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    • Giorno 2


      8 giugno 2018, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Zurück im Hotel fing die Hochzeitsfeier an. Das Brautpaar hat im Garten Fotos gemacht und die Gäste konnten in Ruhe ankommen und entspannen 😎
      Und es gab Icecream 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    • Giorno 15

      Old Mellifont Abbey

      16 dicembre 2023, Irlanda ⋅ 🌬 50 °F

      A Cistercian Abbey initially constructed in 1157.

    • Giorno 8


      6 giugno 2018, Regno Unito ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      I got up and headed ashore to look for the showers leaving Tom to continue his dreams in the forecabin.
      Found the ladies showers and there was someone inside but couldn't find the gents.
      A few minutes later while still searching I heard a shout behind me.
      It was Tom!
      He hadn't been in the forecabin............he was in the ladies!!
      He had already been there...done that....whatever about the t-shirt.

      We had been invited to Ger's for breakfast so off we went up the hill to her house and later Ger took us on a tour of the surrounding area in her electric car.

      It was both Tom's and my first experience of travelling in one and were both impressed on how quite it was inside. There were many steep climbs but with Ger using the braking regeneration going back down, we didn't loose much range.

      Anyway back to being tourists.
      Ger took us up the Mourne mountains, to Cloughmor which is a big rock with brilliant views of Warrenpoint and the surrounding area.
      We then headed for the southern side of the lough and up Flagstaff Hill where we had great views of the lough.

      It turned out that Tom's father was from Warrenpoint and he remembered visiting his relations when he was young.
      Ger knew his uncle and showed him where he lived as she drove him around the town which brought back many pleasant memories for him.

      We dropped Tom off at Newry train station for his return journey to Dun Laoghaire.
      I took Ger out for dinner to thank her for her hospitality and we wandered back to her house with a few cans for beer to continue our talking but soon I headed back to Eureka as I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

      Right, the weather was still good with no change in the forecast so seeing that I'm so near Scotland ...............ya, you guessed it. I'm heading north!
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    • Giorno 7

      Always wear a lifejacket!

      5 giugno 2018, Regno Unito ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      I woke before the alarm and got up at 03.40 and Tom was not far behind me.
      We very quickly got ready and left the marina at 04.10 in the dark and without a puff of wind.

      I contacted Dublin Port for permission to cross the shipping lanes but I think that I must have woken them as they were a bit cranky.
      We headed north towards Howth Head leaving it about two miles to port as we had breakfast 'on the go'.

      Shortly afterwards it began to get bright and a bit of a breeze began to come up however we reached Lambay Island at 07.00 before it was worth hoisting sail and turning off the engine.
      We were soon sailing on a close reach at 5.5 knots which later increased to over 6 knots when we put more distance between us and the coast.

      Tom was very impressed with the speed of Eureka.
      It was great to have a good wind as we headed north past Drogheda.
      We needed to eat up the miles as we had to be entering Carlingford Lough by 16.00 at the latest due to the strong tides at the entrance.

      We made great time and had a comfortable fast sail up the Irish Sea reaching the mouth of Carlingford Lough at 13.16.
      When we entered the lough the tide was adding 2.5 knts. to our speed over ground as we flew past the buoys which due to the strength of the tide are mounted on boat shaped hulls.
      We furled the genny on the way in to give us better visibility but the entrance was not as difficult as it looked on the chart.

      We had a nice sail up the lough passing first the village of Carlingford with its marina on the southern side. Then Rostrevor on the northern side where Mary McAleese is from, before reaching the town of Warrenpoint.

      We had problems contacting the port on the vhf and it was only when we were close that they picked up signal.
      For some reason they would only give us permission for one night instead of the two we had asked for.

      We were berthing on the visitors pontoon next to the main port and as we came alongside, Tom jumped off a few seconds early, just before we came to a complete stop.
      Because of this he stumbled backwards as he landed and couldn't stop himself from falling off the far side of the pontoon.

      Luckily he was still wearing his lifejacket which inflated and fair dues to him, he never left go of the line and had the presence of mind to wrap it around a cleat which was within reach before thinking of saving himself.

      As it was the amidships line, Eureka was now not going anywhere and I was able to jump off within seconds of the incident and help pull him back onto dry land.

      My friend Ger had been waiting for us at the town pier but we had tied up at the town dock, a similar name but a different location.
      She was soon down to us as Tom changed and then instead of whatever we planned to do, it was back to Ger's house for a shower and to wash and dry the clothes.
      Except for a bruise, probable got when being dragged out by me, he was none the worse for his experience.

      The three of us later went out for dinner and tired after all the fresh air, Tom and I headed back to Eureka for a good nights sleep.
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    • Giorno 9

      Mellifont Abbey

      27 maggio 2018, Irlanda ⋅ 14 °C

      Also... Urlaub wegen Krankheit abbrechen zu müssen, ist echter Mist. Aber in dem Zustand (der noch drei Wochen andauern wird, wie sich herausstellt) bringt es einfach nichts. Von Galway aus fahre ich also direkt auf wieder auf die andere Seite der Insel zu meiner Unterkunft nahe dem Flughafen.

      Ein kleiner Zwischenstopp ist aber noch drin: die Mellifont Abbey. 1142 ließen sich irische und französische Mönche in dieser abgeschiedenen Ecke nieder und gründeten Irlands erste Zisterzienserabtei, die bis zur ihrer Aufhebung in 1539 die größte Abtei Irlands war. Die architektonischen Formen, die ein Baumeister aus Frankreich ersann, waren neu in Irland und beeinflussten viele künftige Klosterbauten (…).

      Von der Pracht des ehemaligen Klosters ist kaum etwas übrig geblieben, allerdings bekommt doch einen guten Eindruck von der Größe der Abtei.

      In meinem Hotel angekommen, mache ich noch einen kleinen Strandspaziergang, das muss drin sein! Morgen geht es zurück nach Deutschland.
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    • Giorno 15

      Ottoman Aid During the Great Famine

      3 luglio 2019, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      History records that during the Great Famine (1845-1849), the Ottomans sent aid to Ireland.

      Reports say that Sultan Abdülmecit wanted to send £10,000 to the people of Ireland, but that Queen Victoria asked him to reduce the amount to £1,000 because she had sent only £2,000. The Sultan, it is said, acceded to her wishes, but in addition to the money, he sent five ship loads of food ... in secret. From what I recall, the arrival of the ships in Dublin was blockaded by the English, so the foodstuff was unloaded in Drogheda instead.

      It was this story that took us to Drogheda. After lunch, we took care of a few errands, and then went in search of a plaque of gratitude honoring the aid. It wasn’t easy to find, but a volunteer at the visitor center directed us to the Westcourt Hotel and told us to look above the entrance to the property!

      P.S. Note added in January 2021 ... Apparently, there is a movie in pre-production — titled, Famine — that tells the story of this charitable event. Whether it will ever be released is TBD.
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    • Giorno 15

      Lunch Time!

      3 luglio 2019, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Drogheda as a city did not impress us. Big. Crowded. It just didn’t feel at all Irish. But it fulfilled our needs to complete a couple of errands. Starting with a delicious lunch that we enjoyed at the Grey Goose.

      We both ordered the Beef and Guinness Irish Stew, which I thought was even better than the one I had in Adare earlier in our trip. A pint of Rockshore, an Irish lager brewed by Guinness, washed it all down.
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    • Giorno 15

      Mellifont Abbey

      3 luglio 2019, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      The location of the ruins — not far from Drogheda — and a photo I had seen showing a circular structure that looked quite unusual. These were the reasons why we headed to Mellifont Abbey today.

      This Cistercian Abbey was consecrated in 1157. If the illustration of the original buildings is anything to go by, the place was quite impressive back in its heyday. Not much remains today, however. Nonetheless, the circular structure did not disappoint ... assuming you are a person who enjoys visiting and photographing ruins.

      Turns out that the structure in question was built around 1200. It was a “lavabo” ... a place of purification where the monks cleansed their bodies and spirit prior to dining in the refectory hall. Today, the lavabo seems to have a split personality ... looking almost intact on one side and in total shambles from the other side.

      That we had this photogenic place all to ourselves — even on “free first Wednesday — was a lovely bonus.
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    • Giorno 44

      Gilles Quay

      17 agosto 2019, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Samedi, 17 août 2019
      La nuit était très paisible, comme voisins, nous avions qq familles avec des petits, ressemblant fortement à nos petits-enfants, qui logeaient sous des tentes. L'employé du port, qui devait nous ouvrir la barrière, nous fournissait plein de conseils pour le reste de notre séjour et même des itinéraires imprimés et des plans de randonnées. Armagh, chef-lieu du comté, et capitale spirituelle de l'Irlande du Nord constitue notre première halte aujourd'hui. Il y a ici deux archevêchés et donc deux cathédrales, catholique et protestant (anglican). Les deux sont dédiées à Saint Patrick, patron de l'Irlande. Nous parquons juste devant l'escalier monumental de la catholique, assez sobre de l'extérieur, mais très lumineuse à l'intérieur, avec un superbe plafond en bois et de magnifiques vitraux. Sa consoeur anglicane se trouve en face, au sommet de la ville médiévale. L’histoire de cet édifice remonte jusqu'au 5ème siècle, quand St-Patrick a construit ici une toute première église et une école monastique autour. L'église a été détruite et reconstruite 17 fois depuis. Elle abrite de nombreux trésors de sa longue histoire et une copie ( l'original de 807 est conservé au musée à Dublin) du Book of Armagh, manuscrit celtique sur la vie et les voyages de St-Patrick. Nous rejoignons le bord de mer et cherchons une place pour nous poser. Les emplacements que propose le port de Carlingford sont déjà pas mal remplis. Nous y restons donc juste pour dîner au resto des plaisanciers, un “indien", ça change et nous va très bien. De l’autre côté de la presqu'île, à Giles Quai, il y a un camping, où les mobile-homes squattent les places avec vue. Mais au moment de faire demi-tour, nous remarquons un parking publique juste à la plage, nickel pour nous!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Carlingford - Galway

      30 maggio 2019, Irlanda ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück haben wir beschlossen wir fahren nach Galway. Kurz das Hotel in Galway gebucht und schon waren wir auf dem Weg. Mit einem kurzen Zwischenstopp in Narvan ging es über das Land Richtung Kinnegad auf die M6. Nach 3,5 Stunden waren wir da. Kurz ins Hotel „Jury Inn Galway“ eingecheckt und kurz was gegessenLeggi altro

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