2022 - What’s Next

Januar - Dezember 2022
Lots more travel to come, with several new places plan to visit, and two major hash events to participate in. Weiterlesen
  • 218Footprints
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  • Tag 116

    OUTERHASH Trail #1

    26. April 2022 in Trinidad und Tobago ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Fresh off the Men’s Monday Madness H3 last night, we awoke to another torrential downpour that lasted until just about 12:45 pm. We practiced a little mind over matter, and boarded the busses at 1 pm anyway. There was a bit of confusion about whether trail would happen, but after about a 30 minute delay getting all the stragglers gathered up, we headed out to the run site about 30 minutes away. The run site looked rather dry, but 5 minutes after we set off on trail, once again the rain came down and turned the trail into a slick and sloppy mess.

    After 5 water crossings in the first couple miles, we headed into the recently plowed fields where the water soaked in, but the mud stuck to our shoes like a freshly picked booger, and kept growing with every step. While this helped with traction getting up some steep parts of trail, it also added a lot of weight to our shoes defeating the benefits. Finally reaching the halfway point of 3.5 miles in just under 2 hours, I reached my tipping point (after 8 trails over the past week), and asked the hares (who had been stalking us the whole way up to this point of the prelaid trail) if there was an ejection point that I could find my way back to the on in . . . pointing up the road, they said I could get back. Not sure what was going on in the minds of the rest of the runners pack, but 16 out of 18 others joined me on the escape plan. Zipping down the narrow road, we all made it back to the finish in about 20 minutes. Two stalwart hashers remained on trail and finished the second half . . . 3.5 miles, coming in to the finish nearly 2 hours later. The walkers had finished their trail in about an hour, and had already enjoyed a few beers by the time the first of the runners shortcutted their way home. It was an awesome trail, but rain soaked and muddy, we were happy to have a beer in hand and finished with the trail.

    After all had assembled at the on home, the circle commenced and a few of the more heinous trail crimes were recognized. We then were entertained by a local Trini belly dancer, as the weary pack consumed several more beers. Totally sated with trail woes, and liquid refreshments, we boarded the busses for the trip back into town. Dragging my tired old ass back into the hotel, there were a couple dozen new arrivals hanging out at the Hilton bar, of which I knew several, including my old pal The Penguin, who by this point has already had a few, while explaining how it took him 4 days to get to Trinidad. He offered to buy me a beer, but soon forgot the punch line . . . and I ended up buying a round for him, and a couple others he was chatting with. Anyway, 4 or 5 pints later, I finally slunk my way up to my room for a hot shower and a more horizontal position. Tomorrow is another day, and the busses leave at 9 am, so better call it a night and get some rest. On On.

  • Tag 117

    OUTERHASH Trail #2

    27. April 2022 in Trinidad und Tobago ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    This was the Rincon Waterfalls trail, with a robust climb . . . Where to begin??? After yesterday’s experience on trail #1, the past 12 days of straight hash trails including the prelube cruise, and being quarantined in Qatar for 7 days with COVID just 3 weeks ago, I was feeling pretty sluggish this morning. As we were leaving the parking lot at the start, Likk’mm said something to me about catching up with the runners, and I uttered seven words that have rarely ever (almost never) come out of my mouth . . . “Nope, I'm doing the walking trail today.” <insert those famous string of quotes from Lloyd Bridges in the Movie AIRPLANE> . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm8fYf53SMg

    That would be the beginning of a series of events of my own creation, and being a victim of circumstance. It was dry all morning, unlike the previous few days, but just as we circled up for chalk talk . . . the rain started. Not a lot, but enough to turn trail into a slippery mess, which we would not find out until a ways up the mountain. Anyway, after the start and walking for about 5 minutes, and seeing the FRBs and front of the pack disappearing around the bend, I figured I would just run a little bit to stay in contact, but the damage was already done. As the trail snaked its way through the jungle, and onto some of those single file tracks, I ended up behind some slower runners and got way behind. But I was still planning to hit the walker’s cutoff and work my way back down the mountain.

    Although we passed several hares on trail, none of them mentioned that they were the split point. They just kept pointing us in the direction of trail. When we hit the part marked with yellow caution tape, where the instructions were that that was the point of split, there was no indication to go another way. I was with 4 or 5 other hashers at this point, and we just kept going up the stream, and then climbing. After another 20-30 minutes we come up to yet another hare, so I ask is this the split? He said no, this is the waterfalls . . . Ughhh. I mentioned that there were a few other walker’s still trudging their way up the mountain thinking there was a split . . . so the hare then went back down trail to gather them up and turn them all around. Guess I did the runner’s trail after all today.

    By this time I am double dog tired, but after a 15 minute rest I stepped off with a bold . . . 10 steps and hit the bottom of yet another incredible climb. There were about 10 hashers hanging out at the waterfalls, and they soon passed me, making me the DFL. I hated the feeling, but there was nothing I could do about it other than hope I didn’t die on trail, and leaving my body for others to carry down the mountain. 😊 After what seemed like an eternity, I finally made it to the ridge, where the hares claimed . . . “It’s all downhill from here” . . . which was mostly true. That is when it really started to pour down, and as we would find out later, the start of the flash flood.

    It was Doctor Bomb Bay and I, and one hare, making our way down the mountain. 2 miles later, we finally see the busses and the finish . . . but this is where the flash flood became an issue. There was a stream crossing right at the finish, and the entire pack had easily made it across. But when we got there, the stream had risen to probably 5 feet deep and was flowing very fast. After several attempts to find a way across, including throwing a rope over, it was useless. We reviewed our options, and our hare finally decided that we should follow the out trail back towards the start (of this A to B trail).

    Having already completed over 7 miles, the thought of slogging back another couple miles along the trail was not blowing any air up my skirt, but we all stepped off and headed that way. Our hare managed to recognize a shortcut, and we hit the main road in just 1.5 miles, making our day’s excursion into excellence just under 9 miles and just over 4 hours. We then got picked up and driven back to where the other hares were waiting, the busses had already taken the pack to the On On On. We then moved to another location to meet up with other hares, only to find out there was a flat tire. We waited for that for a bit, then we waited for another hare to change clothes, then to collect her glasses . . . THEN, we finally headed out to join the rest of the pack. WHAT A @#$!!#$@ day it was. I’ll be going back to sniffing glue (running trail) again, like Lloyd Bridges. Fortunately, the pack was happy to see us, or maybe just relieved that we were not dead. 😊

    After downing a couple beers and a bottle of water, I was feeling almost human again. So the hares said we should get circle going, and that capped off an amazing day. I really want to “again” thank all the hares for taking the time out of their already busy lives, to set trails for all the visitors of OUTERHASH this week. We certainly could not have all this fun without their effort. Circle was great, we gave the hares their customary down downs, we had a birthday cake, recognized a few heinous trail crimes, and drank lots of beers, before getting back on the busses for the hour ride back to town. Tomorrow is another day, and trail will be the Red Dress Run in town, so no chance getting stuck on the mountain . . . End of story.

  • Tag 118

    OUTERHASH Trail #3 – Red Dress Run

    28. April 2022 in Trinidad und Tobago ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    The Queens Park Savannah was awash in red today, as the pack gathered in anticipation (for many of them as their first) trail for OUTERHASH. The numbers have swelled, more than anticipated. Yesterday’s pack was just about 100 . . . Unofficial count for the RED DRESS RUN was 300+ according to the hares, based on the number of wristbands distributed. Along with all those new hashers arriving, there is a whole new energy and lots of new questions. Seems we may even have a few hashers who had no idea that INTERHASH was cancelled, they are here ready to rock and roll and wondering what has changed. Help get the word out that this is not a preplanned and arranged event, this is a totally ad hoc mixture of hash trails and events for the pure joy of hashing . . . and hanging out with friends you may have not seen in years due to COVID. So make sure to thank your hares at each trail you attend.

    Once everyone had been checked in, and wristbands issued, the hares provided a quick chalk talk and the running hares were sent off. Soon after, the runners were sent off in one direction, while the walkers were led off in another. Both packs were brought back together at the first beer check with the sweaty runners mingling with the lightly perspiring walkers, in the back lot of a local pub. Quickly finishing off the numerous racks of beer, the runners were once again sent off, while the walkers wound their way to the second beer stop right on the sidewalk in front of the next pub. The pack overwhelmed the street, crossing back and forth from each side of the street until the hares once again yelled for the pack to get moving. From there, it was a short jaunt back to the start on the Savannah, were more beer was available . . . and soon hamburgers and chicken sandwiches were being passed out for those with a bit of hunger. Drinking beer, stuffing their faces, and generally socializing was soon overtaken by loudspeakers blasting dance music and the pack were “getting’ jiggy with it.”

    What an awesome event, great job by the whole hare team. As the beer ran out, the pack started to filter away to find more food and drink to fulfill their appetites. There were less than 100 left as I started heading back up the hill towards the Hilton, but I heard the music stop and announcements start, so maybe more beer was acquired and a circle commenced. That’s part of that new energy that has arrived, and hopefully it was a grand time for all those remaining. On On to 4 more days of hashing bliss.

  • Tag 119

    Founders’ Hash #13 (or 14)

    29. April 2022 in Trinidad und Tobago ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    INTERHASH 2020 (or 2021) . . . (or 2022) was eventually cancelled, but OUTERHASH visitors to Trinidad didn’t care . . . we went anyway. With nearly 400 hashers on hand, there would likely be some founders about . . . and China Brush jumped on the opportunity to show us around her native Trinidad. After introductions, and a brief chalk talk, we were sent out from the main entrance of the Hilton to find trail. After a bit of search, flour was spotted headed up the hill, and we went up . . . and up . . . and what seemed to be up for three quarters of the whole damn trail. After reaching the first peak, cutting through a family plot with a house under construction (of which our hare had to beg to let us pass through, and only after copious sexual favors, made it work), we managed to find even more up to the top of hill. Heading down the back side along a gravel road that was obviously too steep to pave, we skittered down to a gate that made it clear there would be no traffic even attempting to drive up it.

    China showed no mercy, as we hit bottom, crossed the main drag, we then again . . . you guessed it, went up the other side to another peak, before dropping down, circling the neighborhood, for the final on in to a small street side store selling beer. All in all, we had about 20 founders on hand, and a handful of stragglers (plus ones) that joined in. Our first order of business in circle was to issue a life time ban on China Brush ever haring for the founders’ hash again. Once that important first step was complete, we recognized The Penguin as the longest hasher, having run his first trial in 1975, and starting the oldest hash of those founders’ assembled, in 1978. We also recognized the youngest founder, Cock & Balls, at 36 . . . and concluded his hash has not yet even qualified as it is not a year old yet.

    Several beers later, we reached culmination, having passed the assignment of down downs to a few around the circle, and the pack was sent out onto the street to walk back to town after this A to B trail of 4 kms. Well done to China for setting trail, and great to see so many founders turn up here in Trinidad. If anything in this draft is missing, or inaccurate, well . . . blame it on the beer. 😊

  • Tag 120

    Port of Spain H3 #1075

    30. April 2022 in Trinidad und Tobago ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    It was another fabulous hash trail through the jungles of Trinidad. As the sun was rising, and through the early morning hours, we all were a bit concerned if we were going to get out of town to the trail. Seems there was a bit of a scuffle in the ville with reports of a shooting, and even a double shooting last night. Traffic was backed up for miles, but just as if G himself was watching, traffic cleared out, and with 10 busses fully loaded, we were off to the countryside for some hashing bliss.

    Once we had all assembled, and our hares explained what was in store for us, we set off splashing through the shallow stream at the start. After about 300 meters, the cry of ON BACK was heard, and we all turned around to splash our way back down the stream. Turning left, and uphill (for the runners), trail made its way to the top of what would be many peaks in the area. After this bit, we made our way back down to the stream to meet up once again with the walker’s trail where things got a bit jumbled up for a bit. But soon the walker’s were called aside to allow the runner’s to have their way.

    Circling around behind some houses, trail soon buried itself into the jungle for the next couple miles, finding the top of a couple more peaks, before making its way to the beer stop. From there, it was all smooth sailing into the finish, where the walker’s had already assembled, and polished off a good share of the beer. The runners continued to fill up the park, as the line grew for the food that was provided with the transportation. Just as the circle commenced, the word started to circulate that the beer had run out . . . so a quick scout team was rallied to head out into the local community to gather up some more beer to keep the pack happy and make the circle. While we waited, two lovely women entered the circle to shake shake, shake your body now, shake shake your body now . . .

    Still waiting for the beer to arrive, hashers where called in to sing the song of their country, and we had several great songs to entertain the pack, until . . . a pick up truck flashed its lights, the circle parted, and 10 cases of beer appeared . . . and just like that . . . circle OVER. Drowning their thirst, the pack quickly demolished all 10 racks, and were sent up the hill to catch busses back to town . . . or to the ON ON ON. Most went to the ONONON and danced their booties off until it was time to head back to town . . . fully sated with trail, food, and beer . . . and late night entertainment. All that was left was hanging out in the Hilton Bar until well after midnight. Another day of hashing completed, on a fabulous trail on the wonderful island of TRINIDAD. Many thanks to the hares, and the whole POSH3. On On


  • Tag 124

    Hashing in Guyana

    4. Mai 2022 in Guyana ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    We had an excellent night time run around Georgetown, just over 5 miles with all the falsies. Circle was on the back patio of the Marriott Hotel, followed by dinner and drinks.

  • Tag 125

    Guyana H3 #808

    5. Mai 2022 in Guyana ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    Hash details were . . .
    Hash Run Thursday 5th May
    Meet British High Commission at 6am
    8am to 10am breakfast
    10am to 2pm lunch and pool lime .Drinks 🍺 drinks 🍺
    2pm to …. Taco Loco beach party . Drinks 🍺 Drinks 🍺.
    Hash cash $6k

    So I showed up at 6 am, 2 other visitors showed up at 6:05 am
    First GH3er showed up at 7 am, rest of pack trickled in by 7:45 am
    8 am . . . start trail
    10:30 am . . . finish trail
    10:45 am . . . breakfast
    11:00 am . . . circle
    It pays to be a local . . .

    Trail was mostly a group hike down the sea wall for over 5 miles. It was the first trial they have done in 2022, and it was a birthday trail and party. We had about 15 hashers total, with lots of good conversation. We ended trail off the sea wall, where a tent had been set up, with a couple coolers, and a table all set up with breakfast treats. Good stuff.

  • Tag 128

    First Day in Paramaribo

    8. Mai 2022 in Surinam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    After quite a fiasco getting to Suriname with a 2 hour delay, and then the whole issue with the hotel I booked online (wrong address, waiting for a cab to the right place, and then being overbilled, requirement to pay in cash, and walking out), followed by walking across town at 1 am to find another hotel that was closed, but got in anyway . . . after all that, I had a nice walk around town, and lunch.Weiterlesen