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    • Dag 3

      Varenna am Lake Como

      25 september 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute bin ich alleine unterwegs gewesen weil Xenia Uni hatte. Ich bin dann erst noch in ein Cafe und hab Cappuccino getrunken weil ich noch über eine Stunde auf den Zug warten musste (schlechtes Timing meinerseits). Dann musste ich noch eine Stunde Zug fahren bis Varenna. Dort bin ich erstmal einfach an der Promenade langgelaufen und das war super schön dort. Bin dann zufällig an einem botanischen Garten lang gelaufen und bin für 5€ rein gegangen. Da haben die auch gerade eine Hochzeit vorbereitet. Bin dann dort langgelaufen und hab einige Fotos gemacht. Als ich fertig war hab ich mir dann noch eine focaccia und ein Eis geholt. Danach bin ich nur noch zu einem 'strand' gelaufen, der aber ganz klein war und irgendwie auch nicht sonderlich schön. Habe dort dann etwas gelesen und bin dann mit dem zum gegen Abend zurück gefahren. Da es keine anzeigetafeln gab und auf dem Zug auch nicht stand, welcher das ist, bin ich auch einmal in den falschen eingestiegen (mit ganz vielen anderen, die auch dachten, das das der zug nach Mailand wäre).Läs mer

    • Dag 13

      Afternoon trip on Lake Como

      2 juli 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today we took the ferry to Bellagio and Varenna again. It was lovely and cool on the water and we returned to a beautiful cafe on the waterfront to have dinner before returning home by train and walking the 2km up the hill to our apartment.Läs mer

    • Dag 12


      28 augusti 2019, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Up for breaky. We head to the dock and collect an all day ticket for the lake.

      With an hour to spare I took Athena to the beauty parlor, where my pedicure was done. Athena needs her brows waxed. I had left my mobile behind at the dock, and thought shit!
      The lady had it though. Thank god.

      We hit the shuttle boat with umbrella's in hand. It is overcast and raining with thunder overhead.
      We sit at the side windows and the view is sublime.

      Slow cruising with the towns passing by.
      I wish to see Villa Balbianello in the town of Lenno, where Anakin wed Padme in secret, but find out it is closed Wednesdays 😔
      So we continue to Varenna. The boat is truly hypnotic and we just stare out at the water, hills and cascading earthenware villas whilst being gently rocked.

      We stop at Varenna at 2.10pm. It is a pretty town with views across to Bellagio and Menaggio.

      A bit of jewellery shopping. I buy a bracelet with pink, purple and aqua stones. We have a late lunch on the river at Nilus Bar.

      Athena is having the drowned octopus 🐙 soup and I the tagliatelle with bacon.🥓 and parmesan. Athena tells me her drowned octopus is absolutely delicious and she also ordered her favourite food chippies nom nom.

      One thing I have noticed is that we are yet to eat indoors. The weather in Europe is devine.

      We walk upwards through rounded stone pathways toward the Villa Monestery. We go into an ancient church with rock pillars. It is a fairytale town with ivy hanging over everything.

      We head back to the dock about 6.30pm. I grab a gelati and we catch the slow boat again, this time we sit outside and just meditate on the blissful scenery.

      Athena and I play 80's pop quiz's. And a young couple quip in and play.

      Get back at 8.30pm and head off to bed. Doing nothing is tiring.
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    • Dag 18

      Via Ferrata Gallaria di Morcate

      4 oktober 2022, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Schöner kurzer Klettersteig, mit toller Aussicht auf den Comer See.
      Der Einstieg findet sich mittig im Straßentunnel. Der Abstieg ist dank neuen Schildern zu finden, man muss allerdings bis zu Mast zwei herrunter und dann an der Kette entlang um den ganzen Abstieg zu finden. Das ist auf der Topo etwas schwer zu erkennen. Das letzte Stück ist dann nochmal ein wenig schwierig, weil der Fels schon sehr glatt geschmirgelt ist.

      Ich hatte kurz überlegt noch schnell schwimmen zu gehen, bin aber nur bis zu den Knien rein gekommen, bevor ich quasie erfroren bin 🙈🙊🙉
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    • Dag 8

      Varenna et Villa Monastero

      19 augusti 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Aujourd'hui, départ en bateau pour Varenna. Magnifique ville avec une vue impressionnante sur le lac de Côme. Visite de villa monastero, un jardin botanique splendide donnant directement sur le lac.
      Repas tranquille en amoureux face au lac dans un super hôtel pendant qu'Auguste s'est endormi dans sa poussette, suivi d'une glace home made succulente.
      Nous nous posons sur une plage aux cailloux au bord du lac plus qu'agréable. Disons que la baignade n'est pas de trop sous 36 degrés !Auguste semble plus qu'apprécier ces vacances comme d'habitude!
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    • Dag 8

      Day trip to Bellagio and Varenna

      27 juni 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      Today we took the ferry on Lake Como to Bellagio and then on to Varenna. The forecast temperature for today was 38 deg with a ‘feels like’ temp of 43, so we decided to stay by the water for the entire day, enjoying a swim in a couple of different locations. We survived the heat pretty well but it was incredibly hot and humid away from the cool waters of the lake.Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Day 4 Varenna

      16 november 2017, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Varenna is an hour's journey by train from Milan through picturesque countryside. It is a quaint little town on Lake Como.
      We were met by the warmest Nona called Tosca at Tosca b&b then had a romantic lunch alfresco at the Varenna Cafe. The scenery is breathtaking.
      We then hiked up to the Castello to work off the lunch.

      Musings on Milan

      Many have commented, even criticised Milan for being plain, drab or even dull. Although seen to be the glamour capital of Italy, the actual city has often paled to Florence, Venice and Rome.

      When we arrived in Milan, our first stop in Italy, we were wary from the warnings of a dirty, boring, plain, drab city where people are arrogant and discourteous. What we experienced was the exact opposite. There was an abundance of graffiti, but the paths were clean. Despite the many dogs, there was a delightful lack of their poops. The buildings around Sant Ambrogio where our accommodation had plain facades, but many hid beautiful gardens, like 7 Via Cappuccio. The churches may seem non descript and boring on the exterior, but hid frescoes and art that would stand proud in any major gallery. The guide from our walking tour told us that Milan is a great example of never judging a book by it's cover. To see Milan, one needs curiosity to peer behind the drab walls, have the imagination to picture the treasurers behind a heavily graffitied building, and smile at the people around.

      The people of Milan are gracious and kind and warm. The waiters happily indulge our questions and translate the menu, the doorman happily led us into a private garden and left us to enjoy it for as long as we wanted. People waited by patiently whilst I took a photo before continuing on their journey, and noone growled at me for bumping into them when not keeping right, or just walking and looking at everything else but where I'm going. For all their indulgence of an awestruck and clumsy traveller, for all their hidden beauty and treasures, and for the wondrous Duomo that drips upside down, we say that Milan is marvelous. Thank you Marvelous Milan.
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    • Dag 4

      Dinner Ristorante Il Caminetto, Gittana

      16 november 2017, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Morena, the chef owner of Ristorante Il Caminetto is the 8th (and last) generation in an unbroken line of chefs. "When we were second generation cooking, Captain Cook just thinking of going to Australia" was the history he told us on the drive from Varenna to Gitanna. As the restaurant in Gitanna de Perledo is a 10 minutes drive up the mountain, free transfer from Varenna is offered.

      On arrival, we were settled in front of an open fireplace whilst more wood was fed into the slow combustion heater at the other corner of the room. We were the only guests in the restaurant that evening, and the restaurant was set as it would be for a full night. A board of 3 scoops - pate, gorgonzola blue, and ham spread, was complementary "for your waiting" smiled Moreno. Accompanied it was char grilled bread, smokey but not toasted dry. As we could not decide on hors d'oeuvre, we had a serve of the Complete Assortment to share. What a generous portion it was, with a large board of cold cut prosciutto, salami, coppa, and another like speck. There were also other small dishes of warm bacon with oregan, and the flavoursome Lombardy lard served on warm buckwheat toast. For mains we had lake fish, grilled with a crunchy crumbed top, and veal with Lombardy sauce. Both dishes cooked without any fuss, but the flavours and textures were sublime. As we were so full, dessert was a shared lemon and mint sorbet. Of course, house made. The complimentary limoncello at the end was a burst of bitter lemon, a completely different lemon experience to the sorbet.

      Dinner was such a wonderful experience, we're booked to return tonight.
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    • Dag 3

      Ausflug nach Como

      31 oktober 2021, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Das Highlight des Tages stellen wir an den Anfang unseres Tagesberichtes: Julian hat sich am Gestank aus der Geschirrspülmaschine gestört und der leeren Maschine eine Ladung gut riechenden Spülmittels verpasst. Ergebnis ist wunderbar dargestellt in unseren Fotobeiträgen! Ansonsten ist heute ein entspannter Tag. Julian und ich hüten das Haus, stellen die ersten zwei Penguins-Tage fertig beziehungsweise haben die MALER-TV Sendung für Donnerstag vorbereitet. Draußen regnet es, unsere Como-Ausflügler werden ihren Spaß haben. Das spannendste was heute passiert ist, ist wie gesagt, die schäumende Spülmaschine (mit der Julian immer noch kämpft).
      Achso, dem Peter Schmid haben wir geschrieben und haben ihm ein schönes Halloween Foto beigelegt.
      Unsere vier Como Ausflügler waren noch erstaunlich fit, als sie zurück kamen. Die Enttäuschung war groß, als sie feststellten, dass der Jacuzzi kalt und außer Funktion war. Hatte doch einer den falschen Schalter umgelegt (die Anordnung und Funktion der Schalter ist nebenbei bemerkt sehr „italienisch“). Chef- Mechaniker Julian hat das Problem dann aber schnell gelöst. Und flugs fand sich die gesamte Truppe im Jacuzzi wieder. Da war es dann auch egal, dass Regen von oben die Köpfe nass gemacht hat. WoPa hatte inzwischen mit Hilfe von Zewa und Kerzenwachs das Kaminholz angezündet. Schöne Atmosphäre. Jacuzzi und Kamin und Ausflug hatten zusammen aber ziemlich müde gemacht. Trotzdem gut gelaunt in den Geburtstag rein gefeiert und wieder im Morgengrauen ins Bett gegangen. Schöner Tag!
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    • Dag 80

      Day trio to Lake Como

      11 juli 2018, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today we took an early train from Milan Central station to Varenna and had a quick around this pretty little town and then took a short ferry ride to Bellagio. We did the tourist train around the town and then went for a lovely lunch and a couple of Aperol Spritz. After lunch we took the long and scenic ferry ride to Como and the train back to Milan.Läs mer

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