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    • Tag 15

      Spectacular Positano

      19. April 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Wow this place is stunning! The drive from Naples to Positano was hair raising though, as road rules seem to be optional (that includes speed limits, using phone while driving, crossing double lines). Our hotel is 3/4 of the way up the hill, and the steps here are killers! I did 183 steps 3x up and down just to do our laundry. But the views make up for it 😍. We've learnt you take the steps down, and the road back up, so that's what we did exploring the town and beach.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5

      Amalfiküste mit dem Schiff

      27. Mai 2023 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wir fahren nach Salerno und nehmen die Fähre über Amalfi nach Positano und zurück.
      Die Fahrt entlang der Amalfiküste ist wunderbar.
      In Positano steigen wir aus und sind sofort im Menschengewimmel. Ein Souvenir-Shop neben dem anderen mit Vasen, Spiegel und anderen Dekoartikeln mit Quitschgelben Zitronen, an Geschmacklosigkeit kaum zu überbieten.
      Dazu jede Menge Klamottenläden. Ich werde nie verstehen, warum man sich ausgerechnet an solchen Orten Bekleidung kaufen soll.
      Cafés oder Bars sucht man im unteren Ortsteil vergeblich. Es gibt Restaurants auf den Klippen mit toller Aussicht aber wir wollen nur etwas trinken weil die Fähre ja bald zurück geht. In unserer Not kaufen wir 4 Flaschen Bier und trinken sie auf dem Mäuerchen.
      Der Andrang beim Einstieg in die Fähre ist enorm aber wir schaffen es rechtzeitig.
      Zurück in Salerno finden wir eine Spaghetteria zum Abendessen.

    • Tag 13

      Amalfi Coast

      26. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today was the big day, and the main reason we decided to stay in Salerno. Well, that as well as the fact that we had heard some bad things about Naples. But we wanted to spend some time along the Amalfi Coast and decided on Positano and Amalfi as the areas to do so. We went via ferry because we thought it would give the best views of the coastline while also being quick and relatively cheap. I think we made the right decision as we got to see all along the Amalfi Coast and marvel in the way they built cities on the edge of steep hills right next to the coast. Given the age of some of these cities, it makes you wonder whether it would have been worth it all. But after spending some time in the towns, it make sperfect sense why you'd want to live there. I would have loved to get more photos as we travelled along the coast but there was a swarm of people lining up for the photos off the side of the boat, and I was slack to deal with that, so we just soaked up the views from inside the boat.

      We started at Positano, and we simply jumped in the water, had a few drinks, and wandered around the small town. To avoid the stairs and blistering heat, we mostly stuck to the walks along the coastline. This was a really cool experience as we came across a few small beaches dotted along the coast before we eventually hit a dead end. We headed back for a drink and one final dip before heading back to the ferry. We did detour through some small shops, but we are both limited by bag space as well as money, so once again, we didn't buy anything.

      We then ferried towards Amalfi and had a pretty similar strategy to that of Positano. We went for a quick jump in the water and then began to wander around the town. We had heard of a really good rock jump in the town and so was looking all over for somewhere that matched the description. It was only on the way back that we went by a little jetty where a company was running a boat hiring stall. Despite them not speaking any English, we gestured until they knew what we were talking about. The rock right by the dock was a notorious rock jumping spot. He showed us videos of people doing the jump, and so Jack and I geared up to do it. After Jack went, a young worker must have gotten excited as we grabbed his boardies and joined us for his second jump. This kid was crazy. It was probably a 10-15m jump, and he was front flipping and doing crazy shit. It was then my turn, and although I was shitting myself, I didn't give myself time to overthink it. I scaled down the rocks and prepared for the jump, I had done my best not to look down until this point, and it was scary to see the height from that perspective. Nonetheless, I couldn't back out now and threw myself off. It felt like you would free-fall for ages, but the rush was awesome, and it ended up being the highlight of the day. After that, we figured it was time a well-earned drink. After a few spritz and some beers, we were ready to jump on the ferry back to Salerno. Once we got back, we grabbed a feed and headed for bed. The place we chose to eat wasn't particularly fancy, but we pizzas were awesome. After that, we then parked up in our beds and got ready for bed.

    • Tag 76

      Positano & the Amalfi Coast

      17. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Once back in Sorrento, we hopped in a minibus and headed down the Amalfi Coast to Positano. This is one of the most scenic drives in the world and it was breathtaking. It is recognisable from the many movies that have filmed car chases along it.

      Positano was crowded, but pretty special, although the beach was nothing compared to Fingal Bay.

      Today was yet another highlight. It finished with pizza back in Sorrento, which was 'bellissimo'.

    • Tag 8

      Day 5, 6 and 7

      26. August 2023 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      This is our third night in Positano. That was one of my 3 bucket list places. It is very busy here. There's
      4 000 locals and 12 000 visitors a day. We can't work out how some people get to their houses, all built into the cliff faces. Many young people visiting. They need to do what Dubai did and move sand from Australia to these beaches. People are sitting on towels on rock. It looks so uncomfortable. There's 3 beaches at Positano covered in umbrellas. They are like sardines. Had some lovely Italian meals are the the gelato is amazing. Lots of shops and restaurants for the tourists. The internal road around the town is very narrow, with buses very close to the buildings. The easiest way to get around is on a scooter.
      Photo (1) Positano Beach - after we arrived we had lunch over-looking this beach. (2) the view from our accommodation (3) the view from the bar on the top of our accommodation
      (4) the launching of the luggage on the flying fox down to our rooms (5) some delicious Italian pasta (6) early morning view from our room (7) sometimes one vehicle can't pass another vehicle on the opposite side of the road (8) video leaving for Capri
      (9) arriving in Capri where we sat down and bought a water and soft drink. We were asked to leave this restaurant as you are unable to sit there and drink bottled water. Maybe we needed to buy another drink that wasn't water and or food. So we moved off and bought drinks and food elsewhere.
      Beautiful weather on the water both days.

    • Tag 9

      Florence and Pisa!

      30. August 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Onto our last place :( but it was gorgeous! Florence was sooo cute and we were very cultured! Went for an eve walk and stared at the Duomo for a longgg time pretending to be 14th century farmers - it is very impressive. Did a walking tour with the coolest tour guide (Aimee already knew all the info - renaissance nerd) but it was v cool. Then went to the gallery and saw lots of cool paintings!! We went out for dinner next to David but agreed that our pesto pasta was way better than what we both ordered lol :/ saw a very loud American wedding which all the Italians hated (shock) tried cannoli for the first time and absolutely rinsed a chocolate shop that gave out loads of tasters - one of the workers recognised us by our third visit 😭😭 then a quick trip to Pisa in a hostel with passive aggressive signs and a final pasta pesto dinner!!!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 29

      Amalfi (Day 3) & Positano, Italy

      3. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      What we did:
      - Last day with Helen and Brian!
      - Early 6:30am wake up to hike the “Path of the Gods”. Easy bus ride up to Agerolo to do our 3hr hike. Pregame snack of Italian pastries to get our minds right.
      - Gorgeous day and great views from the hike! About 3 hours winding along the cliffs overlooking Priano, Positano, and the Mediterranean. Helen deserves a big shoutout for conquering her fears on some sheer cliffs. Her knees never touched the ground so she didn’t technically crawl a few parts, but it was close! Trent somehow was totally good (Switzerland may have him permanently numb, or he just had to put on a good face for the parents). Great Granitas to celebrate the accomplishment!
      - After the hike the intent was to take a bus from Positano back to our apartment, but there must have been some massive cliff accident that had all traffic stopped. We watched a helicopter drop medics in, so praying for whoever was involved! Italian media doesn't really publish accidents there, likely for the sole purpose of not freaking out the tourists.. definitely a bit validating for Helen’s roadside fears though.
      - The hour following the hike was a bit chaotic as we went on what can only be classified as an absolute 30 minute death march down to the Positano pier to catch the only ferry that would allow us to make our dinner reservation. We put on a clinic in speed walking as we weaved around tourists actually enjoying one of the prettier towns in the world. Once at the pier we found ourselves in what felt like an apocalyptic evacuation as hundreds (thousands?) of people fought to get onto the ferry (since the roads were closed). Somehow we all managed to find a lane onto the ferry and watched as hundreds remained behind. Families and couples were split up, sounds dramatic but it was bedlam! The group enjoyed the scenic coastline in silence as we decompressed.
      - The group showered, had some pregame beers/wine and grabbed a bus and ferry back to Positano for dinner. Very peaceful this time around! Fun to see the coast from the ferry as we pointed out all the places we had either boated or hiked throughout the week.
      - Nice walk through town, with Steph still admiring the Italian pergolas and designing our future backyard like an Italian courtyard.
      - Dinner to celebrate Brian’s 60th birthday! Rooftop view overlooking Positano and the ocean. Gorgeous sunset over the city followed by the cool view of the mountain-side city lighting up. Great time of conversation and recapping the trip, capped off by the waiter getting the entire restaurant to sing happy birthday to Brian… much to his embarrassment.
      - Took Limoncello shots and enjoyed a couple of nightcap drinks at the restaurant bar after dinner. Brian with the quote of the trip “I hate to tell you guys a sad story….but my pee was orange today”. Steph/Helen/Trent in tears laughing 😂
      - Expensive cab home with a driver that insisted on showing us pictures of his granddaughter (and his sons painted toe nails) most of the trip instead of actually watching the cliff-side road. He might have broken Helen with fear
      - End of an awesome time with Helen/Brian! Very fortunate they were able to visit. Memories for a lifetime!

      What we ate
      - Coffee and eggs at airbnb again
      - Pastries at Panaificio in Agerola
      - Snack lunch of granola bars and chips.
      - Helen had a healthy dose of fear all day long
      - Dinner at Adamo ed Eva in Positano. Apps of Fried Prawns on a bed of avocado, fried zucchini flowers, and super fresh Caprese salad. Dinner of seafood pasta for Helen/Trent/Brian and truffle pasta for Steph. Delicious!

      Fun facts:
      - We discovered that Trent is less scared of heights when he is around someone that is even more terrified of heights (i.e. Helen)

    • Tag 9


      18. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Auch hier niedlich anzu schauen, aber man sollte entweder todesmutig Autofahren oder sehr gut zu Fuß sein, viele Höhenunterschiede zu überwinden. Der Strand: viele Steinchen, die seeehr heiß werden in der Hitze Italiens, aufgeteilt in einen " Handtuch großen" public und diverse kostenpflichtige Abschnitte - Unterschied die Liegen und Schirme.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 14

      Bus Ride to Positano

      19. September 2023 in Italien

      Positano is a cliffside village with colourful houses at the start of the western side of the Amalfi Coast. Its steep, narrow streets are lined with boutiques and cafes and offer fantastic views down to the sea and the harbour.

      A crazy bus ride on the coastal road, especially when two buses come together from opposite directions - sometimes passing with barely an inch between them!

    • Tag 16

      Messina for Etna and Taormina

      20. Mai in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Had a private tour with another 4 all in a Mercedes van that took 8 passengers. We went to Etna, a dorment volcano and knocked back a 70% alcohol sample called certainly warmed the throat going down 😄.

      Next was Taormina, a town with lots of shops.

      Got back for mini putt on ship...which I won 🙂

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Positano, Pozitano, Позитано, پوزیتانو, Պոզիտանո, ポジターノ, პოზიტანო, 포시타노, Posidianum, Pusitano, Positanu, โปซีตาโน, Позітано, 波西塔諾

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