Athenian Treasury

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    • Day 26

      Apollo told me to do it

      September 29, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      After yet another buffet breakfast we jumped on our bus and headed to the archaeological site of Delphi, where the oracle of Apollo spoke. It was the site of the omphalos, the 'navel of the world' (center of the world according to Zeus).

      Delphi in the 6th century B.C. was the religious hub and symbol of unity of the ancient Greek world, where the priestesses would huff methane and carbon dioxide expelled from craters in the earth due to volcanic activity. This would cause them to have 'visions' of Apollo and would pass on his guidance to many kings and aristocrats.

      After our history lesson, we hopped back onto the bus for 2-hours before we stopped for lunch and a stretch. Then we got back onto the coach for another 2 hours to arrive in Kalambaka.

      We enjoyed a stroll around the town and some icecream before heading to dinner and an early bed.

      Step count; 19.5k each
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    • Day 18

      Besichtigung des antiken Delphi

      May 25 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute haben wir nun Gelegenheit zuerst das Museum und später das Gelände des antiken Delphi‘s zu besichtigen.
      Mit einer Führerin sind wir zuerst im Museum unterwegs und erfahren vieles zur Geschichte an diesem Ort. Nachher gehts zu Fuss durchs Gelände welches recht steil am Hang liegt. Die antike Stadt und das Theater liegen aber dicht gefolgt beieinander.
      Der Ort muss überfüllt mit prächtigen Kunstgegenständen gewesen sein, der Überlieferung nach soll alleine ein römischer Kaiser 500 Statuen abtransportiert haben, vieles in Bronze wurde einfach wieder eingeschmolzen. Der Führerin ist es aber gelungen, mit vielen Illustrationen und Beispielen, uns etwas die Fülle des einstigen Glanzes des Ortes aufzuzeigen.

      Ein Blick in die Geschichte:

      Delphi war in der Antike 400 v.Chr. ein bedeutendes religiöses Zentrum. Hier befand sich der berühmte Orakelplatz von Delphi, gewidmet dem Gott Apollo. Die Stätte liegt an den südlichen Hängen des Berges Parnass.

      • Das Orakel von Delphi:
      Es war eines der angesehensten Orakel der klassischen griechischen Welt. Die Priesterin,
      bekannt als die Pythia, sprach ihre Vorhersagen im Trancezustand aus und beantwortete Fragen von Einzelpersonen und Staatsmännern.

      • Tempel des Apollo:
      Das zentrale Heiligtum von Delphi beherbergte den imposanten Tempel des Apollo, in dem das Orakel befragt wurde. Der Tempel stammt aus dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. und ist ein beeindruckendes Beispiel dorischer Architektur.

      • Theater von Delphi:
      Das gut erhaltene Theater bot Platz für etwa 5.000 Zuschauer und wurde für
      musikalische und poetische Aufführungen während der Pythischen Spiele genutzt.
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    • Day 2

      Delphi Archaeological Sites

      August 14, 2021 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Wheee, our first proper day in Greece! Starting from Athens we take our trip towards Delphi. Along the road we pass impressively green areas right next to seemingly dried out landscapes, the remnants of forest fires, followed by fields of solar panels and wind power plants.
      We stop for a delicious lunch at a hotel/restaurant about 20min from our destination. The salad is so good, even Mali likes it...whaaat? Due to the wind it is surprisingly fresh and a sweater is needed - the heat wave southern Greece is suffering under doesn't seem to reach here. The first picture of the small church was taken here. (Yeah, the location is off for this footprint but we only just discovered FindPenguins, so bear with us😅).
      Then, finally, the famous archaeological sites of Delphi! We start at Athena Pronaia, a temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena (and possibly other godesses and local heroes). (2nd and 3rd picture)
      We are impressed by some of the info charts having been translated into braille!
      Since the Gymnasium is not open for visit, we continue to the main attraction, passing the Castalian fountain that still is a source for water today - albeit a really small one.
      The Sanctuary of Apollo and its surrounding area, however, is just huge. Complete with Sacred way, treasuries gifted by the Greek cities, impressive columns, an amphitheatre and stadium (for the Pythian Games), we are blown away by what still remains of the ancient times. And despite almost being cooked in the afternoon heat (yup, should have planned that better), it is very much worth it!
      After a small break in the cafe, we end up in the museum, marveling at the smaller and bigger trinkets that have been found in the area. The sphinx as well as highly detailed statues and wall carvings are among what impressed us most.
      Finally, we check in at our hotel for the night and love our little balcony with a view over the valley, all the way to the sea.
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    • Day 8


      October 8, 2021 in Greece ⋅ 🌧 55 °F

      Up and rested and on to the dining room at 7:15 ...oooh ! coffee!!! , not hungry, just coffee.
      Departing the Apollonia Hotel, I have to say the most Charming so far in the trip. A family operation, very clean and friendly. I would come back here.

      On to our excursion of Delphi. Another great guide and this time around I can see the feel and excitement of this Greek Monument. From the guide's tour I can see and feel how the Greeks lived. Had a great guide who was fascinating, which compensated for the rain, ( came to far to let any stop me). Afterwards onto the site museum to meet up with family, had a coffee then onto the next leg of our journey.

      Today will another long driving day to end up in Kalambaka( Meteora).

      Along the way stopped at lunch at a quaint road stop cafeteria Greek style. Bought a few Greek trinkets, sampled a nice light Ouzo there, not bad. Bought two mini's...lets see how good?

      Came into Kalambaka around 5, stopped at a tourist center which it specialized in christian icon art. Found that brand of Ouzo and bought a bottle for home. Then to our hotel. Relaxed on our balcony with a
      360 degree mountain views of Meteora and had pipe and cigar. 3 of us guys balcony to balcony..B-isin.
      and smokin, a nice moment.

      Dinner at 7 and afterwards a double scotch (Johnny Walker red..terrible!) and a Davidoff Conn. 2014 cigar....another great day into night.

      Tomorrow a trip to the Meteora Monastery then a long ride back to Athens.
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