Monterosso al Mare

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    • Dia 14

      Grün, grün, grün 💚

      21 de junho, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      - ist das Motto des heutigen Tages , denn davon sehen wir heute sehr viel …..🌳🌴🫒
      Nach unserem Baden und Frühstück am Morgen sagen wir ,,Tschüss Maremma Sanssouci“! Wir machen uns auf den Weg durch die Toscana nach Ligurien, vorbei an unseren früheren Urlaubsorten Follonica und Viareggio . ( wo wir natürlich in Erinnerung schwelgen)
      Ligurien gilt als die nordwestliche malerische Küstenregion und da uns Monterosso al Mare in der Chinque Terre empfohlen wurde, ,,zotteln“ wir mit unserem Aluma dort hin, vorbei an unzähligen Olivenhaien, Weinbergen und durch sehr sehr viele Wälder , Berge , Kurven und Täler. Gut, dass ich so einen guten Fahrer an meiner Seite habe ❤️
      Aber es lohnt sich!!! Und wir Glückspilze bekommen sogar einen Womo- Stellplatz hoch oben in den Bergen bei ,,Area Sosta Camper - Il Poggio“, was eigentlich schon an ein Wunder grenzt! Wie jetzt aber da runter zum Ort am Meer kommen? Schatzi schlägt eine ,,kleine“ Wanderung vor, denn es sind ja nur 1,2km . Gesagt getan…. Aber da ich mir den kleinen Zeh heute Morgen ( Nein, diesmal rechts !) ,,angerummst“ habe und dieser dick und blau ist, ziehe ich meine Sandalettchen an und über Stock , Stein und im Schneckentempo erreichen wir Monterosso. Wir sind sofort verliebt! -, lassen uns treiben, essen leckere Seebrasse in einer kleinen Gasse , schlendern umher und der Rückweg über die Strasse kann ja eigentlich nicht so schlimm werden …. wenn da nicht die vielen Höhenmeter, die Wärme und die Dunkelheit ( und für mich natürlich mein schmerzender Zeh !) wären … Fast 15000 Schritte waren es 🙃.
      Egal, heute schlafen wir mal hoch oben bei frischer Luft in den Bergen!
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    • Dia 2

      #03 Cinque Terre - Malerisch und Touris

      25 de março, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach einem erholsamen Morgen in Bogliasco setzten wir unsere Reise fort und machten uns auf den Weg nach Cinque Terre, mit dem Ziel Vernazza. Ehrlich gesagt hatten wir die Strecke etwas unterschätzt, insbesondere die herausfordernden Serpentinen, die v.a. Lenas Puls auf Daueranschlag hielten. Und die Minutenangabe bei Google Maps wurde nur in 5-Minuten-Schritten weniger 😅
      Trotzdem waren wir voller Vorfreude auf die malerischen Dörfer, die uns erwarteten. Lena hatte einen Parkplatz oberhalb von Cinque Terre ausfindig gemacht, von dem aus wir in das Dorf wandern konnten. Unsere Fahrräder ließen wir vorerst stehen, um die Gegend zu Fuß zu erkunden. Während wir uns auf den Weg machten, beeindruckten uns die zahlreichen Fahrradfahrer, die sich durch die bergige Landschaft kämpften, und die vielen Menschen, die der Zug aus Levanto stündlich ausspuckte.

      Vernazza empfing uns mit malerischer Schönheit, obwohl wir überrascht waren, wie viele Menschen bereits vor Ostern die Gassen bevölkerten. Dennoch war schnell klar, warum die Cinque Terre weltberühmt sind – die einzigartige Atmosphäre, die charmanten Häuser an den Klippen und der malerische Hafen machen Vernazza und die vier anderen Orte in den Hügeln total sehenswert.
      Wir schlenderten durch die engen Gassen bis zum Hafen und erklommen dann die Burg, um von dort aus einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Vernazza und das Meer zu genießen.

      Zum Abschluss gönnten wir uns traditionelle Fischgerichte, wie gemischte frittierte Fische, bevor wir uns entschieden, dem touristischen Trubel zu entfliehen und weiter nach Vernaggio zu fahren. Dort verbrachten wir die Nacht an einem ruhigen Ort in einem Wohngebiet und freuten uns auf die kommenden Tage, die wir weniger fahrend, sondern mehr in der entspannten Atmosphäre der Toskana verbringen würden.
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    • Dia 23

      Day Twenty-Three: Cinque Terre

      7 de abril, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today, we were off to one of the places I was most excited about, Cinque Terre! But even the drive down was pretty nice. We got to drive along the coast and see some water, towns, and fields. It was also weird how many tunnels we went through and how they were often houses and towns right above the tunnel, too. I wonder if your house would shake if a semi drove through. When we were finally in Italy, we had a 45-minute check stop, and it is completely different how you order food. Here, you pay for the pizza and coffee, and they give you a receipt, which u have to talk to different people, which give you the item you bought. So could I use the same receipt twice? But the pizza I got was a salami pizza (pepperoni), and it was some of the best pizza I ever had. The sauce was just fantastic with the crust. I was also very hungry, so that probably helped. Then, we trucked the rest of the way over to Cinque Terre. For this part, we were kind of left on our own. Bec gave us a train pass to jump between towns and sent us off with a meet-up point at 8:10 pm. Three other guys decided to join us, Kevin, Nathan, and Nick. We ended up sitting at the beach, drinking wine and cocktails for a while. And we went for a swim. It's weird because I feel the ocean doesn't smell salty here, but man, it tastes salty for sure. Luckily, why watch is water resistant because I totally forgot to take it off. It was nice to sit in the sun and relax with wine, but it did take up too much of our limited time here. So we went back to the train station to try and figure out how it worked so we could get to the next town. We finally figured it out to realize that at the end, we accidentally took an express train past all the islands. So, of course, we had to wait and take the next train back. There goes more precious time... but when we finally started walking around and it was such a cool place, super narrow alleyways, lots of stairs, and a beautiful ocean. We even walked up and found this mini castle ruins, which cost 2 euros to see. It was worth the cheap price. It had a fantastic view of the town and the surrounding area. Then, we skipped a town to jump to the one I was most excited about. And it was so beautiful just looking at this town on a cliff above the water. We all decided to get dinner somewhere, so we walked around trying to find a place to eat, and holy everywhere was so expensive. One place was selling the catch of the day for 70€... we managed to find one place that wasn't quite as expensive and walked in to find the whole travel group already eating there. What are the odds of that? But we all ordered some wine and some pesto pasta, which apparently was crested here! And it was delicious, I got ravioli. But it was still 15€ or something, and we got to protein, and the portion was a little small. But since we were so slow with the towns we did, we only got to see 3/5 towns... but that's OK, I had such a great experience in the ones I did go to, and it seems they are all quite similar. We arrived at the meet-up location early, and it seemed most people did too, but I went and bought water and went to the bathroom. I finished and came out before the time we were supposed to leave, but everyone was gone... I called Ethan, and he wasn't picking up. One of the other guys on the trip did text me and said he would send me his location ping. When I got it and looked, it was a 20-minute walk away. I was so confused about how they got so far away so fast, but I just started running. It was the most stressful run of my life because the ping he gave me was a couch parking lot. Our guide has been clear about leaving people behind if they take too long. So as I am running and getting close, I see our bus driving on the road, so I start waving freaking out about not being picked up. Luckily, he stopped, and I walked in to see a completely empty bus... I was early, and like 5 minutes early, too, as I saw the crowd walking over. Turns out he sent the end location and not where they were. So I freaked out for no reason. But me and Ethan did have a little heated talk afterward because we were both so stressed, but it was just in the moment. Turns out he forgot to activate his new esim so he didn't have internet and that's why he didn't pick up. But it is what it is. Everything worked out. It was a long bus ride back to the hotel, an extra hour, 40 minutes. And it was a tough ride because it's when our sickness really hit us out of nowhere. Ethan was having it a lot harder than me for sure. But I was miserable. So we finally get there, and I am so ready just to lay down and sleep it off to find out we went to the wrong location... and the one we need to go to is another hour, 40 minutes drive away... so you can say we had a shitty ass night being sick ass fuck in a couch that we shouldn't be in. But that's OK, we made it to the hostel and I crashed hard.Leia mais

    • Dia 15

      Meer und Berge….

      22 de junho, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      … üppige Blumen und Weinberge , Berge und Tunnel, Seen und Wasserfälle, Wälder und karge Berge und sogar Schnee,
      Sommerwetter, Regen und Kälte
      - all das erleben wir an diesem Wochenende!
      Und nicht zu vergessen :
      LA DOLCE VITA ❣️
      Das wollen wir uns bewahren…
      Am Samstagvormittag schlendern wir noch einmal bei feinstem Sommerwetter durch Monterosso del Mare, diesem wunderschönen Mittelmeer- Städtchen der Chinque Terre in Ligurien 🇮🇹, bevor wir uns auf den Weg Richtung Norden ⬆️ machen; mit dem Ziel Lugano in der Schweiz 🇨🇭.
      Unterwegs gibts unseren ,,Super Saturday“, schön, dass online arbeiten durch Wolle’s guten Netzes von überall möglich ist. An der Grenze entrichten wir unsere verpasste Schwerlastabgabe von 32,50€, die jetzt 1 Jahr gültig ist.
      Wir kommen gegen 20.40 Uhr auf dem ausgesuchten Stellplatz in der Luganer Stadt an, der zwar total voll ist, aber mit relaxten Italienern und einer ,,Quetschaktion“ ist für alle Platz.
      Aber was ist mit dem Wetter los? Die Temperaturen haben sich halbiert und ab jetzt regnet 🌧️ es die ganze Zeit. Auch noch, als wir durch Lugano‘s schöner Altstadt, einer hübschen Parkanlage und am See spazieren. Wir bezahlen unsere Übernachtungsgebühr von 20 CHF und weiter gehts Richtig Norden ⬆️! Da 45 min Stau angesagt sind, möchte Wolle die laut Navi ,,beste“ Strecke nehmen….. die leider! über den Sankt Gotthard geht! Es ist mega imposant, auch wenn zumindest mir echt nicht wohl dabei ist 🤦‍♀️ und Aluma 🚐 es bei fast kochendem Motor und heisser Bremse auch nicht mag! Oben angekommen gibt eine kurze Verschnaufpause. Und weiter geht’s, nach unten bis alles wieder grün ist und durch eine Landschaft, die gerade aus Schnee ❄️ und Eis erwacht.
      Am Ende des Tages und pünktlich mit dem Start des Fußballspiels Deutschland 🇩🇪 gegen die Schweiz 🇨🇭,, landen“ wir in Lahr in Baden Württemberg.
      Deutschland 🇩🇪 hat uns wieder und bis zu Hause 🏡 sind es jetzt noch 737 km.
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    • Dia 12

      Entdeckungstour durch die Cinque Terre

      11 de maio de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ein absolutes Highlight mit Postkartenmotiven stand heute auf dem Plan. Von unserem Stellplatz dauerte es nur 5 Minuten mit dem Shuttle in das erste von fünf Dörfern der Cinque Terre - Monterosso. Wir sind früh los und konnten die traumhafte Kulisse während des Frühstücks auf uns wirken lassen, bevor wir mit der Fähre nach Manarola gefahren sind. Später haben wir den Zug nach
      Vernazza genommen und da das Wetter mitspielte, beschlossen wir spontan den Wanderweg zurück nach Monterosso zu nehmen. Die Jeans erwiesen sich als falsche Wahl für den Tag, denn der sogenannte "Blaue Weg" hat es in sich. Wir liefen ca. 2 Stunden auf und ab und bewunderten dabei die faszinierenden Aussichten- seht selbst.
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    • Dia 10

      Day in Cinque Terre

      14 de setembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Along with about a million of our closest friends, we spent the day hopping on and off boats to go into some of the little villages that have become tourist magnets. We are tourists and we are magnetized, so how can we complain. The owner of our B&B told us in no uncertain terms that we should chuck our plan of taking the train and stick to the ferry. I was dubious, but followed her advice. She was absolutely right. Entering these villages from the water is so much more beautiful than going through a tunnel to town from the train station. Only one of our boat rides was what I would call crowded, though they all had a good number of passengers. Based on what some people at lunch told us, the trains were being used by big tour groups (only saw one on all our boat rides) and that makes things more difficult.

      We bought a day pass and started out on the 9:30 ferry. We spent about an hour and a half in each town, so Joe could have a gelato and I could climb the local castle or hoof it up to the overlook. We did stay several hours in Manarola, where we had a long and excellent lunch of mussels and some exceptional white anchovies, which I haven’t had in a long time (boquerones in Spain). The towns are all very picturesque, but seem to be totally dedicated to the tourist business. There are vineyards nearby, so someone is making a living doing something other than selling gelato and boat tickets!

      People were all extremely patient and helpful when Joe needed extra hands to navigate some especially unfriendly steps or ramps. No jostling or pushing either. I am glad we came, but I don’t think I would come back, unless it was in the dead of winter. I’m sure I’d love walking the trail, but I think I’m too hooked on the Camino to make a switch to Italy.
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    • Dia 9

      Travel Day

      13 de setembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We left Florence and headed to Cinque Terre by train. I had planned the trip to be as stress-free as possible. Late departure (12:30), 15 minute connection time in Pisa, arrival in Monterosso around 3. I would definitely not want to do this with anything other than carry-ons. Flights of stairs to make connections and no elevator in sight.

      We saw some rocky mountains and Google maps told me it was the Apuan Alps. I saw something that looked like mining, and before I could wonder too much, I saw the name of the town we were passing!

      The owner of our B&B in Monterosso met us at the station to walk with us there. It’s in the historic center, the home where she was born. Very charming. La Poesia.

      Joe took a nap and I followed the walking path out of town for 40 minutes out and then back. Got some pretty good elevation in! I won’t be able to do any of the village to village walks, but I plan to do a bunch of out and back walks when Joe is resting. It’s a beautiful setting and the temperature is great. Crowded, but no surprise there.

      We’re at a very cute tapas place for a light supper. Good restaurants all fill up, so I’ve already made reservations for our next two nights!
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    • Dia 3–5

      Etappe Levanto Monterosso

      13 de novembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Die erste Etappe der Küstentour sind wir von Levanto - nach einer Stunde Zugfahrt raus aus der Stadt am Meer entlang - in das nördlichste Dorf der Cinque Terre, Monterosso, gewandert. Links das Meer, rechts Berge mit Oliven- und Erdbeerbäumen. Über Stock und Stein führte der Weg malerisch oberhalb der Küste entlang, manchmal nach unserem Geschmack zu viel bergauf. Aber die Panoramablicke waren jeden Schritt aufwärts am Ende doch wert. Nach knapp 4 Stunden kamen wir in Monterosso an, pünktlich zur Dämmerung. Und als Belohnung am Abend haben wir uns gleich in der Trattoria direkt neben unserer Unterkunft ein ausgiebiges Abendessen gegönnt. Morgen haben wir Zeit, das Dorf zu erkunden.Leia mais

    • Dia 11

      Day on the Water

      15 de setembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      I was wrong about two things - one, I was afraid that we would have had so much ferry time yesterday that today’s boat trip would not be so fun. And two, I said I wouldn’t want to come back here. Going slowly up and down the coast was really great! And I got a much better view of the trails I could walk if I were to return. So maybe I shouldn’t say never, because they look fabuloso.

      I am so glad I booked this boat trip weeks ago, because a couple in our B&B was very disappointed they couldn’t get anything for the next four days. It was a bit pricey, but oh so worth it. The views of the villages were amazing, the water was super clear and warm, and I even got to swim near a huge jelly-fish, but only after I was assured that this one wouldn’t sting. One of the young guys on our boat (there were 12 of us total) picked it up, but no way I was interested in that.

      Joe did not get off the boat to swim, but had a seat in the shade and did not mind sitting there doing nothing for our swim time (or at least that’s what he said). After swimming they served us a very nice spread of tapas type food (each one made locally and with an explanation of what it was and who made it!) with some prosecco to accompany it.

      The weather looks like it’s turning, and our boat company has already cancelled the trips for the next three days, not only because of thunderstorms but also because the water will be quite choppy and this little boat can’t take too many waves. We have been quite lucky!

      I did some up and down walking on the trail and saw the bunker we had seen from the boat. The Nazis occupied the town for three years and there were many bombardments. It’s so sobering to see a reminder of how horrible things were years ago.

      One last dinner will be in another highly rated place, which I was able to reserve on Wednesday when we got here. If it’s anything like last night’s meal in Osteria (caprese salad, seafood ravioli for Joe and pesto for me), we will be well fed!
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    • Dia 26

      26ème étape ~ Cinque Terre

      28 de agosto de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Visite des Cinque Terre pour les aventuriers.
      Nous laissons le camping-car à La Spezia et prenons le train jusqu’à Monterosso. Après une petite visite de la ville, nous marchons jusqu’à Vernazza. 1h15, 3km6 sur des chemins bien ardus.
      Après un dîner, nous prenons le train pour Rimaggiore, puis Manarola, et Cornglia pour finir.
      Nous n’avons pas pu faire les sentiers entre les 3 derniers villages car il y a eu un éboulement. 😢
      Nous avons adoré la vue des villages et les couleurs des maisons 🥰
      Petite Moralité : les italiens aiment beaucoup trop les escaliers 😅
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