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    • Dag 2

      Konnichiwa, Tokyo!

      12 mei, Japan ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Arrived at Narita Airport to throngs of travelers. The train options and connections are dizzying, but with the aid of helpful station staff, we had no hitches getting to our hotel in the Asakusa section of Tokyo, though we had to stand for the entire one-hour ride. Tiny but comfy room. Stopped at 7-11 and Family Mart for after dinner snacks.Meer informatie

    • Dag 17

      Hakone Highlights

      14 november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      It was a very chilly morning as we left our Kyoto hotel to catch the Shinkansen to Odawara to see the sights of Hakone. We caught our first glimpse of Mt Fuji from the train. It took about 2 hours to reach Odawara station where we stored our luggage in coin lockers then bought a Hakone pass. First we caught a train and then a bus to the port where we boarded the Pirate style ship for a cruise across Lake Ashi. It cruised past a Tori gate to the start of the Hakone Ropeway. The ropeway's gondolas depart every minute and fit around ten people each. Traveling the full length of the ropeway takes around 30 minutes. Along the journey, we had amazing views of Mt Fuji as well as the active, sulfuric hot spring sources. After the ropeway we caught the very slow cable car back to the station. We collected our luggage and were able to catch an earlier Shinkansen to Tokyo where we transferred to a local line to get to our hotel in Asakusa. Our hotel has the usual tiny room but lovely river and skytree views.Meer informatie

    • Dag 27

      Dernier jour et vol retour

      19 april, Japan ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Ça y est on arrive au bout du voyage c'est le jour du départ mais on à l'avion qu'à 19h donc on a encore une grosse demi journée pour profiter un peu, en plus il fait beau ☀️☺️ (mais ça souffle fort !).

      Après avoir bouclé les valises on part pour une dernière ballade direction Akasuka le vieux quartier de Tokyo que l'on avait déjà fait mais assez rapidement. On passe par un 'Don Quijote' c'est un immense magasin où il y a tout, on fait une provision de kit kat à tout les goûts (matcha, Sakura, biscuit, milk tea), quelques snacks en plus et derniers souvenirs et petits cadeaux!

      Puis on se prend un petit thé et un dernier Taiyaki (le dessert en forme de poisson fourré de crème pâtissière, leur crème est vraiment trop bonne). Jerem prend aussi un mont blanc dessert à la crème et filaments de crème châtaigne dessus, pas mal!Ensuite on ère un peu dans le quartier et on retombe sur le Senso-Ji un des premiers temples qu'on avait visité, la boucle est bouclée!

      Avec le temps qu'ils nous restent on file voir de plus près la Tokyo Sky tree dans le quartier de Sumida qui est la plus haute tour du Japon avec ces 634m. Mais elle nous paraît pas si haute. Le chemin est cool on passe par un fleuve avec une belle vue, enfin beaucoup de building mais ça fait stylé. Petite photo au pied de la tour et c'est l'heure du dernier repas. Rien de fancy, mais on se régale on trouve un food court dans le mall dans la tour avec plein de spécialités 🇯🇵. Ce sera gyoza, bao, dim sum,petite salade pour le vert et en dessert la fameuse glace au matcha qu'on avait pas encore testé ! C'est spécial et intéressant in retrouve vraiment le goût fort du thé matcha.

      Retour à l'hôtel 🚶🚶 pour récupérer les valises et direction l'aéroport en métro 🚃.

      18h30 ça y est on va décoller et quitter le sol japonais🥹🥹. On a bien profité et en plus de 3 semaines de vacances on a bien eu le temps de déconnecter surtout dans un pays si différent ^^ donc on est aussi ok pour retrouver la maison 🏠 à Playa et retrouvez la Choubi 🐱

      ✈️Vol numéro 1 de 10h direction Los Angeles, on mate un film, on mange et on dors un peu 3/4h max pas hyper bien; toujours du mal à dormir assise.

      On arrive bien décalé et décalqué à midi 30 heure locale à LA et on a plus de 4h d'escale, c'est long ! On est un peu en mode zombie. Ensuite vol numéro 2 ✈️ direction San Diego, à peine 1h de vol on arrive à 18h sur place, Martin le pote de Jerem nous récupère pour passer la nuit chez eux.

      Bonne soirée autour d'un bon repas français qui change du riz soja 😅.

      La nuit sera encore courte vu que notre vol à été décalé au matin à Tijuana donc nous devons passer la frontière avant le vol qui est à 8h45.

      Au compteur 🚶 17km on à bien cavalé avant de prendre l'avion et dans les aéroports !
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    • Dag 22

      Leaving Japan

      19 november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We leave Japan late this evening so we spent the day redoing some Tokyo sights, riding the subway, and browsing the shops and arcades. We had stowed our luggage with the hotel so we were unencumbered. Our 72 hr subway pass expired at 2pm so we made the most of it until then travelling to Ueno, Shibuya and back to the observatory before having a late lunch/snack of dumplings and rice at Asakusa. We wandered about the Sensoji Temple area before returning for our luggage. We packed our last minute purchases, put our Fox wifi rental in its package for posting and set out for the subway. We had done a reconnaissance and found the best subway entry with an elevator (some stations have many long stretches of stairs). We boarded a train at Asakusa which took us all the way to Haneda Terminal 3 for our flight home.Meer informatie

    • Dag 21

      Ueno Zoo and more Tokyo

      18 november 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Our last full day in Tokyo we decided to go to Ueno Zoo. It has the distinction of being the oldest zoo in Japan as it first opened in 1882. Having booked online we were able to enter quickly once the gates opened at 9.30. It only cost ¥600 for adults and ¥300 for seniors so it was under A$10 for both of us. We headed straight for the Panda exhibit and weren't disappointed as they were both easy to see. The female is called Shin Shin and the male is called Ri Ri. They have been at the zoo since 2011. We spent the rest of the morning exploring the rest of the zoo. After the zoo we stopped for a while in the park then walked along Ameyoko Shopping Street before catching the subway to Skytree. It's very busy in this area as it's Saturday and many families and groups of friends are out and about. We caught the subway back to Asakusa where we had some dinner and did some shopping before returning to the hotel.Meer informatie

    • Dag 20

      Sea Life and Night Lights

      17 november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The day started very rainy so we took the opportunity to rest and start sorting our packing. We had some noodles for lunch then headed out into the rain to catch the train to Tokyo Sea Life Park. The rain had stopped when we reached our destination but had kept the crowds away so we enjoyed the exhibits without the usual hustle and bustle. The Aquarium only cost 840 yen after senior discount and Tokyo guide book discount and had some great displays, especially the penguins. We spent a couple of hours there before catching a train to Rappongi where there were some street sculpture and also Christmas Lights. The lights came on at 5pm and were worth the wait, very pretty. To our amusement they had a road warden at the crossing allowing people to take a photo down the road with the walk signal and then blowing his whistle to get them off again. After wandering about for a while we caught the train back to the station near our hotel.Meer informatie

    • Dag 19

      Tokyo - Museum and more

      16 november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We started by getting a train to the Tourist information office at Ueno Station to get a 72 hour subway pass. Job done we decided to visit the Museum of Natural History and Science. It was free for Malcolm (over 65) so just paid for one 670 yen. It's a great Museum with a good variety of displays. We spent a few hours there then sat in the park while we had an icecream. (Malcolm was impressed with the packaging!) Then we caught the subway to the Metropolitan Government Building to go to the observatory which is on the 45th floor (202 metres). As it's a clear day we were able to see Mt Fuji in the distance. We went to a nearby park and shops for a while and then returned to the observatory to see the view of the city as it got dark. Afterwards we caught the subway back to Asakusa where we had dinner (Ramen for me and stir fry combo for Malcolm). We had a look around Sensoji Temple at night and then walked back to the hotel.Meer informatie

    • Dag 18

      Asakusa Sights

      15 november 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      No trains today! We explored our local Asakusa area starting with Sensoji Temple and the nearby Five Story Pagoda. It was reasonably quiet as the surrounding shops don't open til later. I even tried my luck and spent 100 yen on an Omikuji (fortune). Luckily it was a good one so I didn't need to tie it to to a hanger. We had a look in the well known Don Quijote Shop and nearby arcades and found a nice place for lunch. We ordered via a screen and soon our food arrived at our bench. We had a brief rest at the hotel before continuing to explore the area and some shops on the other side of the river. We walked back to the hotel in the early evening via the Skytree.

      PHOTO COMMENT: Uryū Iwako (February 15, 1829 - April 19, 1897), also known as Uryū Iwa, was a noted Japanese Social Worker during the Meiji period. She established a midwifery research institute and relief facility to care for orphans and the poor, and promoted social work and girls' education. The statue was erected in 1901.
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    • Dag 28

      Kleine Enttäuschung

      1 juli 2019, Japan ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Heute ging es Richtung Fuji. Ich hatte eine Tour gebucht, die zum Fuji und zu zwei der Fünf Seen drum herum ging.
      Das Wetter war jedoch wie die Tage zuvor nicht besonders gut. Regen und Wolken beherrschten die Stimmung. Und somit gleich die kleine Enttäuschung direkt voran: ich konnte nicht einmal die Spitze des Fujis sehen! Sie war immer von Wolken bedeckt. Sehr sehr schade. Der allmächtige Gott oder wer auch immer dafür verantwortlich war, versteckte sein Heiligtum dauerhaft.
      Später ging es dann noch mit dem Bus ein bisschen hinauf, bis zu der Station von wo die Wanderer, welche den heiligen Berg besteigen wollen, starten. Auch hier kein Blick auf die Spitze. Der Ausblick nach Unten war genau so wenig weitreichend. Wenigstens konnte man sehen wo man hinläuft, denn so tief wie die Wolke standen, war es nicht verwunderlich, dass man schon in zehn Meter Entfernung den Dunst vor sich hatte.
      Kleines Trostpflaster des Tages war, dass die Fahrt zum Fuji durchaus sehr schön war. Es ging zwischen Bergen entlang, über Brücken, durch Tunnel und an kleinen Dörfern vorbei. Im großen und ganzen aber keine große Verbesserung der Stimmung, da ich ja den Fuji sehen wollte, den heiligen Vulkan, das Symbol Japans.
      Aber wenn das Wetter nicht mitmacht, dann bringt der größte Wille nichts.

      Ein weiterer Grund, abgesehen vom Sushi, warum ich nochmal nach Japan kommen muss. Nächstes mal wandere ich ihn direkt bis zu Spitze hoch!
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    • Dag 26

      Digital Art und Akihabara

      29 juni 2019, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute war eine eher kalter, regnerischen Tag, sodass ich heute erstmal eine Museum besucht habe.
      Das Mori Building Digital Art Museum. Hier war eine Aufstellung von TeamLab Borderless.
      Räume wurden zu digitalen Kunstwerken. Es wurde Dinge an die Wand projiziert. Kunst mit LED, Musik und Spiegeln. Ein Museum genau nach meinem Geschmack. Leider entschlossen sich viele Menschen in das Museum zu gehen, sodass vor manchen Räumen längere Warteschlangen waren, da sie immer nur eine bestimmte Menge hineinlassen, damit es nicht komplett überlaufen ist. Hier kann man einige Stunden verbringen. Ein riesen Museum mit unzähligen kleinen und großen Räumen zum entdecken.

      Anschließend bin ich nach Akihabara gefahren.
      Ein bunter Stadtteil voller Leuchtreklame, Otakus (Animefans, Nerds und co.), junge Frauen die im Mangakostüm mit kindlicher stimme Werbung für ihren Laden machen und Flyer verteilen. Überall Zocker-shops in denen man Kuscheltiere und vieles andere gewinnen kann. Dazu ganz viele Elektronik-Läden in denen man so gut wie alles kaufen kann, was mit Strom betrieben wird.

      Abends habe ich dann einen sehr entspannten Spaziergang durch Asakusa gemacht und habe hier mit Sashimi, Sushi und Sake mein Abendessen genossen.
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