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    • Päivä 8

      Roadtrip - Kurokawa Onsen 🧖‍♂️🎋🛀🧘‍♂️

      14. toukokuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Så kom vi endelig til Kurokawa Onsen, en helt by dedikeret til varme kilder og bade 🛀

      Vi købte os et "Onsen pass" der gav os adgang til 35 forskellige bade 🤯🧖‍♂️

      Hvert onsen brugte vand fra varme kilder der strømmer op fra undergrunden, men der er store forskelle på indholdet af mineraler og salte i de forskellige onsen. Nogle indeholder mere svovl, chlorid, højere eller lavere ph-værdi, som alt sammen gør noget forskelligt for huden og velvære 🧘‍♂️

      Vi besøgte en restaurant, hvor vi fik unagi lavet på lokale ferskvandsål, og drak en lokal øl 🍤🍱🍻

      Og så mødte vi også en kat 🐈 ❤️

      Nu går turen nordpå igen, næste stop den Japanske Grand Canyon på øen Shikoku! 💪
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    • Päivä 138


      26. toukokuuta 2020, Japani ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Nous voilà à Kumamoto ! La plus grande ville du sud de Kyūshū est connue pour son château, malheureusement sévèrement endommagé par les tremblements de terre de 2016...
      On loge dans un hôtel encore beaucoup trop luxueux pour nous mais superbement situé ! On peut longer la rivière pour rejoindre le fameux château ou le Suizen-ji. Ce grand jardin zen est connu pour sa miniature du Mont Fuji et ses haïkus de Natsume Soseki qu'on ne manque pas d'arpenter sous une fine pluie chaude.
      Les japonais ont le chic pour aménager de charmants lieux de vie sur les toits des centres commerciaux ! C'est au sommet du Sakuramachi qu'on découvre de nuit un jardin zen et ses fontaines illuminées. Petit havre de paix à deux pas des rues commerçantes.
      On ne pas vous parler de Kumamoto sans mentionner sa mascotte : Kumamon ! Un ours noir aux yeux ronds comme des horloges présents sur les produits dérivés, devantures de magasins et même en statue de 4 mètres de haut !
      Un séjour court mais ma foi fort sympathique !
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    • Päivä 265

      Freezing night, smoking volcano (Aso)

      30. marraskuuta 2019, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      The following night is very cold. Little incident around 9:30 pm when I am already asleep : two guards wake me up and try to make me move my tent. They are polite but one of them is armed, which is a bit creepy and does not make me want to negotiate too hard. They tell me that I cannot stay here because it is forbidden and I am going to freeze to death and try to make me move to a nearby building. Even though I totally agree that's it's freezing cold, I manage to convince them to let me stay here, using Google translate. Too lazy to pack up everything now and to move away ! But when rushing out to open my tent and answer their calls, I broke the zipper of my sleeping bag... Aouch. With an almost negative temperature, this was not the right moment... With my cold fingers and in the dark, I do not manage to repair it and close it that night.. So... it was hard to get back to sleep and to keep myself warm with a semi-open sleeping bag. Fortunately, I succeed in closing it again and repairing it the following morning. My camping moments in Japan are not over !

      Early morning, one of the guards kindly comes back to say hello and confesses that he almost got no sleep, thinking of me being cold in my tent. A nice but unnecessary attention ! Anyway, I pack my things quickly and warm myself up by cycling to the vulcano. I was hoping to take a cablecar to approach the crater but everything seems to be destroyed and deserted, from the cablecar itself (only a few pillars remain, the rest is totally rundown and clearly not operational) to the former touristic buildings, closed and damaged as well. And since the vulcano is still pouring out some dark spits of smoke, I decide not to insist and just enjoy the view, before riding down the hill.
      After this cold night I make the wise decision to give myself a bit of comfort : I reach a pleasant farmstay located in an isolated rural hamlet after a ride of around 60 km. As the only guest, and probably the first ever cycling guest, I am warmly welcomed. The hosting lady cooks dinner for both of us (her husband is too shy to join !) and, the following morning, an incredible Japanese style breakfast. We have interesting conversations - a mix of English, Japanese and...Google translate - about her recent trip in Nepal. I leave again with my bags loaded with rice, biscuits and kakis... Again, I am amazed by the Japanese hospitality !
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    • Päivä 16

      Exploring garden’s and an active volcano

      15. lokakuuta 2019, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      After a lovely birthday (thank you for all the birthday love!) this morning we visited suizenji jojuen, a Japanese garden. It was tranquil and quiet and a lovely place for a stroll.
      We then headed further out of Kumamoto and towards Mount Aso, an active volcano. Unfortunately there is currently a 1km restriction zone due to the activity of the volcano so we were unable to see the crater. But had a walk up to the nearest highest point,
      We then drove to a Shrine but this had limited access due to the damage done in the earthquake in 2016.
      Finally we made our way to new accommodation for the night (a recommendation from friends) and ate some traditionally cooked food nearby.
      Now we’re back at the accommodation with a glass of wine (aka me relaxing while Louis is on his laptop video editing) 🤣.
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    • Päivä 15

      Happy Birthday Hannah

      14. lokakuuta 2019, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Managed to prise myself out of bed early to go fetch some fresh coffee and breakfast in bed for Hannah's birthday. Unfortunately no use of the surfboard prezzie as it is back in Guernsey.
      Hired a car and got some locals tips of where to go for the best sushi. After about 1.5 hours driving we arrived in a gorgeous set of islands linked 5 bridges, including a gold one.
      Found a nice area, but no sushi. Finally found a spot which was highly rated on google. It had a 20 mins wait to be seated. Must be good!
      The food arrived to which Hannah said 'it doesn't look like the sushi from home'. I think she is used to cooked sushi. This was freshly uncooked 100% authentic stuff, which was (to Hannah's surprise) actually very tasty.
      Drove to the viewing point at the top of the island. They have huge colourful spiders here. Was going to take the jungle route, but with the number of webs crossing the path we took the more trodden path.
      Epic views all round.
      Driving back to the hotel in Kumamoto we stopped at a few scenic points for sunset. As we pulled into the city, we took a detour to a temple on the hill.
      Full moon over the night city scape, so took some photos till the camera died.
      Finally parked up the car and had a beer and pizza before heading back to the hotel.

      Learning points from holiday so far:
      1) Buy a data sim card on day 1, doing stuff between wifi points is a faff.
      2) Pack less stuff. Pack what you think you need, then half it. After walking for 1km, 18kg gets heavy.
      3) Hire a car early, as you can get out and about seeing the countryside faster.
      4) Hannah's point. 9 months is gonna be a looooong time.
      5) Japan is awsome. Lots of things are in English. The locals are super friendly and smiley. They will always try to help. There is not much of a culture shock and it is very easy to navigate and get around.
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    • Päivä 10

      Heute ohne Zensur😂

      14. toukokuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute übernachten wir in einem Ryokan in Korokawa Onsen. Wir haben wieder einen kleinen privaten Onsen mit heißen Quellwasser >50°C. Zum Glück können wir mit dem Kaltwasserhahn unseren "private Spa" in Schach halten😉.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 10

      Passendes Schuhwerk😃

      14. toukokuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Wir haben uns wieder in die jap. Garderobe gestürzt. Mein Yukata war viel kurz, fast schon wie ein Minirock😃. Als der Hotelchef mich gesehen hat, bekam er einen Schock. Nein, das gehe so auf gar keinen Fall. Er rannte durch die ganze Anlage und suchte nach einem Yukata "King Size". Erst nachdem ich gewechselt habe, liess er mich unter die Leute😂.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 11

      Mount Aso 1.0

      15. toukokuuta, Japani ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Wir verlassen Kurokawa Onsen und fahren weiter zum Vulkan Aso.
      Dort machen wir eine kleine Wanderung auf zwei Neben-Gipfel dem Kishima-Dake (1326m) und dem Ojo-Dake (1265m).
      Zu Beginn ist der Himmel ein wenig bewölkt aber dann klart es auf und die Sonne kommt zum Vorschein.
      Das Höhenprofil ist nicht gerade "aamächelig" aber das Rauf und Runter lohnt sich.
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    • Päivä 12

      Einkehr im Seiffener Tippel

      16. toukokuuta, Japani ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Auf der Rückfahrt vom Mount Aso fällt uns auf der Straßenseite ein kleines Häuschen mit einer Deutschland-Flagge vor dem Haus auf. Bei genauerem Hinschauen merken wir, dass es ein Café ist.
      Also sofort den Blinker stellen und rechts ranfahren, aber Achtung Gegenverkehr beachten!
      Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Tochter des Eigentümers komplett in Deutschland vernarrt ist. Neben dem Café gibt's in einem kleinen Nebenzimmer noch etliche Nippsachen zum Kaufen aus DE. Auffallend ist die Sammlung von Nussknackern😃. Das Spielzeugdorf Seiffen im Erzgebirge hat es ihr angetan😁.
      Wir bestellen dann den sagenumwobenen Baumkuchen und können gerade live miterleben wie die ihn macht.
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    • Päivä 9

      Aso, la montagne de feu

      6. lokakuuta 2023, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Gigantesque et splendide caldeira de l'Aso san, l'une des + grandes en activité au monde. Des paysages lunaires...
      L' accès au cratère actif est de nouveau autorisé. Le volcan somnole bruyamment...
      Souvenir, souvenir avec Théo en 2011 : "au bout d'une 1/2 h, d'importantes émissions de fumerolles sulfureuses se produisent sous nos yeux. Nous toussons, les yeux piquent, les poumons brûlent. Les colonnes de gaz se dirigent droit sur nous. L'ordre d'évacuer est donné. Nous nous retrouvons enfermés dans la station du téléphérique, puis poussés et entassés dans la cabine, avec ou sans billet. Tout le monde doit redescendre au + vite ! Le volcan exhale sa puissance phénoménale. Nous marchons 3 km dans ces paysages extrêmes.
      D'immenses formations nuageuses alimentées par les gaz chauds s'étendent dans le ciel...On en a plein les poumons mais quelle expérience ! Le bruit, l'odeur, l'impression d'être engloutis par cette masse blanche..."
      Le téléphérique a été détruit par l'éruption de 2016.
      Une autre éruption spectaculaire s'est produite en octobre 2021.
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    Kumamoto, Präfektur Kumamoto, Prefektur Kumamoto, كوماموتو, Прэфектура Кумамота, Кумамото, Prefectura de Kumamoto, Kumamoto-gâing, کومامۆتۆ, Prefektura Kumamoto, Gubernio Kumamoto, Kumamoto prefektuur, استان کوماموتو, Kumamoton prefektuuri, Préfecture de Kumamoto, Maoracht Kumamoto, Kumamoto-yen, קוממוטו, Kumamoto prefektúra, Prepektura ti Kumamoto, Prefettura di Kumamoto, 熊本県, ខេត្តឃឹម៉ាម៉ុតុ, 구마모토 현, Kumamoto prefektūra, कुमामोतो, Wilayah Kumamoto, Kumamoto-koān, Prepektura ning Kumamoto, ضلع کوماموٹو, Prefectura Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefectur, Kumamoto prefektuvra, Префектура Кумамото, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto prefektur, Mkoa wa Kumamoto, Префектураи Кумамото, จังหวัดคุมะโมะโตะ, Prepektura ng Kumamoto, کوماموتو پریفیکچر, 熊本縣


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