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    • Tag 14

      Day 14

      13. Juni 2023 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today we arrived in Budapest, we had the morning at the local Markets which were amazing. Our tour started at 1.30 and we got to see both sides of the city, Buda & Pest and them we went to a piano recital at the institute for the blind. This was not my sort of music but it is nice that scenic supports the institute. Back on the boat we had a Hungarian folk band and dances, it was very entertaining. Then after dinner we sat on the sundeck as we cruised around Budapest and enjoyed the lights of the city. Tomorrow is an early start as we need to have our bags outside our doors by 8.30 and our shuttle to the hotel is at 10.00.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 18

      Showday: Budapest

      18. Oktober in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We arrived in Budapest on time, and I even had an hour to stroll around. I needed to pick up some supplies and wrapping paper for the art prints, so it worked out perfectly.

      The venue was in a newly developed area by the Donau River, and you could tell it was a popular spot for various events. They gave us a nice, large merch board, but the space for our stock was a real challenge to manage. It was funny because another concert—a punk band—was happening at the same time, and the audiences mixed together.

      The only stressful part was that the crowd was let in much earlier than expected, but luckily, Balasz was there to help us get everything sorted in time.

    • Tag 18

      Show Day 14: Budapest

      18. Oktober in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Got up around 10:00 after a pretty decent sleep. Felt so much more rested than the day before which makes a big difference when you’re on tour. Theodor or Mr. Omelet made us breakfast again in front of the venue called Dürer Kert (translated: Dürer Garden). Followed by a stroll around the sunlit area, really a beautiful day. A heavy trafficked area though and got to a bridge to see the Danube River, but it was for trains only. Did get to see a bit of it next to the venue. Got myself a new toenail clipper and used it after a nice but hurried shower. When it’s time for doors it always comes faster than you think. The amount of prep and obstacles we face every day with the place/space we get for our stock is a challenge we gladly take. But we haven’t missed a curfew thus far, so that’s good!

      Both Sylvaine and Eivør sounded great, close third to the ones in Dublin and Paris. Before we left for Poland around 00:30, the drivers were puzzled because of the water system not working in the bus. The kitchen tap didn’t work and couldn’t flush the toilet. Artur kept saying: “I emptied the tank before we arrived in Budapest, it can’t be full!”. Turned out that the tank was full after all, because when we arrived at Dürer Kert in the morning, it was still closed. So everyone used the toilet on the bus, Konrad and Artur were very relieved when the mystery was solved.

    • Tag 9

      Day 9 - Spa Day in Budapest

      7. März in Ungarn ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      It was a leisurely start to the day following a shower & breakfast, we departed the hotel at 10.00 hours. We all sat in the same seats on the magic bus and we arrived at our B&B Hotel in Budapest just over 3 hours later. During the journey the inevitable question came up about what the 6 of us in the back did for a living. 4 of us were in IT, Lee is a jeweller and watchrepairer & it eventually came to me. When I revealed I was a retired copper, actually detective, I got a very positive response.

      After lots of faffing around, six of us decided to the go to the a spa in Budapest, something which Budapest is famous for. Our group consisted of Jack, the Americans Lex and Ramon, Priscilla and a German lady, Ulrike from the other bus. It was 30 minutes ride on a tram and the metro to Széchenyi Bath, which to use we had to download an app. Jack and Lex managed to download the app and log in, whilst the rest of us failed, so lex offered to pay for our tickets on his app. Ideal.

      We travelled on the tram alongside the River Danube, then alighted and walked a short distance before entering the world’s 2nd earliest underground railway. It is 2nd only to London, but is the 1st electrified underground railway system. We got off the train at our stop & were stopped by the guards and asked for proof of payment. Lex got out his app, but it was established that he hadn’t activated his app at the beginning of the journey. We were each fined €30. Great start.

      The Széchenyi Medicinal Bath in Budapest is the largest medicinal bath in Europe. Its water is supplied by two thermal springs, their temperature is 74 °C and 77 °C, respectively. Built between 1909 and 1913, the exceptionally beautiful Szechenyi Thermal Spa is the most famous spa in Budapest. The hot spring water is rich in calcium, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate, sodium and sulfate, fluoride and metaboric acid. It is mainly used for medical treatments of inflammatory diseases and joint complaints. Over the years, the charming thermal bath was constantly renewed and expanded. Today there are 15 indoor swimming pools in the interior of the Szechenyi Bath, and in the beautiful outdoor area you will find another 3 large pools.

      We paid our entrance fee of €28, then an additional €11 for a pair of flip flops that were mandatory. I can’t even walk in flip flops!!! We got changed into our swimmers and spent the next couple of hours wallowing in the hot thermal outdoor pool, the numerous different saunas, hot pools of varying temperatures and the freezing plunge pools. Although busy with both locals and tourists, it was a very pleasant experience. Gone 5.30pm, when we headed back to the hotel.

      On the journey back, Jack and I were chatting and he revealed that he was a contractor for a company and he may be losing his current job later this year. He also asked me what I did & after, he went on to reveal that amongst the usual NMA crowd were 2 Police traffic officers & a girl who is a Derbyshire 999 operator regularly seen on the TV programme ‘Police Interceptors’.

      We were planning to go back out to eat, but time was pushing on. We eventually decided to eat in the hotel. I had the Hungarian pork stew and a pint of beer.

      It was raining when we left the hotel for the 15- 20 minute walk to the A38 venue which is actually on a boat on the River Danube. A lady called Alex from Vienna offered to shelter me under her umbrella during the walk. It turned out talking to her, that Alex was on the guest list, because she was friends with some of the members of the band. It transpired that one of her best friends used to go out with Nelson who was a guitarist with NMA for 22 years, leaving in 2012 for personal reasons (too much touring). Apparently that’s why most of the band have left over the years. It was an interesting chat & great insight into the workings of the band.

      The support band, Aznincs, were not my cup of tea and so I sat down with the others in the bar area.

      NMA came on at the scheduled time and it was clear that Justin’s voice was failing him a little bit which he acknowledged, however during the performance his voice returned. According to my source in the know, the drummer, Michael Dean, is suffering with a shoulder problem & is having to take lots of painkillers before each gig. Fingers crossed for the rest of the tour.

      I stayed a couple of rows back with Lee, who has mild MS. I’m glad I did, because it was a particularly lively one in the mosh pit. Jack did his usual thing - not with any help from me. The encore was No Rest, High & Get Me Out. Another great performance.

      After the obligatory photo, we hurried back to the hotel and bed in anticipation of an early start tomorrow.

      Song of the Day - The Voice by Ultravox

      NMA Song of the Day - Rivers by New Model Army.

    • Tag 3

      Zwack Unicum

      24. Juni 2023 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Als ich einige Monate vor der Reise mein Hotel auswählte recherchierte ich ein wenig, was man in der Umgebung so unternehmen könnte. Dabei stieß ich auf „Zwack Unicum“, einem ungarischen Kräuterschnaps-Hersteller, der Werksführungen anbietet (https://zwackunicum.hu/en/zwack-muzeumok/zwack-…).
      So kam es, dass ich bei 34 Grad und auf quasi nüchternen Magen eine Besichtigung der heiligen Hallen dieses Familienbetriebs genoss – inklusiver mehrere Kostproben des wohltuenden Trunks.
      Der Betrieb hat eine bewegte und beeindruckende Geschichte. So wurde das Unternehmen - wie so viele andere auch - während der Sowjetzeit enteignet bzw. verstaatlicht. Es gelang der Familie Zwack mit Unterstützung von Unterberger (ja, dem deutschen Kräuterschnaps-Hersteller) jedoch nach dem Zusammenbruch der ehemaligen Sowjetunion den Betrieb zurück zu erwerben. Die Familie schaffte es nach der Enteignung, dass das Rezept für den „echten“ Unicum nicht in die Hände der damaligen Regierung gelangte, weshalb der Schnaps zu jener Zeit nur wenig mit dem heutigen Geschmack gemeinsam hatte - so sagt man dort.
      Eine tolle Tour, die ich weiterempfehlen kann. Jedoch brauchte ich danach erst mal ein Stündchen zum Ausnüchtern in meinem klimatisierten Hotelzimmer…

    • Tag 15

      Jour 15 : Budapest

      30. Dezember 2019 in Ungarn ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      Aujourd'hui nous nous baladons sur une digue réhabilité pour accueillir une multitude de restaurants. L'ensemble est au milieu d'un parc récent et le temps est parfait pour la marche. Après une pause pizza, on se dirige vers Andrassy Avenue, les "Champs Élysée" de Buda, en largement plus petit, qui débouche sur la place des héros. A côté se trouve le parc Városliget où un splendide château se tient au milieu, entourée de douves. L'architecture mêle plein de styles différents et est assez étrange au final. Juste à côté se trouve une gigantesque patinoire ! Enfin direction le Morison's, où on profite largement du plateau de 10 pintes à 5€ pour jouer au bière-pong et enchaîner sur la soirée techno de la boîte.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2

      Ensimmäinen kisapäivä

      19. August 2023 in Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Aamupalan jälkeen oli tarkoitus lähteä katsomaan miesten 20km kilpakävelyä, mutta sillin alkoi rankkasade, jonka vuoksi kävelykisan alkua siirrettiin 2 tuntia eteenpäin, ja niinpä minulta jäi kävelykisa katsomatta. Sateen heiketessä lähdin kävelemään stadionille (3km) sadeviitta ylläni.
      Saga Vanninen jäi 100m aidoissa parhaastaan lähes 0,3s ja Topi Raitasen estejuoksu meni ihan persiilleen, joten eipä alkanut kisa kovinkaan hyvin.
      Lummin Aku Partanen onnistui kuitekin 20km kävelyssä super hyvin - kuudes sija uudella Suomen ennätyksellä on hieno saavutus.
      Sekä naisten kymppi että 4x400m sekaviesti saivat kaatumisten seurauksena dramaattisen lopun ja miesten kuulafinaalin tulostaso oli huippu.
      Kisan jälkeen hotellin koisimaan.
      Päivän aikana tuli käveltyä 13,4km

    • Tag 3

      Hungarian Rhapsody @Zwack

      24. Juni 2023 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Im Rahmen der Führung durch die Fabrik wurden wir auch auf eine Veranstaltung aufmerksam gemacht, die am Abend stattfinden sollte: Den Auftritt einiger Künstler, unter anderem der Queen-Cover-Band „Hungarian Rhapsody“. Ein Auftritt, den ich mir eigentlich nicht entgehen lassen durfte. Auch wenn das bedeutete, dass ich am Abend nochmals Eintritt für das gleiche Museum zahlen musste. Aber ich muss sagen, das war es wert. Ein Auszug aus deren Repertoire kann man sich auf Youtube ansehen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yohZ5BbK-_w).Weiterlesen

    • Tag 27

      Retour à Lyon

      29. Juni 2023 in Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      C'est la fin de ce long voyage. Après 6 km dans Budapest , le long du Danube, nous rejoignons notre Flixbus pour un voyage de 22 heures qui nous amènera à Lyon le lendemain à 9 heures du matin. En fait moins pénible que 22 heures d'avion: sièges plus spacieux, moins bruyant, des arrêts pour se dégourdir les jambes, internet en permanence et pas de décalage horaire.
      Tout se passait donc bien sauf que pour le trajet de nuit nous avons eu 4 serbes juste derrière nous, parlant et rigolant toute la nuit, mangeant des sandwichs qui puaient l'ail à 10 mètres... des rustres imbéciles impossibles à raisonner. Heureusement nous aurons une journée de récupération chez Dominique, le frère d'Anne qui habite Lyon.

    • Tag 5

      Der MOL Campus

      22. März in Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      In Budapest steht ein Leuchtturmprojekt. MOL Campus ist nicht nur das höchste Gebäude Ungarns, sondern auch ein Vorbild punkto Nachhaltigkeit. Dafür ist das Gebäude mit dem Label BREEAM Excellent ausgezeichnet worden.

      MOL Campus in Budapest ist ein aufsehenerregender Neubau. Mit einer Höhe von 143 Metern gilt das 28-stöckige Hochhaus aus Glas im jungen Wohn- und Geschäftsviertel BudaPart als das höchste Bürogebäude in Ungarn.

      Aufgrund seiner Grösse stiess der neue Hauptsitz des ungarischen Öl- und Erdgasunternehmen MOL Gruppe nicht nur auf Begeisterung. Anerkennung gewann das «Büro der Zukunft» aber mit seiner Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie. Die Bauherren strebten die weltweit bekannten Nachhaltigkeitszertifikate BREEAM Excellent und LEED Platinum an. Ersteres haben sie inzwischen erreicht.

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    Lágymányos, Lagymanyos

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