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    • Dag 2

      Erster Morgen in Reykjavík

      18 oktober 2019, Island ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Während Carola noch schlief habe ich mich schon mal unter die Dusche geschlichen- definitiv eine besondere Erfahrung. Nicht nur, weil man quasi durch die Gemeinschaftsküche in die Dusche kommt, sondern vor allem wegen dem sehr hautfreundlichem Wasser hier. Da die Isländer ihr warmes Wasser meist direkt aus heißen, unterirdischen Quellen beziehen, hat es einen hohen Schwefelanteil mit entsprechendem Geruch nach faulen Eiern. Man fühlt sich danach aber sehr gepflegt :D
      Da wir hier zur Zeit alleine sind können wir in Ruhe die Küche benutzen und erst mal schön frühstücken. Der Tag verspricht spannend zu werden...
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    • Dag 1

      Erste Unterkunft

      17 oktober 2019, Island ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      So, da sind wir. Alles sehr kompakt. Dusche in der Küche, Klo mit Dachschräge und Zimmer mit Blick auf die Füße von Leuten die über den Bürgersteig laufen :D

      Die Stadt ist grau und die Ampeln leuchtender als in Deutschland :DLäs mer

    • Dag 11

      The day before

      5 maj 2018, Island ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Es ist immer noch wechselhaft, aber der Wind ist weniger geworden und es regnet nur hin und wieder ein paar Minuten. Wir wollen nochmal nach Reykjavik - Perlan hat heute wieder eröffnet. Zudem wollten wir uns das Walmuseum noch ansehen. Nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück sind wir gegen 11 am Walmuseum. Die nachgebauten Modelle sind riesig und dem Original schon sehr ähnlich. Vor allem beim Pottwal komm ich mir sehr klein vor 😉. War sehr interessant, nur Preis-Leistung passen nicht ganz. In der Hinsicht ist Island wirklich teuer. Wir haben etwas Hunger und holen uns in unserer Bäckerei die leckeren Vanillusnúdur - mmh 😋. Ein bisschen frische Luft schadet nicht, daher besuchen wir noch den botanischen Garten (Eintritt frei). Allzuviel blüht aber noch nicht😞. Wir fahren nochmal zum Hafen und sagen Auf Wiedersehen. Am Leuchtturm laden uns zwei Isländer auf einen Kaffee in ihrem alten VW Bus 🚌 ein. Kaffee lehnen wir zwar ab, aber wir unterhalten uns nett mit ihnen. Der eisige Wind und die Stürme sind wohl sehr untypisch für diese Zeit. Normal sei es wohl schon wärmer. Uns hat es dennoch gefallen. Nach einer Weile verabschieden wir uns dann und fahren noch Richtung Perlan.Läs mer

    • Dag 2

      Reykjavik Day 2 pm

      22 maj 2019, Island ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      After brunch we went on a long walk exploring rather than rest from our no sleep night. We visited the beautiful National Church of Iceland designed by architect Samuelson. We saw the statue of Lief Eriksen the Icelandic discoverer who found North America before Christopher Columbus. We walked through lots of old streets and found a restaurant with authentic Icelandic food and then a decadent bakery. We got back to the hotel ready to drop. Our rooms were ready so we both had a nap.
      We woke up refreshed and took the hotel shuttle to the harbourfront for supper. We enjoyed a lovely happy hour watching the ships. Lucie and Jean opened the card and gift of a scarf I had made for them and celebrated the start of another travel adventure. The oldest fish and chip restaurant in Reykjavik was recommended to us for a delicious casual meal and Paul found Reykjavik's most famous ice cream shop across the road to finish off our first full day.
      A taxi had our name on it and we took a ride back to hotel about 10pm still full daylight.
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    • Dag 4

      "Challenging the Process"

      16 maj 2019, Island ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      7) What are you hoping to learn about yourself as a leader on this trip?

      Throughout my freshman year, I have studied the five leadership practices one should implement into their daily routine to be an exemplary leader. Recently the members of our leadership team conducted tests to discover which of the practices was our weakest. In my leadership inventory, my weakest practice was “Challenging the Process.” As a leader, I tend to shy away from new ideas and the unknown—I am usually not a risk taker and generally choose the course of action that I know will work, instead of inventing new ideas to experiment with. While in Iceland, I had several opportunities to try new things and take initiative in activities. On the trip, I hoped to learn to recognize the times when I fail to seize the opportunity to experiment and the best way to push myself to take those risks that present themselves. One important activity that challenged me was advocating for whales and approaching tourists to talk with them about whaling. Then we had to use our persuasion skills to urge the tourists to sign the petition. I discovered that when I had the support of my friends with me, I was more likely to take a risk because I knew they would have my back if something went wrong. However, when I had to convince the tourist myself, I was more likely to retreat and avoid the situation altogether. Another tendency I noticed was that being unprepared in situations created higher feelings of anxiety about taking initiative, as I did not feel qualified to speak on the subject matter. I did not have much time to prepare what I wanted to say to the tourists because I was not well educated about whaling—I had just learned about the industry several hours before. Yet, pushing through those feelings and getting the job done allowed me to see the success of our group. In the picture, my team posed after successfully convincing five tourists to sign the petition. Working together as a team allowed me to feel more confident in uncertainty, but I will not always have this luxury. Thus, it would be beneficial for me to practice being placed in impromptu situations so I can learn how to manage the feelings that arise when I feel vulnerable, as many of the times those feelings are the only obstacle holding me back.Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Meet Us, Don't Eat Us!

      16 maj 2019, Island ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      #4 What about being in Iceland is a new experience for you?

      A new experience for me was the opportunity to advocate for animals - specifically, for whales. Being from Kansas, I've had very few encounters with whales and I've never thought about using them as a food source, but this is a regular practice that Icelanders think and debate about. I knew even before I came to Iceland and learned more about the commercial whaling topic that I did not want to eat whale meat, but I didn’t have a good reason for why, and some of the team that went on the trip even said that they weren’t against eating whale meat if they were offered it. The first night in Reykjavik, the team had the opportunity to eat a traditional Icelandic meal at an Icelander’s home. When she was asked about her opinion on eating whale meat, her answer was “Why wouldn’t we eat it?” Her answer made me question my view on it, because as an outsider who has very little knowledge of Iceland’s whaling situation, I feel like I should not be able to try and convince those who have lived in Iceland their entire lives to change an aspect about their culture. Through the Whales of Iceland exhibit as well as learning from leaders of the Meet Us Don’t Eat Us organization, I was able to defend my opinion against commercial whaling and believe in it wholeheartedly. I’ve never advocated for an animal species before, but I’m proud of the work I was able to do and hope that I did help the whales. Even if only one of the tourists I talked to decide to not eat whale meat, I will be happy.Läs mer

    • Dag 7

      Day 8, Reykjavic

      7 september 2017, Island ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Evening all, so a nice long dock in Reykjavik today, docking at 7am this morning and not leaving until 10pm this evening. Due to all the excitement last night with the Northern Lights and the fact that we were very late to bed, we missed this mornings dock and breakfast in the restaurant as our peepers didn't open until 9am. We wandered upstairs to the buffet breakfast and indulged. We didn't hang about as we wanted to get in to the town for a look around and get a tour to the golden circle. We went in to the town and to the tourist information and booked ourselves a trip to depart at 12.30. We were in a private minibus and there were 12 of us, a nice bunch. The driver was excellent and first stop was to the country park to see where the tectonic plates have divided the US and Europe. We then moved on to the Geysers, natural hot sulphur springs which shoot 100 degree boiling water up to 30 meters into the sky all naturally. They were amazing to see and truly fascinating. We had an hour there before being driven to the next stop the Gullfoss Falls. These were magnificent Waterfalls and get their name because when in the sun a rainbow appears and the word Gullfos means Golden. We were lucky enough to see the rainbow, in fact we saw 2. Moving on we visited Icelands second largest glacier, followed by a smaller waterfall on the Clearwater river which had a salmon ladder before being driven back to the ship via one of Icelands active volcanos. It was a phenomenal trip and a very long day. We were back on board, quick dinner in the buffet and we are now out on deck watching us set sail for St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. We're all togged up looking to see if we can catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights again, the decks are very full tonight but nothing as yet. Communications will be limited until we hit New York a week on Sunday but I will endeavour to update the blog daily if the internet behaves.

      ** Scrap the last comment, the Northern Lights have come out to play. Captains turned all the lights out on the decks and it's packed and a cracking display.
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    • Dag 18

      Day 16 Reykajavik, Iceland Day 2

      17 augusti 2019, Island ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Another day, another change of plans. Today was supposed to be the day we took a flight over icefields and active volcanos, however there have been extremely high winds in Reykjavik today and the tour had to be cancelled due to adverse flying conditions for the small plane being used. Tomorrow’s whale watching expedition is in jeopardy for the same reason but i guess we’ll come to that when we get to tomorrow....

      Unfortunately that’s just how things roll in this part of the world where adverse weather is a part of everyday life even in mid-summer. That said apart from the high winds (which wouldn’t rate much of a mention to anyone who has spent much time in Wellington - “a bit breezy” by our standards...!) it was fine and sunny with temps about 15 degrees.

      So with time on our hands we decided to knock off a couple of things we hadn’t managed the previous day in Reykjavik and visited the Northern Lights experience centre which gives information and picture/video representations of the Northern Lights from all over Iceland. For those wondering if we have seen the lights for ourselves... no, this the wrong time to see them as they usually occur in winter between late October and late March although there are occasional sightings from early September through to late April

      After that we headed back through the city and up to the main Church featuring an impressive organ/pipe set up. Of more interest was the assembling of the gay pride parade floats and the parade route was packed.

      Otherwise we occupied ourselves in a couple of local pubs sampling some further local beers (for me at least) before returning to the ship about 3 pm in time for pre dinner happy hour...

      Photos show the Northern Lights (not live..); inside of the Harpa concert hall; the Scenic Eclipse about to embark on her maiden voyage from Reykjavik; the waterfront bar we had a drink at; Reykjavik harbour and public exhibit in the background; Hallgrimskirkja Church which dominates the skyline; the harbour again; another public art piece
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    • Dag 7

      Old Whaling Ships

      7 juni 2007, Island ⋅ 11 °C

      Afterwards, he took a taxi back through the old town and past it to Hvalstöðin Whale-Watching Centre on the old harbour at Faxaflói Bay. Good thing he had a cell and the BSR taxi number entered! Taxi fares were quite high despite the small size of the city, usually Ikr 520-1000. He was glad he wasn’t driving himself, as the capital’s drivers were often inconsiderate, Ron noticed, with people yattering into mobile phones (illegal, in case you’re wondering), drifting across lanes or cutting corners at junctions.
      At the harbour were rusting old whaling ships, moored directly opposite the whale-watching companies. Hvalur 6, 7, 8 and 9 were their names. Ladders and gangplanks enabled Ron to climb aboard for a closer look. Iceland was taking heat internationally for its whaling activities. Ron took this moment to dip his bare feet into the Faxaflói Bay, a chilly experience.
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    • Dag 112

      Reykjavik - Bye Bye Ocean Diamond

      31 augusti 2019, Island ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Nach 13 Tagen endet hier die Arctic Reise. Hätte nie gedacht das die so spannend hätte sein können!

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