Birch Hill

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    • Día 206


      22 de febrero de 2020, India ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Whilst I'm writing this text I'm enjoying a nice cup of Himalayan Tea.
      Darjeeling "the mother" of all hill stations:
      Known for its delicious tea in the entire world, it's far away from the hustle of big cities. With its stunning but often cloudy views through tea plantations, it's my door to the Himalayas.
      I will always remember the morning I saw the first time the Kanchenjunga range. As kid I dreamed to see the highest mountains. Now it was time, the first 8000m mountain of my life. Breathtaking.
      I arrived at Darjeeling in an aweful condition. The diarrhea didn't let me leave my bed for days. Luckily Family Rai took care of me and I'm sure the local tea helped to heal myself. After I recovered I visited the little Himalayan Zoo (with its lovely endangered Red Pandas) and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute with its homage to its founder Tenzing Norgay Sherpa who lived and died here.
      In a nutshell it was the perfect place to recover and gain new energy before entering Nepal and say goodbye to India after 3 months!
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    • Día 23

      Little Tibet Hotel

      23 de mayo de 2019, India ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We arrived in Darjeeling but not at our Hotel just yet. Today they were completing the counting for the Indian election and as there is a possibility of rioting from the locals if they do not agree with the outcome and as the counting was being held near our hotel, local police and armed forces had blocked off the roads. Therefore, we had to walk a kilometre to our hotel with our bags being carried by porters.

      The Hotel is another yukky one, it smells of damp, mould and wet dog and very bad wifi. Apparently they are going to upgrade us tomorrow not sure if that will be any better but we can only hope.
      I can say the staff are lovely it is just a shame about the Hotel. Dinner was OK I could eat 2 things from the buffet.
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    • Día 24

      Padmaja Naidu Zoological Garden

      24 de mayo de 2019, India ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Well this was a long drive, well most of the drive we were just sitting in the car in traffic to get to the Zoo. The guide and John slept for most of this time. The traffic is dreadful it was actually quicker to walk to most attractions but the roads are very dirty with people and cars everywhere so we go in the car until our guide suggests that we get out and walk. The Zoo was another occassion where we walked for about 7min up hill to get to there.

      Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is quite small and is right in the centre of Darjeeling. The zoo was opened in 1958, and an average elevation of 2,134 m, is the largest high altitude zoo in India. It specializes in breeding animals adapted to alpine conditions, and has successful captive breeding programs for the snow leopard, the critically endangered Himalayan wolf and the red panda. The zoo attracts about 300,000 visitors every year. The zoo serves as the central hub for Central Zoo Authority of India's red panda program.

      We wandered around for 30min and saw the snow leapod, black bear, red panda, himayalan wolf and tiger. Even though they are caged they did look quite healthy. Just a shame about the very loud Indian tourists shouting at each other in conversation even though the signs around the park say "Silence"
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    • Día 24

      Back in our Hotel

      24 de mayo de 2019, India ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      The joy continues, right at the street level we can tell an Indian wedding is on at the Hotel and we all now how they can party.

      Once in the foyer the front desk give us the key to our new room and guess what not much better than the first but we can open a window and no wet dog smell so that is a plus.

      Our window opens right out the where some of the wedding party are sitting but no one is smoking so that is great. They are loud but the music is really good, so I am enjoying updating the blog listening to Indian music and some music we actually recogise. But what is weird is that we wanted to know how long the party would continue as we have to get up at 3.30am tomorrow and they told us they are going to finish at 7.30pm, what sort of party finishes so early. However, we are thankful , maybe we should join the party.

      Staying Alive is now playing.

      Fitbit Stats::
      10,0007 steps
      40 flights of stairs
      6.93 km
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    • Día 25

      Little Tibet Hotel Darjeeling

      25 de mayo de 2019, India ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Yey, we are leaving one of the worst cities we have visited in all our travels. We still have not seen any tea plantations which was the reason for coming to Darjeeling. We are hopefully seeing one this morning.

      Anyway remember I mentioned we changed rooms. When we returned from our uneventful sunrise we went for showers and this is what we found. It is shocking.
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    • Día 124

      Happy Valley, Darjeeling

      3 de septiembre de 2015, India ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Around Darjeeling there are many tea farms. By accident we've walked into one, called Happy Valley where an old lady running a café neaby took care of us immediately. She made tea for us in 5 seconds! It's true! She insisted that we watch. Anyway it was naturally sweet and tasty :) Plus, she taught us a lot of interesting stuff about tea.Leer más

    • Día 36

      Heading all the way up to calm down

      7 de octubre de 2018, India ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Es ist eine Weile her, seit wir von uns haben hören lassen, ja. Wir waren beschäftigt mit Nichtstun...
      Nachdem uns Rajasthan glücklich, aber auch erschöpft zurückgelassen hat, haben wir diesen Bundesstaat ebenfalls zurü in den Norden, in die Berge zu reisen!

      Kalimpong, eine vierzigtausend Einwohner zählende Stadt ganz im Norden von Westbengalen und nahe an der Grenze zu Sikkim, hat uns herzlich empfangen. Ach, wie ich die Bergvölker liebe - kein Angesprochen-Werden, nur Menschen, die lächeln, wenn sich unsere Blicke begegnen. Weniger Dreck, weniger Armut, dafür mehr Herzlichkeit, mehr Authentizität.
      Kalimpong ist keine Touristendestination...keine Rooftops, kein „Have a look, madame“, dafür local markets und Sammeljeeps.
      Sammeljeeps sind normale Jeeps, nur dass statt sechs genau zwölf Menschen darin eingepfercht werden und man für eine vierstündige Fahrt 150 Rupien (2.60 Franken) bezahlt.
      Wir sind also per Flug-Flug-Taxi-Sammeljeep hoch in den Norden gereist, um herunter zu fahren. Und dafür war Kalimpong perfekt! Weil wir gleich fünf Nächt gebucht haben - was unseren Gastgebern ein Rätsel war und blieb - wurden wir kostenlos von einem Standard Room in die Suite upgegradet. Und so haben wir unsere Zeit dort mit Morgenyoga auf unserem Balkon, Spaziergängen durch die Stadt und ausgiebigen Rumdrink-Pläuschen in unserem zeitweiligen Zuhause verbracht. Und obendrein hat sich (endlich) unser Benzinkocher ausbezahlt. Dank unserem Wüstentrip haben wir auf diesem kleinen Ding ab dem zweiten Abend selbstgemachte Curries mit Zutaten vom Markt zubereitet und unseren geschenkten Platz ehrenhaft ausgenutzt.

      Nach einer Woche solch süssen Nichtstun sind wir gestern per Sammeljeep - unserer neuen Lieblingsreiseart - nach Darjeeling weitergezogen...
      Diese Stadt, auf 2000m über dem Meer liegend, hat bereits jetzt unser Herz gewonnen. Es wimmelt hier von Märkten und Schrott, von freundlichen Menschen und wunderbaren Aussichten auf Teeplantagen!
      Zu unserem Glück ist unser Zimmer in einem freundlichen Homestay mit einem Cheminee - das höchstwahrscheinlich noch nie zuvor benutzt wurde - ausgestattet und während ich diese Zeilen schreibe, ist Chrigu, gestärkt durch von mir hausgemachtem Rumpunsch, am Feuer machen! Auf uns warten auf dem market gekaufte Samosas, Pakora und Chapati und selbstgeschnippelter Salat aus dort erstandenem Gemüse - what a beautiful life!
      Es ruhigt innerlich sehr, das selber Kochen und sich damit überall ein Zuhause schaffen Können...

      Hier in Darjeeling, dieser wunderbaren Stadt im hohen Norden, werden wir noch drei Tage bleiben, bevor wir dann die Grenze nach Sikkim passieren und für acht Tage auf einen Trek (welchen wir während unseres Nichtstun in Kalimpong aufgegleist haben) durch den kleinsten und nördlichsten Bundesstaat Indiens aufbrechen und mitten im heiligen Himalya unterwegs sein werden!

      Nach knapp eineinhalb Monaten sind wir nun definitiv im Reisen, in unserem neuen Leben, angekommen und die Freude darüber, (erneut) in den heiligen Gefilden des Himalaya trekken zu gehen, lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen... Namaste, Mama India. Namaste, Grandfather Himalaya. We bow to you, mother earth.
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    • Día 24

      Little Tibet Hotel

      24 de mayo de 2019, India ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      What a horrible night I hardly slept due the awful smell, breakfast is meant to be ready at 7 am. John went to check at 7.30am and it was not set up so we waited until 8 am. Breakfast was basically Indian food. John had toast with a red jam, I asked for to 2 eggs fried over easy and when they came out they were so under done I just left the room. Eating raw eggs is just horrendous.

      Well let's hope the day improves.

      I really do not like Darjeeling and will never come back here.
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    Birch Hill

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