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    • Day 4

      Der Flug ins Glück

      March 12, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Wir sind da. Zusammen. Am Meer.
      Erleichterung. Glückseligkeit. Ausgelassenheit.
      Tränen der Freude.

      Das erste Bild war mein erster Blick an den Strand und ich lief mit Tränen in den Augen dem salzigen Wind entgegen zu meiner Familie. Ein tiefer Seufzer entfleucht mir; die Anspannung des Tages und der letzten Wochen fällt spürbar ab. Genau dafür machen wir es. Raus ans Meer, raus in die Natur. An nichts denken müssen außer Sprit, Einkauf und Schlafplatz. Sein, einfach sein.
      Und damit fangen wir genau jetzt an und wir spüren es beide.. Das sagen mir Davids Blicke, wenn er spielend mit den Kindern zu mir rüber schaut. Wir kommen jetzt erstmal an und erholen uns etwas. Wenn wir Kraft getankt haben, erkunden wir Rom.

      Den Flug haben wir drei gut überstanden. Die Kinder hatten Freude und haben gut mitgemacht. Frieda wäre auf dem Weg zum Flughafen schon fast eingeschlafen. Da war sie um 12.30 Uhr zum Start ein bisschen drüber, wollte nicht angeschnallt sein und hat es dann irgendwann alleine in den Schlaf geschafft. Zum Glück. Janosch wirkte wie ein Vielflieger und hat alles ganz selbstverständlich mitgemacht. Ein Träumchen.
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    • Day 18


      March 17, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      A few shots around the neighbouring winery before we head to Siena. I won't lie, it is hilly and we now always check the parking situation before heading out!
      What a beautiful city and the main square is phenomenal. They run horse races here twice per year. Must be an amazing spectacle and packed with tourists of course. Richard managed to wrangle a ticket to climb the tower even tho the groups were fully booked. We found a lovely courtyard (painted ceilings) for a quiet little glass of vino. Quite getting used to the slower pace of life!
      Headed back to Bucine as it is time to check in at the villa. So exciting and what a spectacular place. Built 17th century and used as a hunting lodge for nobility from Florence. Beautiful and so romantic.
      Even more thrilling .... The pool is salt water and open for Dippers,!
      Lovely family evening as 13 of us sat down to enjoy pasta dish cooked by Talia and just one or two bottles opened.....
      Lovely sunset.
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    • Day 1

      Farewell Fiumicino!

      September 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      After four hot 🥵 days (yay new sun shades!) sorting, organizing, and shopping by bike, we left Fiumicino and set off for Isola Ponza. Light wind, clear but hazy sky, and bright, hot sun made our 65 nm, 11 hour motorsail pleasant although long. We passed Anzio where we had a night time visit by the Guardia last time👎, and San Felice Circeo where Odysseus lingered enchanted by Circe's food, drink and her other "attractions". Sheer cliffs, a Temple to the sun and massive walls can be seen while sailing by. We arrived at Ponza as the sun was setting behind the fantastic rocks and multi coloured cliffs. As it was Friday night, we were not alone in our anchorage but it was calm with distant music and laughter carried on the warm, gentle breeze.Read more

    • Day 21

      Arrivederci, Italia

      July 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Checking in to our flight from Rome to Heathrow. The journey home begins.

      The upper floor has an Eataly, so we popped in to get some really good food before making our way thru security.

      Thru security and ready for more beverages - not much luck around here. They have Hermes, Gucci, Fendi and Prada, but no place to get a cocktail. Settled on Bottega Prosecco bar and mama mia, che casino!! Wrong order. Peroni is too warm so they got Heineken, but brought 1 instead of 3, and brought 1 Pellegrino instead of 2 still waters.

      Just counting down until we get on the plane 😕
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    • Day 10

      We have our bag!

      July 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We’ve been wondering when we’d get a call about our bag, given it’s now been in Rome for a while. They were supposed to deliver it to our Airbnb, and they have the address and my cell / email. Nothing last night. Nothing this morning. We tried calling a variety of numbers and got nowhere (all busy, or we were in a dead zone). Decided to buy some clothes as we were losing faith. If you ever want to piss Becky off, give her vanilla ice cream or take her to H&M, because apparently it’s her hell. With renewed energy from gelato and no progress over the phone, we decided to just go to the airport and see what we could find. A 30 minute cab ride each way sounds less than ideal, but so does missing some tours in Rome (today is Sunday so it’s a meander / nothing booked day), so we figure it’s our best shot.

      Five minutes into the cab ride, I get a call on my phone from an Italian number! Don’t know why it took them so long to call, but apparently they can’t deliver the bag to us because we haven’t filled out all the customs forms (presumably because it wasn’t with us when we were traveling). We have to go pick it up at the airport. We said great, we’re already on our way!

      If you’re like me and have airport anxiety, just wait for this process. There’s no signs on where to go. Eventually we found information to tell us where to go, which was past security through the employee entrance. Only one of us was allowed to go through (had to be me, technically I checked the bag), and I needed the missing bag claimed slip from Venice, the paper ticket from Boston, and my passport to get through. The Lost & Found people also needed the original bag tag they give you when you check the bag. Luckily I’ve been hoarding all the paperwork like Eugene Tooms, so I got through everything. My bag looks like it’s traveled more places than we have, but very excited to have it back.

      All in all we maybe lost 3 hours to the airport and back; frankly a lot less time than we lost in the original flight delays. I understand travel on the east coast is still a mess, so I’ll still think of ourselves as lucky through all this. Looking forward to putting on some clean clothes instead of “clean enough” clothes.
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    • Day 26

      Veni, Vidi …..Visa

      October 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Today is Wednesday and are winging our way to Catania, Sicily after 3 days in Rome. Mike and I had a couple of admin days in Koblenz, which is a euphemism for laundry and banking. Koblenz was lovely and I dragged Mike onto a cable car ride and we walked and enjoyed some final great German food. After an easy flight to Rome and an overnight, we met Tara who arrived on Sunday morning from Ottawa and Montreal. She was amazingly chipper considering the overnight flight.
      The 3 of us started our quickie Rome visit with the Borghese Gallery. The headsets were the answer to navigating all the beautiful art and sculptures, including my favorite Bernini statue of Apollo and Daphne. We checked off a few more « must-sees » including Piazza Popalo and the Spanish steps. Monday we hit the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain and Tuesday we had the full tour of the Vatican and St.Peters Basilica. Tara had organized guided tours for both days, thank goodness, because the lines and crowds were unbelievable. With a guide you can move through so much more smoothly and actually get information along the way. When we mentioned the crowds, our Vatican guide shrugged and said …. »it’s beautiful. If it was ugly, no one would come ». According to the guides the number of tourists has not gone down and they are expecting a full November. Also, 2025 is a special jubilee year designated by the Pope so Rome is expecting 32 million more sinners to come through the gates to be absolved of sin that year. Might be a good time to avoid Rome unless you have amassed many sins , in which case you will have to brave the crowds. Besides the historic sites, and relics lying all around, we enjoyed some outdoor meals and drinks including a lovely pizza lunch at a restaurant recommended by a client of Tara’s. We also had a couple of very entertaining taxi rides around the city. For no apparent reason roads are closed and traffic is backed up. All part of the Rome experience. Once we enjoyed a gelato, our Rome bingo card was full and we still had our wallets! Bonus.
      So we go forward to Sicily. Mike’s brother Al ( and Natalie) are waiting for us in Catania. Tomorrow Mount Etna. Let,s hope it doesn’t blow it’s top while we’re there.
      Arrivederci Roma,
      Love Mom , Heather
      Ps Our hotel experience at the Palm Gallery was so-so. For those who we’ve traveled with before, you will remember that hotel but without the eagle-eyed supervision of Luisa, we had a different experience.
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    • Day 3

      Meer muss sein

      January 28, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Der Vormittag war noch vollgestopft mit römischen "must see" - Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und Pantheon.
      Danach flüchteten wir aus dem Großstadtgetriebe und genossen wie die Römer Meeresluft in Fiumicino.
      Ein ausgesprochen feines Wochenende 😊!
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    • Day 13

      On route to England

      June 3, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Despite our late-night last night, we are up early and getting ready for the trip from my religious background to my birthplace, England.
      Again, thankful of our choice of hotel in Rome and its proximity to the central railway station, it is a short stroll to catch the express train to Fiumicino International Airport.
      Boarded the British Airways flight on-route to Great Britain., my birthplace.
      We sadly say goodbye to Italy, we had a fabulous time here.
      We have picked a hotel in central London so as we can enjoy the sites all within walking distance for the best part. Pretty much just a travel day today.
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    • Day 36

      Rom update

      July 10, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Nach fast 16 Stunden Flug haben wir Rom erreicht und geniessen den kurzen Aufenthalt mit Kaffeetrinken. Insgesamt sind wir, wenn dann in Zürich angekommen, 30 Stunden unterwegs, seit dem Abflug in Darwin.
      Eigentlich dachten wir, dass jetzt alles klappt. Aber der Flieger nach Zürich lässt auf sich warten und warten
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    • Day 16

      Halbzeit 🏃‍♂️💨 Barcelonaaaaa 🌊

      August 11, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Heute haben wir Halbzeit erreicht und damit auch die Trennung von meinen ersten Begleitern. Die Ersten 16 Tage waren eine sehr schöne Erfahrung und ich konnte so viel daraus mitnehmen. Was uns alles positives sowie auch negatives passiert ist, ist kaum zu glauben. Es war mir eine große Freude mit euch Skopje, Istanbul, Rom, Vatikanstadt und Pisa erkunden zu dürfen Nele, Simon hat und Charlotte. Die Messlatte wurde hoch angesetzt für die zweiten 16 Tage… Vielen lieben Dank und euch eine gute Heimreise, mein Abenteuer geht ab heute mit Rike und Julia weiter :D 🥺😚😁✨🌊✌🏼Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Fiumicino-Isola Sacra, Fiumicino, フィウミチーノ, Фьюмичино

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