Piazza del Campidoglio

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    • Gün 14

      Rome, Italy

      10 Eylül 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We had to wake up a bit early (for us) which wasn't fun for the drive back to Bari. It was fairly uneventful (and very sad to say goodbye to our villa!) and we caught the short flight back to Rome with no problem. It took awhile (again) for our driver to find us, but we finally in made it back to Hotel Locarno - our favorite - for a final night in Rome! We were pretty hungry, so we ate lunch in the courtyard (lovely) and then decided to go for a walk to our favorite Gelataria Romana and it did NOT disappoint. So good and we knew what to order this time! We walked back to the hotel and took a rest/shower and then left the kids in the room while we went up to the rooftop for a final negroni and some more of those amazing views. We grabbed the kids and walked over to the Trevi Fountain area for our dinner. It was soooo packed out and hot, but it was a really nice walk nonetheless. The reastaurant was super crowded but I had reserved a table so we got right in (a must in Italy in the summer). The food was AMAZING (another Paolo recommendation) - we had another t-bone and amazing pasta and the kids behaved. I think we stayed over three hours and then had a great, slow meander back to the hotel (wtih a quick stop at the Spanish Steps) before crashing fo the night! A perfect end to the trip.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 75

      Roma, Amor

      4 Kasım 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      This is our last stop on our 10 week trip. It's been amazing and ending in Rome makes a great bookend with Stockholm as our start. The first thing we noticed were the crowds. Lots and lots of other people want to see this magical city. It's by far the most crowded city we've been to on this trip.

      We bought a 3 day transportation pass and headed to St. Peter's Basilica after checking in to our hotel room near the train station. In the late afternoon, the lines were a half mile long, and it officially holds up to 60,000 people. They certainly don't let that many in, but we decided to visit at 7 am the next morning to beat the rush. And we also found out that even though the website says all tickets are sold for the Vatican Museums this week, we checked the counter there and they told us they sell tickets at the gate up until 4 and close at 6. So we decided to do that a few days later after most of the people left and there were no lines. In the morning, lines for this can easily be a mile long and a several hour wait, even with "skip the line tickets." Everyone has to go through security, so there's no such thing as skip the line anymore.

      On Friday afternoon at 3:30, we walked right in. Inside, there were still a ton of people and tours, so there was no elbow room at all and you kind of had to go with the herd. We did get a good 20 minutes or more in the Sistine Chapel though. We use Rick Steves audio tours, which are free on his app. We pretty much hate guided tours because they make everyone so clueless. Seriously, few things make people lose common courtesy or common sense than being led around a city by someone with a flag. His app lets you stop or start when you want and provides good details. You can easily pay hundreds of dollars for similar info from a guide.

      Over the next 4 days, we did a lot of walking to soak up the sites: The Trevi Fountain at night and during the day, the Spanish Steps at night, St. Peter's Square at night and during the day, the Vatican Museums, etc. Exploring the neighborhoods was fun. Our favorite was theTrastevere, which means "across the Tiber." It was less crowded, had no tour groups, and had more locals. The food was good, as expected. There are gluten-free options in many restaurants now, so I had my fill of delicious pizza and pasta dishes. Meals with wine are still cheap for an American, even in a tourist-filled capital city in Europe. Many times we had a hard time paying $50 for a great meal with wine for 2.

      One shocker to me was that you can't sit or party on the Spanish Steps. 22 years ago, that was THE thing to do. From pre-teens to the elderly, you could just open a bottle of wine and chill out for as long as you want. So we brought a bottle of wine and a new liqueur for me, Liqueur Strega, and settled in. An American busker our age sat behind us and started playing the soundtrack of our lives. It was pretty great, and some of the best music we've heard on the trip. And then the cops walked around telling everyone to get up and leave. What the hell?! Granted, it was a little sketchy last time I was here, but sketchy in Rome is like DisneyLand in America.

      On our last day, we had seen all the "must see" sights and were pretty much burned out on being a tourist. No more museums! No more crowds! No more tour groups! So we walked to non-touristy neighborhoods and strolled through the pleasant cemetery for non-Catholics (their term, not mine.) It was a peaceful oasis and we saw the tombs of Percy Shelley, John Keats, and Goethe. I haven't read any of them, but this might motivate me to. Later, I did the math with my pedometer app. We averaged 7.7 miles a day over the 10 weeks. Not bad, considering many days were spent on a train.

      Our Eurail pass was the best investment we made. I can't believe what a great deal it is if you travel more than a few weeks and visit a few sites. The stats on our app tells the tale:
      - 7 countries visited by train (we hit 8 with Helsinki, but didn't take a train there).
      - 8,900 Km of rail
      - 43 cities stopped or started by rail
      - 4 days and 14 hours of rail time

      For about $16/day per person, we did all of that. The pass paid for itself within 2 1/2 weeks. We didn't miss a train, even though we did run through stations quite a few times. Every now and then I'd check a rail site to see what a ticket would cost if we bought it the day of the train. In Italy, one half of our route on one day would have cost over $200!

      I'm in Rome's Fiumicino Airport as I write this, waiting for our plane home. And all I can say is, I need a vacation.

      More photos and videos are here.

      St. Peter's Basilica

      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 121

      Allein in Rom

      29 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Ach, diese Stadt, was soll ich sagen? Egal wie oft man herkommt, es gibt immer etwas neues zu entdecken. Diesmal mit dem Drahtesel. Es ist es schon eine Herausforderung mit dem Rad durch die Stadt zu fahren, die Italiener fahren gefühlt noch rücksichtsloser wie die Franzosen!
      Aber wenn man den Dreh erst einmal raus hat, fühlt es sich einfach toll an. Man sieht die Stadt aus einer anderen Perspektive und mit dem E-Bike ist es auch total easy.
      Colosseum, spanische Treppe, die "Schreibmaschine", alles wunderbare Eindrücke auf meinem Pfad durch die Stadt.
      Dazwischen immer Mal ein kleiner Bummel, ein Bierchen im Schatten und ein Stück Pizza auf die Hand.
      Streetart vom Feinsten gibt es zu sehen, versteckte Gärten und natürlich La Dolce Vita in allen Ecken.
      Leider bekommt man kein Foto von den Sehenswürdigkeiten hin, auf dem nicht hunderte von Menschen drauf sind. Die schönheit Roms ist Fluch und Segen zugleich, zieht sie doch gefühlt viel zu viele Menschen an. wie schön muss es hier vor 100 Jahren gewesen sein, ohne Verkehrslärm und mit deutlich weniger Trubel.
      Aber, klagen auf hohem Niveau, Rom ist und bleibt ein Schauspiel, dass sich lohnt zu bestaunen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 120

      Unsere HomeBase

      28 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Wer hätte das gedacht, wir sind immer noch auf dem Campingplatz in Rom. Es ist erstaunlich, wie sich die Welt um einen herum verändert, wenn man an einem Ort verweilt. Man kennt auf einmal die Nachbarn beim Namen, wird abends zum Essen eingeladen und die Kinder kommen bei uns vorbei um mit dem Hund zu spielen.
      Irgendwie fühlt es sich einfach gut an. Ich habe mir ein kleines "Büro" eingerichtet um auch ein wenig an eigenen Projekten zu arbeitet. Doch neben der Arbeit bleibt auch reichlich Zeit für Sport, Schwimmen, lesen und Radfahren.
      Wir haben hier eine feste Adresse, so schickt uns unser lieber Freund Alex sogar Peppers Hundefutter.
      Nicole trifft über Höffmann Reisen bekannte Gesichter und auch etwas Anschluss, was ihr ebenfalls gut bekommt.
      Natürlich spielt das Wetter eine entscheidende Rolle, seit 3 Wochen nur Sonnenschein. Wir bleiben wohl noch eine.weirere Woche, bevor es dann weiter nach Barcelona geht. Wir haben die Fähre dorthin bereits gebucht. Mit 250 Euro von Rom nach Barcelona. Ein schnäppchen im Vergleich zur Fahrt mit dem Auto.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 107

      Rom 1

      15 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wir haben unser Etappenziel erreicht: Rom!
      Ach wie wunderbar ist es hier. Wir waren schon einmal in Rom vor ein paar Jahren, dort hat Nicole von mir den Heiratsantrag bekommen.

      Genau der richtige Ort um Erinnerungen wieder aufleben zu lassen. Eine Stadt der Superlative. Keine Frage! Die Stadt selbst ist ein einziges Kunstwerk und egal wohin man kommt, es ist irgendwie alles interessant. Jeder noch so kleine Park hat seinen Charme und selbst die grossen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Kolosseum versetzen einen immer wieder ins Staunen.
      Wie das Leben hier wohl vor hundert Jahren war?
      Wir teilen uns die Tage etwas auf. Am ersten Tag gehen wir noch mit Pepper in die Stadt, aber das ist für alle Beteiligten viel zu anstrengend. Zu voll die Straßen, zu laut und deutlich zu viele Menschen.
      Daher geht am nächsten Tag erst Nicole alleine nach Rom und dann ich.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5


      20 Haziran 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Rom - Papas absoluter Favorit auf der Reise & definitiv einen Besuch wert ! Wir hatten so einen schönen Tag beim Schlendern & Bestaunen der Stadt, haben richtig gutes Eis gegessen & natürlich viele Fotos gemacht :)Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Rome, Italy

      31 Ağustos 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Another good night sleep and (relatively) early rise before heaing out to meet Paolo at the Colosseum! One crazy taxi ride and some insane ticket issues later, we were in and although the kids didn't care much about the history, the grownups loved it! We walked around, and then headed to the Forum where we found some merciful shade and Paolo shared the history of Rome and the tale of Romulus and Remus. We really loved him, but at this point the kids were DONE, so Paolo took us to a nearby pizza place where we sat outside and ate lunch and then got some gelati (of course). Everyone was feeling revived after lunch, so we decided to walk back to the hotel. On the way, we did a little shopping and I got a gorgeous mug from the sweetest Roman woman in this teeny shop and the girls got some H&M and Zara clothes ;) We finally made it back to the hotel and snuggled in bed to watch Gladiator on Matt's computer - a totally inappropriate kids movie, but they were super into the gladiator part of the day so we went for it. We headed back to the rooftop for a drink/snack before walking over to Babette for dinner - a restaurant recommendation from Paolo! We absolutely loved it and it was our favorite meal in Rome by far - even the kids ate! We let the kids run through Piazza del Popolo on the way home, and then fell into bed after an exhausting but wonderful day.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Rome, Italy

      30 Ağustos 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Everyone slept well thankfully, and we set our alarms early so that we could eat breakfast on the patio before meeting our guide - Paolo - for a morning of walking through Rome. Paolo was amazing - he took us all over the old city centre, taking all the lovely back streets and teaching the girls how to drink from all the fountains like a local (this was, by far, their favorite thing to do in Rome). Hannah says Roman water is preferable to all others! Paolo shared so many interesting details about Rome, the history, art and culture and we all very much enjoyed it! He took us for a granita (crushed ice coffee with cream on the top/bottom) and to an art supply store for pencils and crayons before stopping in the big square for a tartufo for the girls. After, we went back to the hotel for a rest and then took the girls to the roof top bar for an early dinner (and drinks for us) before heading out to a fancy, solo, dinner for our anniversary (a day early because I am bad at anniversaries). The girls settled in with some Italian tv, and we went around the corner to Dal Bolognese which was fabulous. Definitely more fancy, but everyone was very kind and we had the biggest and most delicious t-bone steak (and SUCH good people watching). We went for a quick walk after dinner and back to the hotel where the girls were (miraculously) asleep. A lovely (faux) anniverary indeed!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Rome, Italy

      29 Ağustos 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      We landed in Rome, very uneventfully, at 10:30am and went to meet our car. We had a bit of trouble finding it, but once we did it was a quick drive to our hotel - Hotel Locarno - in the Piazza del Popolo district of Rome. The hotel was lovely and we had two interconnecting rooms which ended up working out really well. Once we checked in, we went to the garden and had a quick lunch and glass of wine before heading out to explore. We walked over to the Spanish Steps and then to the Trevi Fountain before heading in search of our first gelato! The concierge at our hotel had recommended a place across the river called Gelataria Romana and we were NOT disappointed. There was fresh cream on top of the cone, chocolate in the cone and only some mild stress trying to figure out how to order as it was strictly locals only. We headed back to the hotel for a little rest and quick nap (for the grownups) before heading up to the roof deck of the hotel for a drink. We had one of the best negroni I have ever had with the most beautiful views of Rome. Wow. We picked up the kids (we had left them watching Italian cartoons in the room) and headed to Osteria il Marche for dinner. This was by far our least favorite meal of the trip, but we were all starving and tired so didn't much mind. Then, a lovely walk back to the hotel for sleep!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Vom Forum zum Campidoglio

      8 Mart, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Eben noch in den Tiefen der antiken Geschichte, stehe ich nun auf dem Campidoglio, dem Kapitolshügel am Ende der Renaissance. Zwischen drei alten Palazzi, von denen einer heute das Rathaus der ewigen Stadt bildet, hat Michelangelo in päpstlichem Auftrag 1536 einen wundervollen Platz geschaffen. Die zur Stadt mit einer Treppe geöffnete Fläche wird von den Statuen der Brüder Castor und Pollux flankiert und im Zentrum steht das antike Reiterstandbild des Marc Aurel.
      Die Freitreppe vorm quer stehenden Rathaus bietet über einem beeindruckenden Brunnen einen wundervolles Panorama über diesen Ort.

      Ich gehe nicht die große Treppe hinunter, sondern nutze den Seiteneingang der Basilika Santa Maria in Aracoeli, den ich hinten am Platz, über eine zusätzliche Treppe, links neben dem Rathaus hinauf, finde und erreiche.
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Piazza del Campidoglio, Kapitolsplatz, Capitoline Hill, Place du Capitole

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