe. The shortened grandstand remains, with the area still used for an annual motor racing event and cultural events.

      Across the lake from Zeppelin Field is Congress Hall. This huge building was to provide undercover seating for 50,000 people, and would have been almost twice the size of the Colosseum in Rome. The outside looks complete, but the interior is an unfinished shell, 39m in height. Construction work was abandoned in World War II and it remains unfinished today.

      We walked back to the city via a number of caches and had dinner at a local restaurant.
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    • Päivä 5

      Day 4 Nuremberg, Germany

      11. joulukuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      What an amazing day! We left Frankfurt at 8am and travelled by autobahn for two hours to reach Rothenburg, a medieval walled town. It was truly beautiful and the Christmas decorations outside many of the houses added to it. There were lots of little shops and a particularly stunning Christmas shop with room after room of quality Christmas things. Added to the atmosphere was the Christmas market. The weather was lovely and mild - about 12 degrees with the sun shining. The only disappointment was that we needed more time to explore, and an hour and a half later we were back on the bus, heading for Nuremberg, about two hours away. On arrival there we went on a guided walking tour of the old town, ( actually reconstructed after the Second World War) and the castle. The view down was over the city and really beautiful. The streets were typical of German architecture. The day ended with time to be spent in the beautiful Christmas market there. It too was set in front of a church in a square and many of the surrounding trees were covered in lights, making it all very beautiful. The only downside was that it started to rain and we really were pleased to be back on the bus and heading for our hotel and dinner. We loved our day but ready for an early night.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 25

      Nuremberg and WWII

      6. elokuuta 2022, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We had a guest for breakfast today. A little cafe along the castle walls served a lovely coffee and croissant, but we were joined by a very cheeky and unafraid little bird who was taking the crumbs and feeding their young.

      From breakfast we walked to the Palace of Justice. Still a working courtroom, we went to see the place where the Nuremberg Trials took place in 1945/6. It was eerie to stand in Court Room 600 on the 2nd floor, where Nazis including Rudolf Heß, Hermann Göring and Albert Speer stood trial for crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The superb exhibition on the 3rd floor showed how the Court was created, how the trial progressed and its outcome, as well as the other Nuremberg Trials and the subsequent impact on the world to the modern day. We spent nearly 3 hours there listening to the audioguide including excepts from Nazi documents presented as evidence and footage from the trial itself.

      From there, we caught a train to the Documentation Centre Nazi Party Rally Grounds. This huge site held Nazi Party rallies including some of the most famous footage in the 'Triumph of the Will'. The temporary exhibition in the Congress Hall here was equally excellent, showing the impact of propaganda in the Nazi regime. This hall was built to hold 50,000 people as a congress hall for the Nazi Party - it was never finished, but what was built is huge and leaves you in no doubt about the intention.

      We walked from here around the lake to Zeppelin Field. Here, some of the most famous footage from Nazi Party rallies was taken. The large grandstand remains today, although the swastika was blown off the top of it after the war. Standing on the grandstand and looking out over the vast space where ranks of soldiers stood under the eyes of Hitler and other senior Nazis, the emotions it creates are pretty heady and unpleasant. It is so important to remember these events, but so horrifying to do so as well.

      Finishing off around the lake, we headed back to Nuremberg centre, and after a wander through the streets, retired to the hotel after a long, fascinating and painful day.
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    • Päivä 54

      Nazi Party Rally Grounds, Nuremberg

      19. lokakuuta 2017, Saksa ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We spent a couple of hours walking around what remains of the Nazi Party Rally Grounds. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go through the museum which is housed in the unfinished Congress Hall. That building looks like a modern day Colosseum from the outside.

      The structures would have been magnificent in scale. The cost of upkeep though has been too much and in 1979 the main columns of the iconic front section of the Zepelin Field building were destroyed by the government as they had become unsafe.

      These days, the venue is used for concerts and car races, and the annual VolksFest. There are also a number of sporting stadiums. The walk around the lake was great. We came across a flock of wild geese who were not at all disturbed by humans wandering past.
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    • Päivä 8

      Zeppelinfield, Nürnberg

      20. elokuuta 2021, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      This is the site most of us saw in the documentaries about the huge Nazi rallies with thousands of marchers carrying flags and torches with Hitler making his speeches. The size of the place is mind boggling, and these picture capture only a small portion of the site. The map in the 1st picture shows the entire site. The Zeppelinfield is the small rectangle in the center right. This is the site of the rallies. I hope you can get a sense of the scale of the Nazi vision here.
      The 2nd picture is taken from the top of the central structure overlooking the place where Hitler stood to addressed the rallies. The 3rd picture looks along the length of the grandstand which is between 400 and 500 meters long. The 4th picture looks up to the speaker's platform from the parade grounds, and the last looks out to the parade grounds from ground level.
      Much of what had been planned for this huge site was never finished, and much of what was built was bombed. Yet even these remaining ruins show the scale of the Nazi vision.
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    • Documentatie centrum RPG

      25. kesäkuuta 2019, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Een goede dag voor het Museum over de 2de WO, en dan met name het Reichsparteigelände. Daar is het tenminste koel. De vorige keer hebben we niet heel veel tijd kunnen doorbrengen in het museum omdat we met anderen waren die niet zo geïnteresseerd waren. Sabine gaat gezellig mee.
      Veel info over de opkomst van de NDSAP, de propaganda, persoons verheerlijking etc. Maar, zoals in veel musea, over wie het allemaal bekostigd heeft en hoe geen enkel woord.

      A. Sutton, ( wall street and the rise of Hitler) geeft hier een onthullende blik op.
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    • Päivä 1–2


      Eilen, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Kein Festivalstau, kein Stau am Bändchenzelt, verrückt!
      Dafür irrten wir erst mal zwei Stunden über den Campingplatz auf der Suche nach freien Plätzen. Erfolglos.
      Also erstmal Treffen mit dem Rest der Gruppe. Weiter geht die Suche. Laufen auf der Straße, laufen über den Parkplatz, nochmal über die Hauptstraße, laufen durch den Park und endlich, endlich finden wir ein Plätzchen. Gut, dass ein neuer Platz geöffnet wurde.
      Nachdem alle großzügig Zeugs verteilt haben, um Plätze zu sichern, werden die Zelte aufgebaut. Alles Profis, also steht alles zackig.
      Dann noch mal zum Auto. Der Weg dauert 30 Minuten, war schon mal schlimmer. Nochmal Zeug zum Campingplatz zerren, Luftmatratze aufpumpen und endlich... der Aufbau-Gin!!!
      Jetzt wird's entspannt. Das Festival beginnt!
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    • Päivä 2

      Nuremberg Zoo

      5. kesäkuuta 2019, Saksa ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Premier jour, premiers bouchons

      Passage en Allemagne sans souci : il faut savoir que les allemands ne reconnaissent pas nos CNI de plus de 10 ans dont la validité est prolongée sans mention sur la carte et nous n’avons pas de passeports, les nôtres doivent être à disposition à Berlin, avec le visa Russe.

      Carambolage d’Ambulances ( ! ) sur la « 5 » en Allemagne.
      Beaucoup de travaux sur les autoroutes allemandes.
      Mais une très grande discipline des PL de plus de 7,5 t. restant sur la voie de droite.

      Bivouac sur le parking, de taille quasi infinie, du Zoo de Nuremberg.
      Merci Park4Night toujours aussi efficace.

      Et pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas encore, voici notre Kawa à son premier bivouac 2019.
      En Allemagne, fourgon se dit KAstenWAgen. Les "grands blancs" étant des Womo, des WOhnMObil.
      C’est un (ou une ?) La Strada Avanti EB sur base Ducato 180 CV, BVA6, H3L4, sans marque apparente autre que Fiat sur la calandre ou les jantes tôles de ce voyage en pneus tout-terrain.
      Dimensions 6,36 x 2,05, Hauteur 2,99 avec la climatisation sur le de toit.
      La couleur foncée a été choisie pour sa … discrétion notamment en stationnement urbain.
      Par contre ceux qui le connaissent le repère d’autant plus rapidement.
      Alors si vous nous croisez…

      RDV près de Berlin demain soir.

      345 km, essentiellement d’autoroute.
      28 à 33°, ensoleillé. On a laissé les gros orages de la vigilance orange derrière nous.
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