Cantina Cheo

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    • Monterosso: We ❤️ You!

      10. juni 2022, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Let me start off by being extremely positive today! Richard and I woke up, had breakfast and headed off to Monterosso! What an absolutely amazing, enthralling, challenging and beautiful walk it was! We both found it challenging and I was proud that Richard kept pushing on and he was equally proud he did because the end result was everything I had heard about the Cinque Terre and more! More beautiful in scenery, landscape and spaciousness but more importantly, the people were everything I remember Italians to be: friendly, welcoming, kind, generous and innately humorous… What an absolutely beautiful town it was. And how different the inhabitants were! You could feel a difference in the air. Hard to describe but it reminded me of Mykonos with its beautiful alleyways, sloped spaces, hundreds of cute little restaurants and WELCOMING smiles! Thank you Monterosso you have restored my heart and soul and love of Italy! 💚🤍❤️

      On returning to Vernazza I had dread in my heart… All I am going to say is this: I actually think even the locals don’t want to be here (obviously not, but seems like it!) I concede that I made a mistake in booking into this town for our specific requirements in a holiday destination. Had I chosen Monterosso things may have started off differently. Who knows? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ We live & learn. It is what it is!

      My morning started off by heading up to the information counter at the station where I was greeted with the same nonchalant attitude as yesterday. Thankfully a wonderfully beautiful couple from Canada heard my questions and spent 20 minutes telling me all about the walks, the best way to proceed, tips, hints and everything any other tourism bureau would and should offer. It was wonderful and informative and said results for the success to follow. I’m not speaking without experience; I also worked in tourism and if I’d have been as wet & unhelpful as the staff in V I wouldn’t have lasted a week!

      It took about 2 1/2 hours on very steep cliff tops and steps. But, I loved every single minute of it! I feel exhilarated and accomplished. Was just such a magical and beautiful day! Restoration of my faith in humanity! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

      I desperately tried to convince Richard to stay in Monterosso for dinner but understandably he was plum ‘tuckered out’ and wanted to head back to that place which I shall not speak of in name, just as “V”!

      So, please enjoy the wonderful images of the spectacular walk along the path from the place we’re staying at to Monterosso! I’m sure you’ll agree they are out of this world!

      As soon as we arrived at the end of the walk there was an instant opportunity to dive straight into the crystal blue sparkling water. I could not resist or get in there quick enough. I just took everything off except my jocks and went straight in. It was like nothing you can imagine after a 2 1/2 hour hike! I felt instantly refreshed. We had lunch atop a magnificent cliff top and then spent the afternoon wandering around looking at the most picturesque of towns. Just so Stunning 🤩😍✊🏻🥰

      A friendly local business owner informed us of a bar where we would be able to get reception and Wi-Fi which was also a relief because I could inform my parents that everything was okay. I love them very much and it was distressing to know they were worried. It was such a relief to be offered the use of connection by this bar in town. I thanked them from the bottom of my heart! Incidentally, I had actually started to embrace the fact that I was completely void of technology. I hope to transfer some of this behaviour in my life when I return home 🏡 and asked Richard to keep me in check if I stray! We are FAR too invested in technology these days and I feel I need to start living in the moment more back in Australia 🇦🇺

      On arriving back to V I headed straight for the water for another swim. Interestingly the swimming harbour was full of seaweed and rocks which was symbolic of my experience here. Enough of that! I think you get the idea now! 👍🏻😉🙃😂

      Richard and I had the most delicious pizza for dinner back in V and was served by the most gorgeous of Italian men who actually made the pizza 🍕 lovingly in his oven. He was as sexy as they come! No photo unfortunately lol 😂 Sorry Mummy! 🤣 Both Richard & I were equally disappointed for us (but happy 😊 for him) when he showed us photos of his cute daughter 🫤🤩😉😉😉

      Richard has headed to bed… It is 11 pm and I have taken the Cinque Terre express back to Monterroso for one last lemon spritz in this beautiful little village! It is magnificent! I love it love Love Love love! 🍋🍋🍋❤️❤️❤️Everything I know and love about Italy 🇮🇹 is contained herewith 🥰🥰🥰👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

      As I enjoy my Lemoncello Spritz please enjoy magnificent wonderments of our day of hiking 🥾 and delighting. Viva Italiano! 💚🤍❤️
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    • Dag 7

      Walking the Cinque Terre trail

      23. august 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We head off in our gym gear at 11.30am to find the start of the Cinque Terre trail.
      I am so pumped for this.

      Through the tunnel up the hill and off from Monterosso we go.


      Athena stops at some steep downward steps.
      She tells me she can't do it.
      She is afraid of heights.

      (As this is not the first time Athena has pulled out at the last minute on me, due to her fear, whilst adventuring, I say ok I will see you at the hotel. and I simply turn around and just keep walking)

      I did look back to check if she made it down the steps. And sure enough she had. I walk back and ask are you coming then, she says yes.

      Off we go, I am so excited, the first part is very steep, lots of steps, straight up. A good glutes workout.

      However, our adventure turned out to be very slow going.

      So what is mean't to be a 1.5 hour trek turned out for us to be a 4. 5 hour trek.

      That woman was a mess. Shaking. She clung to the rock walls and the shrubbery like her life depended on it.

      In the end she clung to my hand or arm or top whenever the skinny path became open. She never once looked out at the glorious view.

      I did just wanted to walk freely, but was not allowed to just leave her stranded.

      The track was beautiful. Very steep with stone steps along the way. Thin pathways, enough for one person to get through.

      People were walking dogs, one lady had her baby strapped to her back. The walk was easy once you got up higher. The ocean to our right heading to Vernazza would pop out you.
      I'd say 'wow Athena, look at that' but no dice.

      As we went so slowly, I never even broke a sweat.

      We walked through vineyards, between rock walls, over bridges with waterfalls.
      A cat sanctuary sits in the middle for homeless cats. I was sad here.

      4 hours walking a difficult trail in the heat, whilst 'pulling' someone along whom is scared to death, now that deserves a bourban at the end.

      Many hikers passed us. and we would ask how much further. They would tell us 30 mins, which for us translated to 2hrs.

      Honestly, with Athena wearing dark sunnies, it looked like I was leading a blind person over the trail.

      After much trial. We hear the noise of people from the town.

      And the view of Vernazza, is before us.
      HELLO VERNAZZA!!! You beautiful thing xx

      I would walk this trail again, anytime. Even with Athena xx
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    • Dag 6


      27. juli 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Hüt heimer dr Zug vo Moneglia nach Vernazza gno, is Härz vor Cinque Terre. Dert hei mer üs die dezänt überfüllti Stadt agluegt u si denn ar Küste na gwanderet. Es isch sehr schön gsi und mau e tolli Abwächslig zu de Täg ufem Velo.Læs mere

    • Dag 5


      21. juli 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Såklart ville vi besöka en av de fem små byarna. Eller Cinque Terre som det heter. Fem små byar som är med på Unescos världsarvslista (vi checkar av andra på listan). Vernazza är alltså en av de fem. Senast jag var där var 14 år sedan. Vi läste att det var högtryck med turister, men gjorde ändå ett försök. Mycket riktigt så var det smockat med folk och varmt. Vi vandrade ändå runt lite och gick vilse i smala stentrappor som tog oss upp till högre höjd. Vi åt en gelato. Jenny och jag tog ett litet dopp i havet. Senare fylldes gatorna med musik och vinprovningar. Vi delade en pizza och drack Limone spritz istället för Aperol spritz. Fräscht värre och inget socker. Vi delade en pizza med mascarpone och var alla överens om att vi nog haft det bättre i Moneglia. Så vi bestämde oss för att äta middag där istället.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Tag 3 | Cinque Terre-Wanderung

      3. juli 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wanderung Monterosso nach Corniglia 🗺️

      Die Wanderung beginnt am Bahnhof von Monterosso. Erste Station nach ca. 1,5h: Vernazza mit Focaccia-Stopp. Zweite Station nach wieder ca. 1,5h: Corniglia. Hier gibt es bei der Gelateria Alberto wohl das beste Eis der Cinque Terre (Miele di Corniglia kann ich empfehlen, diese Sorte ist aus dem regionalen Honig hergestellt worden).
      Auf dem Weg habe ich eine Australierin getroffen, mit der ich den Rest der Wanderung verbracht und dabei einiges über Australien gelernt habe :).

      Leider ist der Weg von Corniglia zu den letzten zwei Dörfern Manarola und Riomaggiore gesperrt; hier ist jedoch für hoch Motivierte ein Höhenweg verfügbar (Schwierigkeit: mittel).

      Die Dörfer sind übrigens von Levanto bis La Spezia auch mit einem Zug verbunden, der im 20-minütigen Takt verkehrt.
      So anstrengend die Wanderung ist, so schön und lohnenswert ist die Aussicht! Völlig verständlich, dass hierfür also jährlich Millionen Menschen anreisen. Ein wahres Highlight. Übrigens wohl auch für nicht geübte Wanderinnen und Wanderer machbar.
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    • Dag 2

      Tag 1 | Cinque Terre

      1. juli 2023, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Buongiorno, Italia!
      Angekommen in Vernazza, ist „Erkunden“ angesagt. Mit Unterkunft direkt an der „Main Street“ und am Bahnhof habe ich hier eine sehr gute Anbindung - sowohl zu den anderen Dörfern, zum Wanderweg, als auch zu den Cafés und nicht zuletzt zum Strand. Die erste Erkundungstour führt schnell zum einen oder anderen Focaccia-Laden und den Aussichtspunkten Vernazzas. Was will man mehr, als die schöne Aussicht mit Focaccia zu genießen?
      Was auffällt: die Häuser wirken hier wie gestapelt, es war sicherlich eine große Herausforderung, diese inmitten der Felsen zu erbauen. Beeindruckend.
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    • Dag 5

      5 terre Lovestory II

      30. august 2019, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Vernazza: bestimmt schön da... wir waren nur so clever ganz hinten im Zug einzusteigen weil da weniger los war und wir dadurch dass der hintere Zugteil sich noch im Tunnel befand nicht checkten, dass wir schon da waren und einfach vorbei fuhren.Læs mere

    • Dag 2

      Monterosso/ Vernazza

      8. april, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I met Alice last year on trip to Copenhagen and was so nice to be able to plan this trip together! We woke early and had free breakfast at the hostel, yayyy! Then we headed to the first Cinque Terre village, Monterosso. We walked around there and i went to the beach to enjoy the weather a bit and get a tan. The beach was lovely but the town was my least favorite from all the villages. Me and some friends I met on the hostel went on a hike to Vernazza, the view was amazing but god the stairs were endlessly.

      We got in Vernazza( my favorite village!!!), the weather was amazing. We were all staring so we grabbed some lunch and went for a swim. We stayed the rest of the day chilling around the city, watched the sunset there and ate some yummy lasagna for dinner.
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    • Dag 4


      9. oktober 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Vernazza is a small village and as you can see it is built into the mountains. We had a meal and an ice cream and took a long look at the village before we took the train back to Bonassola. It was a great day looking forward to tomorrowLæs mere

    • Dag 12


      6. september 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ich habe mich entschieden, das Wohnmobil irgendwo über dem Ort zu parken und den Rest mit dem Rad bergab - und später wieder hinauf - zu fahren. Runter ging ganz gut …
      In den Orten gibt es Autos nur von Berechtigten. Touristen müssen ohnehin ihre Autos draussen lassen und ein grosser Teil der Orte ist dazu noch verkehrsfrei, also auch keine Fahrräder.
      Die Orte sind per Bahn erreichbar. Wenn ein Zug ankommt, ergiesst er förmlich seine Fahrgäste in den Ort.
      Aber die Atmosphäre und das Farbenspiel der Häuser und des Meeres sind traumhaft schön. Die Mühe hat sich gelohnt.
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