Sprehod do modrega jezera

Ogrevanje za jutri oziroma prvi sprehod po Aosti.
Prispela sva v oblačno dolino, se je pa vreme hitro popravljalo in sonce naju je že grelo na potki do modrega jezera (menda se mu tako reče).Read more
Ogrevanje za jutri oziroma prvi sprehod po Aosti.
Prispela sva v oblačno dolino, se je pa vreme hitro popravljalo in sonce naju je že grelo na potki do modrega jezera (menda se mu tako reče).Read more
Pozno popoldne sva prispela na prelaz Mali sveti Bernard, ki je francoski brat švicarskemu prelazu. Že pot do sem je bila res razgledna, prelaz pa... Ah 😍
Imela sva ravno dovolj časa za lepoRead more
Ich war wirklich froh noch einen Tag länger in Frankreich geblieben zu sein. Mein Alpen-Erlebnis wird mir gewiss auf ewig in Erinnerung bleiben. Am Abend habe ich meine Englischkenntnisse etwasRead more
Wir haben eine weitere regenreiche Nacht hinter uns, diesmal mit deutlich mehr Niederschlag. 💦 Erst kurz vor 7 Uhr Morgens hat der Regen aufgehört und wir konnten alles zusammenpacken und losRead more
Ce matin nous avons repris la route, direction le col du petit Saint-Bernard où nous passerons notre dernière nuit en Italie. Avant d’entamer la montée du col, nous nous sommes arrêtés dans laRead more
The day started out wet and cold. I managed to catch two trains and two buses today without a hitch - I am very pleased. The only mishap was a broken clip on my backpack. It broke this morning on myRead more
I had the most delicious meal last night in the trattoria a few steps from my accommodation. The meal was cooked by my host Erik's parents. I ate my plentiful and also delicious breakfast to theRead more
Today was a long one (30.6 km) and the hardest walk I've done in a long time. I don't mind admitting that I'm sore all over. I literally took the scenic route - there were so many amazing things toRead more
A shorter walk today (21.73 km). The guide said it was challenging, and I was finding it easy! I even joked to myself that the end section was going to have to be tough to warrant the designation.Read more
I woke this morning to a fully overcast sky and light rain. I got to test out my new poncho, which will be known from now on as the "Great Pumpkin" (I'm a Peanuts fan) as that's exactly what I lookRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta, Aostatal, Aosta Valley, Vall d'Aosta, Valle de Aosta, Vallée d'Aoste, Valle d’Aosta, 발레다오스타 주, Aostadalen