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    • Day 68

      Our last day in Como

      May 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We had originally planned to spend the day on the lake. We were going to rent a boat and wake surf. This entire trip we expected it to be warm by now. Everyone has said this weather is usually cold. Since the weather didn’t cooperate with us, we had to change plans. We were all very disappointed. Gabe walked to the street market and found us a bag to pack up all our trip goodies! Did I tell you the 1st package we sent home is still in Lucca ? The Poste Italia sucks….the lady told us completely wrong and the package has never left Lucca. We are still working that out. I worked on some packing and the boys played video games together. We are all going to watch a minor league women’s soccer game. The game was cool. The stadium seating was covered. Which was good. Since is rained the entire day. After that soccer game we drove to Cernobbio. It sounds like “Chernobyl”. The traffic around Como has gotten so much worse since we first arrived. I cannot imagine it in the summer. It’s only a 2 lane road and in some places a 1 lane road. There was a car show going on in Cernobbio. So there were lots of cool cars driving around. We had a coffee and a pastry at a pastecheria on the lake. It’s Vitto’s favorite. Then we walked around a little bit. Gabe and I got a Bellini from the famous Harrys Bar in Venice. They have a little spot there that sells Bellinis, coffee and Chippriani products. Like pasta and sauces…We drove over to Franchi’s soccer game and watched his match. Then we finally made it to dinner. We didn’t get a proper lunch so we were all starving. We are super excited because we are going to a Lebanese restaurant. Vitto met the family who owns the restaurant at Tommis boxing class. The family has 5 boys and they all work at the restaurant. The food was wonderful. So homemade and tasted delicious. We were stuffed when we left. By the end of the night the restaurant was packed. They took a little while to bring our check and we really needed to get home to pack. Tomorrow we are leaving to go to Milan for the day. Ciao.Read more

    • Day 29

      The Lure of Lake Como

      August 4, 2023 in Italy

      We arrived to an overcast Como which was better than the forecasted thunderstorms, although it felt as though the weather could change any moment.

      After having gelati we needed to work out what to do next as everybody we know who has been to Lake Como raves about it and whilst we weren't getting that vibe we also knew we only had one night in Como so we had to make the most of our limited time.

      We hurriedly booked tickets for a boat trip hoping the weather would hold out (which it did) and took a 1 hour trip on the lake. It was spectacular and quite obviously an area of excessive wealth and prestige.

      Once we were off the boat our next stop was the funicular (cable car) to see Como from above.

      As the sun started to go down the place came to life and we decided to have dinner in the old city Square which was lit up and has the Cathedral as a backdrop.

      After a later dinner we had a leisurely walk home enjoying the balmy warm weather and thankful that the predicted thunderstorms did not materialise.
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    • Day 43


      October 11, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Today we drove around the lake to get a different view. Still stunning but much mister than yesterday. First stop Menaggio for a gelato and walk before catching the car ferry to Bellagio. After checking out the shops and a bite of lunch it was off to Nesso, a quaint little town. Walked down to the Nesso bridge and waterfall then drove back to Como along the narrow winding road. Thank goodness Ian was driving.Read more

    • Day 18

      Milano Day 3- Como!

      July 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      At this point, I kind of felt like I saw everything that Milan had to offer, saw all the sights and all the big things. So, I decided to take a day trip out to Como and see what it’s all about. Now, I booked my train on the morning of, and left my hostel at 11:25. My train was at 11:43 and it was an 18 minute walk (not including the time it takes to navigate around the station and find the platform. So i RAN, to the station, and probably looked ridiculous. There was no time to spare, and I made it onto the train with 2 minutes to departure 😭. After a quick 40 minute train, I arrived. It was raining this morning, but luckily the storm subsided by the time that I got to Como. First stop was food. Naturally, I looked up “best cheap food Como” and landed upon a sandwich shop called Passion Como. My experience was amaaaazing! It was a family run build-your-own sandwich kinda thing and it was so good! I was greeted at the door by Danny, the 9 (?) year old son of the owner and I went for a prosciutto, spicy tomato sauce, artichoke, mozzarella panini. And it was amazing. Danny was also amazing, and we chatted lots about bugs, the dirty lake, and video games. A1 marketing for having him at the door. I even felt inclined to get myself an aperol spritz because I was so happy to be at this sandwich shop!
      It was a pretty chill day spent strolling, admiring the scenery. I took photos for other families, individuals, peoples and was heavily praised because apparently i am a great photo taker LOL😎. I got some gelato- strawberry and lemon, which was so refreshing, and just walked around the town of Como. Later on, I took the funicular up to the town of Brunate, which was a 7 minute ride. To be honest, up there wasn’t much, just like, rich people houses. But the view was amazing, you could see Lake Como and all of the neighbouring towns! There was this one church up there, which was creeeeepy. I don’t know what it was about it- the music playing when no one was there, the excessive artwork, idk. The art was extremely beautiful though and I could appreciate it, but it was so overwhelming, the amount, that it was kinda scary. After a bit more exploring in Brunate, I headed back down the funicular and made my way back to Milan. I stupidly forgot to charge my portable charger so by the time I made it back to my hostel I had 1% to spare 😝. I got some pizza again for dinner, and later drank wine and went to go dance with some new friends from Paris- Véra, Catherine, and Irene :))
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    • Day 4

      Auf nach Como

      March 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Nach einem netten Abend am Lagerfeuer und einer durch die Zeitumstellung kurzen Nacht müssen wir heute schon wieder ein Stück nach Norden fahren.

      Da wir noch eine Nacht Zeit haben, legen wir noch einen Stopp in Como ein, wo wir heute Abend noch nett essen gehen wollen.

      Kurz vor Como fängt es an, zu regnen - gut, daß wir in den letzten Tagen etwas Sonne tanken konnten.

      Wir nehmen dieses Mal den Stellplatz direkt im Ort, der nicht wirklich idyllisch aber dafür sehr praktisch gelegen ist.
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    • Day 5

      Kurzer Einkaufsstopp vor der Heimfahrt

      March 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Bevor wir uns auf den Weg über die Alpen ins kalte Deutschland machen laufen wir nach dem Frühstück noch mal zum naheliegenden Supermarkt, um ein paar Leckereien als Souvenirs einzukaufen.
      Heute ist es wieder schön sonnig hier.Read more

    • Day 2

      Wangen nach Como

      September 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach einen Tag in Wangen mit schöner Fahrradtour Richtung Lindau, dann von 19.30 bis 23.30 nach Como gefahren.
      Schöne Strecke aber nach Bernardinotunnel dann Umleitung über die alte Bundesstraße. Kurven und Spitzkeren ohne Ende.
      Leider war die Hyper in der Garage 😉.
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    • Day 9

      Wherefore art thou?

      May 30 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we left Venice and headed west. Final thoughts on Venice - I really liked the history and the canals are great but it would be a pain to live there, imagine renovating a house where everything had to come by boat!

      We hit the autostrate and headed to our next destination - the city of Verona.

      Of course this city is famous for being the location of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. While a good story it is just that, a story, Shakespeare didn’t visit Verona. Our guide filled us in, apparently Shakespeare based the story on another story written by someone else and it is a bit of a political statement on the tension between the Vatican and the Emperor. Anyway Verona has cashed in on it and you can visit Juliet’s balcony - the original owners in the 14th century had a name similar to Capulet - along with a few hundred of your closest friends, yes it was packed!

      Verona’s other claim is a first century arena that is older than the Colosseum. They still use it for concerts and shows.

      Verona is on the river Adige which is the second longest in Italy after the Po. It is dominated by the Castel San Pietro which sits on the river.

      After looking around we made it back to the bus and onto the autostrade for our next destination - Como, on the lake of the same name.

      Some comments about Italian traffic. It is bad! The cities are worse than Sydney as they are usually tiny streets not meant for cars but outside the cities the autostrades are also bad. Most of the time traffic flows OK but there are so many semi trailers it is always heavy. They have to pay tolls but it isn’t fully automatic tolling you have gates to pay by cash, card, or auto-toll so it is usually a mess. Of course road signs and rules are seen as guidelines which can be broken if desired.

      We stopped on our way to Como to visit a winery making Franciacorta wine. Despite the name this doesn’t have anything to do with France it is the type of wine they produce. These sparkling red and white wines can only be made in this area of Lombardy and the process has similar controls as the cheese and prosciutto manufacturers we visited the other day.

      To date the land we have been travelling through has been flat agricultural land. Como is not far from Milan and is starting to get up into the hills and mountains at the top of Italy. We saw some on our way and there is still snow up high, great views!

      After our wine tasting we continued on to Como. Arriving quite late so we haven’t looked around yet, that happens tomorrow.
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    • Day 164


      March 19, 2023 in Italy

      Heute ist Sonntag, Johann schaut sich den Grand Prix an und danach gehen wir abends nach Como in die Stadt. Wir stehen nahe dem Bahnhof auf einem Stellplatz und für 24 Stunden parken bezahlt man 4 €. Interessant ist es, in der Stadt kann man kostenlos für 30 Minuten ein Fahrrad benutzen. Der Dom hat leider abends geschlossen, seine Öffnungszeiten sind von 10:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr.Read more

    • Day 9

      Lake Como

      July 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Vandaag ga ik naar Lake Como!
      Lake Como is de minder bekende variant van het Garda meer, maar moet zeker niet minder mooi zijn.

      De reis van Verona naar Como is 3 uurtjes.
      Deze reis begin ik pas om 11:30, omdat ik de rest van de ochtend met kamergenootjes koffie heb zitten drinken in Verona.

      Om 14:30 kom ik aan in mijn hostel en besluit ik eindelijk eens een wasje te draaien
      Momenteel ben ik dagelijks kleding in de wasbak aan het wassen, omdat ik een daadwerkelijke was al een poos heb uitgesteld.

      Om 17:00 ben ik klaar met het draaien van de was en kan ik eindelijk daadwerkelijk wat gaan doen.
      Ik ben het dorp Como in gegaan. Como is een typisch Italiaans dorp, met de bekende architectuur welke je in Italië verwacht.

      Het is momenteel wellicht niet zo warm als in Nederland, maar 34 graden voelt toch echt als een sauna.
      Hierom besluit ik een ijsje te halen. Hier betaal ik €2,50 voor. Een prijs waar je in Nederland alleen maar van kan dromen.

      Om 19:30 besluit ik zelf te gaan koken. En wederom is dit pasta.

      Ik merk dat de mensen in het hostel mij dit keer niet zo aanspreken. Hierom besluit ik de rest van de avond met een wijntje op het balkon een boek te gaan lezen
      (Een keer een dag alleen is natuurlijk ook niet erg!)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Como, Комо, Côme, QCM, コモ, Novum Comum, Còm, 科莫

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