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Top 10 Travel Destinations Kitasaku-gun
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    • Day 22

      Karuizawa ➡️ Isobe

      July 17 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      🇺🇸 Today was without a doubt the least fun I have had on this trip so far. While the view from the Usui-Pass was unbelievable, descending it towards Gunma Prefecture was pure hell. Between completely unmaintained trails and mosquitoes everywhere the worst were HORDES of Leeches. So the two hour descend was filled with me routinely having to remove multiple leeches that were about to feast on my ankles (or were in the process of doing so). At least I found a lovely Udon shop in Yokokawa where I could relax a bit and cool off. About 5km off of Isobe it started to rain so I took a train there to not get my stuff wet before a night in the tent.

      🇩🇪 Heute hatte ich mit Abstand den wenigsten Spaß bisher. Zwar war die Sicht vom Usui-Pass unglaublich, doch der Abstieg in Richtung Präfektur Gunma war die absolute Hölle. Neben ungepflegten und verlassen Wanderwegen und Tausenden Mosquitos war das schlimmste die Horden an Blutegeln. Der zwei stündige Abstieg wurde jeden Km unterbrochen, um Blutegel zu entfernen, die entweder kurz davor waren sich in mich einzusaugen oder schon längst dabei waren. Zum Glück habe ich in Yokokawa einen netten Udon-Shop gefunden in dem ich etwas essen und relaxen konnte. Der restliche Weg nach Isobe war schön, jedoch hat es etwa 5km davor angefangen zu regnen, weshalb ich einen Zug für den Rest des Weges nahm, um meine Sachen für die heutige Zeltnacht trocken zu halten.
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    • Day 132


      November 13, 2022 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ueda ist eine weitere kleine Stadt in der nächsten Bergregion. Auch hier gab es eine kleine Burg zu besichtigen und eine historische Gasse. Wir schlendern hier einfach für einen Tag umher und entdecken den Ort.
      Besonders witzig fanden wir die "Schnitzeljagd" der Stadt. Es gab eine Karte aus auf der die 12 Statuen und ihr ungefährer Standort abgebildet war. An 6 von ihnen sind wir auch vorbei gekommen.

      Mittlerweile stoßen wir immer wieder an sprachliche Grenzen. Hier in den kleinen Orten spricht kaum noch jemand Englisch. Meistens reden die Leute auch einfach auf Japanisch los und gehen davon aus, dass du sie verstehst. Erst wenn sie dann unsere Blicke sehen, verwenden sie mal eine Geste mit der wir dann vielleicht wissen, was sie meinen. Auch schriftlich birgt das manchmal Probleme. Zwar gibt es an Bahnhöfen und auf großen Straßenschildern immer eine englische Übersetzung aber dann hört es auch schon auf. In Restaurants und Supermärkten fast ausschließlich alles in Japanisch. Wir haben natürlich Google Lens zum Übersetzen aber die Leute mögen hier auch gerne mal eine ausgefallene Schriftart und dann erkennt auch Google nichts mehr. Ich komme mir vor wie eine Analphabetin und das nervt mich. Ich merke wie sehr ich es liebe lesen zu können, nicht nur Bücher. Warnschilder, Verpackungen, Werbung, Bus Fahrpläne, Landkarten, Menüs und auch Nachrichten. Welch Privileg es doch ist Lesen zu lernen. 🙏🏼
      Immerhin gibt es ganz oft Plastik Beispiele als Menü am Eingang, da kann man zumindest erahnen was es zu essen gibt.
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    • Day 10


      July 20, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Aujourd'hui nous avons visité une usine qui conditionne les champignons (enoki). Le directeur nous a fait une visite très complète du processus de fabrication.
      On ne pouvait pas faire de photo, dommage car les machines étaient hypnotisantes .
      L'après-midi nous avons visité une usine qui produit des contenants.
      Après un Onsen bien mérité. Nous avons rejoint Jake, notre guide.
      Il est 18h, l'heure pour manger des makis et sushis.😁
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    • Day 20

      Asashina-juku ➡️ Karuizawa

      July 15 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      🇺🇸 Slept surprisingly well and was surprised by a really nice and sunny morning. Because the rain was supposed to pick up again towards 12am, I decided to walk as far as possible and take a train until Karuizawa from where I would be by then. The rain started earlier than I hoped after I walked barely 13km. Karuizawa seems like a nice city but it was incredibly full due to the Umi no Hi holiday.

      🇩🇪 Ich habe überraschend gut geschlafen und wurde von einem schönen und sonnigen Morgen überrascht. Da es ab etwa 12 Uhr wieder regnen sollte, habe ich beschlossen so weit zu laufen wie möglich und dann einen Zug zu nehmen. Leider fing es schon nach 13km an… Karuizawa wirkt wie eine schöne Stadt, war aber wegen des Umi no Hi Feiertag extrem voll.
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    • Day 9

      Jardin de Komoro

      July 19, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Cette après-midi, c'est visite des ruines et du jardin du château de Komoro.
      On tombe sur un entraînement de tir à l'arc et un grand-père avec son petit-fils qui collectent des scarabées avec une épuisette. Un parc d'attractions suranné et un zoo un peu glauque jouxtent le jardin. Il n'y a personne
      A quelques pas du jardin, se trouve un musée consacré à un artiste local. Nous sommes seuls. La dame de l'accueil nous demande de laisser nos chaussures à l'entrée. Nous visitons le musée en chausson.
      Il n'y a qu'une petite salle où sont exposées les œuvres majeures de Koyama Keizo. Natif de Komoro, Koyama a fait une partie de ses études d'art en France.
      Je me rends compte à quel point l'art français est important aux yeux des japonais durant le XX siècle.
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    • Day 19

      Wada-juku ➡️ Middle of Nowhere

      July 14 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      🇺🇸 Rain. Way too much rain and no hotel that had a free room. So my planned 15km day turned into another 25km day - Great 👍
      At least I found an Onsen 20 minutes away from a Roadstation where I hoped I could at least sleep under a roof. To my surprise, they had a room where I could setup my sleeping mat - I guess I was bound to be lucky at some point today. Now I won‘t mind if it rains through the night.

      🇩🇪 Regen. Viel zu viel Regen und nicht ein einziges Hotel, das ein Zimmer frei hatte. Also sind aus meinen geplanten 15km etwa 25km geworden - Na super! 👍
      Wenigstens habe ich ein Onsen gefunden, das etwa 20 Minuten von einer Raststätte, bei der ich hoffte, dass ich wenigstens im Trockenen schlagen könne, entfernt lag. Zu meiner Überraschung gab es hier sogar einen zugänglichen Raum, in den ich meine Isomatte legen konnte - Irgendwann musste ich heute ja Glück haben. Jetzt kann‘s gerne die Nacht über regnen.
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    • Day 12

      The start of HoHo

      July 26, 2015 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      The two Ollies here reporting from our Hoho in Tateshina.
      After being introduced to our family, and saying some quick goodbyes to our fellow Kimonos, we were wisked away through beautiful alpine surroundings to the local shopping centre where we purchased some of our dinner - authentic japanese cuisine ranging from store made Sushi to home grown vegetables.
      An enjoyable time was had by all over dinner: Learning how to use chopsticks properly, teaching the differences between the English and the Welsh and trying a wide variety of tastes and textures. Needless to say we didnt like them all - the plums were particularly sour!
      We finished the evening with a private firework display and a first attempt at Japanese private bathing.
      Time to get some sleep now, the jet lag is catching up with us!
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    • Day 12

      Meeting the Scouts in Nagano!

      July 26, 2015 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      We arrived, hot tired and sweaty (I think this will be a theme of our trip!) to be greeted by the scouts of Nagano. After thanking our bus driver and interpreter with gifts of Welsh fudge and love spoons we prepared to meet our home stay families...

      Mr Ando greeted us with a warm welcome from the Japanese scouts and Martin returned the favour with a speech in three different languages - the interpreter was rather puzzled when Martin began speaking Welsh!

      After a slightly shaky rendition of Calon Lan (sorry Brenda and John!!) and a much better version of It's Not Unusual, we met up with our host families to begin our journey to their homes... The scouts staying in Tateshina have a full on day planned tomorrow including visiting a high school to make links, a Japanese cooking lesson and some Japanese Mallet Golf!

      All of the unit have been asked to keep a diary over the next couple of days so as soon as we can we'll get individual stories up on the blog!
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    • Day 14

      Martin and Lee's HoHo!

      July 28, 2015 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      First evening in Japan was a really interesting one. Having seen off the Unit with their hosts our hosts Yoichi and Kyoko suggested a run up into the mountains where it would be cooler, reassuring us it was warm for them too. On the journey up Kyoko asked if Lee and I were up for a challenge. Like all good Scouters we answered yes before hearing the challenge; which turned out to be a visit to a traditional public bath house. No backing down now. We visited a charming waterfall. Where the air was cooler, even if the water was emerging from the rock at 11 degrees Celsius. (Sorry, boring geological details but appeals to the mineral surveyor in me). Then back in the very quiet and air conditioned people carrier, bliss! 15 minutes later we pulled up at this smart place looks like a golf club. We realised we were not going to play a round when Kyoko opens the boot and hands us a towel, flannel, disposal razor and toothbrush. Off we go for our first experience of a traditional Japanese bath house. Our blushes spared when we realised with relief it was segregated bathing but an experience not to be missed.

      This was followed by our first meal in proper Japanese restaurant at the spa. As the light faded we experienced our first real taste of Japan. After we journeyed on to our hosts home, very traditional and you can see the view of our hosts garden this morning that greeted me after a great night of full sleep.

      Day two of our Ho-Ho experience began early with breakfast. English breakfast with a Japanese twist. A side order of rice, soy sauce and miso soup. After breakfast, off to meet the mayor of Ueda for a special reception. All the Unit members in the Ueda area were there and it was great to hear that they had all had a great first night experience.

      Coincidence or good planning; I'll leave you decide? But the last time Welsh Scouts received Ho-Ho in Japan was after the 1991 World Jamboree in South Korea and they were hosted by Ueda. I even knew one of the leaders and have a present for him from an old Japanese friend.

      After that Lee and I were whisked away to meet Joichi, our hosts son. Joichi had been part of the Japanese contingent to the centenary world Jamboree in 2007. Off to lunch in an authentic Sushi Restaurant. For a man who likes his fish fried and battered, Lee battled on but we both agreed sea urchin is unlikely to catch on back home.

      With temperatures soaring to 37 degrees Joichi suggested a drive up into the mountains where it would be cooler! At a balmy 28 degrees Celsius Joichi took us on a 4 mile walk to a famous Shinto shrine. Only on the way back down did he tell us that this was black bear country. To prove the point on the way down he showed us a sign that stated, just 24 hours to he minute to the time we reached the shrine a black bear had been sighted and shooed off. He wasn't kidding but today no bears just Kyoko, his mother, waiting with a bamboo flavoured ice cream.
      Then off down the mountain and a visit to Japan's largest Buddhist temple, Zenjoki.

      Later we had time for dinner in Nagano city and a small tempura restaurant. Really different and all cooked to order. As we were experienced bathers now, Kyoko and Joichi had arranged a visit to a private natural Onsen at a swish hotel. You could instantly tell it was a natural spring by the water's sulphurous odour. Tired, but very clean, our short time in Ueda has come to a close having learnt much about Japanese culture and ways.

      We certainly think we hit the spirit of a number of programme zones today - spiritual and adventure - with our excursion into bear country!
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    • Day 13

      Tateshina HoHo team!

      July 27, 2015 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      The group of Kimono Dragons who are on HoHo in the beautiful Tateshina gathered this morning with their families to meet the Mayor of Tateshina. We were gifted fans with the Tateshina mascot on and were asked to go back and visit should we come to Japan again.
      We then travelled to a junior high school where we joined a grade 8 English lesson and played games with the students. Ollie B and Becky's group asked if they were boyfriend and girlfriend and of course were in disbelief when she said she was a teacher!
      Now to make some SOBA!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kitasaku-gun, きたさくぐん

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