Kawah Putih

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    • Tag 4

      First days in Bandung

      7. Oktober 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The first days of my journey have passed - time for an update 😌:

      I have spent the last days in Bandung in the D&D Backpackers Hostel where I met many fellow travellers from the Netherlands 🇳🇱, Germany 🇩🇪 and even one guy from Norway 🇳🇴
      The staff was super friendly, took us to many local food places in the city and arranged a full day tour (14 hours) for us to explore the southern region. The tour was really exciting. Early in the morning we slipped through the heavy Bandung traffic (piggybacking on the motorbikes 🏍️ of our drivers). After approximately 2 hours we reached „white crater“ (the very visible trace of an active volcano 🌋 in that region) which offers some unusually colourful and beautiful views due to the high sulphur concentration in that area. I was also surprised that I would find mountains with such high altitudes here in Indonesia 🇮🇩 (the area is about 2300 m above sea level). This also allows people here to grow tea leaves 🍃 for green and black tea on one of the many fields nearby (over all they cover up to 3500 hectares).
      After some mei goreng (fried noodles) for lunch 🥗 we visited a leisure park where we hiked to a waterfall and got some much needed refreshment in its cold water 💦 (probably not more than 20 degrees Celsius).
      Next up were the hot springs which are also very common for this volcanic area. Getting into the water required a little bit of will power since it’s temperature was around 40 degrees Celsius. But once I was in, it felt pretty good 😊
      We were in for a treat that day. So before getting into the hot springs, we took a mud bath (which is supposed to be good for your skin). However, removing the mud was anything else than easy since it pretty much stuck to my skin. It would not even surprise me if I did not completely got rid of it by now. 😅
      After sunset we drove for an hour back towards our hostel and went for dinner 🍲 at another local place which served many little dishes on small plates to share among our group (perhaps the Indonesian version of tapas). The food was again excellent. My favourites were the coconut flavoured chicken wings 🥘 and the curry style jackfruit 🍈.
      After dinner we again had to squeeze us (for another hour or so) through the now even heavier Bandung Saturday night traffic. I really don’t know how our drivers can put up with this day in day out. Traffic is really horrible here (at least for Europeans, I guess). I wouldn’t even think in my dreams about driving here 😂
      Anyways, at around 9pm we were back in the hostel. And that gave me at least a little time to arrange my onward travel to and accommodation in Yogyakarta. After some beers with my fellow travellers, I went packing/preparing everything for today’s journey. The night was short (only 4-5 hours) but that way I could catch the early 7am train and I will be approx. at 3pm in Yogyakarta. I wonder what I will encounter there during the next 4 days … I will keep you posted ☺️

    • Tag 17

      Kawah Putih - White Crater

      1. November 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ 🌩️ 17 °C

      2 Stunden herrlich aufregende Scooter-Fahrt entfernt liegt Kawah Putih, ein Kratersee in einem Vulkankrater etwa 50 Kilometer südlich von Bandung. Der Kawah-Putih-See ist einer der beiden Krater, aus denen der Mount Patuha besteht, einer von zahlreichen Vulkanen auf Java. Ich glaube, um 1970 rum das letzte Mal ausgebrochen, ohne große Schäden zu hinterlassen.

      2 hours of wonderfully exciting scooter ride away is Kawah Putih, a crater lake in a volcanic crater about 50 kilometers south of Bandung. Lake Kawah Putih is one of the two craters that make up Mount Patuha, one of Java's numerous volcanoes. I think it last erupted around 1970 without causing any major damage.

    • Tag 56

      Tag 55 - Kawah Putih

      26. Mai 2019 in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wir haben uns heute mal wieder dazu entschieden, eine Tour zu buchen, was vor allem daran liegt, dass Bandung selber nicht viel zu bieten hat. Die Sehenswürdigkeiten liegen in der Umgebung und sind für uns nicht ganz so einfach zu erreichen. Da wir hier keinen Roller fahren wollen, haben wir uns also für diese Variante entschieden.

      Der erste Stopp führte und zum White Crater, auch bekannt als Kawah Putih, einem Kratersee und einer der bekanntesten Touristenspotts rund um Bandung 🌋🗻
      Abenteuerlich war schon die 5 Km lange Fahrt im Angkor (so werden hier die Minibusse genannt), in den sich 12 Menschen quetschen und beobachten können, wie der Fahrer die unendlich vielen Schlaglöcher umfährt 🚌
      Oben angekommen ist das wohl auffälligste Merkmal die weiß/blaue Farbe des Sees, die je nach pH-Wert (0,5-1,3) und Sonneneinstrahlung auch bis zu einem Grünton schwanken kann 🏞
      Man könnte außerdem durchgehend aufsteigende Dämpfe sehen, was der Grund dafür ist, dass wir uns am Eingang Atemmasken gekauft haben. Im Nachhinein auf jeden Fall eine Investition, die sich gelohnt hat, da selbst das Einatmen mit Maske gebrannt hat.
      Deswegen soll man sich dort auch nur 15 Minuten aufhalten, was wir aber erst gelesen haben als wir nach einer Dreiviertelstunde wieder auf dem Weg nach unten waren.
      Dort hat uns unser Tourguides noch eine überschaubare Kaffeeplantage gezeigt.
      Als nächstes ging es zu den Teeplantagen, die sich 39 Quadratkilometer über die Berge erstrecken.
      Eigentlich hatten wir erst nicht so viel Lust darauf, da wir in den Cameron Highlands schon welche gesehen haben, aber wir waren dann doch beeindruckt. Alles war noch viel größer und grüner als wir es bisher gesehen haben 🌱🍃🌿
      Nach einer kurzen Wanderung über die Teefelder ging es dann allerdings schon weiter zu den Hotsprings.
      Wir wurden unten an der Hauptstraße abgesetzt und dann auf jeweils auf ein Motorrad verfrachtet, dass uns den restlichen Weg nach oben bringen sollte. Der Weg war so steil und uneben, dass wir niemals auf die Idee gekommen wären, da hochzufahren, aber wir sind sicher angekommen 🏍
      Es gab ein kleines Dorf und weiter unten gelegen die heißen Quellen in Herzform. Man könnte das gesamte Gebiet zu Fuß erkunden, was wir auch getan haben. Dabei mussten wir über Brücken, die nicht ganz so vertrauenswürdig aussahen, aber von der anderen Seite hatte man die beste Aussicht.
      Als letztes ging es noch vorbei an einem kleinen See und dann müde zurück ins Hostel.

    • Tag 91


      13. Februar 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      8 a.m. - The hostel provided some simple breakfast and afterwards I got ready for the day.

      9:15 a.m. - Our little group of four got picked up from the tour guide.

      11 a.m. - We drove quite far outside in the mountains where we arrived at the Kawah Puthi vulcano. He is not active since years so you can go in the crater which is 2400m above the sea level. I went im shorts and it was freezing, especially the wind was really bad. In the crater is a bluish lake which changes color depending on the concentration of sulfur and the temperature. The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also leached into whitish colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters. We spend there around 30min walking around and exploring the crater. Afterwards we visited a coffee plantation where our guide explained us how to make the finished coffee beans we know from the supermarket. Furthermore how to get the most expensive coffee of the world, the Kopi Luwak coffee, which is originally from Java. Coffee beans, as we buy them in the store, can be produced in several ways. After harvesting, the fruits of the coffee plant, called coffee cherries, are processed in a special way. The preparation exposes the bean inside the fruit. The beans are then sent to coffee roasters, who - as the name suggests - roast and grind the beans in a complex process. Only then can coffee be brewed from them. A distinction is made between dry preparation and wet preparation. In wet processing, the coffee cherries are soaked in water for several days to dissolve the pulp through fermentation. This fermentation process has an essential effect on the taste and quality of the coffee beans. It is precisely this fermentation process that makes the difference between Kopi Luwak and other coffees. Indonesian creeping cats have a preference for coffee cherries. They eat the fruit, but unfortunately they can only digest the pulp and not the coffee bean inside. The beans go through the animal's entire digestive process before they eventually excrete them. Due to the moist environment in the intestines and the right enzymes, the digestion also triggers a fermentation process. This special fermentation gives the cat coffee its typical gentle aroma. Moreover he showed us the cinnamon tree.. Basically the just cut the skin of the tree, dry them and then you have cinnamon. Afterwards we got lunch.

      1 p.m. - In the afternoon we went to the tea fields. I was already at some in Cameron Highlands and those are the same but I learned something new. The farmers can harvest the leaves every two months until a certain point where they need to cut them down. Afterwards I takes two years until they can harvest again. Black, green, white tea is from the same plant they just use different aged leaves. The youngest and smallest one is used for white tea and is harvested by hand. The next leave is used for green tea and the third for black tea. Both get harvested by machine. Later we went to a natural hotspring. The weather so far was alright, cloudy but no rain. But when we arrived at the hotspring it started to pour down rain. However perfect wether for a hotspring. There were two different ones, a smaller but hot hot one and a bigger one with a pleasant heat. Although the smell of sulfur is disgusting it was very relaxing and we spent 2h there.

      4:30 p.m. - After that we went to a café where we got the opportunity to try a cup of Luwak coffee with a great view. Of course I did. It was a good coffee to be honest and it tasted a bit different than the normal one but not very special. Furthermore I probably wouldn’t tasted the different if I didn’t knew.

      6:30 p.m. - We arrived in the hostel and figured out that we leave the next day in the morning. So I already packed my stuff and picked up the laundry.

      8 p.m. - We went out for dinner in a local restaurant. The guy from the hostel recommended it and they had a lot of vegetarian options. The food was amazing and I didn’t even paid 1€ for a hole meal.

    • Tag 87–89

      Bandung - white Crater

      19. Oktober 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      As I was still suffering from a sore throat from Jakarta's A/C, I needed some rest for recovery in Bandung.
      But finally it was time to visit the other volcano at Bandung.
      Went there with two other travelers by scooter, had a nice ride and some fun with some guys and some kids at a random shop on the way, we've chosen for rest place.
      Unfortunately we were not able to go up to the crater on our own scooters, but the 4km bus ride was a nice experience, too. 😎
      White crater has less activities, so people can walk directly into it, it also is very well developed for tourists and some, mostly local, tourists were around.
      As we're still in dry season, here, there was not too much water in the crater, so the sulfate soaked grounds of the crater was very good visible.
      Walking up to the view point was a nice little hike, view was amazing and Jasper, Inge and me had a lot of fun. 😊
      While having a quick dinner at the base of the volcano two cute girls made a lot of fun with us, enjoying the attention. As both of them were deaf-mute it was amazing to see, how they communicated with each other in sign language and trying it with us, too. Showed again, that there's always a way to communicate, if you're willing and if you try hard.
      Riding back to the hostel during darkness was another experience, on these roads and with some crazy driving styles from locals.😅

    • Tag 17


      30. Juni 2018 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      A pretty quick (less than 24 hours 😉) bus ride later we arrived in Bandung. Even though the city itself didn't have a spot in our itinerary it was one of the most anticipated stops on our route... Because we had the opportunity to visit Indonesian friends of ours who are currently at home to celebrate their wedding at the beginning of August. We feared that they were too busy with the preparations but luckily they had a wedding planner who organised everything for them :) So they had time to show us around this unexpectedly big city known as a shopping and foodie getaway. Especially on the weekends it fills up pretty fast due to visitors from Jakarta that enjoy the bargained prices in Bandung.
      With our local guides we discovered hidden street food stalls, old colonial buildings and several other spots... Overall it was a hidden gem off the usual tourist spots. Besides the city we also went to the 'White Crater', a sulphur lake located about two hours south of Bandung. The colours were as impressive, maybe even more than in Rotorua.

    • Tag 1

      Kawah Putih (White Crater) ~ Bandung

      17. März 2018 in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ -6 °C

      - White crater, Sundanese wooden puppet (wayang golek), lake, paddy fields & snacks!
      - Stayed in d'Riam resort. Good place with hills and river view
      - Kawah putih's entry ticket: Rp. 35.000. incl: transportation to the crater, joining with others
      - Resto in lake: Phinisi, surrounded by tea plantation n lake view

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