Santorini Ferry Port

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    • Day 128

      Santorini Day #2

      August 4, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Little sleep in this morning 😴

      📍 Brunch @ Kafeneio in Megalochori, a two minute walk from our air bnb. We met up with Akayla Peterson who is a friend from years back as she was staying in the area! Really nice to catch up with her. Omelettes and coffee here was great!

      📍 Hired a quad bike and cruised around the south part of the island, taking in all the views. The quad was scary at the start but didn’t take long to get used to it! Super fun driving it around.

      📍 Headed to Perissa Beach for the afternoon. This was great! We got one of the restaurant umbrellas/lounge chairs on the beach and ordered drinks + lunch. We had eggplant, tzatziki and chicken gyros. Loved swimming here, the water was super clear!

      📍 Headed to Oia for sunset on the quad bike, which is a beautiful part of the island far north. We went to the panoramic lookout and there were so many people everywhere but we managed to get a good spot to watch 🌅 the colours of the sun setting on the water with was amazing, as were the pretty houses on the cliffs 😍 would love to stay here if we come back again!

      📍 Quick dinner back in Megalochori which consisted of moussaka for me and Jacques had a lamb dish. He reckons he’s sticking to gyros from now on cos it “never disappoints” 🤣
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    • Day 129

      Santorini Day #3

      August 5, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Relaxing day today! 🏝️

      📍 Family Bakery for coffee + breakfast - this little gem is a 3 minute walk from our accom and is so good! They have so many freshly baked options, fruit salad and delicious iced lattes ☕️

      📍 Took the quad for a spin this morning and stopped at a few beautiful viewpoints

      📍 Next stop was Red Beach, famous for its red coloured sand from the volcanic rock. The contrast of the colours looked so pretty 😍

      📍 Dropped the quad bike back and spent the rest of the arvo at the pool @ Hotel Grand View who are the owners of our air bnb. This was the best! The view from the pool was incredible and there was hardly anyone around, so quiet and relaxing! We spent 7 hours here swimming, drinking, eating and playing cards 🤪 didn’t leave until after the sunset 🌅

      📍 Quick dinner @ Nikola Grill (second time here now). We shared a plate with chicken, salad, chips and pita. This place has been great, €10 for two people and so yum!
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    • Day 3

      Tag 3: zu Fuß nach Fira 🥾🏞️

      April 2 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Another day in Paradise: Ist es eigentlich irgendwann langweilig, wenn man jedes Mal liest, dass jemand von der aufgehenden Sonne geweckt wurde? :D Egal, es ist wie es ist. 😉😎

      Der einzige Unterschied zu gestern: Es ist windig. Sehr windig. 💨
      Aber der Sonne ist das egal. Und uns auch.

      Bis zum Frühstück um 9 Uhr verging die Zeit wieder sehr gut mit Yoga, Meditation, 🧘 sonnen und Kaffee/Tee trinken. Bloß keinen Stress aufkommen lassen.

      Nach dem Frühstück machte jeder so seins: Kunst (Doreen hat sich heute auch mal im Stempel schnitzen versucht 😉) oder lesen – was man halt im Urlaub so macht. Ach ja, und zwischendurch in den Pool springen. 🏊‍♀️

      Am frühen Nachmittag nahm Doreen’s Bewegungsdrang Fahrt auf und wir beschlossen entlang der Küste (Caldera-Seite) in Richtung Fira zu wandern. Was für eine großartige Idee! 🤩

      Die Strecke war wunderbar zum Laufen🥾, es gab immer wieder einen neuen spektakulären Blick in die Bucht🏞️. Und wir liefen an zahlreichen meist kleineren Hotels vorbei, die alle auf ihre eigene Art einzigartig waren.

      Das Schöne für uns ist, dass wir in der Pre-Holiday-Phase hier gelandet sind: Es haben nur vereinzelt Hotels geöffnet. Alle anderen, also die meisten, bereiten sich erst noch auf den großen Touristen-Ansturm vor.
      D.h. in der Regel irgendwas weiß streichen, irgendwas blau streichen oder irgendwas putzen. 😅

      Nach 2,5 Stunden Fußmarsch, einem Eis auf dem Weg und ca. 6,5 km später kamen wir in Fira an. Und hatten Hunger. Während Doreen irgendwie beschlossen hat, sich den gesamten Urlaub landestypisch zu ernähren (Gyros Pita in allen Variationen :-D), entscheid ich mich mal zur Abwechslung für Pasta. 🇬🇷🇮🇹

      Zum Nachtisch gab’s…na klar…Eis. Wir geben im Durchschnitt täglich 15 bis 20 Euro für Eis aus. 😅🍦Kann man mal machen.

      Mittlerweile war es 18 Uhr und wir wollten eigentlich mit dem Bus zurück, allerdings fährt dieser nur jede Stunde. So lange wollten wir nicht warten und beschlossen, uns ein Taxi zu gönnen. Wir sind ja schließlich im Urlaub – da muss man Geld ausgeben. 💸😉

      Den Abend haben wir dann mit Spielen und einem 90er-Jahre-Musikquiz ausklingen lassen.

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    • Day 3

      Megalochori: ein traditionelles Dorf

      May 26, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Megalochori hat einen ganz eigenen, verzauberten Charme und gilt als eines der traditionellen, eher beschaulichen Dörfer der Insel. Die schönen weißen Glockentürme, die die gepflasterten Gassen überspannen, sind ein beliebtes Fotomotiv. Die Straßen sind eher kleine Gässchen und der Bougainville blüht überall wunderschön.

      Sehenswert sind die unterirdischen Höhlenwohnungen von Megalochori, die von Bewohnern zur Besichtigung geöffnet werden. Sie geben einen Einblick, wie Menschen hier bis ins 17 Jh. gelebt haben.
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    • Day 4


      June 23, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute starte ich den Tag mal gemütlich, denn es steht nicht mehr all zu viel auf dem Programm. Nach dem Frühstück nehme ich den Bus um 10.30 Richtung Akrotiri und bin gegen 11.00 im sehr charmanten Dorf Megalochori. Hier sind kaum Leute unterwegs und ich genieße die Ruhe, während ich durch die engen Gassen schlendere. Das Dorf ist klein, bietet aber viele Fotomotive.
      Gegen 13.30 bin ich wieder zurück in Fira. Ich esse zu Mittag und verbringe dann den Nachmittag am hoteleigenen Pool.
      Am Abend schlendere ich nochmal entlang der Caldera und schaue mir ein letztes Mal den atemberaubenden Sonnenuntergang an.
      Morgen gehts weiter mach Paros!
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    • Day 2

      Sonnenuntergang über dem Fährhafen

      May 25, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Eines der spektakulärsten Dinge, die man auf Santorini erleben muss, sind die traumhaft schönen Sonnenuntergänge mit Blick in die Caldera. Solch ein wunderbares Plätzchen entdecken wir in einer zu dieser Jahreszeit noch recht ruhigen Bar hoch über dem Fährhafen am Kraterrand. Im Restaurant neben uns wird eine kleine, sehr romantische griechische Hochzeit mit 20 Gästen gefeiert, ein Stück weiter gibt es ein Weingut, das seine Weine ausschenkt, es war eigentlich unsere erste Anlaufstelle, doch diese Bar gefällt uns deutlich besser. Rückblickend betrachtet, hatten wir von hier den allerschönsten Sonnenuntergang unserer Reise.Read more

    • Day 62

      Drinking and driving (but not together).

      August 28, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We once again started the morning by doing very little and then went to the beach for a swim and some lunch! We then hired a car 😶

      We opted for a smart car which had an auto transmission because I was a bit nervous about driving... thank god we did! Alfred is a weapon behind the wheel of a shitbox!

      Our first proper outing was to Santo Wines which does fancy expensive wine tastings, but we walked in the back door, cut to the chase and bought ourselves a bottle to take somewhere with our own view. After pretending to be influencers and getting some photos with the bottle.... We elected to hike up to a tiny chapel we had seen that over looks the whole of Perissa (the beach town we are staying at) and watch the sun go down from there with our wine. We miss judged slightly and the actual sun went down behind the cliff but we still saw all the colours and had a glorious time!
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    • Day 11


      September 23, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      In Deutschland weniger bekannt, ist Santorini in Griechenland vor allem auch für seine Weine bekannt, die von Reben gewonnen werden, die eng geduckt an die Berghänge wachsen.

      Die größte und bekannteste Kellerei ist Santo Wines, die nicht nur tolle Weine herstellt, sondern – ganz nebenbei – auch einen grandiosen Ausblick auf die Caldera bietet...Read more

    • Day 26

      Leaving Santorini

      September 11, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      I woke at 6. 00am and blogged. The streets of Santorini are empty, with the exception of deliveries.

      I hear a loud tinkling sound coming from the street. I rush out onto the balcony, and see 10 loose mules running the streets. They follow one another. People are yelling at them from their shop steps and waving arms. They all turn a corner and disappear.

      Breaky at 8.00am as we have an early transfer at 9.15 to the ferry.

      Last time up on our beautiful rooftop having a massive breakfast.

      2 clean white liners sit below us and I know I will never see a view quite as unbelievable as this one of the Santorini Caldera again in my life.

      The hotel porter drags our bags to the transfer pick up point, at our pool hotel. We share with a couple from Altona Meadows. We all chat, including the driver. (whom when he opened his arms for the luggage, I took it as a cuddle and went in for one, he smiled and hugged me tight)

      The ferry port sits low to the far, far left of Fira.

      I look at postcards by George Meis. I want them all.
      I ended up with a 2020 calendar, for an assortment!

      A man with a Seajets sign for Mykonos begins to shout to us all.

      We all follow him in a mass wave. Never have I seen people drag suitcases as fast, over the cobbles.

      Our ferry backs up and drops it's massive walk planks.
      Hundreds unload and disperse amongst the crowds.

      Then a bloke blows a whistle and we storm the planks like warriors.

      We walk onto the metal into the mouth of a massive creature. You just walk fast and straight. Signs above say 'Luggage'. We quick drop on the shelves available and head upstairs to the lounge.

      We have allocated seat numbers on our tickets, so we squat down in nice comfy seats and the ferry begins to move while people still come up from the hull.

      We sit listening to gossipy Aussie women behind us.
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    • Day 23


      September 8, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Up for breaky at 8.00am on the rooftop.

      It is beautiful but I want more sleep as woke at 4.00am

      Cheese pastries and coffee. Boiled egg, fruit, and breads sitting at the very top of the hill looking across to the volcano.

      Now for our sailing trip around the caldera. (which means volcanic crater fallen into the sea)

      Met the driver at the prehistoric museum at 9.15am
      (a 4min walk from hotel)
      Rode the mini van to the island end opposite to Oia.

      (Did I say this place reminds me of Phillip Island, the scale of the land mass I mean)

      The mariner is full of yachts.
      We board the red and white waved catamaran, which is gorgeous.
      I am over excited. Which is a good sign.
      We are ushered under a cream canopy onto soft red padded seating around a table.

      The catamaran seats 34
      It is a magnificent structure.
      They serve wine to us at an open bar.

      We are sat opposite 2 men.
      Chris and Mikah
      They are originally from San Diego, now live in Chigago and are happily married.

      We chat and discover that Micah and myself are both Saggitarians. This makes the convo go in a totally wild trajectory.
      Chris is a Capricorn so is more laid back and looks after the finances.

      Basically our entire conversation is how they are a mirror image of Theens and I, regarding personality and behaviours.

      Micah and I can take a mean photograph. Chris and Athena cannot.
      We, the Saggies, are the adventurers the risk takers, always wanting to be busy and at the front of the line. The other 2 are less so, instead, happy to follow along but willing to give it a go.

      For the entire sail we all 4 talked, non stop, whilst drinking our wine.

      We stopped for a swim. Athena stayed on the boat.

      The water was cold at first then divine. Armed with my noodle, I paddled around. The two boys jumped in the sea 💦 and we hung together. I was fascinated with looking under the catamaran. Loved the big red looming form above my head.

      After relaxing for 10minutes in the water we set off.
      We spied 2 webber bbqs hissing and steaming at the back of the catamaran so we knew lunch was near.

      We spent hours talking to our new friends. The boys have been married for 2 years and this holiday was a late honeymoon.

      We stopped off for another 15 Min swim and Athena stayed on board taking pics from the netting. Micah and I swam underneath her and splashed up to her like kids. She was telling us off and it made us do it more!!

      Now lunch is served.
      We eagerly sat waiting to see the dishes to be devoured.

      Bbq chicken and pork, greek salad, penne covered in tomato and cheese. Bread with olive tapenade, tzatziki and olive oil soaked baked potatoes.
      I had a second helping!

      We stopped to view the red beach and the white beach. Which ended up being coves with coloured cliffs.

      Then after many wines, we lazily, drunkenly made our way back to the mariner.

      At one point I went to the loo onboard. This was an experience. Getting down the vertical ladder, then trying to sit whilst being heaved up and down all over the place!
      I loved looking out the porthole. The blue water at face level waving along with the white foam waves. Memorising, could've stayed there a while, but Athena was at the top telling me to hurry up as she needed to go.

      The sail was over and absolutely perfect. A quick van drive back.We said goodbye to the boys and headed back to our room.

      Gelati time. Mango and lemon for Athena and I love my lemon 🍋.

      I comatosed into a 10min nap, whilst Athena went to the rooftop to sunbake. I went up too for a short time.

      Nobody told me that Santorini turns you into a sloth.
      We lay on our beds, with our balcony doors open to the soft sounds of the crowds below and music pumping somewhere.
      The blue sky invades our every sense and we are still.

      Lacking any will to explore. We have 2 more days yet.
      Tommorow we will see Oia.

      At 6.00, Athena asks me do you want to head out. My reply is a big fat 'Yes'

      We walked to the left, facing Fira, and meandered upwards behind the elegant villas and expensive hotels. You can see the island at 360 degrees from here.

      Heard tinkling bells ringing and watched the mules, one behind the other, carrying loud obnoxious Americans upward through the streets. I didn't enjoy seeing this.

      By 8.00pm we were hungry.
      Went back to Fanari as it is quiet and the food is good.

      Athena had chicken souvlaki,
      I the mixed fried seafood which included, calamari rings, king prawns, sardines and baby octopus with rice and carrots.
      I am seafood hooked, line and sinker, lol.

      Our waiter, Vagelli, was so excited to speak Greek to a customer he hovered over Athena like a stalker. He even took her plate to remove the chicken off the skewer for her. She tried to take the plate back but he was not having it.

      So full of sun and fresh air and food, we rolled off to bed.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Santorini Port, Santorini Ferry Port

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