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    • Day 17

      Dublin our final stop in Eire

      May 4 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      2 nights here, and we are off to Paris. We arrived in Dublin, and 80000 Irish rugby fans were off to see Leinster play Northamtonshire. at a stadium near. our hotel. The streets were packed. watched most of it on telly was a good game with a kiwi named manof the match. Leinster won, so there won't be too much carnage in the bars tonight.
      Backtracking, we spent the night in Waterford. It's a pretty town with a big crystal factory and lots of Viking stuff. Had a cheap and cheerful pub meal of sub sandwich. The B & B was run by a horse racing mad couple. Everywhere were pictures of horses TVs with horses. Just 🐎. Everywhere.
      On the road, the southeast is almost NZish with green hills and farms.
      .We have gotten used to seeing tractors. housing being moved and all sorts of vehicles on the motorways. But A WOMAN OUT WALKING HER COLLIE DOG ALONG THE MOTORWAY NO BARRIERS AND WE ARE DOING 120km per hour!!!! Some expletives fell out of my mouth.
      Moved off the motorway to the coast road and found more wind turbines in the Celtic Sea . Weird sight. Wind turbines are everywhere in the UK and Ireland.
      Stopped at Wicklow, see the jail attached very sweet village.
      Got talking to an Irish American in our hotel bar. Interesting guy, he is a materials engineer who was part of the development team for fibre. in the mid-1980s.
      I'm off to explore Dublin tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
      Full report tomorrow over and out.
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    • Day 18

      Dublin on a sunny Sunday

      May 5 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      The city is packed with people. We got on a hop on hop off tor bus and went to Dublin castle and sat in the park and had lunch in a balmy 16 degree C ☀️.
      We are off to find a laundromat shortly. Wow, the fun. Also, we will go to an Irish pub around the corner and listen to some Irish music tonight.Read more

    • Day 19

      Travel day from Southhampton to Ireland

      May 15 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Today was traveling and waiting day. We left the cruise and it was a bit sad, I am going to miss Kevin cleaning my room and making my bed. We traveled for 2 hours by bus to get to airport and flight to Ireland only took around an hour. We finally got our 2nd stamp in our passports. Went to local restaurant for dinner before coming back to hotel for some rest as tomorrow we play tourist in Dublin.Read more

    • Day 20

      Dublin Adventures

      May 16 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Woke up in Dublin, and we are now both sick, so unfortunately, we weren't in full tourist mode. We did have breakfast out, full cooked breakfast for €6.95 each, which included coffee/tea. We did look around the city using the hop on/off bus (I couldn't do much walking today) Ireland is now changing their signage to have Gaelic then English underneath, the government doesn't want the national language to dissappear, which I think is pretty cool but have heard it is a hard language to learn. Went to St Michan's Church and looked at the underground vaults / crypts. I only did the one as I hurt my hip coming out, but Brian did a full tour and highly recommends. Back to the hotel for rest and then went to wax museum and dinner out, Brian enjoyed an Irish stew. Early night for road trip tomorrow, and hopefully we will be feeling better.Read more

    • Day 2


      September 4 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nos despertamos y tras varios retrasos, tomamos un bus y un tren para llegar a Dublín. Allí visitamos la antigua aduana, la escultura del inmigrante, y la calle más ancha de Europa: O'Connell Street. Nos quedamos por allí de compras y vamos a comer la comida que nos ha preparado Lorraine (hamburguesa, manzana, Lacasitos, caramelos, patatas y yogur), todo muy bueno. Luego cruzamos un precioso puente y vamos a la zona de Temple Bar, Molly Malone y paseamos por un parque muy grande y verde. Cogemos un tranvía y un bus para llegar a la casa, donde cenamos ensalada, aros de cebolla y un perrito caliente de nuggets. Sobre las 7 vamos en bus a una extensa playa en Dūn Laoghaire y a picotear algo. Qué nos deparará el día de mañana??Read more

    • Day 6

      Slàinte to Dublin!

      September 8, 2016 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Hi guys, it's Rupal! This is my first blog post so let's see how this goes...

      Right now we're on a bus to Galway which is in the west of Ireland to see the more scenic side of the country where we'll spend two days. We woke up at 5:30am this morning to pack our bags and walk to meet the bus which was a bit difficult after a beer and whiskey tour last night! So I guess we say so long to Dublin or Slàinte to Dublin which means cheers in Irish Gaelic.

      OK I need to take a second to get off track because right now our bus driver is singing a song and cracking jokes in the thickest Irish accent while everyone is mostly asleep. I guess he likes to hear himself speak which I'm ok with because the Irish accent is awesome!

      Speaking of accents, yesterday we spent the afternoon in a local pub after a walking tour of the city to rest our legs and hydrate with a pint where we people watched the locals and tried to make sense of what they were saying; which is more difficult than you think!

      It's fun to remove yourself from the situation and think if we weren't in that pub or in Ireland or on this trip the locals we see everyday would be doing the same thing; we just get to witness them in their natural setting and see what their lives are like!
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    • Pubcrawl in Dublin

      October 21, 2019 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Wie lange war ich nicht mehr auf der Grünen Insel. Eigentlich wollte ich ja den Ulysses lesend durch die Stadt schlendern, aber dann war es doch vor allem Arbeit. Zumindest lag das Hotel, in dem die Konferenz war, im Herzen der Stadt. Den Großteil des Tages haben wir intensiv dienstlich diskutiert, sind dann aber wenigstens am Abend ebenso intensiv durch die Pubs gezogen. Direkt vor unserem Hotel steht der Spire, eine hohe Säule aus Metall, in der oben ein Licht in den Nachthimmel leuchtet. Dort stand einst eine Säule, wie in London, die an Admiral Nelson erinnerte, dann aber von revolutionären Iren gesprengt wurde. Die hatten dann auch das sehr repräsentative Postoffice der Krone besetzt - allerdings nur so lange bis ein königliches Kanonenboot den Fluss hinauffuhr und das Postgebäude gründlich unter Feuer nahm. Die überlebenden Revolutionäre von damals wurden ins Gefängnis gesteckt und hingerichtet.
      Mein Rebellentum beschränkt sich darauf, mich im Pub mit dem lokalen Red Rebel Ale anzufreunden.
      Meine amerikanischen Kundinnen haben sich indessen so intensiv mit dem lokalen Bartender angefreundet, bis der sein privates Proviantpaket mit ihnen teilte. Die Küche hatte schon geschlossen und Erdnüsse waren auf Dauer zu wenig. Ist das noch Arbeit, oder sollte ich lieber ins Bett?
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    • Day 2

      Dublin The Spire

      January 15, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      At a whopping 120 meters (400 feet) high, The Spire of Dublin is without a doubt the tallest building in Dublin city centre, with a 3 meter wide base acting as the foundation of the spire. Pointing to the sky like a needle, the Spire of Dublin is a landmark that has truly pierced the hearts and minds of the city and the people of the country, and is the first thing you notice when you enter Dublin city centre. The beauty of the Spire is that it commemorates nothing but toasting Dublin's bustling present and pointing forward to a boundless, better and prosperous future.

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    • Day 1


      January 14, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 3 °C

      What to see in Dublin?

      1👍. The Spire
      2👍. Ha'penny Bridge
      3👍. Christ Church
      4👍. The Castle
      5👍. Trinity College
      6👍. Custom House
      7👍. Samuel Beckett Bridge
      8👍. Smithfield Square
      9👍. Temple Bar
      10👍. Guiness Storehouse
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    • Day 2

      Dublin Central Bus Station

      January 15, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Also visited the bus station in Dublin and then the battery of my handy was empty. In a shop near the bus station I bought 2 day tickets (2x10€), the so-called Leap card, for unlimited travel on public transport in Dublin. The card is valid for 1 day, but can then be topped up again with cash credit.

      Busáras from bus + áras "building") is the central bus station in Dublin, Ireland for Intercity and regional bus services operated by Bus Éireann. Designed in the International Modern style, Busáras is also a stop on the Red Line of the Luas system, in Store Street just before the terminus at Dublin Connolly railway station. Áras Mhic Dhiarmada ("Mac Diarmada House") is the official name of the building, which also includes the headquarters of the Department of Social Protection. CIÉ, parent of Bus Éireann, leases the lower floors from the department. Áras Mhic Dhiarmada is named after Seán Mac Diarmada, a leader of the Easter Rising in 1916.
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