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    • Day 12


      October 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Unsere letzte Stadt die wir besichen, Trapani. Hier erkundeten wir die engen Gassen und Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wir geniessen unsere letzten Tage auf Sizilien. In Trapani gehen wir es ruhiger an, ausser Kirchen und den Hafen haben sie nicht viele Sehenswürdigkeiten, deshalb wird auch eher mal in einem Cafe auf der Strasse die Zeit vertrieben und es blieb auch nicht nur bei einem Aperol. Auf jeden Fall nutzten wir die Tage nochmals uns richtig zu entspannen.Read more

    • Day 14

      Der letzte Tag

      October 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      An unserem letzten vollen Tag auf Sizilien geniessen wir einen gemütlichen Tag. Wir erkundeten den Hafen und besuchten den Torre di Ligny. In diesem Turm befand sich ein Museum über dessen Geschichte, über Höhlenmenschen und es waren viele Modelschiffe vorhanden. Auf dem Dach des Turmes hatten wir eine tolle Aussicht über den Hafen und die Stadt.
      Wir genossen unseren letzten Abend mit ein paar Aperol und einem leckeren Essen.
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    • Day 2

      1/5/24 Segesta, Trapani, salt flats.

      May 1, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Woke to the sound of torrential rain but skies had dried and started to sort themselves out by the time we finished breakfast. The storm seemed to have temporarily knocked out the water so showers were had once it came back on after breakfast. When asked about this strange lack of water, the receptionist tiredly replied ‘It will be back soon. I think I know what has happened. I have contacted someone about it’ and sure enough 30 minutes later it was working again. Mysterious, suspicious and odd. CSM wondered about the origins of this through the rest of the day. She has a number of theories but won’t commit to writing. Then a short drive to segesta, an impressive Greek temple we’d glimpsed on the drive to the hotel the afternoon before.

      A very impressive temple which we were able to get up close and personal with - walk around, walk through, even lick if the urge overtook us. Which it didn’t. It was abandoned around 2500 years ago and never completed. It was incredibly intact though. In addition to the temple, there’s an amphitheatre up up up the hill (there was a shuttle buts which we were v thankful for) equally impressive and extremely high with stunning views down the valley.

      After Segesta we drove to Trapani in search of lunch and an explore. As we arrived we noticed something very obvious. It was deserted. Like end of the world deserted. Just as I started to look for zombies and make an escape plan Catherine remembered it was May 1st. A public holiday. Everything was closed. Desperate for food and the loo (obviously) we parked up and walked into what we reckoned was the most tourist friendly area in the hope that something would be open and the afternoon wasn’t a total write off. We guessed correct. An emergency bready/cheesy thing was surprisingly delicious and restored our spirits somewhat. After a quick mooch around the few streets with anything open we decided to heard south to the salt flats. After all it’s not like a beautiful view will be closed.

      We randomly set the sat nav to a salt museum and drove first through industrial port type streets which opened up to pretty salt flats dotted with ancient windmills. Amazingly the museum was open and we spent a very happy hour or 2 learning more about ancient salt production than I ever thought possible. The views were indeed beautiful. By late afternoon we figured places would be opening up in trapani and headed back for an aperativo as the sun set over the bay and then a satisfying dinner of pasta, pinenuts, tomato and sardines for CT and seafood pasta with very plump looking mussels for CSM.
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    • Day 16–17


      November 28, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      TRAPANI 🇮🇹☀️
      Mit dem E-Scooter haben wir uns auf den Weg vom Stellplatz am Hafen zur Besichtigung der historischen Altstadt gemacht.

      Trapani ist ein lebhaftes Küstenstädtchen im äußersten Nordwesten Siziliens mit bezaubernder Altstadt samt hervorragenden Restaurants und ist mit knapp 70.000 Einwohnern die siebtgrößte Stadt der italienischen Region Sizilien.

      Die Küstenstadt kann auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken. Seit der Antike stritten verschiedenste Völker um die Vorherrschaft über den strategisch wichtigen Hafen. Karthager, Römer, Normannen. Alles alle waren hier und ihre Hinterlassenschaften finden sich bis heute in Architektur, Kultur und Kulinarik wieder.
      Trapani ist zudem das wichtigste Tor zu den Ägadischen Inseln (Favignana, Levanzo und Marettimo).

      Eine Park- und Übernachtsmöglichkeit mit dem Wohnmobil haben wir auf dem großen Plateau am Hafen gefunden. Von dort aus ist die Altstadt auch zu Fuß gut und schnell erreichbar. 🌟
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    • Day 39–44

      Trapani, an der Westküste Siziliens

      September 28, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Wegen einer Stechmückenplage
      ( 8!!! morgens im WoMo gekillt) fluchtartig den netten Campingplatz Villa Maria verlassen und direkt zum Strand frühstücken 👍.
      Dann direkt nach Trapani.
      Wie bisher immer, problemlos eine Parkmöglichkeit in Zentrumsnähe gefunden.
      Auch hier eine bunte Häuserarchitektur mit einem wunderschönen Panoramaweg oberhalb der kleinen Sandbadebuchten;
      Bei schönem Wetter, mit Blick auf die Ägadischen Inseln.
      Auf jeden Fall ein Ausflug wert.
      Dann über Castellammare del Golfo auf den Campingplatz Nausicaa;
      Wunderschön gelegen, oberhalb eines Privatstrandes mit privatem Zugang 👌.
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    • Day 18

      18. Tag Trapani

      May 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Wir verlassen San Vito do Capo - auf dem Weg einige Fotostops - und erreichen Trapani. Hier gibt es eine Gondel in Richtung Erice, ein Bergdorf in 750m Höhe, wo man eine tolle Aussicht haben soll. Nach einem kurzen Parkplatzabenteuer (folge niemals einem Sizilianer auf einem Motorrad 😬) parken wir neben anderen Touristen, die berichten, dass Erice im Nebel liegt. Wir besichtigen stattdessen Trapani selbst. Es hat einen hübschen Hafen, gutes Eis+Cannoli und einen sehr schönen Rundweg am Wasser entlang. Am Abend kommen wir auf einem Stellplatz am Stadtrand unter und sehen dann noch fast - sind am Ende doch zu langsam und Ben zu müde - einen tollen Sonnenuntergang über der trapanischen Saline.Read more

    • Day 71

      The horrid half of Trapani

      December 16, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We felt intimidated here for the first time in the 6 months we have been travelling in the van... Really not the nicest place and some dodgy characters around. Didn't feel unsafe exactly... But definitely walked quickly at times and kept to busier areas 😂Read more

    • Day 5

      Trapani, Sicily, Italy

      October 6, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      trapani lies in the utmost northwest of sicily on a headland at the foot of monte erice. in front of the coast runs the border of tyrrhenian and mediterranean sea. trapani is therefore called "città tra due mari" (city between two seas). trapani acts much less "italian" than the other sicilian cities, you can eat couscous everywhere. obviously, the arab influences are still very alive, because "'imārat ṣiqilliya" was an Islamic emirate that dominated the island from 831 to 1091. under muslim rule, the island became wealthy and cosmopolitan. trade and agriculture flourished, the island was multiconfessional and multilingual and developed a pronounced arab-byzantine culture - and this is still visible in trapani today.Read more

    • Day 19

      Trapani: On Foot

      April 6, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Just as today was a “one cannolo” day on shore in Trapani, it will also be a one footprint day.

      Trapani, a city on the west coast of Sicily, is still an important fishing port … as it was when it was founded by the Elymians. It’s name is derived from Drépanon, a Greek word that means “sickle” … in reference to the city’s curving harbor.

      When our ship called on Trapani in 2015, we explored the city on foot and saw all that was of interest to us. Another time, we visited the hilltop village of Erice.

      So, this time I arranged for a taxi to take us to the ferry pier outside the city … from where small boats take people to Mothia to visit the ruins of an ancient and powerful city on San Pantaleo Island. With the forecast for high winds and rain, however, a few days ago I decided to cancel those plans. A little early, yes, but I wanted to give the driver the courtesy of being able to book another customer.

      So, we ended up spending the day in Trapani again, walking off the ship where Insignia was berthed. Wouldn’t you know it? No rain. But the wind was sure a-blowin’. Nonetheless, we managed to put nearly 15,000 steps on our feet once more.

      We wandered all over town, getting lost on side streets before eventually finding ourselves on Corso Vittorio Emmanuelle. The last time we stayed in town, this street was a lively place with lots of cafés, restaurants, and shops. Not so today. Methinks COVID-19 has taken a real toll on businesses here and they are still trying to get back on their feet. Or, we were out too early!

      No matter, we found the same pastry shop across the street from the cathedral open today. Here, Mui satisfied his craving for that special Sicialian treat … cannoli. Cannolo, actually, since he had only one this time. I find this pastry too sweet, so I opted for a cup of fondante (dark chocolate) gelato. He was happy with his treat … I was happy with mine.

      Thus energized, we strolled over to the waterfront on the far side from the port and made our way first to Bastion Conca … and then to Torre di Ligny. The latter was built in 1671 as an addition to the coastal defenses. From this tower, it was possible to control both the Mediterranean and Tyrrhenian seas. The Museum of Prehistory is housed in the tower. Alas, as many of the other places were, the museum was also closed today.

      We looked for a place to eat while we wandered. The few places we found didn’t appeal to us. In the end, we decided to just return to the ship for a late lunch at the Waves Grill. Not a bad decision as the wind has picked up considerably from earlier in the day. Besides, it’s nice to have time with a good wi-if signal so I can post this footprint now instead of waiting until everyone is at dinner 😉
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    • Day 178

      Die ersten Sonnenstrahlen

      March 24, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Meine Erwartungen wurden erfüllt und heute mit den ersten Sonnenstrahlen für uns auf Sizilien sieht die Insel schon viel besser aus. Was ein bisschen Farbe ausmacht...
      Der Stellplatz, auf dem wir übernachtet haben, ist genau nach meinem Geschmack. Er liegt ruhig, am Meer, mit schöner Bergkulisse (sogar mit Schnee) und grünen Wiesen ringsum.
      Wir lassen den Morgen ganz entspannt angehen und genießen endlich mal wieder die Sonnenstrahlen, bevor wir wieder Richtung Trapani fahren. Ich möchte unbedingt noch ein bisschen Geburtstagsdeko für Koa seinen ersten Geburtstag besorgen aber leider habe ich nichts so richtig gefunden, dafür sind wir durch die Altstadt geschlendert und haben den alten Charme von Trapani genossen.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Trapani, Tràpani, טרפאני, TPS, トラーパニ, Drepanum, Трапани

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