O Pirgos Ton Anemon

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    • Day 4

      Athens (Pt 2 - Acropolis, Roman Forum)

      July 13, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      We had every intention of going into the Acropolis but having only slept a couple of hours on the plane and walking up the hill in 39° heat, we decided just to look from the Areopagus Hill nearby. For a 23 hour stopover this is still a roaring success!Read more

    • Day 12

      Römische Agora & Turm der Winde

      April 12, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Von der ersten der sechs Archäologischen Stätten ging’s direkt zur nächsten, der römischen Agora. Hier konnten wir neben der Agora auch den Turm der Winde bestaunen. Die Römische Agora war ein Platz im antiken Athen. Agora bezeichnete im antiken Griechenland den zentralen Markt- und Versammlungsort einer Stadt. In Athen gab es zwei Agora. Die eigentliche Agora, die auf das 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. zurückgeht, und die Römische Agora aus der Zeit der Römerherrschaft. Die ursprüngliche Agora schauen wir im Laufe der nächsten Tage auch noch an. Kaiser Augustus ließ zwischen 19 und 11 v. Chr. die Römische Agora östlich der antiken Agora erbauen. In byzantinischer und türkischer Zeit wurde das Gelände überbaut. Im Laufe des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts wurden die Häuser abgerissen und griechische und italienische Archäologen gruben die Ruinen aus. Die zwei imposantesten Bauwerke hier sind das Tor der Athena und der Turm der Winde. Durch das Tor kommt man in die archäologische Stätte. Am Ende befindet sich dann der Turm. Der Turm der Winde ist ein achteckiger Turm am Rande der Römischen Agora und das besterhaltene antike Bauwerk in Athen. Der 13 Meter hohe Turm diente früher als Uhrenpavillon mit der Funktion einer Wetterstation. Oben am Turm befinden sich die Abbilder der Windgötter. Von der römischen Agora ging’s dann wieder weiter durch die Stadt.Read more

    • Day 159

      ATH - Lycabettus Hill

      September 6, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      🇧🇷 Subimos a colina de Lycabettus para ver a cidade la de cima, como era de se esperar tivemos uma espetacular vista de Atenas. No ponto final da colina há a bandeira da Grécia hastiada é uma pequena e charmosa igreja ⛪️

      🇦🇷 Subimos al monte Lycabettus para ver la ciudad desde arriba, como era de esperar teníamos una vista espectacular de Atenas. Al final de la colina se iza la bandera de Grecia, es una iglesia pequeña y encantadora ⛪️

      🇺🇸 We climbed Lycabettus hill to see the city from above, as expected we had a spectacular view of Athens. At the end of the hill there is the flag of Greece hoisted is a small and charming church ⛪️
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    • Day 10

      Römische Agora

      September 19, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Die römische Agora war ein Platz im antiken Athen. Agora bezeichnete den zentralen Markt- und Versammlungsort einer Stadt. In Athen gab es zwei Agorai, die eigentliche Agora, die auf das 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. zurückgeht, und die Römische Agora aus der Römerherrschaft.

      Bei der Römischen Agora handelt es sich um einen großen rechteckigen Platz, der von Säulengängen umgeben ist, in denen Geschäfte untergebracht waren. Im Westen betrat man die Agora durch das Tor der Athene Archegetes, ein Tor mit vier Säulen. Auf der Ostseite des Platzes steht der achteckige Turm der Winde aus dem 2. Jahrhundert, der als Uhr und Wetterwarte fungierte. Außerdem befinden sich auf dem Gelände die Überreste eines Marktgebäudes und öffentlicher Latrinen.
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    • Day 14

      Pluie à Athènes

      May 13 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Alors que nous nous promenions dans les rues animées d'Athènes pour faire nos derniers achats avant le retour en France, une soudaine averse éclata dans le ciel, prenant tout le monde par surprise. Les passants se sont précipités sous les auvents des magasins tandis que nous avons cherché un abri. Heureusement, nous avons repéré un charmant café juste au coin de la rue.
      Une fois à la terrasse, nous avons commandé boissons et feuilles de vignes farcies et avons trouvé une table sous l'auvent pour regarder la pluie tomber. Nous avons passé l'après-midi à discuter et à regarder les gens passer, attendant que le grain se calme avant de reprendre notre exploration de la ville. Nous avions prévu une dernière visite à l'Acropole....
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    • Day 62

      Gate of Medrese (Madrasah), Athens

      October 30, 2018 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today is the day Brad gets to visit the Acropolis and he is so excited about it. Seeing it lit up on the hill when we were out last night was a bit surreal. There are so many ancient ruins throughout Athens that are just a part of every day life here. So much history and so many interesting things to see. On our way to the Acropolis I saw this beautiful door and decided to photograph it. It stood out, probably because of its colour or its position, and it wasn’t until we were back at our room that I discovered the importance of that door.

      It is called the Gate of Medrese and is a visible reminder of dark times. The doorway is all that remains of the Ottoman era Islamic Madrasa (Theological School) of Athens. In the center of the courtyard was a large plane tree that became a gathering place for leaders of the Muslim community. Over time, this tree became the symbol of the Madrasa.

      The school was built in 1721 and was later converted to a prison. During its years as a prison, the living quarters became overcrowded, inhumane prison cells, and the plane tree became a hangman’s tree for hundreds of executions. Those not executed were subjected to torture and slavery.

      The Madrasa was nearly destroyed during the early part of the Greek War of Independence. After the liberation of Athens, the Madrasa was rebuilt and used as barracks by the Greek Army for the remainder of the war. After the Greeks’ victory, it was converted yet again, this time into a prison for both Turks and Greek political prisoners. The new Greek government revived the hangings on the plane tree for “deserving” Turks and traitorous Greeks.

      The prison was finally closed right before the 20th century, and the Archaeology Department began demolition in search of older and more important artefacts. By 1915, all that remained was the main door and a small portion of the adjacent exterior walls. The tree was destroyed by a lightning strike in 1919, appropriately closing a chapter on the horrific things that took place on and around it.

      The door is now a symbol of its history, a dark reminder of what has been before.
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    • Day 66

      Tower of Winds, Athens

      November 3, 2018 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Opposite the Gate of Medrese is the site of an ancient octagonal weather station named for the eight Greek gods of wind. Horologion of Andronikos Kyrrhestes or the Tower of Winds, is an octagonal Pentelic marble clock tower in the Roman Agora and is considered the world's first meteorological station.

      The structure features a combination of sundials, a water clock, and a wind vane. It was supposedly built by Andronicus of Cyrrhus around 50 BC, but according to other sources, might have been constructed in the 2nd century BC before the rest of the forum. In summer of 2014, the Athens Ephorate of Antiquities began cleaning and conserving the structure; restoration work was completed in 2016.

      The octagonal structure was made almost entirely out of Pentelic marble, the same kind used for the Parthenon, which is rare to find in any structures other than temples. Built to measure time, it is also known as a horologion, meaning timepiece.

      Each of its eight sides faces a point on the compass, and features a frieze depicting each of the eight ancient Greek wind gods, giving the tower its name. Beneath the friezes are eight vertical sundials where the shadow was cast on hour lines that, while faint, are still visible today.

      The interior of the structure contained a complicated internal water clock, which was driven by water flowing down from a large well under the Acropolis. This was essential for use on cloudy days or at night when the sundials were ineffective.

      Once again it is amazing to see a structure built so long ago and even better to see that the people of Athens take the restoration of these sites very seriously.
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    • Day 3

      Plaka Area

      May 12, 2015 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Majority of the group decided to do the ME TIME optional, we started by walking through Plaka area and made our way to Abepna where we were spoilt with a three course traditional Greek meal. The food was AMAZING we had plenty of it! While there we got to listen to and watch traditional dances, they even pulled a few of our group up to dance with them.Read more

    • Griechenland/Athen

      October 14, 2020 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Athen am Abend ✨🌙

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