Hayatomono Seto

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    • Day 261

      Crossing between Honshu and Kyushu

      November 26, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The following day I was a bit worried - how was I going to cross from one Japanese island to another? There seemed to be a huge bridge but I was unsure whether I could ride it. A blog informed me of the existence of an underwater tunnel, only for pedestrians and bicycles. Nice ! So I went across at night, among joggers and walkers who use this passage to do a bit of exercice. Inside the tunnel, no artistic lighting like in the tunnel of Croix rousse in Lyon, but some undersea life drawings, like in the Marne river tunnel (sorry for the 100% French references !).

      Since it was already dark and late when arriving on Kyushu, I found the closest park to camp. Not a great spot : not enough space and flat grass, too many fishermen and passerbys... And surprise, at 5:30 am, a loud group of retired people invaded the garden for their early morning gym. With them, a dog dressed in a "Christmas style flashing light garland coat" kept barking around my tent. A bit alarmed by all this noise, I packed everything and folded my tent very quickly. Aouch. Too early...
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    • Day 38

      Day 37-38

      April 7 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Day 37

      I can’t believe we are on day 37 already it’s honestly going by so quickly! Now spring has fully bloomed in Japan we decided to enjoy this to the fullest but going to the “rainbow tulip garden”. This sits right at the end of the honshu island so much so that it has a view of the MASSIVE bridge that connects Honshu and Kyushu. We aren’t venturing onto Kyushu but it was very cool to see the bridge that connects the two!

      The tulip garden was a train and a bus journey away and it’s absolutely stunning. It’s basically a smaller and quieter Amsterdam. Rows of tulips heading up the hill all colour arranged is just beautiful. Cherry blossoms dotted throughout the park provide nice places to sit and waste a few hours enjoying the view. As usual, we were the only foreign tourists there it all appeared to be domestic tourism visiting the garden and we got a few strange looks - I don’t think people are used to seeing foreigners here!

      Sitting under a cherry blossom tree and enjoying the Sun we had a few snacks and watched the world go by for a while.

      We discovered there was literally nothing else to do around the garden at all, it was frankly in the middle of nowhere apart from the bridge so we headed back. It was quite a long way to go just for the tulip garden but it was definitely worth it, it was so pretty!

      We finished the day with a teppanyaki, we’ve definitely got better at finding alternatives to noodles now!

      Day 38

      Today we decided to reattempt fishing so we travelled to a tiny little town by the sea and found a little rod rental shop. A very sweet old man rented us some rods and then gave us a massive bucket full of krill for bait which I was grateful for as I didn’t want it to be live worms! We went to the end of the pier and began fishing next to a few other Japanese families. There are definitely worse places to fish with a lovely view out of the bay and watching the fishing boats go in and out.

      After about an hour of not catching anything I was getting a little fidgety- those who know me well know I’m not the most patient person on earth! But I was saved by the very sweet old man. I feel a bit bad just calling him “old man” but i don’t know his name and even if I did I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to spell or pronounce it! He gestured for me to give him the rod so I did and he led me further down the pier and then showed me how he fishes. He definitely looked like he knew what he was doing more than us but I don’t think that’s very hard! After studying his techniques he passed me the rod back and about 5 minutes later I caught the first fish! I was absolutely chuffed with this. It was the smallest fish I’ve ever seen and I’m very glad that this wasn’t our plan for dinner as we definitely would have gone hungry! It didn’t matter to me though I was so excited until I then realised that I had to unhook it. Turning to Jacob he had the sudden realisation that I wasn’t going to unhook the fish and that it was now his job. You can call me girly and screamish if you wish and that’s probably fair but I really didn’t want to unhook the fish. In total I caught 3 fish and Jacob caught 1 but it’s not a competition and it’s not like I’m keeping track or anything ;).

      Handing back out rods we thanked our teacher and then went to catch the bus which didn’t arrive which was great. After an hour and a half we managed to catch a different bus to a train station and then catch the train back. Today was our last day in yamaguchi and we are headed to Osaka tomorrow with more fish activities on the agenda tomorrow- wish me luck!
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    • Day 11


      March 9 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      In der Nacht durchfahren wir die Kammon-Straße. Sie gilt als die verkehrsreichste Wasserstraße der Welt, verläuft zwischen den beiden Hauptinseln Japans und verbindet das Japanische Meer mit dem Ostchinesischen Meer. An der schmalsten Stelle werden die beiden Inseln durch eine über 1.000 Meter lange Hängebrücke miteinander verbunden. Diese Brücke passieren wir etwa um 23.30 Uhr. Wir stehen trotz Kälte und viel Wind lange an Deck, um dieses Geschehen zu beobachten. Dafür müssen wir uns dringend mit Wiener Würstchen 🌭 in der Pazifik Lounge belohnen 😜.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hayatomono Seto, 早鞆ノ瀬戸

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