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    • Day 33

      Otranto to Santa Maria Di Leuca

      May 28 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We were on our bikes at 0900 - needing to get a good start for our 56 km ride.
      Another glorious day for riding until we got rained on for maybe 30 mins. Adds to the fun!
      Today's ride was, apparently, the most challenging in terms of ascents, however, compared to Croatia, we thought it was quite manageable. We rode down the east coast of the Puglia region to the most easterly point of Italy.
      Stopped at a little grocery store in Tricase Porto for ham and cheese rolls (see video). No butter or mayo, etc. However, it was delicious. Outside the store, there was a group of Italian men playing cards. The scene epitomized the Cittaslow concept (slow living). It was such a special scene I asked if I could take a photo.
      Our final stop was at Santa Maria Di Leica's Lighthouse Square. This place is a destination for pilgrims all over Europe and is referred to as 'the end of the earth'. It is where all distance is measured from so zero km is in the square - there is a monument with 0 km inscribed on it.
      Checked into our hotel, went for a swim in the glorious sea and then strolled around the area before dinner at a local restaurant.
      We start biking up the west coast tomorrow - 65 km.
      As with our Croatian bike trip, this group is developing lovely relationships - it takes 3 or 4 days for this to happen, but it's nice when it does!
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    • Day 32

      Otranto & surrounds

      May 27 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After a few challenging days health wise, I (Kerrie) got my mojo back and was able to enjoy the day in Otranto and surrounding districts.
      We are staying at a nicely appointed resort 3 km out of Otranto. After a delicious breakfast, we started our ride at 0900. The ride took us out into the country amongst olive tree plantations along narrow roads and bike paths, some quite rough.
      We visited Otranto's Cathedral where the skulls and bones of 800 Martyrs are encased following a massacre by Turkish Islamists in the 1400's.
      We visited the village 'Specchia Gallone' where we were served samples of authentic rural Italian food and local wines. It was truly delicious. The owner of the restaurant babbled on in Italian (see the video) with Ilenia interpreting as best she could. We were totally immersed in rural Italy!
      We visited a few historic sites along the way, one being a pre-historic above ground cave.
      We spent the rest of the day walking around Otranto and visited the Otranto Castle.
      We had antipasto and wine with the couple from the UK, Phil & Bridget.
      Tomorrow, another longish ride following the coast south.
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    • Day 9

      Heal of the boot

      July 11 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 90 °F

      My phone thinks I'm in Albania. Where is that? Oh, across the sea I've been swimming in all day at the southernmost point of Italy, the heal of the boot, well almost. It's beautiful in Puglia, and hot, many towns with limestone streets and lots of octopus pulpo for seafood lovers. Boats and blue water. And everywhere there is plenty to see, and eat and to love.Read more

    • Day 6–7

      Ostuni, Otranto

      July 24 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 32 °C


      Ostuni ist schon von weitem sichtbar. Auf einem Hügel liegt die weiße Stadt und ist gut zur Orientierung, auch vom Meer aus geeignet. In der Altstadt sind alle Häuser weiß gekalkt, eine andere Farbe ist nicht erlaubt.
      Die Grotta della Poesia, diese herrliche Perle der Natur, wurde als eines der zehn schönsten Naturbecken der Welt bezeichnet. Es handelt sich um ein in den Felsen eingelassenes Becken mit smaragdgrüner und erfrischender Wasserfarbe.
      Torre sant' Andrea, die von Wind und Meer gestalteten Felsen bieten eine beeindruckende Kulisse.
      Die kleine Hafenstadt Otranto an der Adriaküste bezaubert nicht nur mit ihrer malerischen Altstadt, sondern auch mit einigen bedeutenden Sehenswürdigkeiten. Otranto liegt am äußersten Zipfel des italienischen Stiefelabsatzes und gilt als östlichste Stadt Italiens.
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    • Day 5


      September 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Oblačan dan je bio taman za izlet do Otranta makar Slo igra osminu finala…Dončića smo gledali s time shiftom.
      Centar grada pun turista, jako puno 🐕🐩🦮 i malih restorančića s fora food konceptima, fish i sandwich barovi, pizzerije. Mi smo ponovno našli talijanski tapas bar izvan gužve i bili uzbudeni da ćemo napokon probat ježince ali u kombinaciji s konobarom koji ne zna baš engleski smo jeli nešto fino, ali još uvijek nemamo pojma što je bilo 😂Read more

    • Day 29


      February 17 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Am Vormittag verabschieden uns Karin und dem schönen, ruhigen Platz.

      Otranto ist das Ziel. Zuerst aber einkaufen. Vor dem Supermarkt steht ein Gemüseverkäufer den wir zuerst ansteuern.
      Wir wollten 1 Blumenkohl und etwas Brokkoli (als Strauch, nicht wir wir ihn kennen als Kopf).
      Er packt einen 2 Blumenkohl ein, noch mehr Brokkoli und ein Rübengewächs. Er nimmt eine 2 Tüte ,noch einen Blumenkohl und Fenchel und mehr Rübe. Wir lachen uns schlapp und sagen nein, nein, zuviel.
      Wir haben 2 prall gefüllte Tüten und fragen was er haben will. 20€... Wir lachen und sagen ihm 10€ und packen einen Blumenkohl aus. Dann sagt er okay,okay.
      Wir können nun selber Gemüse verkaufen gehen, soviel haben wir 😜

      Nach den Supermarkt geht es nach Otranto. Wir finden einen großen Parkplatz, auf einer Wiese, am Meer, für uns allein.

      Wir gehen an der Kaimauer entlang bis zum Strand, vorbei an der Burg, durch die Altstadt zum Hafen. Ein schönes Fleckchen Erde hier. Die Sonne scheint, es ist aber schnell kühl im Schatten.

      Zurück am Wohnmobil der Schrecken. Gabi öffnet die Tür und .,,..alle Jacken liegen auf dem Boden 😱 Einbruch?
      Aber falscher Alarm. Es ist nur die Halterung für die Jacken abgefallen, da zuviel Gewicht dran war. 😉😇

      Gott sei Dank.

      PS: Ratet mal was es heute zu essen gibt 🤣 🥬🫑🧄🥦
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    • Day 115

      Puglia Day #5 (Lecce)

      July 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Made the 1.5 drive south to Lecce today to do some more beach hopping 🏖️ a very hot one again!

      📍 The first stop was La Casa Del Latte - a cheese shop + manufacturer south of Lecce. We bought some stracciatella cheese and headed to a supermarket for some other supplies to create our favourite Italian sandwich combination from the trip: Stracciatella cheese, pistachio cream, mortadella & focaccia bread 🤤

      We pulled into the first beach carpark and decided to make our focaccias on the bonnet of the car as we didn’t know what was going to be on offer down by the beach in terms of tables/shade. This ended up being a great idea and they tasted amazing, they were also bigger than our heads 😂

      📍 Torre Sant’ Andrea - After our mortadella sangas we headed to beach #1 which was in a beautiful spot at the bottom of a hill, surrounded by a rugged coastline 🌊

      📍 Torre Specchia Ruggeri - Second beach stop was a bit unplanned as the one we wanted to go too was packed and we struggled for a carpark. But we found this secluded spot and scored some shade whilst we swam and relaxed 😴 Jacques found a human shit floating in the water 🤮

      📍 Headed back home fairly late and after a grocery stop Rach and Brad cooked up a Mexican bowl for dinner. We also all walked up onto our airbnb roof to see a beautiful sunset 🌅
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    • Day 23

      Sant’ Andrea

      October 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wir bleiben über das Wochenende auf den Stellplatz Faraglioni die Torre in Sant’ Andrea .. am Abend kommt ein Beck von der Ungebung die Bestellung abholen und bringt uns am nächsten Morgen die frische Brötchen à domicile🤗😋 wir geniessen das dursichtige blaue Wasser zum Baden und Relaxen ☀️😎🥂Read more

    • Day 11

      Otranto - Santa Cesare Therme

      September 14, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      A difficult nights sleep at B&B Lilium with traffic that shook the balcony window glass forcing me to wear and turn on my active noise cancelling ear phones.
      It was a shame as Roberta and Antonio were lovely (though in need of B&B101 training as rule one must be do not leave previous mornings dirty breakfast plates etc on the main table). Roberta is a teacher at Santa Cesare Terme so drove me there and back today and detoured to the lighthouse at the most easterly point in Italy Faro Palascio. The coastline is littered with ruined towers from the days of watching for the attacking Turks. I walked to the gorgeous cove of Spiaggia di Miggiano - deep, clear water with plenty of fish. Above this cove was a resort with several infinity pools which actually looked great also. Then passed the old bath house built in early 1900 in the moorish style.
      Said goodbye to Roberta and family and I then checked into the gorgeous Palazzo Marzo less than 200 yards away but uphill in a calm area.
      Had had a panini at Santa Cesare (proscuitto crudo and white mozzarella) so sat out the hottest middle of the day, then had a divine cafe and coconut gelato for lunch from Martinucci before walking north as far as Canal Monaco. Still too much swell up there but it would be gorgeous on another day. Swum in the shallows at the north end of the main beach. Water temp must be 26 and air temp a hot feeling 28.
      Had a good sausage and chicoria pizza and red wine for dinner.
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    • Day 12

      Leuchttürme bis Gallipoli

      March 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      An der Küste entlang. Wir passieren den Leuchtturm Cabo di Otranto. Zerklüftete Küstenabschnitte und Wehrtürme lösen sich ab. Den Leuchtturm di Leuca lassen wir liegen und fahren an der Küste nach Gallipoli. Hier finden wir einen geöffneten Campingplatz, wo wir ein paar Tage bleiben wollen.Read more

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