
Von Sorrento fahren wir zur Ausgrabungsstätte Herkulaneum. Der Ort ist beim Vesuvausbruch 67 n.Chr., genau wie das bekanntere Pompeii, verschüttet worden. Die Häuser sind hier zum Teil besserRead more
Von Sorrento fahren wir zur Ausgrabungsstätte Herkulaneum. Der Ort ist beim Vesuvausbruch 67 n.Chr., genau wie das bekanntere Pompeii, verschüttet worden. Die Häuser sind hier zum Teil besserRead more
Possibly not!
On our way back from Pompeii we thought we'd buy a bottle of wine and a packet of crisps, and relax on the hotel terrace, which is lovely.
Couldn't find a shop anywhere. Asked someRead more
Mir si im archäologisch Museum gsi und gege Abe no d Usgrabig in Ergolano ga ahluege, wieder sehr ihrdrücktlech gsi.
Di Mosaik-Arbeite si ächt wunderschön.
Zug fahre isch eh Useforderig überauRead more
We happened to be in Spain when they won the World Cup in 2010, and witnessed unbounded joy from their fans. But I honestly don't think it will will a patch on what is going to happen here in NapoliRead more
Heute besuchten wir die antike Stadt Herculaneum, die wie Pompeji beim Ausbruch des Vesuv im Jahr 79 untergegangen ist.
Eigentlich war der Plan im Anschluss nach Pompeji zu fahren, jedochRead more
Herculaneum (Ercolano) was an ancient Roman town. It was buried under volcanic ash and pumice in the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Although less known than Pompeii today, it was the first and,Read more
The train trip to Herculaneum was uneventful, and we found there were far less tourists who made the trip after Pompeii. We decided against going up Vesuvius, as it was completely cloud bound.
WeRead more
Le Vesuve prend de la place dans le paysage napolitain, il est important pour l'agriculture locale, il est évoqué dans tous les arrêts de métro, il est l'inspiration de nombreuses légendes, etRead more
Learning from our previous errors, we were set to explore Herculaneum, a site often overlooked by many tourists in favour of the more renown Pompeii. This time there would be no delays with trains butRead more
..... The Forum.
On our way to Pompeii this morning and these guys jumped in the carriage and started up.
Play it loud.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Herculaneum, هركولانيوم, Геркуланум, Херкулан, হেরকুলেনিয়াম, Herculà, Ercolano, Herculano, Herkulano, هرکولانیوم, Herculanum, Herkulaneum, הרקולנאום, Herkulanej, Հերկուլանում, ヘルクラネウム, ჰერკულანუმი, 헤르쿨라네움, Herkulaniumas, Herkulāna, हर्क्युलेनियम, Herkulanum, Херкуланеум, ஹெர்குலியம், เฮอร์คิวเลเนียม, 赫库兰尼姆古城
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