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    • Mt. Bromo

      15 Mayıs, Endonezya ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Der erste aktive Vulkan auf unserer Reise. Absolut beeindruckend, überraschend und faszinierend, nach einem relativ kurzen aber intensiven Anstieg ein lautes Grummeln aus dem Krater zu hören und die Schwefeldämpfe aufsteigen zu sehen. (2. 329m)
      Der letzte Ausbruch fand hier 2016 statt.

      Für den malerischen Sonnenaufgang mussten wir um 0:30Uhr aufstehen das hat schon ein wenig wehgetan, hat sich aber absolut gelohnt. Beeindruckende Kulisse und super Guides an unserer Seite. Supporten uns für die besten Lookouts und beim fotografieren. Standen bisher nie im Stau oder in einer Schlange ☺️ so kann es die nächsten 3 Tage weitergehen. Jetzt sind wir 3h im Auto zur nächsten Unterkunft um morgen früh wieder am nächsten Highlight zu sein.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 60

      Bromo - Climbing new heights

      1 Nisan, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C


      A sensation experienced while hiking an active volcano. Waking up at two in the morning just to not miss the sunrise at the best spot on Mount Bromo. As we watch the volcanic activity in the background, mesmerized by the beautiful landscape unfolding before us. All at once. But the best way to celebrate this event was playing with neapolitan cards.

      This is a new for me.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 15

      Volcan Bromo

      15 Haziran 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Nos levantamos 2.45hs de la madrugada y nos subimos a un jeep marca Toyota que, según nos contaron, era de 1965 a 1968.
      Había una caravana de jeeps como el nuestro en camino a los miradores del volcán.

      Llegamos temprano y “desayunamos” un té con banana frita al lado de una ollita con carbón para enfrentar el frío. Hacían unos 11 o 12 grados.

      A eso de las 5 caminamos a un mirador. Fuimos al mirador intermedio (el bajo se llena de gente porque van con niños inclusive) y estuvimos ahí alrededor de una hora sin poder creer lo que veían nuestros ojos. Él paisaje que nos encontramos fue algo único y que nos dejó sin palabras.
      Pudimos identificar tres volcanes, el Bromo es el que tiene hoy fumarolas y los otros dos también están activos son el Semeru (el más alto) y el más chico el Batok. El Bromo y el Batok se encuentran dentro de una caldera gigantesca de un volcán que hoy ya no existe .

      Bajamos del punto del amanecer y fuimos en el jeep hasta la base de los volcanes que es un mar de arena negra y aprovechamos a sacarnos unas fotos.

      De ahí nos llevaron a la base del volcán Bromo y después de unos 30 minutos de subida llegamos al cráter. Se olía a el azufre y había bastante humo, eso más el sol, no pudimos sacar fotos donde se pudiera ver perfecto pero fue impactante.

      Regresamos a nuestro alojamiento a desayunar y ducharnos para emprender de nuevo el camino hacia Tumpak Sewu. Fuimos hasta el ingreso de las cascadas Tumpak Sewu y caminamos solo hasta el punto panorámico.

      Mañana nos toca amanecer mirando las cascadas. Al menos esta vez dormimos hasta las 6.30! 🤣
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      King Kong Hill am Penanjakan

      8 Eylül 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Was sagt man wenn 2:40 Uhr der Wecker klingelt? Guten Morgen oder gute Nacht?
      Wir packen uns dick ein, futtern ne Banane und schließen pünktlich 3 Uhr die Tür hinter uns. Den offiziellen Eingang zum Nationalpark umgehen wir um den Eintritt zu sparen und machen uns auf den Weg zum King Kong Hill (2600 m) 🦍. Wir sind eine der Wenigen, die den Weg zu Fuß auf sich nehmen, alle anderen fahren so weit wie möglich mit Jeeps oder Rollern. Nach anderthalb Stunden, erst über Straßen und dann steil über staubige Pfade erreichen wir unseren Sunrise-Point. Die meisten der anderen Touristen sind faul und bleiben am erst besten Spot stehen aber wir ziehen durch und haben dadurch einen gigantischen Blick und vergleichbar wenige andere Leute um uns herum. Gegen 4:50 Uhr kann man den Sonnenaufgang am Horizont schon erahnen und die Sandwüste vor dem Bromo Vulkan wird in warmes, güldenes Licht getaucht. 🌅
      Ganz pünktlich 5:26 Uhr taucht der große orangefarbene Ball auf und färbt die Kulisse - sieht irgendwie fast unwirklich aus. Wir genießen die Szenerie noch etwas länger als die meisten der Touristen - gönnen uns noch eine Coke und paar Kekse bevor es wieder runter geht. 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17

      Sonnenaufgang am Bromo

      20 Temmuz 2022, Endonezya ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Das schönste Licht wirft der Sonnenaufgang auf den Bromo und die Tengger-Caldera.
      Um 3.30 Uhr brachen wir vielen hundert anderen Leute per Jeep zum Aussichspunkt auf.
      Eine Stunde warteten wir bei einem heißen Tee im Warung bis das Schauspiel beginnen konnte. Bei sternenklarem Himmel war die Sicht super, aber es waren auch nur ca. 9 Grad.
      Abgesehen von mehren Schichten übereinander hatte ich noch dünne Neopren-Tauchhandschuhe an :-)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Mount Bromo

      29 Mayıs 2023, Endonezya ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      I had the incredible opportunity to visit Mount Bromo with my brother, and it was a truly memorable experience. As we made our way up the steps, the picturesque volcano revealed its majestic beauty. The view from the crater's edge was simply breathtaking, with swirling smoke rising from its depths. Standing there, side by side, we couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and appreciation for the wonders of nature. It was a moment of bonding and adventure that we will cherish forever.

      #MountBromoAdventure #BrotherlyBonding #NatureWonders #UnforgettableExperience #BreathtakingViews
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Mount Bromo — An Epic Sunrise

      10 Eylül 2022, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      With an alcohol fuelled all-nighter weighing on me, the full day of travel ahead tested the limits of my endurance. It started with a car transfer to the train station followed by an 8 hour train ride to a coastal town called Probolinggo. Despite my tiredness, I couldn't rest in the short, vertical and non reclinable seats. The non existent leg room restricting my positioning options. Vasco was deep asleep, head hanging like a ragdoll with the shaking of the carriage. I felt myself slipping in and out of consciousness, but never comfortable or rested.

      We arrived at Probolinggo in the middle of the afternoon. A short middle aged man was waiting for us with a paper sign. He was to bring us to the tour agency, maybe one hour away, where all the travellers would gather to then be taken up the mountains. "Where are you guys from?", he asked us, showing very little interest in the answer other than a poor attempt at a Ronaldo joke. He asked us to wait for other travellers so that he didn't have to do multiple trips. We agreed without hesitation but even then he aggressively warned us not to tell his superiors which apparently some tourists did, getting him in trouble. He was a bit of a strange man.

      To kill some time, he dropped us at the the town's pier. A place nice enough to walk a bit by the sea and enjoy some sun. The small beach next to the pier didn't have the most appealing appearance. In the distance, big cargo ships and other boats dotted the horizon. Walking alongside the pier, we reached a wired fence with a large human sized hole in it. Some people crossed casually in both directions so we decided to cross it as well. It felt like the kind of place where teenagers came to hangout. We saw fishermen waiting patiently beside their fishing rods, dogs being walked, a diver catching sea porcupines, and young people chatting the afternoon away in small groups.

      Probolinggo, and its industrial pier, didn't have much to offer. We met with our driver and he took us to the train station where we waited for the others.

      Eventually the old van became full of westerners and their luggage. It took us maybe 40 minutes to get to the agency's office where a tourist agent detailed the plan for the next couple of days over a comically bad map painted on the wall behind the counter. We were then separated into small vans to take on the 2 or 3 hours trip through the wild interior of the island towards the guest house at the base of the Bromo mountain. The night fell as we followed the bumpy road deeper into the forest. My phone had no signal and I soon dozed off.

      A brisk dusk was turning to nightfall by the time the car stopped at our accommodation. A simple and small building in the middle of a steep paved street, surrounded by similar looking buildings forming a small mountain town. A nice man received us and helped us with our luggage. He looked surprised to see us for some reason. Instead of entering through the front door he apologised and asked us to follow him through a balcony around the side of the building to a room in the back. It was simple und humble, but more than enough for two guys fighting to keep their eyelids open. We still mustered the courage to get some dinner in the town's only open restaurant before calling it an early night.

      Our alarms rang just a few hours later. A jeep came to pick us up at 2 in the morning. After filling the jeep with a few more tourists we took off up the mountain. As time went by, the trip became progressively more chaotic. It's strange to see so many jeeps going up the mountain at 3 or 4 a.m., in a place otherwise very wild. The ride ended on a narrow mountain road so full of traffic that our jeep came to a stop. We agreed on a time to meet our driver and walked up the rest of the way until we found a nice viewpoint over the whole crater.

      We sat on the ground for a couple of hours, soaking in the view. At 5 a.m. the dawn came with amazing purple, red and yellow colours, made more dramatic by the huge crater filled with mist that spanned the whole view in front of us. In the middle of it, 2 small chimneys stood out, the smallest of which was visibly active. Its plume of smoke rising to the sky and blending with the sunrise colours so peacefully that it almost felt like someone was brewing coffee inside. Pale mountains were visible farther towards the horizon. One of them was mount Ijen, another volcano that we would see up close pretty soon. As the sun rose the colours shifted across the sky, and the mist below us dissipated revealing a brown ground with a little green mixed in, sliced by dirt roads used by the jeeps.

      We met back with our driver that took us down to the crater where we stopped to explore and hike up to the edge of the active chimney. Getting up to the edge felt like standing on the event horizon of a blackhole — one more step forward off the ledge and nothing would stop the slide down the steep inner walls towards the smoky bubbly hole a few hundred metres below us. We couldn't see the inside of it, but the boiling sound and the smoke heavy with the smell of sulphur curbed any desire of getting any closer.

      On the way back Vasco flexed his haggling skills to buy a sweater from one of the local merchants before we jumped back in our Jeep to drive down the mountain. Our next stop would be an even more hardcore volcano.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Sunrise over the volcanoes

      7 Eylül 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      This morning we woke up at 3am to head up the King Kong lookout for sunset over the volcanoes.
      King kong is a beautiful spot to catch the sunrise and get a panoramic view of Bromo and Batok mountains. From Kingkong Hill, you can also see the view of Bromo caldera, Mount Semeru and city views of Probolinggo and Pasuruan!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 57

      Mount Bromo

      1 Kasım 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Wo de Wecker am Viertel ab 2 gschellt het, isch es scho biz früeh gsi. Aber wie sichs usegstellt het, isch es allemol Wert gsi. Ufm King Kong Hill hend mir de Sunneufgang mit Sicht uf de Bromo dörfe bestuune. D Atmosphäre isch einmalig gsi. Aschlüssend sind mir mit üsm Jeep durch d Sandwüesti richtig Bromo gfahre. Nachemene kurze Spaziergang hend mir au de Bromo erklunge. Do de Bromo aktiv isch, het er au chli qualmt und paar Grüsch gmacht. Scho sehr iidrücklich so es Naturwunder. Zrugg ide Unterkunft hend mir packt und sind den rund 6 h zu üsere nöchste Destination gfahre.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 42–43

      Mount Bromo

      7 Şubat, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Together with Maria and Sadie, we take the train to Malang in the evening, from where we set off an hour later, at 00:30, for the sunrise tour to the Bromo volcano. 🌋🌅
      I quickly realise that my plan to sleep on the bus is not going to work. Instead of the bus, we are travelling by jeep on an absolutely bumpy route to the highest point next to the volcano. We are joined by 1000 other jeeps.

      Luckily, we are right at the front and wait (& freeze) for an hour until the sun rises.
      In any case, not sleeping was once again well worth it! 🤩

      Afterwards we have the opportunity to walk up the crater.

      I arrive back in Malang at lunchtime and have a look round the area. Malang is actually quite a nice little town with colourful houses. But I'm really looking forward to going to bed - I have an early start to the airport the next morning 🛫
      Okumaya devam et

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