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    • Day 4

      Jigokudani Monkey Park

      February 20, 2017 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ -1 °C

      Despite the early snow, the temperature rose above zero and with that, the snow turned into rain which would continue pretty much non stop all day (the overtrails and rain jacket kept us both very dry, thanks Glen & Jenny).

      Not to be deterred by the poor weather, we made our way to the Jigokudani Monkey Park by bus (caught from the eastern exit of Nagano Station) to see the Japanese Snow Monkey, or Macaque. The bus trip took about 40 minutes and took us through the outskirts of Nagano and along an expressway towards Shigakogen. We also past the 'M-Wave', a building which hosted the speed skating in the 1998 Winter Olympics held in Nagano.

      The park itself is located within the valley of the Yokoyu River and is approximately a 2km walk from the bus stop. It must be said that I found the walk itself to be almost as enjoyable as seeing the monkeys. Steep cliffs, lots of snow, tall pine trees and a fast running creek at the base of the valley made for enjoyable scenery.

      The name Jigokudani stems from ancient times and is a reference to the harsh environment which is exacerbated by steep cliffs and the steam produced from the hot springs running through the valley. Thus the translation to 'Hell Valley'. I certainly didn't feel as though we were walking into hell. There was a thick scent of sulfur in the air from the hot springs and I wouldn't want to lose my footing off the side of the track.

      The Japanese Macaque (there are 23 species of Macaque's spread across the world) is native to Japan and they reside naturally within the valley, though they are not endemic to the valley itself rather they are found throughout large parts of Japan (found on 3 of the 4 main islands (not found in Hokkaido)).

      It was interesting to learn that the female monkeys will remain with their 'packs' their whole life and form a very close bond with their offspring. The male monkeys will however rotate through many 'packs' throughout their lifetime. The monkeys do not have a permanent resting place, instead they will sleep in different locations each night for safety. Also, you will notice the monkeys do not have long tails or ears, this is due to the cold weather (makes sense when you think about it).

      Once we reached the park we found 100's of monkeys. They are obviously well accustomed to human interaction as they would often walk straight past you without you even noticing. Many came within touching distance and one even tried to snatch someone's food.

      The monkeys come down and bathe in what is a man made hot spring. It was fascinating watching them go about their daily business. While it may appear that the man made hot spring was constructed to create a tourist attraction, the park has been used for a great deal of research into the monkeys which makes you feel somewhat better about paying a 600 yen entrance fee and being part of a large crowd of people gawking over them.

      Overall the Snow Monkey Park was a great experience. The monkeys are adorably cute and the walk is beautiful. I would definitely come back next time. Maybe spend a bit more time on a slightly better day to take some more photos.
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    • Day 4

      Still tripping...

      January 1, 2017 in Japan ⋅ 11 °C

      Some of the places in Japan are so beautiful as was this tiny little cemetery that we came across. Everything in Japan is so orderly and structured from cemeteries to vending machines and by the way these is almost nothing that you can’t get from a vending machine in Japan.
      We also had a cool looking desert that was delicious and from memory it was cream with pastry and biscuit crust. We are now ready to travel to our next destination.
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    • Day 4

      More Snow Monkeys...

      January 1, 2017 in Japan ⋅ 6 °C

      The Japanese macaque is sexually dimorphic. Males weigh on average 11.3 kg (25 lb), while females average 8.4 kg (19 lb). Macaques from colder areas tend to weigh more than ones from warmer areas. Male average height is 57.01 cm (22.44 in) and female average height is 52.28 cm (20.58 in). Their brain size is about 95 g (3.4 oz). Japanese macaques have short stumps for tails that average 92.51 mm (3.642 in) in males and 79.08 mm (3.113 in) in females. The macaque has a pinkish face and posterior. The rest of its body is covered in brown or greyish hair. The coat of the macaque is well-adapted to the cold and its thickness increases as temperatures decrease. The macaque can cope with temperatures as low as −20 °C (−4 °F).
      Macaques mostly move on all fours. They are semiterrestrial, with females spending more time in the trees and males spending more time on the ground. Macaques are known to leap. They are also great swimmers and have been reported to swim over half a kilometer. Lifespan is at the high end of what is typical for macaques, up to 28 years for males, and up to 32 years for females.
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    • Day 8

      Konnichiwa Ete

      January 25, 2020 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Nach 40min Busfahrt: willkommen im nirgendwo.
      Naja so ganz stimmt das auch nicht, für Touristen gibt es hier viel, die Skigebiete sind auch nicht weit.
      Der Bus stoppt auf einem Parkplatz am Fuss eines Berges. Dann beginnt der Aufstieg. Ca. 2km geht es bergauf. Erst Straße, dann ein ziemlich matschiger Gebirgspfad der in einer Schlucht mit einem Fluss und hohen Steilwänden endet.
      Schweißtreibend aber lohnenswert!
      Der jigokudani Yaen-Koen snow monkey Park ist kein Zoo oder ähnliches sondern ein Haus durch das man geht und dann mitten in einer Schlucht steht. Keine Zäune oder ähnliches.
      Die hier lebenden makaken sind die Hausherren und wir Menschen nur die Gäste.
      Sie bewegen sich frei, auch angstfrei durch Touristengruppen.
      Hier müssen die Menschen sich an die Affen anpassen und nicht anders rum. Sehr sympathisch.
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    • Day 4

      Jigokudani Monkey Park

      January 1, 2017 in Japan ⋅ 6 °C

      Jigokudani Monkey Park is located in Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is part of the Joshinetsu Kogen National Park (locally known as Shigakogen), and is located in the valley of the Yokoyu-River, in the northern part of the prefecture. The name Jigokudani, meaning "Hell's Valley", is due to the steam and boiling water that bubbles out of small crevices in the frozen ground, surrounded by steep cliffs and formidably cold and hostile forests.

      The heavy snowfalls (snow covers the ground for four months a year), an elevation of 850 m (2,800 ft), and being only accessible via a narrow 2 km (1.2 mi) footpath through the forest, keep it uncrowded despite being relatively well known.

      It is famous for its large population of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), more commonly referred to as snow monkeys, that go to the valley during the winter, foraging elsewhere in the national park during the warmer months. The monkeys descend from the steep cliffs and forest to sit in the warm waters of the onsen (hotsprings), and return to the security of the forests in the evenings.

      However, since the monkeys are fed by park attendants, they are in the area of the hot springs all the year round, and a visit at any season will enable the visitor to observe hundreds of the macaques.

      Jigokudani is not the farthest north that monkeys live. The Shimokita Peninsula is at the northern part of the Honshū island and the northwest area of this peninsula, latitude +41°31' longitude +140°56', approximately 500 km (310 mi) north from Jigokudani is the northern limit of Japanese macaque habitat. No (non-human) primate is known to live in a colder climate.

      The Jigokudani monkey park became famous after appearing in the documentary Baraka.
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    • Day 34

      Jigokudani snow monkey park

      October 2, 2014 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      These snow monkeys have good lives here with hot springs! They are not scared of humans at all. Also stopped by the streets where the movie "spirited away" used as the movie back drop.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hirao, 平穏

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