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    • Day 22

      Ausflug nach Piräus

      May 29 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute machen wir individuell mit dem öffentlichen Bus einen Ausflug zur im Süden gelegenen Hafenstadt Piräus.
      Der Hafen von Piräus ist ein wichtiges Drehkreuz für Fähren, Kreuzfahrtschiffe und Frachtschiffe.

      Beim Archäologisches Museum Piräus laufen wir nur vorbei, da wir gestern doch genug „alte Steine“ bewundert haben.

      Beim Jachthafen sehen wir Boote in fast beliebiger Grösse und Preislage.
      Hier steht auch der Nachbau eines antiken Kriegsschiffes.

      Unser Weg geht weiter nach Mikrolimano: Dieser malerische Teil von Piräus ist bekannt für seine gemütlichen Fischrestaurants, Cafés und Bars am alten Hafen.
      Auch wir lassen uns dort mit einem leichten Mittagessen etwas verwöhnen.
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    • Day 2

      Ans Wasser: Piräus

      July 1, 2018 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Nach so viel alten Steinen setzen wir uns in ein Café und spülen den Staub herunter. Wir sind in Plaka - DEM Touri-Viertel schlechthin und man merkt es überdeutlich. Was haben wir für ein Glück mit unserem Viertel!

      Dann setzen wir uns in die U-Bahn und fahren an den Hafen nach Piräus. Nicht an den ganz großen, der immerhin der größte Passagierhafen Europas ist, sondern an den kleinsten: den Micro Limano. Um das runde Hafenbecken liegen Cafés und Fischrestaurants. Wir suchen uns einen gemütlichen Platz direkt am Wasser, bestellen zwei Bier und lassen den Tag vorüberziehen.

      Die U-Bahn bringt uns zurück in die Stadt. Wir steigen an der zentralen Station Monastiraki aus. Unglaubliches Leben dort; es ist Sonntag Nachmittag. Kirschen für 99 Cent pro Pfund locken uns an. Eine Probe sagt uns, besser Pfirsiche zu kaufen. Ein Euro pro Kilo und richtig gut.

      Danach nach Hause, unter die Dusche und dann in das Fischlokal vom ersten Tag. Diesmal aber das volle Programm, mit Auberginensalat, Tarama, gegrillten Tintenfisch, Sardinen und Smelt - frittierten Mini-Fischchen. Dazu einen perfekt harmonierenden Wein vom Peloponnes; aus Rebsorten, die nur ein paar griechische Winzer und Google kennen.

      Intensiv, heiß und erfüllend. Urlaub in Griechenland.
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    • Day 3

      Birthday celebrations

      May 16, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we celebrated Amiyah's bday in true vacation style. Nice lazy morning followed by a one star Michelin restaurant for lunch over looking the sea. The place was called Varoulka and we were the only people there - guess fancy restaurants aren't in full force at 1pm on a Monday!

      We had some wonderful appetizers, sparking wine, a rose, and delicious fish for the main course. We almost passed on dessert but caved and got the apple mousse/tart 🤤 so good!

      After more relaxing we were back at it with more food and drinks, and stayed up way to late enjoying the hot tub and delivery pizza. A good day!
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    • Day 19

      It'all Greek to me!

      September 4, 2019 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Thanassi takes us for a drive around Athens.
      Parliament house.
      Changing of the guards, (an event takes place on a Sunday)

      We go to Constitution Hill. Where the Greeks fought to keep their independence. He takes us by everything but mostly speaks to Athena in greek so I miss a lot of information.

      Athena chats-
      Thanassi takes us to a restaurant in the Palaia called Salty. The restaurant overlooks the bay with yachts & lots of poor people. Thanassi tells us he'll have to go and collect his family so they can join us for dinner.

      We take a couple of selfies so we are happy. The waiter brings us a bottle of wine and a beautiful Greek salad.

      Thanassi arrives back and we are introduced to his wife Linda, daughters Marina & Konstadina.
      They are happy to see me after so many years so the 'Greek speak' begins.

      The waiter brings us two beautiful platters of baked snapper. It was delicious. We both await the next course but it never arrives.
      We secretly look at each other thinking where's the rest thanks!!!

      Thanassi is ready to take us back to the hotel so all 6 adults get into a little Toyota (very funny). We say goodbye to the girls and we proceed to the hotel.

      Thanassi has taken us out for the evening with his family to a seafood restaurant. But not before showing us the sites. He let's me out at the original Olympic stadium and we stop to watch the guards march in their wonderful costumes. Doing a funny walk, or so I thought.
      We drive around the massive Port with the enormous liners.

      The sky is turning a light blue and the white buildings glow alongside the sky. Very pretty coastline.

      The twinkling lights shine.
      Thanassi collects his wife Lena and 2 daughters. Marina and Konstantina. We have baked whole snapper and salad drenched in olive oil and it is devine.
      The olive oil here is light and sits like a coating on your tongue.
      Lena is 32 and is currently assisting her father in his lawyers office, she is a cancerian and quiet. I tell her she is soft inside and hard on the outside. She agrees. Marina is 30 and tells me my name is Greek. I say I know. It means defender of men and derives from Alexander. Martina is a lawyer like her father. She is bright and speaks English well. I ask her to jot down places for us to walk to on Friday.
      I like her as we both talk a lot.

      A lemon drizzle cake and cream arrives. Yummo
      Thanassi cannot have as he has diabetes. Only medicine and diet. I say my father is a type 2 and is on daily insulin injections. So I understand.

      It is 10pm, Everyone has to work in the morning and we have to go tour the Meteora tomorrow. So it's home time.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mikrolimano, Μικρολίμανο

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