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    • Día 7


      25 de septiembre de 2023, Japón ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Taking the bullet train to Tokyo I arrived in Shinjuku where I am staying for the next week. Upon getting off the train I spent half an hour walking around the labyrinth that is Shinjuku station, which is mostly underground with multiple different levels and so densely populated that GPS just gives up. After a while my goal changed from trying to find the correct exit to just trying to find sunlight. Once I finally reached the surface my hotel was only a 5 minute walk away.

      Shinjuku is one of the largest entertainment hubs in Tokyo, the scale of the place is incredible, all through the night the streets are brightly lit up with various advertisements and music videos. I explored the area to find Godzilla street, as well as the 3d cat billboard.

      Although there are huge streets with thousands of people passing through, there are also small densely packed alleyways, a famous area of these being the Golden Gai district, an area full of tiny bars, some being so small they can barely fit 10 people in! This district has a very cosy atmosphere as travellers from all over the world meet
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    • Día 1

      Exploring Shinjuku

      3 de marzo, Japón ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Discovering that Shinjuku was indeed not the location of the famous crosstalk and that was, in fact, called Shibuya, 😄

      After walking around a micro neighbourhood filled wall to wall with the smallest bars (most with what looked like a max of 6 people), being badgered by people trying to get us to go into clubs and buy their cocaine and weed, bypassing some advertising where there were girls with bunny ears advertising what looked like a sign saying 1 hour for 3000yen with bunnies (but was it the sexy kind or the little fuzzy kind), finally settling on a random establishment for dinner - which was mediocre but we were hungry.
      The drink in red was Jay's, tasted like medicine - would not recommend!
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    • Día 36

      Tokyo Day 2

      9 de mayo de 2023, Japón ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      We started the day with ramen from a booth @IchranShibuya. The whole process of food ordering and serving in Japan is fantastic and so efficient. We entered (another) underground restaurant where we placed our order and payment through a machine where we tickets were printed for us. This was a ramen only place and they had chosen to do one thing and do it well! We handed the lady the tickets and she gave us an order sheet where we had options for broth richness, spiciness, garlic content, meat content etc.. There was a panel indicating which seats/booths were currently occupied, free and being freed up. As soon as two were freed up for us, we entered through the typical Japanese half-curtains to our booth(s) which looked much like the prison call booths that you see in movies. There were bamboo blinds in front of each person which would be lifted and your order taken or dish served to you. The kitchen/meal preparation area was literally just on the other side of the blinds.

      It turned out to be quite a full day out to Shinjuku, Harajuku and Shibuya. We explored the famous Meiji Jingu (shrine) and wandered through Yoyogi park after strolling through the vibrant and energised streets of Harajuku. In this area there is a very quirky sense of fashion that’s embraced. As in typical Japanese style, there are cafes of all sorts - dog cafe, cat cafe, owl cafe, otter cafe, maid cafe… the list goes on.

      We made it to Shibuya crossing aka “The Scramble” at rush hour and watched hoards of people crossing the 6-way crossing at the same time. It’s like a calm chaos that we did not see in the other countries we visited on this trip! The others were just pure chaos. In between the crisscrossing of pedestrians, we’d see Mario carts being driven along the main city streets. Yup, only in Japan is driving a go cart through the city in a Mario (or other cartoon) outfit a tourist attraction!
      The Birds Eye view we got from the top of one of the buildings was definitely worth the fee of a single beverage per person!

      After this, we went to see Tokyo city at night. Not as lively as Shibuya and Shinjuku as this was mainly the business district. There were loads of restaurants with little/no English on the menu which suggests it was mainly where locals would visit for their evening meals rather than tourists getting the Japanese experience! We settled on Japanese Katsu curry which really hit the spot!
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    • Día 3

      Entdeckungsreise durch Tokio

      6 de noviembre de 2023, Japón ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Nach viel Schlaf und einer Stärkung zum „Zmorge“ sind wir nun bereit um die Entdeckungstour durch Tokio zu starten.
      Wir machten uns auf den Weg zur Hachiko-Statue dem bekannten japanischen Hund sowie zu der eindrücklichen Shibuya-Kreuzung wo wir ein cooler Aussichtspunkt über die Kreuzung gefunden haben.
      Danach schlenderten wir durch die Strassen von Tokio, wo wir sehr vieles lustiges aber auch übertriebene Sachen gesehen haben. Neben einem 3D-Panda und einer 3D-Katze sind wir auch noch in einem wunderschönen Tempel (Meiji-Shrein) gelandet, bei dem wir unsere Wünsche auf einem Blatt Papier abgeben konnten.
      In der Zwischenzeit haben wir Ramen-Nudeln gegessen, welche sehr gut waren.
      Ebenfalls waren wir in einem Katzenkaffe indem wir Katzen streichelten und fütterten. Danach haben wir uns gemütlich auf eine Biertour gemacht und danach noch ein feines Abendessen gegessen.
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    • Día 4

      Tokio-Tower, Skyline und vieles mehr…

      7 de noviembre de 2023, Japón ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Heute haben wir Tokio nochmals ganz anders entdeckt. Zuerst sind wir zum Tokio Tower, welcher sehr dem Eifelturm ähnelt. Bei wunderschönem Wetter (ca. 26 Grad) wollten wir uns auf den Weg zum Hafen machen. Unterwegs haben wir jedoch den wunderschönen Zōjō-ji Tempel per Zufall entdeckt, der uns alle sehr begeisterte. In Mitte von der riesigen Stadt ein Ort der Stille.
      Danach haben wir noch einige organisatorische Dinge erledigt, wie das Eintauschen von dem defekten JR-Pass von Sile damit auch er wieder entspannt Zug fahren konnte.
      Nachher machten wir und auf den Weg Richtung Shopping-Mall bei der wir ebenfalls eine gigantische Aussicht auf die Skyline von Tokio hatten. Ebenfalls assen wir dort Sushi sowie vergnügten uns an Spielautomaten mit sehr lauter Weihnachtsmusik und viel „BlingBling“.
      Das Abendessen verbringten wir dann in einem super Burgerladen und haben uns danach noch ein Bierli gegönnt. Ebenfalls haben wir ein District gefunden mit viele kleinen Bars, bei denen höchstens 5-10 Personen pro Bar Platz hatten.
      Nun sind wir sehr müde in unserem Hotel und freuen uns au morgen…
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    • Día 5

      Letzter Tag in Tokio

      8 de noviembre de 2023, Japón ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Heute haben wir uns auf den Weg zum Shibuya-Sky gemacht, wo wir, wieder bei perfektem Wetter, die Aussicht über ganz Tokio sehen konnten und erst dann eim bewusst wird wie gross diese Stadt ist. Den Mt. Fuij konnten wir leider trotzdem nicht sehen, da es in der Ferne ein bisschen dunstig war.
      Danach wollten wir die de Kaiserpalast anschauen, jedoch konnten wir einfach de Garten des Kaisers begutachten, was wunderschön und entspannend war.
      Das Herumlaufen hat durstig gemacht und wir sind dann in eine Tokio Brewery gegangen um uns zu stärken. Bevor wir die Aussicht im Dunkeln auf dem Skyree geniessen durften, sind wir noch in einem weiteren wunderschönem Shrine sowie einer sehr coolen Gegend gewesen. In Asakusa hat es eine riesengrosse Marktmeile mit typischen japanischen Sachen und Essen, wo wir uns diverse Spezialitäten gönnten.
      Nach einem super japanischen Abendessen haben wir uns in einer Karaokebar vergnügt.
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    • Día 13

      Crazy Tokyo

      5 de diciembre de 2018, Japón ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Tijd om terug te keren naar Tokyo! Deze keer zaten we in een uitgaansbuurt van de stad. In onze wijk waren en veel private clubs waar je een "sexy" heer of dame kon huren. Wat in Japan als sexy wordt beschouwd is echter helemaal anders dan bij ons: de vrouwen lijken uit anime tot leven gekomen personages met een grote bos haar, grote ogen met kleurlenzen en een veel te schattig egaal gezicht. De mannen zagen er als 12 jarigen uit: allemaal hadden ze een babyface waar buiten op hun hoofd geen enkel mannelijk haar te bespeuren viel. Ze gedroegen zich enorm vrouwelijk en hadden ook van die enge kleurlenzen in. Overdag liep er al veel volk rond laar 's avonds kwam de wijk pas echt tot leven. Duizenden neonlichten verlichtten de vele restaurants, bars, speelhallen en privé clubs.Leer más

    • Día 31


      1 de septiembre de 2016, Japón ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      קאבוצ'יקו נקרא על שם תאטרון קאבוקי שהיה אמור להפתח שם, אבל לא נפתח מעולם. השם נשאר.
      זה רחוב החלונות האדומים, אפשר להגיד, רק בלי זונות (או לכאורה בלי זונות).
      נחשב איזור אולי קצת מפוקפק, הגעתי אליו בטעות מבלי לדעת שזה זה, וחיש מהר שחום עור ניגש אלי ושאל אותי מה אני עושה הערב והאם בא לי לבלות במועדון החשפנות שלו.
      זה היה קצת מטריד. אבל אני מניח שאם אתה מגיע למקום כזה מוכן, זה לא כזה נורא.
      That being said, לא הייתי נותן לחברה שלי להסתובב כאן לבד.
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    • Día 9

      Someone's Birthday!!!!!

      17 de agosto de 2016, Japón ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wednesday in Nagoya was bright and sunny. Appropriate given the auspicious day.

      The Birthday Girl and I were up early and off to explore the wilds of Nagoya. The ryokan didn't do breakfast so we had to find somewhere easy so we hit Starbucks and Kanamaya Station, a cop out I know but it was simple. There are a few Starbucks in Japan as well as McDonald's and KFC. Have also seen a couple of Dominos Pizza places.

      We wanted to go to a museum and garden but the issue was they didn't open until 10am and we didn't have a lot of time. So we ended up walking quite a long way into the centre of Nagoya to have a look around.

      There are a few interesting shops in Japan and Loft Department store is one of the big homemaker type stores selling all sorts of stuff you don't see in Oz. We poked around there for a while and bought a few bits and pieces before we headed out to find somewhere for lunch. Of course there was an Italian Pasta place close by so we dropped in to give it a try. In short it was actually pretty good. We have had Italian a couple of times since we have been here and the Japanese actually do a pretty good job though the language issue can make ordering a bit of a challenge.

      Nagoya has a sister city arrangement with Los Angeles so they have a replica Hollywood Walk of Fame in one of their parks.

      We then wandered back to Nagoya station, collected our bags from the ryokan and headed for the Shinkansen to Tokyo.

      This time in Tokyo we are staying in the less up market end of town, Shinjuku. Our first stay in Tokyo was in Ginza with all the high end shops so the streets were neat and very clean. Shinjuku is ... less classy. As always it is very crowded and very noisy and the action seems to go on all night. There are lots of small lanes full of various restaurants and other establishments. One thing we have found across Japan (except in Ginza) is the Pachinko Parlours. Pachinko is as close as you will get to poker machines in Japan. Gambling for money is illegal so any Pachinko winnings are given in other forms - prizes or vouchers. They are always very loud and very smoky.

      Smoking in Japan is tolerated. Smokers have their own smoking rooms on train platforms which are a glass boxes full of people puffing away, must be very unhealthy in there! There are also areas on the footpath designated as smoking areas and smoking carriages on trains.

      Another thing I have noticed is the issue around parking. As I have said streets in Japan are small. Out in the burbs you really can't have 2 cars pass each other on the average street so street parking is not an option and if there are street spots they are usually metered. This begs the question where do people park? Simple, they either park in their garage or they park in one of the paid parking lots around the place. So if someone comes to visit you they have to either park their car on your property somewhere or pay to park in one of these parking yards. I guess this is why the Japanese focus on public transport so much as most of them wouldn't own a car. Some of these parking lots can be quite large and take 20+ cars, others closer to the centre of the city are very small and may only take 4 or 5.

      Another thing is push bikes. There are loads of people riding bikes and they are really dangerous. They zoom up the footpath and don't ring a bell so they scare the hell out of you. You also get the clowns who ride a bike and text at the same time. This means there are great parking lots of bikes in some cities. Often times I noticed the bikes might have had a lock on them but they weren't actually chained to anything, very honest people.

      Anyway in Shinjuku we stayed in the Shinjuku Prince Hotel which is a bit bigger than the place in Ginza and has a view as we are on the 16th floor. In fact we can see Godzilla.

      Seriously. See the photos.

      To celebrate the Someone's Birthday we went to the nice restaurant in the Hotel on the 25th floor. Japanese food of course with some nice wine. Very good and she had a good night.

      Tomorrow ... we are at a lose end! Our last full day in Tokyo so we'll have to see where we end up!
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    • Día 5

      Shinjuku, Tokyo

      30 de noviembre de 2009, Japón ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Mic finally got her tempura fix! Their way for ordering food was genius by using a machine and pictures. Its funny because our first night we felt too shy and overwhelmed to actually try this but after a couple days we were confident and plus it was pretty easy. And the food was so good!Leer más

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Kabukicho, 歌舞伎町

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