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    • Day 6

      Bootstrip auf der Albatross

      August 28, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Auf dem Weg zur "Albatross" sind wir wieder den steilen Weg zum Hafen hinunter gefahren. Die Aussicht ist ja großartig, aber so dicht am Abgrund entlang zu fahren leider nichts für schwache Nerven. Die Albatross bringt uns heute zum Vulkan und den heißen Quellen.Read more

    • Day 7


      April 27 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Ein charmantes Dorf…Megalochori ist ein Labyrinth aus kleinen Gassen, weißen Häusern und Kirchen mit blauen Kuppeln und prächtigen Glockentürmen. Das Dorf ist gut per Bus über Fira zu erreichen. Hier kannst Du in Ruhe tolle Bilder machen das es nicht so touristenüberlaufen ist.Read more

    • Day 26

      Leaving Santorini

      September 11, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      I woke at 6. 00am and blogged. The streets of Santorini are empty, with the exception of deliveries.

      I hear a loud tinkling sound coming from the street. I rush out onto the balcony, and see 10 loose mules running the streets. They follow one another. People are yelling at them from their shop steps and waving arms. They all turn a corner and disappear.

      Breaky at 8.00am as we have an early transfer at 9.15 to the ferry.

      Last time up on our beautiful rooftop having a massive breakfast.

      2 clean white liners sit below us and I know I will never see a view quite as unbelievable as this one of the Santorini Caldera again in my life.

      The hotel porter drags our bags to the transfer pick up point, at our pool hotel. We share with a couple from Altona Meadows. We all chat, including the driver. (whom when he opened his arms for the luggage, I took it as a cuddle and went in for one, he smiled and hugged me tight)

      The ferry port sits low to the far, far left of Fira.

      I look at postcards by George Meis. I want them all.
      I ended up with a 2020 calendar, for an assortment!

      A man with a Seajets sign for Mykonos begins to shout to us all.

      We all follow him in a mass wave. Never have I seen people drag suitcases as fast, over the cobbles.

      Our ferry backs up and drops it's massive walk planks.
      Hundreds unload and disperse amongst the crowds.

      Then a bloke blows a whistle and we storm the planks like warriors.

      We walk onto the metal into the mouth of a massive creature. You just walk fast and straight. Signs above say 'Luggage'. We quick drop on the shelves available and head upstairs to the lounge.

      We have allocated seat numbers on our tickets, so we squat down in nice comfy seats and the ferry begins to move while people still come up from the hull.

      We sit listening to gossipy Aussie women behind us.
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    • Day 23


      September 8, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Up for breaky at 8.00am on the rooftop.

      It is beautiful but I want more sleep as woke at 4.00am

      Cheese pastries and coffee. Boiled egg, fruit, and breads sitting at the very top of the hill looking across to the volcano.

      Now for our sailing trip around the caldera. (which means volcanic crater fallen into the sea)

      Met the driver at the prehistoric museum at 9.15am
      (a 4min walk from hotel)
      Rode the mini van to the island end opposite to Oia.

      (Did I say this place reminds me of Phillip Island, the scale of the land mass I mean)

      The mariner is full of yachts.
      We board the red and white waved catamaran, which is gorgeous.
      I am over excited. Which is a good sign.
      We are ushered under a cream canopy onto soft red padded seating around a table.

      The catamaran seats 34
      It is a magnificent structure.
      They serve wine to us at an open bar.

      We are sat opposite 2 men.
      Chris and Mikah
      They are originally from San Diego, now live in Chigago and are happily married.

      We chat and discover that Micah and myself are both Saggitarians. This makes the convo go in a totally wild trajectory.
      Chris is a Capricorn so is more laid back and looks after the finances.

      Basically our entire conversation is how they are a mirror image of Theens and I, regarding personality and behaviours.

      Micah and I can take a mean photograph. Chris and Athena cannot.
      We, the Saggies, are the adventurers the risk takers, always wanting to be busy and at the front of the line. The other 2 are less so, instead, happy to follow along but willing to give it a go.

      For the entire sail we all 4 talked, non stop, whilst drinking our wine.

      We stopped for a swim. Athena stayed on the boat.

      The water was cold at first then divine. Armed with my noodle, I paddled around. The two boys jumped in the sea 💦 and we hung together. I was fascinated with looking under the catamaran. Loved the big red looming form above my head.

      After relaxing for 10minutes in the water we set off.
      We spied 2 webber bbqs hissing and steaming at the back of the catamaran so we knew lunch was near.

      We spent hours talking to our new friends. The boys have been married for 2 years and this holiday was a late honeymoon.

      We stopped off for another 15 Min swim and Athena stayed on board taking pics from the netting. Micah and I swam underneath her and splashed up to her like kids. She was telling us off and it made us do it more!!

      Now lunch is served.
      We eagerly sat waiting to see the dishes to be devoured.

      Bbq chicken and pork, greek salad, penne covered in tomato and cheese. Bread with olive tapenade, tzatziki and olive oil soaked baked potatoes.
      I had a second helping!

      We stopped to view the red beach and the white beach. Which ended up being coves with coloured cliffs.

      Then after many wines, we lazily, drunkenly made our way back to the mariner.

      At one point I went to the loo onboard. This was an experience. Getting down the vertical ladder, then trying to sit whilst being heaved up and down all over the place!
      I loved looking out the porthole. The blue water at face level waving along with the white foam waves. Memorising, could've stayed there a while, but Athena was at the top telling me to hurry up as she needed to go.

      The sail was over and absolutely perfect. A quick van drive back.We said goodbye to the boys and headed back to our room.

      Gelati time. Mango and lemon for Athena and I love my lemon 🍋.

      I comatosed into a 10min nap, whilst Athena went to the rooftop to sunbake. I went up too for a short time.

      Nobody told me that Santorini turns you into a sloth.
      We lay on our beds, with our balcony doors open to the soft sounds of the crowds below and music pumping somewhere.
      The blue sky invades our every sense and we are still.

      Lacking any will to explore. We have 2 more days yet.
      Tommorow we will see Oia.

      At 6.00, Athena asks me do you want to head out. My reply is a big fat 'Yes'

      We walked to the left, facing Fira, and meandered upwards behind the elegant villas and expensive hotels. You can see the island at 360 degrees from here.

      Heard tinkling bells ringing and watched the mules, one behind the other, carrying loud obnoxious Americans upward through the streets. I didn't enjoy seeing this.

      By 8.00pm we were hungry.
      Went back to Fanari as it is quiet and the food is good.

      Athena had chicken souvlaki,
      I the mixed fried seafood which included, calamari rings, king prawns, sardines and baby octopus with rice and carrots.
      I am seafood hooked, line and sinker, lol.

      Our waiter, Vagelli, was so excited to speak Greek to a customer he hovered over Athena like a stalker. He even took her plate to remove the chicken off the skewer for her. She tried to take the plate back but he was not having it.

      So full of sun and fresh air and food, we rolled off to bed.
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    • Day 5


      May 31 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Arrivés à Santorini en speed boat de l'île de Paros. Nous logeons dans le village de Megalochori à la villa Orpheus. Petit village traditionnel avec ses petites églises.

    • Day 8


      June 3 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nous marchons jusqu'à la plage de Perissa (1h30). Puis flanons sur la plage. Journée relaxe avant de quitter l'île demain.

    • Day 17

      Weinverkostung Avantis Estates

      July 23, 2020 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Perfekter Abschluß - Weinverkostung bei Avantis Estates. Die Griechen können das, wenn sie wollen. Kann nicht glauben, dass wir morgen wieder in Wien sind - könnt es nich sehr viel länger hier aushalten. Sitzen ziemlich angeduselt in der Fähre nach Iraklio 😜Read more

    • Day 10

      My Birthday in Santorini

      May 29, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Today is my birthday. I’m in Santorini for my 61st birthday! Yeah! It is a beautiful day out. We have to catch a cab at 6:30 this morning to get to the port. Our ferry was waiting there and after a brief check in we are ready to board. They have luggage racks to store our stuff. The lounge is nice with wide seats and tray tables similar to an airplane. They have The History Channel on to watch as well. There is a place to get croissants, baklava, pizza and other pasties as well as coffee and juice. The girls head upstairs to take in the roof top. I sit inside have a croissant and coffee and then do my knitting. The crossing was about 2 hours and poof we’re in Santorini.

      At port the girls are able to get a sim card for their phones so they are now able to communicate with the real world without paying an arm and a leg. Laura also finds us a car rental for the 4 days we are here. This time it is a Nissan Mica; small but efficient. While the girls hit the souvenir shops, I sit at the open-air restaurant and have a Sangria. We get a bite to eat before heading out to our BnB. Laura has to make due with a fruit plate, Nicole finally gets her gyro and I do a calabrese sandwich.

      After loading the luggage (I’m surprised it fit) we head off. Santorini is basically a mountain that got blown half off by a volcano about 2000 years ago. It is steep and there are not really any plateaus to live on. They have switchbacks for roads leading out of port. Sharp turns, narrow roads and if you go over you die. The views are breathtaking though. Laura of course is a little daredevil and loves this (check out the grin as she is driving!).

      We make it to where we think we should be. We get out of the car and take a look around. We see the white houses and the blue domes of the churches. An older gentlemen parks beside and asks if we know where we are going. I reply probably not. I show him our map but, in the end, call the host and let them talk to him. We, of course are not in the right spot. He tells us to follow the road until we see a church with a big tree and that is where we park. Now if you look over the side of the hill the church is a 5-minute walk (through cacti and scrub, downhill) in a car it is 15 minutes through hairpin (blind) turns. Our host actually lives in Athens but has someone here to look after the house. Their son is waiting to greet us. Thank goodness for that. The house is uphill on cobblestone (more slate and cut out from the rock) streets about 100 meters from where the car is parked. The young man takes the two heavy suitcases and I take my carryon and CPAP machine and start to head up. He of course has no issue, I’m huffing and puffing half way up. The girls have stayed behind to have a smoke. Yeah, we meet them half way down and Nicole had to stop half way to get out her puffer. These streets are a killer no matter what the age. This is not a place for the mobility challenged.

      Whew, finally made it. The place is cute as a button with the blue shutters and white wash façade. They are having an issue with water today in Santorini and the cleaning staff couldn’t clean the patios but the inside is all done. I’m not sure how to explain the place really. They are houses built into the side of the mountain. You have two windows at the front and the door but that is all the light you have coming in. Past the kitchen, dining and living area the bedrooms are to the back. There are no windows at all in them. The bathroom is also windowless. You can notice an immediate temperature difference when you walk further back as you get more into the mountain. This is how people built the houses after the volcano erupted to protect themselves from further eruptions. The rooms are a generous size and the girls have a nice wardrobe in their room. I have a beautiful bureau in my room which has all the main doors locked. There are 3 hooks on the wall and that is the extent of my closet and storage area. Looks good but useless.

      I have often said (and will probably continue to say) that I wished these hosts would actually live in their own rentals for a couple of weeks. So here are my observations. The bed in the master bedroom is at calf level, the girls room knee level. There is not one plug for the kitchen sinks or the bathtub. How do people fill the sink to wash dishes? Or take a bath? There is no shower curtain. I probably don’t have to explain the issues with that one. Although there is a drain in the floor outside the tub. The tub itself is a nice deep one. It is a little narrow and short but a nice tub none the less. The windows and door have no screens. There is a beautiful breeze that comes through this area but also a lot of flying insects like mosquitoes. We have to make do with the air conditioner which really doesn’t have a great fan on it. The stove and frig work well as do the toaster. The coffee pot however is another story. First no filters, second the pot must have been replaced from the original because it is too short to engage the drip from the filter. So, you have to stand there holding the coffee pot up to allow for the coffee to drip. There is a washer here and it works very well and with the breeze outside and sun things dry quickly.

      The girls head off to the get groceries and shop and I get to nest. After a dinner of roasted chicken, green beans and salad we relax for a bit before heading off to bed.
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    • Day 6

      To the islands

      May 19, 2022 in Greece ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      After a very rocky ferry ride we made it to Santorini. It was the coldest day of our trip so far so we didn't mind spending it traveling - much napping occurred to keep the seasickness at bay. We all made it without incident 🙌

      Our ferry docked into port which is at the very bottom of some steep cliffs, nestled into the rock face basically. We rented a little car - a Nissan (). It was a squishy fit for all of us and the luggage.. but we crammed in and started our climb up the hill! Shout out to Igs for the A+ stick shift driving on steep switchbacks, a lot of handbrake action.

      We're staying a bit outside the major cities at a fancy Marriott and plan to relax for the next few days with wine tours and of course good food!
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    • Day 2

      Nach dem Frühstück nach Athinios

      September 20, 2018 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      ... nach dem Frühstück der erste Ausflug nach Athinios. Ein kleiner Hafen, morgen geht es dort zu einem kleinen Schiffsausflug. Ehemals der größte Hafen, heute für Fähren und Ausflüge. Auf dem Rückweg testet Ela den Wanderweg nach Oia ... dann ein Chillout-Nachmittag vor dem ersten Sonnenuntergang ...Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Megalochóri, Megalochori, Μεγαλοχώρι

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