Belvédère de Manarola

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    • Day 24

      Daytrip to Cinque Terre

      September 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Morning train ride from Firenze via Pisa to La Spezia for a day trip to Cinque Terre. First stop - Manarola for a Pesto class, wine, and lunch at Nessun Dorma. Fantastic experience and it got very messy with the mortar and pestle as we made our own Pesto. Fresh basil, salt, garlic, pecorino cheese, and olive oil...Bellisima. This went perfectly with the prosciutto, breads and Cheeses, not to mention, the perfectly matched wines.
      Now at Montorossi El Mare for a swim and sun time. 30 Euro for an umbrella and 2 chairs for the day. Nowhere near as many staps as yesterday in Tuscany....more relax and foodie time.
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    • Day 33 - 5 Terre

      August 11, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today is planned to be somewhat of a big day, 30 degrees is on the cards and we plan to visit the 5 Cinque Terre villages (We are staying in the fourth village from the South)

      We had our muesli in our room as no breakfast at this hotel provided, headed to the train station to buy our Cinque Terre Card for the train & trails for the day.
      First Village was Manarola, we grabbed a coffee here and a freshly made donut then had a walk around the village. We were waiting for 10.30am as we had a pesto making class at Nessus Dorma. We got to the pesto making class and the view was incredible, overlooked the whole village while you were perched on the edge of the hill.
      We started the pesto class and learnt some new things on making pesto, I’ll still freak out in the kitchen no doubt though!
      Simon the owner and who took the cooking class gave us the story of how this restaurant came to be - the mayor wanted people to email him their visions for the piece of land as it was nicknamed ‘the desert’ by the locals, no one went up there or used the space because it was so hot, despite the lovely views. His vision was a restaurant, not being able to book in months in advance, not paying top dollar for yuck food, pesto making classes with fresh bread and a sharing board to go with. 3 people wrote to the mayor and he got picked. 10 years on and you can book the pesto classes in advance, but for food from 4pm you need to have the app and check in and hope you get a spot to come and eat & drink here.
      The pesto class was amazing, the lunch was great and we all got a small bottle of wine to take away as well.

      After the cooking class and feeling a little bit more joyful from the wine we moved onto the next village - Riomaggiore. I needed to us the restroom at the station and seeing it’s free for the Cinque Terre Card holders we made sure to use the free ones. I told Katie to wait in the shade, and as we left the station we started walking up a hill thinking this is the way to town… weirdly not many people around. Once up the hill we needed to manoeuvre a lot of stairs down. We walked down and found the village’s swimming spot (ours is better) and then headed for the central area of the village. As we walked up the steps of the central area I noticed a tunnel to the station, if we had noticed this at the start it would of saved the long climb up the hill and all the stairs… Katie and I thankfully laughed it off.

      After seeing the central area of the village we trained to Monterosso, the furthest north village of Cinque Terre, this also has the largest beach area of all the villages. There are a-lot of beach beds and umbrellas you can rent here for the day. We got some gelato as the heat was starting to get to us and a walk around the village looking into the occasional shop.

      We left Monterosso and headed back to Vernazza to have a swim and cool off.

      After a swim, a bit of a relax we wanted to see the last Village of Cinque Terre, Corniglia. This is a village with a population of 150 people and unlike other villages not directly adjacent to the sea. We got off the train and tried to catch the bus to the village, this resulted in me seeing favourite tourists being classy as always… everyone for themselves and who cares where you were in line, I am more important than anyone… so we weren’t allowed on the bus as it was full as two people in front of us were about to get on. So we walked up. Great idea until Katie saw the stairs… Katie was thrilled with this, I have never heard her so verbal and passionate about something! By the time we got to the top, Katie made sure she knew where the bus stop was for the ride down.
      We had a quick look through the village, mainly consisting of one lane and at the end an impressive view of the ocean and the other villages.
      We decided we would head back to Vernazza for dinner, we got the bus to the station, yes I made sure we made it on and no stuffs given for others as they were pushing to get on the bus.

      We got back to Vernazza, we ordered some takeaway pizza, I ran up the 64 steps to our room and grabbed the essentials… wine! We went and sat on a look out behind the church and watched the sunset while eating dinner and drinking the wine we brought in Tuscany.

      After dinner I convinced Katie seeing we had the trail card for the day, let’s go see the village from the trail - picture attached and it was an amazing view! We walked back down with phone light helping us to see the steps. We had to have another gelato to say we tried all the gelato (one shop left now!) and headed for our room.
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    • Pesto Impresto 🌿🧀 🍷

      June 12, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wow! Wow! Wow! ☀️🤩

      What an amazing experience this was!

      Nessum Dorma is a renowned restaurant that sits above a cliff top in Manarola. This is one of the few ways you are able to get in without a reservation. It was worth every single euro of the €60 we paid.

      Not only was the location absolutely amazing. Gobsmackingly beautiful& stunning but the staff and the presentation of the entire experience was out of this world! Perfect 😍

      The owner, Simone, won the piece of land the restaurant is on in a competition. Only three people entered and he won the right to build whatever he wanted overlooking the Manarola Bay. Surprisingly, there were only three people who actually entered the competition in total. Now that he has made an absolute success of it the locals are constantly trying to make it hard for him. It seems he is having similar experiences with some of the locals as Richard and I have had. Many of them begrudge others for being here. What a shame! He has done an amazing job. The pesto experience happens in the morning and then people are lining up down the path to come into the restaurant to eat. Without a reservation it is not going to happen.

      Anyway we were given all of the necessary ingredients of quality including local garlic, fresh basil, local cheese and pine nuts. We were told exactly how to perfect the most delicious pesto I have ever eaten. We were never rushed and constantly supported and always in good humour.

      Towards the middle of the experience we were each given a glass of local wine 🍷 which was slightly salty due to the region terrace agriculture and wine growing right beside the sae. Then came the most delicious 😋 platter: individually prepared and passed to every single participant. We were allowed to take as long as we like to enjoy and devour the food and the view. And also there was a competition to win a local bottle of wine… Everybody was a winner! 🥳👍🏻🍷

      I would put this up with one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

      Every single moment was perfectly orchestrated and we felt honoured to be part of the group. W🙃Right down to the moment that we were gently sprayed with mists of water that where perfectly constructed within the balcony frame construction. This is the true meaning of entrepreneurship. He deserves every success and we had the best time enjoying what Simone has created!

      The 10 gorgeous young Italian waiters added quite a significant benefit of this experience as well…🥰😝😝

      This was a brilliant way to finish our week in the Italian Riviera! 🍸👍🏻🥰

      This took place in Manarola, the final of the 5 towns (Cinque Terre)

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    • Day 4

      Les 5 terres

      September 20, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Une image dit plus que 1000 mots … pittoresques, colorés, romantique. Mais que la vie était dure dans ces villages avec des vignes en terrasses très pentus, et des ports si petits qu’il faut monter les bateaux des pêcheurs au village, tous les soirs (à Manorola).
      Aujourd’hui ces villages vivent de toute évidence majoritairement du tourisme, pour la visite il vaut mieux ne pas être agoraphobe. Mais comme partout il suffit de faire un ou deux pas de côté pour un peu plus d’intimité.
      De toute façon la vue sur les villages compense pas mal le nombre des autres visiteurs.
      Nous sommes allés en train de Chiavari aux 5 terres - ce qui m’a offert une belle occasion de pester sur les transports en commun en général et sa version italienne en particulier. J’ai trié toutes les photos et écrit ces lignes sur le quai de la gare de Levanto, en attendant notre train …
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    • Day 5


      June 24, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Zweiter und letzter Ort unserer 5 Terre Tour. Erst überlaufen, dann werden die Gehsteige hochgeklappt. Die schöne Bar mit Blick auf den malerischen Ort ist total voll und wir stellen uns nicht an der 10 Meter langen Schlange an.Read more

    • Day 3


      September 8, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Mit etwas Glück fanden wir am Abend doch noch ein Zimmer in diesem bezaubernden Dörfchen. Kurz nachdem wir unser Zimmer bezogen hatten, machten wir uns auf den Weg das Dorf zu erkunden. Mit einem Lokal, von dem aus man einen faszinierenden Blick auf Manarola hat beendeten wir unseres Spaziergang. Mit Wein und Kartenspielen verging die Zeit wie im Flug. Die idyllische Stimmung wurde durch ein Gewitter gedämpft, aber man kann ja auch nur im Regen tanzen, wenn es regnet 😉Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Belvédère de Manarola, Belvedere de Manarola

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