Porto di San Leone Mosè

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    • Agrigent

      October 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Agrigent ist wegen der griechischen Tempel im Valle dei Templi bekannt. Wir schauen uns die Tempelanlage an nach 2 Std. sind wir so platt als wären wir den ganzen Tag den Berg hochgestrampelt. Wir nehmen den Bus und fahren zum Mittagessen nach Agrigento, den Nachmittag verbringen wir am Zeltplatz.Read more

    • Day 50


      March 2, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      As the day progressed it was time for a beach bar 🍹🍸. The service was very unfocused and sleepy and no one came out to order. I also had to help with the payment and took it into my own hands for a moment, so to speak. Heidrun was amused 😂.

      When we came out the bus was just leaving the stop without us, that's not possible, I thought to myself. I quickly ran to the street and jumped in front of the bus. Don't worry, he drove very slowly. The bus driver didn't really want to deviate from his bus stop routine, but of course he couldn't resist my charm 🤪. In short: we got the bus and Heidrun was amused 🤣.

      I would say it was a very funny and wonderful day!
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    • Valle dei Templi

      October 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Heute beginnen wir den Tag mit baden um 7.30 Uhr haben wir den Strand für uns alleine. Die Stecke um 56 km bis Agrigent ist nichts besonders. Hier hat es auch viele Gewächshäuser allerdings wachsen hier mehr Paprika und Zucchini und natürlich Olivenbäume und 🌵.Read more

    • Day 18

      Wochenmarkt in Agrigento

      January 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück haben wir uns nach Agrigento auf den Wochenmarkt gewagt. Die Anfahrt war wie gewohnt schon ein Abenteuer, kurz vor dem Markt kamen wir nicht mehr weiter, weil alles zugeparkt war. Wieder mal machte uns ein freundlicher Herr wild gestikulierend darauf aufmerksam, dass es da nicht mehr weiter geht. Mit „ wenden in 20 Zügen😳“ und viel Hupen kamen wir wieder frei und fanden dann einen Parkplatz, ziemlich entfernt vom Wochenmarkt, am Straßenrand - aber ein schönes Stück Weg entlang von blühenden Weihnachtssternen und Wandelröschen.
      Der Markt selbst ist ein Erlebnis. Von Klamotten über alle Arten von Lebensmittel und Nützlichem sowie dem Gegenteil gibt es hier alles.
      Nachdem auch wir viele Einkäufe erledigt hatten ging es weiter durchs „Tal der Tempel“ zu den Selbigen.
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    • Day 50

      San Leone - Luna Park Valle dei Templi

      March 2, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      After we were in the Valle dei Templi today we didn't feel like waiting an hour for the bus. So we hitchhiked to the sea.

      The Hungarian driver who took us didn't really know where he wanted to go, but I guided him around a bit and he seemed very confident.

      When we arrived at the sea in San Leone we found this Luna Park, it was closed. A really interesting atmosphere. We also spotted a bus stop for the return journey and thus secured our return journey before we got lost in the empty Luna Park.

      Strange what you find when you stumble and stroll around 🤪.
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    • Day 14

      Agrigento and Nuovo Gibellina

      July 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Our ferry from Sardinia docked at 05.15 which meant they woke us up at 04.30 it took an hour to disembark by which time we could drive in daylight.
      I put Agrigento in Google maps and said we should stop about half way and look to breakfast. So for no other reason we went to a café which was open early on a Sunday in Nuovo Gibellina. The cafe manager said the town is famous for its sculptures and gave us a map of where to find over 50 works of art and it is Italy's biggest open air museum. We left the car and went for a walk. It was really nice. The story of the town is that in 1968 there was a huge earthquake which flattened the whole town so it was rebuilt 11km away using quake proof designs and started adding sculptures. I'll add photos of a few. It was an unexpected treat.
      After that we headed closer to Agrigento stopping at a beach side bar for a cool drink and a look at the map to decide where to stop for the evening.
      Thanks to follower Albert for suggesting we stay at San Leone which is lovely.
      Eventually we reach the valley of the temples in Agrigento after Google annoyingly sent us in and out of the main town. The photos speak for themselves. It was built by the Greeks around 5th century BC.
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    • Day 31


      April 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute musste mal gewaschen werden. Wir haben uns an den Italienern orientiert, da wurde auch überall Wäsche zum trocknen rausgehängt. Es ist windig und sonnig, passt. Am Nachmittag Bummel in den Ort zum Eis essen. Pistazien Eis mit ganzen Pistazien. OberleckerRead more

    • Day 18

      Tal der Tempel

      January 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Ein absolutes Muss für jeden Sizilienbesucher ist ein Besuch im Tal der Tempel bei Agrigento. Das erste Foto gibt einen Überblick über die Lage der großen Tempel um Agrigento herum. Da wir schon einige Tempelanlagen besucht haben, wollten wir uns hier auf die Wichtigsten beschränken. Auch hier stehen wir wieder beeindruckt vor den teilweise gut erhaltenen Tempeln, aber auch die riesigen umgefallenen Säulen und bearbeiteten Felsblöcke am Boden sind ja mal von Menschen bewegt worden. Diese griechischen Heiligtümer von monumentaler Größe und Schönheit zählen zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO.
      Nach diesem Pflichtprogramm sind wir noch einmal zu unserem gestrigen Stellplatz im Sportboothafen von San Leon zurückgekehrt und sind an der wunderschönen Strandpromenade entlang zu einer Pizzeria gelaufen und haben unsere erste Pizza in Sizilien gegessen.
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    • Day 17

      Hafen von San Leone Mose-Agrigento

      January 12, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Hier im Hafen haben wir unseren Übernachtungsplatz gefunden. Unser erster Erkundungsgang führt uns über die neu angelegte Hafenpromenade und lässt uns staunen. Wunderschön kann man hier unter Palmen am Meer entlang bummeln und der heute mächtig aufschäumenden Brandung zusehen. Hier gibt es lange Sandstrände, schöne Strandcafes und Restaurants. Man kann sich leicht vorstellen, welches Getummel hier im Sommer herrscht.
      Dieser Ort steht im krassen Gegensatz zu den oft doch sehr verfallenen Bergdörfern: hier ist alles gepflegt und modern angelegt, so wie es der moderne Tourismus erfordert. Der Ort ist sauber und nicht vermüllt wie sonst überall. Ich war eben mehr als verblüfft als ein italienisches Auto extra anhielt und ein Junge eine Mülltüte in einen Papierkorb werfen sollte. Hier fliegt sonst jeder Müllbeutel einfach zum Fenster hinaus oder sammelt sich irgendwo zu Müllbergen an.
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    • Day 82

      San Leone

      September 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Well, what a fantastic week! We invited Sam's dad Steve to come back with us as an early 70th birthday present so all three of us flew back to Sicily. Despite a rather late-night return to Licata, due to another delayed flight (this time due to the staff struggling to get the door of the plane to close, good old Ryanair!) we decided not to waste any time and headed out on our first day to explore further west to a port called San Leone. Sam and I made the most of the luxury of an extra member of crew and thoroughly enjoyed Steve's chauffeuring skills while we put our feet up!

      After a rather cautious entrance to the harbour at San Leone, which has silted up to the point where we only had 2 feet of clearance beneath the keel, we discovered a bar just off the marina. This had the most glorious sunset views, so good in fact that not one but two wedding parties came there for reception photos, I have never felt so underdressed! The following day despite a complete lack of wind we decided to motor further up the coast to a well-known beauty spot with white cliffs known as the "Stair of the Turks" for a 'relaxing' lunch at anchor. We hadn't however factored in some rather sizable swell rolling in from the south and having dropped anchor I promptly brought up my breakfast and we swiftly lifted it again, admired the cliffs from a distance and turned back to San Leone!

      This was a bit of blessing in disguise as it meant we were back in time to get a taxi inland to enjoy the other main attraction in the area, the "Valley of the Temples", a set of six temples built during the Greek occupation of Sicily. It was a brilliant place and even Sam (who usually sets me a temple limit on holidays) enjoyed it. However, it soon become clear where he'd inherited this normal reluctance for too many monuments on one day from. As the photos show you can lead a Wyllie man to culture, but he will still find an ant colony infinitely more interesting!

      The next day we were heading back to Licata and thankfully the swell had dropped right down and the winds picked up, so we were able to sail the entire way at a very pleasant 5 knots! We learnt that Licata had a hidden culinary gem in the form of a very unassuming and reasonably priced 2-Michelin star restaurant called La Madia so we decided to treat Steve for his birthday. Without Google Maps I doubt we'd have spotted the entrance (a simple grey doorway at the bottom of a residential apartment block) but the food was brilliant and the chef was fantastic and really friendly.

      Steve's penultimate day started well as we came across a Chow Chow in a purple coat taking a swim in the marina. Watching what is essentially a giant teddy bear leisurely swimming lengths is quite possibly one of the most therapeutic things I've ever seen. From here we decided to explore the local beach, another hidden gem, possibly the nicest stretch of coastline we've explored in Sicily before heading up a very steep hill to visit the castle and enjoy the views of the town and marina.

      On Steve's last day we set off for our final sail of the season to a bay just west of Licata. This time we were able to make the most of being at anchor and got both the drone and the stand-up paddleboard out to explore round the little island we had anchored up next to. It was a perfect last stop before we start the process of getting the boat ready for winter.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Porto di San Leone Mosè, Porto di San Leone Mose

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